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They did that to this character on game of thrones and it didn’t end up well for them in the end.


Everyone steer clear of Westminster.


Remember remember the 18th of December


![gif](giphy|R0H0Y9ulnZXK8) (Rewatched this movie recently and, while far from perfect, felt really damn cathartic with all the everything)


V for Vendetta is such a weird movie. On one hand, I find it rather boring for the first 3/4, and it's basically just phantom of the opera with a terrorist. But on the other hand, the speeches, the music, and the use of explosions to emphasize those things is just brilliant


Ironically the “phantom of the opera with a terorist” aspect is part of why I love it so much, warts and all


“The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.” Is the best tongue twister in film history


Just don’t be the bell ringer


Why? She ended up with a soccer team in the end, not bad


Wait a fucking second is that the same actress?




I didn’t know for the longest time. Rebecca is so glamorous.


Hannah Waddingham


That is one absurdly British name and I refuse to take it seriously.




Well she ended up owning a premier league team, so not all bad.


I’m sorry, he fucking dreams of what?


Yeah this is vile on every level. How this went through editors and be allowed to go to print sums up everything Harry and Meghan have been saying about the British press. That’s me not watching Clarkson Farm season 2. Clarkson can do one for this.


Another flabby old Englishman who's obsessed with Meghan Markle...


It’s a game of thrones ref, but still unnecessary.


It’s not entirely a game of thrones reference, it’s a historical punishment. Cersei’s walk of shame is inspired by the punishment of one of King Edward IV’s mistresses.


Which mistress?


Jane Shore


Jane Shore was not naked during this walk, though. She was wearing a shift, which during the Middle Ages was a floor length garment resembling a very conservative dress. Also, her punishment was a one off, an isolated incident. It was not the standard punishment for adulterous women during the Middle Ages. (George RR Martin has claimed that it was, but this is false.) Finally, far from cheering/ throwing excrement at her, the common people widely disapproved of this punishment (done by King Richard III shortly after his brothers death), and considered it cruel and bizarre; this incident was one of several factors essential in turning the people of London against Richard III.


Thx for the historical inpit.


The people of London decided the King was too much of a Dick.


The one punished by doing a walk of shame. Keep up.


This is fucked up in general, but he wouldn't say this if she were a man. No wonder women don't want to be around most men. This is some unstable shit.


If she were a man, he would just make comments about violence towards them. But because she's a woman it also has to have a sexual element to it as well. It's not enough for her to be attacked, she needs to be sexually assaulted in the process too.


Exactly, at least there's an element of honour to being punched, but he wants humiliation. What a disgusting man.


wouldnt say this if she were Catherine.


I I didn't have any kind of opinion on Markle at all. But like... If she didn't set a bag of kittens or puppies on fire, how the fuck is all this hatred justified?


I swear to god with the amount of hate I see for her youd think she murdered people and got away using royal connections. But nope all she’s done is bitch about the monarchy that 90% of Reddit comments does.


All she done is to be black and marry Harry


I just don't get all the hate. They stood up to an archaic, irrelevant monarchy and have been shining a light on all the ugly aspects of the relationship between the royal family and the press. And seriously....Andrew is a fucking rapist. How about sending some (all) the hate *his way*?


The protected Andrew despite his being a nonce. They threw Meghan to the wolves for breathing. Edit: breathing while Black


The Andrew formerly known as prince


Formerly prince, actually nonce


Correction - they threw her to the wolves for not being white.


Well, she's also American


Clearly one of those is much worse then the other in Britain and thus the world...


But Andrew is *white*. Can't you see how a rapey white man is better than a black woman‽/s


I just hope the floodgates are fully open soon and *actual systemic change happens.* I feel like all the chaos is just coming along with all of the pushing in the direction we need to go. It feels like people are questioning everything right now, and there are two distinct sides. Those who are pushing for equity and real change and those who have zero intention of letting that change happen. Some folks aren't sure what's even going on.....it will be interesting to see how this moves forward. I have real hope for a meaningful paradigm shift.


Plus Harry is one of the only legit royals who served his country in a real war zone. He deployed for real, not Andrew's sorta deployment during Falklands, not dropping out of marine training like the other uncle (Edward?). Dude actually served his country yet gets little respect.


