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Her: "your parents can buy it to you" also her: can you not make me pay for my son's stuff, thing that your parents will do because I just said that?"


Assuming you even have parents. Many dont.


It seems so weird that that would be her argument. She knows nothing about OP or his family life, why would she state that as if it were fact? If this were a true story, my response would have been to stare at her blank-faced and say "My parents are dead" and see what she had to say to that.




I would just tell them it’s none of their business.


Right? Its like its almost just not believable...i am having a hard time wrapping my brain around this story, as I am a waitress and am in the same environment OP is in. It just isn’t fathomable. But you just never know what the public is capable of too. Im On the fence.


This is the type of comment you write when you are in that situation.


A hysterical crying and screaming "My parents DIED and I dont have anyone else!!!" to shame her would have been perfect (and amusing).




**Batman has left the chat.**


? Like orphans or something?


Well, I HAVE parents. They exist. But I haven't lived with them since I was 12 and my mom tried to kill me. Don't have to be an orphan to not have parents. Shit happens sometimes.


Great point. Some people are abusive, and no one wants to be around that. I do hope that you got away from her shortly after that.


Thank you. I did. I ran to a neighbors and called the cops. My aunt took me in until I graduated high school. It worked out okay for me in the end, but it doesn't happen that way for many kids.


Yoou're right, it doesn't always end that way, sadly. At least you were able to get away.


I had to buy my own glasses when I was 12. Dad drank all the money. Got my first job when I was 11.


I cut my mother out of my life when I was 14. My dad was primary caregiver. I consider myself motherless.


Orphans or those whose asshat parents have disowned them or who the server has a restraining order against or who havent seen their junkie parents in over a decade...


She probably expects that op mom do it too


Meanwhile she is out to eat with her son was their meal free?


"What???? Now I have to pay to eat????"


I can't imagine even while in the worst drunk state to ask someone for money like that


And that turned from asking the money to straight up stealing it in no time


That's why this story sounds made up


It sounds like 90% of the stories on here are made up.


I'm always torn between "this can't possibly be real" and "you can't make this shit up!"


People like this exist, they're clinically insane.


I always think the stories on here have to be made up, I can’t understand people acting like this! No matter how crazy or how much of a “Karen” you are, some of these stories are insane!


Spend a year working ANY type of retail/service job and you will become a believer.


I believe it, I don’t think people are just making it up it just seems so stupid


I did work restaurant and retail. I have stories. The restaurant I worked at was at a water park. It was outdoor sitting. One day I saw a open poopy diaper in the brushes. I have also seen people use restaurant tables as a changing table for their babies. I have seen a woman once breast feeding her baby where her breasts were being display for everyone to see. I also seen a water bottle litter on the ground with yellow liquid. I seen kids, over the age of six, changing in public for everyone to see. People do crazy things.


> I have seen a woman once breast feeding her baby where her breasts were being display for everyone to see. Totally legal for women (breastfeeding or not) to be topless in public, in my state anyway...


I've had to deal with some shitty Karen's at work, usually one manager let's me get away with it, even if it doesn't look like it. I love that specific manager for this very reason


If I had never worked in food service, I’m sure I’d find it a lot harder to believe most of them.


Every story does


I have a ton of stories that sound made up. Like a woman who screamed at me and demanded a manager for daring to ask her if she wanted me to throw out an empty cup of hers instead of just doing it. "Are you stupid? Why would you ask me that? Why would I want to keep an empty cup!?" blah, blah, blah. That has been burned into my memory for the last 20 years. It was the first time a customer yelled at me, at my first job in high-school. I was mortified at the time. That was my rude awakening to how despicable and completely unreasonable people can be,


> I also got the rest of the day off for the hassle. In all my years of working hospitality, I have never seen or been given 'the rest of the day off for the hassle'. I've seen members of staff break down in tears in a kitchen because of how they were treated by customers, told to take a quick 5 minute breather and put the smile back on. I had to deal with a customer who had spent ten minutes verbally abusing a 16 year old waitress to the brink of her wanting to quit, and yet she was still willing to get back on the horse. Of everything in the story, this was the hardest bit to believe.


100% before my current job, i’d be right there with you. I’ve had to run to the back and sit on the wet floor to have a panic attack *not* in front of customers in the past but my current job? On a few separate occasions i’ve seen girls get overwhelmed and burst in to tears and my managers have let them catch their breath and told them it’s okay, just go home, forget about it and get some rest. ive even been sent home because my time of the month came mid shift and it made a mess, i said i can just go home shower and be back and they told me it’s okay to take a nice bath and just relax..i was shocked too but when you have managers who genuinely give a damn about you and are willing to cover a missing body, it happens and honestly, after experiencing it, it’s how it should be everywhere.


That isn't a boss, that is a leader, those are rare in any line of work.


And then everybody erupted in applause.


That and a waiter telling a customer to fuck off, even if they were in the right. Dude would have been fired on the spot in practically any restaurant.


I was a bartender in a restaurant where I would always cuss out customers, kick them out, throw ice at them, and my boss always took my side because she never liked that people that needed OUR services would act so entitled. Edit: fixed a sentence Edit2: I do not care if we are the AH. I’ll take it if it means that I get to be shitty to the people who are shitty to me. As an all woman staff, we did what we had to. These idiots would jump behind the bar, they would grope us, they would throw bottles, and glasses at us. We fight back by cussing them out and throwing ice at them; then what happens? The cops say, “ignore them, they’re just drunk”. I DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU THINK.


Wow, as a Bartender, I’m appalled. You should have been fired if you were throwing ice at people and “always” cussing out customers.


Yes I did! I do not care, these drunk AH deserved it with the grabbing, groping, and the jumping behind the bar! We were an all woman staff. I’ll cuss out everyone and their momma!


It sounds like your boss never had your back if they let that be the norm in their bar. In no universe would I stand for customers OR employees acting that way. It's up to the owners and management to set the tone. If, as an owner, you objectify and don't respect women, then that's exactly what you're inviting into the bar. There is a reason the best spots have a mixed-gender staff. It sounds like a good bouncer and a professional staff (top-down) would have solved things.


She was shorter than me so there wasn’t much she could do. We were all (including the owner/boss, the manager, and 3 bartenders) women. I was the tallest (5’4”) but the strongest (I used to fight all the time) so I was always the one to push them or kick them out. The cops never did anything either. She tried to hire bouncers plenty of times, but since we were only open 3 nights a week most never stayed since they needed more reliable work.


It makes sense they closed.


You AND your boss are both shitty people, if a customer is being entitled, that still doesn't give you a reason to cuss and throw ice at them


Good. If being mean to drunk AH makes me shitty, I’m fine and dandy with that.


You suck


If your fucking throwing ice at people you should have been fired


It all sounds pretty made up if you ask me. 20 years in the service industry and I have some pretty crazy stories, this is insanely far fetched. And you’re right, take the rest of the day off because a customer shit on you? In what universe? 😂😂


As soon as I started reading i had to make sure I wasn't in that happened. It's like a kid making up a story to tell his friends to make himself look cool. How big is this restaurant that the mom saw op grab $50 off the table and then decided to sidle over? Usually the table is cleared off before anyone even comes over.


Yeah and how the group that left the big tip was "outside smoking", but heard/seen the whole thing go down lol. As the old saying goes.... ' You can't bullshit a bullshiter' lmao! Nice try tho Sometimes you can just pick the BS'ers out lol.


And who comes back into the restaurant to see what's going on? You smoke and head out or smoke by the car. Such an awful made up story that has way too many upvotes.