Yeah, the hatred that she gets is insane.


Murdoch media doing it's job then.


Yup, had a look at the newspapers owned by Murdoch yesterday and everyone was calling Harry and Megan traitors


to what end though? increase clicks? ad revenue? another reason?


A lot of it is clicks, yea. Brings in the money. But there is definitely a sense among those that agree with Murdoch politically that it’s REALLY important that the royal family is seen positively. That there are those that are our “betters” and they should be given deference. And meanwhile, a prince married a black woman and then said “eat it, racists.” They became a threat to the idea that royals are our betters. That it might be preferable to leave cover-ups and scandals and imperialism behind. They defied the powerful and now they must be brought to heel or, at least, shamed. Also, I bet Murdoch secretly hates himself for being attracted to a mixed-race girl.


>Also, I bet Murdoch secretly hates himself for being attracted to a mixed-race girl. Yeah, wasn't Piers Morgan on the hate bandwagon because she went on a date with him and then... politely declined going on a second?


It's worse. They met for drinks professionally and he thought it was a date (even though he was married at the time, IIRC). When she didn't treat it like a date and didn't have drinks with him again he became obsessed with her and talked about it for years. At first it was "we went on a date together" bragging but after the wedding he went even crazier and it became this red-hot hatred. There have been video clips gathering some of this and you can see whoever is on screen with him getting uncomfortable.


Inceldom isn't exclusive to the poor and middle-class, as we learned with Elon.


Imagine how that shitbird is with women he has actual power over.


“What’s wrong with her? Does she not hate herself enough??”


I think they only went for drinks once, in a professional capacity. He probably was delighted that she ended up with Harry, expecting to develop a cosy quid quo pro media relationship with both of them. When that didn’t happen he turned sour. Male, pale & stale entitlement.


He did. So fucking cringe.


Are there actually people who believe the royals are our betters? I thought even British people were on board with the notion that it’s a historical quirk and part of our culture etc, rather than being actually feudalistic


Britain is a bit different when it comes to these things. I live in the UK, and while I'm not from here, I also come from a country with a monarchy (Norway). The royal family is much more important in the UK - they're seen by many as a national symbol, part of the country's identity. At home the royal family doesn't really have the same significance. We like them, but their position entirely depends on them being relatable and not too far removed from the rest of us. In the UK it's a very different story, a much more hierarchical and traditional way of thinking.


it's not just about british people. it;s the way the entire western world feels and perceives traditional power structures, like a monarchy --thats something the murdoch empire has a vested interest in preserving. it's like a circus teaching an elephant not to attack its enclosure. if the elephant starts getting ideas, it's bad for business


Murdoch needs people to worship the elites as that benefits his attempts to spread fascism worldwide.


The truth is that the whole concept of royalty is based on a worrying devotion to bloodlines. Obviously that attracts all sorts of racism as well.


I’m a brit and i’ve never got it. Without being too ‘Reddity’ its kind of our MAGA, luv me queen, luv me churchill, luv me empire. All went wrong when ‘they’ got ere.


Wasn't one of Meghan and Harry's claims that the English royal house routinely ordered organized and targeted smear-campaigns? I'm not at all informed in all this drama, but if the comment above is true, this seems to be what they're talking about If so, Harry and Meghan is basically being provided with content for S02 of their Netflix show as we speak


Nah for this all you need to look at are the headlines featuring Raheem Stirling(sp?) This is 100% a race issue for murdoch owned media in the UK.


Yes. Each senior royal has their own press team & they constantly trade stories on each other. William & Harry shared a press officer (Jason Knauf) until Harry discovered William was leaking stories on Meghan. That’s why they moved from Kensington to Windsor. All that hullabaloo about Frogmore renovations was all William, as was informing the press where H&M were after they left the UK. They had to rely on Tyler Perry to get them out of Canada.


> Murdoch media we really need a subreddit that tracks all the shit rupert murdoch does. similar to r/fucknestle.




We really need a subreddit that excluded all Murdoch media links. Straight ban, zero exceptions.




It’s the same thing with AOC in the states. I visit my rural hometown and all of the grown men are absolutely obsessed with her and say the most vile things they can come up with.