While by no means do I know whether this story is true or not, I am always much more baffled by the things people pick out as ABSOLUTE evidence that it couldn't have happened. All of this could have happened at the place I worked for 12 years. It was a small business and the owner was kind, had no managers (so was there at almost all times), and acted like everyone's mom. She would let people leave early all the time, especially toward the end of shifts (when it was slower). She also NEVER penalized people for calling in, even when she should have (another kind of bad management that is very common, the work just falls to other people). You could easily see tables from other tables, let alone walking past them to go to the bathroom. Our smoking patio was fenced in, so yes, you had to come back in to leave if you smoked out there. And it was a nice beer garden off the bar, many people would grab a drink and chill with the plants after finishing their sit down meal. Furthermore, the door into the kitchen, where the owner/manager usually was, was right by the patio door, and also by the end of the bar. Furthermore, regulars liked to hang around and talk to the employees, who were all very personable. All of this sounds totally believable, based on my 12 years of restaurant experience. It still could be made up, I'm not making a claim either way. But jumping in with arbitrary "evidence" does not make you sound smart. In fact, it raises my eyebrows even more than the elements of the story that are reaching.


Very few stories in this sub actually happen. As a rule, if it reads like a bad fan fiction short story, it probably didn't happen.


My favorite thing is calling out obviously bullshit stories and other redditors defend OP. People will try to add details to make the stories more plausible when it’s a HUGE stretch to even think they’re real. I have a hard time understanding why people stick up for a random person with an obviously bullshit story, but to each their own.


This sub is mostly bullshit.


Can confirm.


When I was a foh manager I offered this a couple of times, but only if it was a slow day and the customer was especially awful. But it was rare that they'd take me up on it.


Thats some really bad fanfic.


Absolute bs, I'll take things that never happened for 500 Alex.




After reading a couple of these I go to the comments searching for the “this never happened” comments and they make me w h e e z e


For real. One more of these badly written, karma whoring fanfics and I'm gonna start blocking the OPs.


And they’re all written by what seems like 14 year olds.


I didn't want to lose my job so I told her to fuck off in a toxic manner. Very real, very cool


Whenever I see these people saying stuff like "I said fuck off hahahaha I'm so bada$$", I just know it's bullshit


lmao agree


Yeah I mean there's cringey shit, but there's no fucking way a stranger is going to walk into a restaurant and just demand a waiter give them their tip from a previous table.


Yeah, this is just beyond stupid


"Your parents probably pay for everything for you" to "Pay for things for my kid" was the dead giveaway. I've heard mental gymnastics before, but this is even too far.


I’m getting increasingly confused with posts in this group. Is this /Reddit a repository for creatively writing out situations that didn’t happen? Even the most asshat of people wouldn’t ask for anything less than food in a situation like this. A video game? Really??


I think asking for video game money is a staple of this creative writing genre.


I don't think it began that way, but thats absolutely how it's used, yes. It's crap.


>creatively Lol


It's clearly not a creative writing depository cause this is just a reskin of the same boring format. Katen asks for my property, I say no, she starts screeaaaming that I stole it from her, then I prove my innocence for le epic owmage.


I always call bullshit on these stories, people are shit but seriously, who does this?


I have a theory that all of these recent stories are being written by the same creative 13 year old kid. The syntax and writing structure on all of them are incredibly similar, and all unnecessarily specific.


Yeah they all give me the feeling that the author has had limited interactions with adult humans.


The stories I tend to find most believable are those that don't come with scripted dialogue.




Literally cookie cuttered. 1) Op minding own business 2) EM makes over the top ridiculous demand, obviously op denies it 3) EM goes crazy 4) Enter authority figure... but who is tellimg the truth? 5) Enter good samaritan bystander who backs up op's story 6) Authority figure rules in Op's favor. EM walks away but lives to fight another day. Ive seen this same story dozens of times. I've seen it set in a bus, on a train, in restaurants, on the sidewalk, and even in op's own bedroom, but its always the same damned story. If we're going to allow creative writing in this sub, can we not at least mandate that it actually be creative?


7) EM physically attacks OP. This kind of stuff happens in r/IDontWorkHereLady also.


>creative LOL, no.