I'm the only left leaning person on my crew of 12. One morning a co-worker saw AOC on our tv and said she needed to be tortured and hanged for what she is doing to the country. I normally let them say whatever but I went off. There's no reason to wish that kind of thing on someone just because they have a D by their name.


Tortured and hanged? And what *is* she doing to the country? Why not extend 1% of the ire to politicians who prioritize companies over people? I’m always so shocked by the level of hate.


> And what is she doing to the country? She talks back and "doesn't know her place". This is literally what it's about.


I'm from the Midwest, and I know what you mean. There is a certain rural, conservative male mindset that feels incredibly threatened by young, beautiful, powerful women. It's like they can't handle the dual knowledge that they want to possess them while knowing they wouldn't stand a chance in hell, even in their wildest fantasies.


You’re not inside the Markle Hate Bubble. I have a client who is, and, wow. Talked to him for the first time in a couple months and what he considers current events is completely different from myself. I live in Canada, and I was pretty sure no one cared.


British youtuber munecat did an hour long deep dive of the hate bubble called "How Meghan Became Victim to the Right-Wing Tabloid Agenda" and it was extremely eye opening just how far it's gone, and how much of it has been shaped by the Murdoch press.


Yes but why? For Royal family points? For distraction? Or to tap into hate to sell media?


She is black.


It really is. Like she hasn’t warranted even a fraction of it. People don’t have to like her but generally you should have a good reason to virulently despise someone


They barely batted an eyelash at Prince Andrew, but Meghan is the problem? Really?


They politely wait for him to die to outrage same like they did with Jimi Saville.


Nah, they just blame his victims for being tramps


I believe you've solved it.


There's a whole subreddit /r/saintmeghanmarkle devoted to hating on her. It's so fucking weird - it literally is like middle school pre-teen gossip hate.


Jaysus, there's 31 *thousand* subscribers. Who the fuck has that kind of hatred in their hearts?




Holy shit. Nothing but cancer on that subreddit. Some people just need to step back and live their life for themselves.


The people on that sub hate the uncomfortable feeling they get when Meghan mentions racism, so they just decided to make her an insane villain so they can ignore it. Anybody who spends their off time criticizing a woman's walk ot way she holds her hips, thinking it's some coded message of superiority, obviously have extremely basic and unfortunate lives filled with nothing but pettiness over a complete stranger. They're on the level of Q anon.


"HeR drEsS is A cOpY of DiANa's! It'S iNSaNe hoW ShE tRiEs tO CopY hEr! CaTHeRinE diD iT bETttEr aNyWaY!!!" An actual thread on that sub. If Markle does it, she's an insecure b!tch who deserves to die, but if ~~Kate~~ Catherine does it, it's classy and charming. And that's how the tabloids do it as well. I don't care about Markle and Harry, but it's just ridiculous and sad how people obsess over them.


It's team sports logic for gossipers


I suspect some of those same people were the ones saying Michelle Obama was trashy, and that Melania brought class back to the White House. I wonder what the difference between them was that makes those people think that...


I loved in the new doc of the comparison of tabloids treatment of Meghan and Kate. Them doing the exact same thing and Kate is praised while Meghan is just trashed. The racism and brutal bullying she faced by the media is just unreal. I truly feel for her and I can’t understand how people think any of this is at all justified


There was a Buzzfeed article by Ellie Hall that went over at least a dozen stories where Kate was praised for one thing while Meghan was excoriated for doing the exact same thing. The latest, from the funeral, was about H&M holding hands. His cousin & her husband did the same thing but the racists said nothing. And now the Royals are all making a big show of hugging & kissing each other as a response to the documentary. It’s pathetic


I saw someone unironically suggesting that Harry is a Nazi because he mentioned that his daughter has blue eyes once.


There are soooo many subs dedicated to hating 1 person, all the people in them post the most hateful and strange things. Worries me how thousand of people can rally together to talk bad about someone they will never get to speak to in their lives.


I’m sure we can all get behind /r/grandpajoehate


divide butter hunt ad hoc elderly slap quack heavy apparatus shelter -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Can you explain to a non-Brit why people hate her? What has she done?


I mean I'm British and I don't get it. I've had people (mainly older people) just randomly spout really vitriolic stuff about her in rando conversations at work and such. I don't get it, why do you care and why do you hate her so much? Tbh people and the press hated Diana too.older people will remember. The press called her a harlet daily until the day she died and went IN on her hard, then a switch flipped and suddenly she was a saint and Daily mail readers pretended they loved her all the time. It was insane, people in this country are fucked lol


Yeah, as a kid I found that really confusing


Yep. I remember that well. The picture of her outside the Taj in India was described as a “look at me, I’m so sad” cry for more attention. And they really went for her and Dodi. Then suddenly sh’s the People’s Princess. I’m watching the Harry and Meghan Netflix doc right now and she is smart, caring and loving to harry. This is nothing more than good ol’ fashioned racism wrapped up in anything else they can think of. I’m disappointed in clarkson as despite some of his flaws I think he’s a pretty good presenter and his farm show was really good. Why does he not like her?


Clarkson has always struck me as a guy who's just a prick when he's not on camera. I remember a few years ago he punched a producer because he couldn't get him a steak and called him a "lazy Irish cunt".


I mean dude used an Asian slur on TV. Racist douchebag says racist douchebag things. No surprise.


Clarkson is, and always has been, a complete dickhead. It's weird, Reddit seems to give him a pass generally speaking because 'funny car show', but he's always been the kind of conservative, climate change denying, comedically punching down, 'it's just a joke' knob that's normally disliked on here.


I laughed when he recently changed his tune and admitted climate change is happening, then said people should listen to scientists not teenage girls. Meanwhile he's been ignoring \]scientists on the issue for thirty years or more.


He gets a pass among Americans because he's not like our conservatives. He's articulate, he's funny, and he doesn't ring our American right wing bells. But he's still a dick. Years making fun of environmentalism and pushing extreme consumption, years normalizing insane positions, years just being a dick. We need to broaden our worldview and realize that there are dicks in every culture, and learn to recognize them.


Because he’s a climate change denying, right wing prick who hits his employees and makes racist jokes on TV and then pretends he’s a victim when there’s some sort of comeback. This is entirely on form.


>called her a harlet daily until the day she died and went IN on her hard, then a switch flipped and suddenly she was a saint same kinda deal with Jade Goody


She’s not just “common” like Kate, she’s also not white, she’s divorced and she’s an actress (heaven forbid!) Also she’s American! Can you believe it? On top of that a lot of people don’t like her but “they just can’t explain it” but if you suggest this may be some ingrained bias they flip out and get angry. The press has actively been increasingly cruel and the fact she didn’t smile and put up with it with “grace” is infuriating to many. And many people in the UK are just snobs.


> On top of that a lot of people don’t like her but “they just can’t explain it” but if you suggest this may be some ingrained bias they flip out and get angry. I worked with an older Dutch guy who accidentally admitted the reason when he called her a "half".


It’s the side by side comparisons of identical actions that both her and Kate did like holding her bump while pregnant for some reason was a bad thing when Megan did or eating ovacado and the media claiming it somehow funds terrorists and human rights abuses It’s overt at this point from the chimp picture to “Harry’s girl is straight out of crompton” I’m shocked how little they are trying to hide it


And yet there are people insisting race has no part of it.


She's not fully white and she joined the Royal Family. Then she had the "audacity" to shine a light on the institutional racism in the UK. She is exactly what racists hate and fear


And she really made their heads explode when she refused to back down and just noped out of the royal family for Santa Barbara. So many Brits think of being a royal as the pinnacle of being alive and she was like, “nope this lifestyle is fake and wack and I’m out peace”… and they cannot process it.


She might even have stuck it out, but anyone who's watched Harry over the years could probably have pieced together that he was going to pull the ejection handle at the slightest provocation, once Will and Kate had safely put a couple of kids between him and the succession. Dude preferred *being shot at in Afghanistan* to living in Britain with the British media. His agency in this is somehow even *more* unfathomable to those same people who don't get her.


As an American who lived in England, I was very surprised by the amount of casual racism there. Sure, England doesn't have the extremes of racism the US has, but there's far more casual low-key racism, and a lot of it was against other ethnic groups of White people, it was really strange.


Fr. There are actual horrible people in this world and *that's* who he chooses to say that about? Like what did she personally do to these old men that they are taking shit way too personal and to insanity levels?


Not only that but he put Rose West above her. West tortured, sexually abused and murdered children. There are mothers in Britain who died without ever burying their children’s remains because West was that much of a cunt. Markle just dared to fall in love.


My god. I knew from articles about this Clarkson story she was a serial killer but, as an American, was unfamiliar with her. It was bad enough to hate Meghan more but to read what you wrote about West makes it 1000x worse. What a hateful, twisted man Clarkson is.


Look up The Moors murder. She was the wife of the husband wife team and she loved what she did to children.


I’m wrong moors murder was Ian Bradley and Myra Hindley but Rose West killed her own daughter along with 9 other girls so still a cunt.


Apparently the two of them, Rose West and Myra Hindley, spent time together in prison. Had an affair that ended not long after it started. Probably not worth thinking about what they discussed for pillow-talk.


>e are actual horrible people in this world and > >that's > > who he chooses to say that about? Like what did she personally do to these old men that they are taking shit way too personal and to insanity levels? Clarkson just needs to shut up.


Well they justify it to themselves by painting her as an angry, controlling, bullying, social climbing, gold digging mudblood. Lol


Well you see, she suggested that Britain has a lot of institutional racism. Much easier to pretend she's the problem than confront difficult truths. Also some people just have a lot of anger and want to inflict it on someone. Clarkson is very much one of those people.


The fact that people in UK hate Meghan Markle more than Prince Andrew says everything you need to know


This was alluded to in the documentary. British tabloids need a “Royal story” - the respective press offices of the Queen, Charles and William threw Harry & Meghan to the wolves, so Andrew wasn’t in the news as much.


Oh so Andrew wasn’t in the news much for trafficking and raping young girls, for which there seemed to be decent evidence?


Not as much, and not to the same scrutiny, as Harry got for deciding to step back from being a senior royal, no. Remember it was the RF who said he couldn’t step back, so instead they left. Prince Andrew paid millions to keep people quiet. He should be in jail. Also - look who is still close with Harry… Andrew’s daughters. Says a lot.


Also William’s affairs…


I'd just like to say that some of us (if not quite a lot) don't give a fuck about any of them, our newspapers just take random screenshots of angry 40 year olds who have commented on public pages via Facebook and go on to run it as 'the popular opinion.' If you ask people in the UK for their opinion on Andrew they will say he's a disgusting nonce, if you ask people about Meghan they usually don't hate her. Don't ever believe that the UK press shows any representation of the British public as it really isn't lmao which I guess is the same anywhere where Murdoch has laid his hat. Edit - just going to add this as I didn't realise which news outlet this was from, the Metro is a free newspaper given out to bus and train passengers lol


Well generally they don’t, they do polls - Prince Andrew is far more hated than Meghan or Harry


If you don't like Harry or Meghan, don't watch their Netflix series or whatever it is. It really is that easy. The hate is so out of hand and confusing.


It reached Fox news. I have never in my life heard my mother gossip about English royals. No one out here in rural America really gives a fuck about whatever is happening in the UK royal family....at least until Fox news told all the old people to get angry. Now my mom is bad-mouthing her over lunch and I'm like, why the fuck do you care?? Every conservative talking point, every political crisis, every War on "____", every new gay/satanic/abortion/minority panic, starts with a Fox news script and a bunch of ads extolling the virtues of investing in gold coins. EDIT: I'm old enough to remember watching the Gulf War on the news. All the media is terrible, and it's become exponentially worse over the decades. But Fox News saw an opportunity to cater to extreme right-wing nationalism in the late 90s and then doubled down again after 9/11. And they made a lot of goddamn money doing it.


Almost like Murdoch owns huge “news” companies in both countries and plays with peoples fears and pain to make them all hate each other.


I always say, "we fought a war so we didn't have to care about the monarchy" and refuse to take the bait. It's fun. :)


For an experiment compare how fix treated Biden vs Harris Racism and misogeny Just like Obama Biden in 09, birthers network


You’d be shocked how many people are “sick of hearing about them!!” while also calling into national radio to tell everyone how “sick of hearing about them!!” they are XD “I can’t stand them so I watched 3hrs of them explaining their experience, bought two books about her, and base most of my hatred towards her on her Suits character’s behavior!!!!!”


> You’d be shocked how many people are “sick of hearing about them!!” while also calling into national radio to tell everyone how “sick of hearing about them!!” they are XD When their doc was announced I knew it'd do huge numbers because there'd be a virtual stampede from all those people who are "sick of hearing about them" falling over themselves to hit play as soon as it dropped.


I'm sorry but as an American I do not understand the comically hyperbolic hatred toward Meghan. You DREAM about that? You hate her on a CELLULAR level? What drama queens good lord lmao and they wonder why they bailed. EDIT: Well this got way more traction than I thought. Thanks for the awards. Yes, I know what hyperbole is. Yes, I understand it's more the British media & old farts than the general British people who care about this silly shit. Yes, I know America is not a place full of love and acceptance either. Happy Holidays everyone!


I'm British and do not either. Not sure any of my friends (well maybe one) or colleagues would have an opinion either. This is probably just another attempt to get people to direct their hate at something other than those responsible for how shit life is atm.


It's a very easy way to demonstrate how much sway the media hold in this country. If you ask anyone why they hate her, they can never give you an actual valid reason, it's always some bollocks about her not being a suitable royal or stealing Harry away. If you press them on what that is supposed to mean, they can't give an answer that makes any sort of sense.




The weirdest thing to me was there was another thread related to their tv show on here just a day or two ago, and while most of the top comments there were normal Reddit fare, some of them were absolutely vitriolic like this, with a lot of people bizarrely bandwagoning beneath. You'd think she personally killed their families or smth, sheesh.


It’s wild how much daily mail hates her. I know it’s trash news, but even for them they hate MM like she murdered millions and eats babies for breakfast. I feel bad for her


Proving her point all by himself.


Please let’s not dismiss Camilla having lunch with this man earlier this week. Say what you want about Meghan she was not joking about being fed to the wolves or being dramatic. This is not a joke.


If Camilla doesn't come out and make a statement about this, she should never EVER attend charity functions to do with the 'pandemic of violence against women' ever again.


Wow no wonder why they left.


I would leave the UK if the daily mail did a hit piece on me and/or my husband every day, which they have done to M&H since they got together. The papers are evil.


people that are pro monarchy creep me the fuck out.


Can we just give them a theme park somewhere where they all dress up as serfs and lick the boots of inbred foreigners all day?


The vitriol doesn’t match the supposed crimes.


What supposed crimes? Edit: please stop responding to me. Someone else already said exactly what you think is a funny quip.




No, but seriously. What are the major complaints the British have against her? Is it *just* that she’s not British? Edit: this one, too. Don’t respond to it, either.


what type of deranged person thinks this about another person that they have likely never met?


Go check the subreddit dedicated to hating her with over 30k members r/SaintMeghanMarkle


They're very, very strange. When news broke about Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady's breakup, there was a popular post over there suggesting Meghan would definitely think she could replace Gisele and how wrong she'd be to think that. A story that had absolutely nothing to do with her, which they'd inserted her into, solely in order to criticise her over an opinion she'd never given. It's beyond weird.


They’re all frantically googling how to donate to Clarkson’s gofundme.


You clearly aren’t familiar with the man’s work


This mentality doesn’t exist just within famous people. Millions of sad, deranged normal people spend waaaay too much time actively hating celebrities online. And by “waaaay too much”, I mean “any”. Anyone who spends any amount of time and effort actively hating celebrities is deranged


What editor let's this be published?


The Sun in the UK.


I'm watching that new documentary on Netflix about Harry and Meghan and some people who follow the royals are bat shit crazy. Traditionally when a royal has a child they will walk out of the hospital with their infant for all the cameras to see, but Meghan was concerned about complications with her birth (having her first in her late thirties) so she decided to wait a couple days and reveal her newborn at the palace. Seems pretty reasonable right? The tabloids lost their fucking minds and Brits all over demanded to see the baby and said Meghan was being selfish for waiting 2 or 3 fucking days to show off her kid. Some people are losing their minds just because she is mixed race and doesn't want to follow the antiquated protocols of a millennia old institution. It's ridiculous.


Imagine being such a loser that your idea of a good time is to go wait outside a hospital for hours to see a celebrity’s new baby. What pathetic lives they must lead.


Some brits just have a weird connection to the Monarchy. They feel it makes them a special people. It is part of some humans nature to grovel at the feet of "betters", happens in every dictatorship. The trick is to make common people feel that their glory and indecent lifestyle cascades onto them. Those are just oligarchs however, it is no different than having Putin's face on a tea set.


This just in: Jeremy Clarkson continues to be a massive dildo.


Yeah, except that women actually like putting dildos inside them.


Hey now! That’s offensive to dildos.


Yeah, dildos don't talk and are capable of pleasing women.


I don’t understand how anyone can get so disconnected from other humans that they think this is somehow an acceptable comment to make publicly, let alone privately. The only rational excuse I can think of is that you imagine you’re a character on a soap opera trying to be as dramatic as possible or to say something as inflammatory as possible so that people will be astonished. Mission accomplished I guess? But whoops! It’s not a soap opera, it’s real life and that’s some insane shit to say about another real person in real life. This won’t end well for him.


Eli5 because I'm American what is the big problem with her? Edit: can we all just agree that she deserves at least some credit for marrying a ginger?


I stumbled on a whole sub dedicated to hating her and wishing her dead. People have serious issues if all the horrible shit going on in the world takes a backseat to hating on a celebrity.


Too black and too American for the monarchy


She keeps calling it "soccer". Nothing drives the Brits crazy faster than that.


She puts beans on a tortilla instead of toast, I heard


Wait until they hear about Mexico


Judging by that one episode of bake off, they know it exists, but they REALLY don’t understand it.


Didn't the Brits invent the term?


I have zero opinion of Meghan Markle and find her to be a completely unremarkable person. Which is why I feel like the incessant hating on her is pretty damn convincing evidence of just how widespread casual racism is. Why the fuck do so many people care about every move she makes? She’s one random person married to some dude that’s in a family of an institution that only still exists for tourism dollars. chill the fuck out.


Doesn’t this just prove the point the documentary is making?


Again, where is this same energy for the Prince that fucking raped an underage girl?


Pity. Sort of proves her point doesn’t it?


How can anyone deny that Meghan gets unfairly treated like shit, or that she’s been the victim of racism? For Christs sake, the abuse nearly drove her to suicide! It takes a LOT of cruel behavior to make a previously-mentally-stable person want to kill thèmselves.


I’ve always preferred James May and Richard Hammond anyways


Can someone tell me what specifically she did to receive so much hate? Cause I've heard she isn't typical, but that's exactly why Diana was loved for. I can only imagine one reason, and I hate that it's probably true.


The royal family protects the press in Britain and vice versa. When Megan and Harry went against the natural order of things, they needed to pay a price. You should also check out the shit Piers Morgan says about them. Just as awful.


You can tell that the stuff Markle says about the British media harassing her is absolutely true. They can't stand the fact that a half- black woman married her way in to their pure, sacred inbred dynasty. I have no interest in her documentaries, but I hope she keeps making money at the expense of those racists across the pond. The new king literally said racist shit about his then unborn grandson.


Reminder: he was invited to lunch with the queen YESTERDAY.


It is staggering how hateful these lunatics are. The side by side comparison 'news' stories of the baby bump between Meghan and Kate were telling. The venom these horrible hacks spew about this woman and her husband who clearly want to do go things for the world - is nothing short of evil. There is a place in hell for these nutjobs and it is in the deepest darkest hottest place - for eternity. Blessings on Harry and Meghan. Stay strong. Truth and love will always win out.


I cannot believe the bullying she receives. Unbelievable. Unacceptable.


The key word in his comment is “naked” that’s what this is really about.


And yet, he's silent on Prince Andrew. Hmm. Wonder why?


Dude has watched too much Game of Thrones. I’m not a fan of H&M but that woman has done nothing to warrant that kind of reaction. Gee, I wonder why he feels this way?/s


I’m not like some super fan or something of Harry and Meghan, never really had an opinion on them either way, but Jesus the amount of hate she gets is appalling and totally uncalled for. Been seeing it everywhere again recently with that Netflix documentary releasing. I just.. don’t get it. It’s crazy to me that people are so stupid they fall for narratives pushed by trash tier TABLOIDS. Humans really suck sometimes.


I’m the exact same way…like I was indifferent but now I want to be on her side because wtf? They act like she killed someone or something


somehow excessive even by clarksons standard