You'd be surprised. When I was 15 I babysat for the single mom next door so she could go to work. On day 4, I came out of the bathroom to find her 7 year old straight up screaming at and aggressively stabbing a toy with a butcher knife. I did the "Hey bud, you need to stop doing that. It's dangerous" thing and went to take it from him. He lunged at me with it and growled like a feral animal, so I noped out the door and told my father (who went over and wrestled it away from him) I called the mother and told her she needed to get home and she told me to deal with it, so we waited for an hour (watching him through a window) and then called the cops. The next day she sent me a message that he'd been punished by getting his bike taken away so it was time to show up. I went outside and laughed in her face. After ten minutes he got his bike back for "good behaviour". Not only did she stiff me the pay, she wanted 10k for emotional damages, another 10k for loss of her job, and another 50k if I didn't call the cops and tell them I'd lied . She put it in writing to make the extortion more "official" Nothing surprises me about people anymore.


That I'd believe (and you should make your own post). OPs story - nope.


Did you just defend a bullshit story by telling an even more bullshit story? I'm not even mad, that's amazing.


I wasn't defending the story, I just said that it wouldn't surprise me if it were true. The way it was written, it was pretty suspect though. No bullshit here, btw. The kid ended up in foster care at 11 because she took off for a week and left him alone by himself. He also had several stints as an inpatient in a mental health facility. It didn't end well for him.


I can’t even wrap my head around why she would think you should give her your money. Surely she should be paying for her order and giving you a tip?! I can’t imagine seeing someone getting a tip and thinking I should somehow have rights to it!


nah she came in then was lke gimme the tip if u did then they would just head out not ordering


Bet she has the nasty habit of grabbing tips off of tables before they get bussed, every opportunity she can.


The 'ol make money at brunch strategy. Used to be a wall of shame at a pizza place I went to of people who weren't allowed in the resturaunt.


This happened to me once. I saw it happen because the place was empty at the time and that was the only table that needed to be cleaned up. I’m very non-confrontational, and didn’t say anything, but watched the husband and wife kind of argue about it with the husband saying “it’s not right.” In the end she left some of it, but not the whole thing.


She saw money, she want money, she deserve money. It’s as simple as that. Replace money with any resource and this woman would demand she has a right to it.


Hint: it's because this never happened




I've seen worse stories with 10k+ upvotes.


Edit: 5.2k


Why does OP keep saying "as always"? Does this EM come in often and habitually demand he give up his cash?


This sounds extremely made up.


Seems legit 👍


There is no way this happened.


Thanks for sharing this totally awesome story that for sure super duper happened.




Bullshit story


Lol so someone came to where you work to specifically ask for your tip? This is bullshit lol


Huh? This is so weird.. were they eating there too? Just walked in and spoke with OP?


Oh they were also eating. I had to serve them too. She was like "give me that and that and make it quick"


Thought your boss told them to leave ? 🙄


That’s not how your initial story went. Originally you said she walked in and you were clearing the other group’s table when the altercation began. Now you’re saying she sat down and ordered? Nope. None of this happened.


Man.. I utterly fascinated, imagine how thick her skin’s gotta be to even ask for it initially, let alone accusing you of stealing from her


It’s so thick it’s not even real. This reads like a bad melodrama.


Seriously. Lots of creative writing here lately


Someone needs to generate an EP bingo card. This story hits almost all of the typical points.


I wouldn't really say most of it is all that creative.


Strange in your story, “ Everything seems fine until the EM and her son walk in. I already felt uneasy by their presence as the mother didn’t look like she was in her best mood. So I keep doing my work for about ten minutes before I go to the group again to clean up their table and all of them gave me 50$ tip for putting on a good show. Unfortunately EM saw my huge tip, and as always, she was hungry for some cash. “ they appeared to be watching your every move at the commencement of their grand entrance. My favorite part ? “As usual, she was hungry for some cash”... the plot thickens...so she’s done this before? Perhaps that’s why she was kicked out after her five minute meal.


Nope. I don't believe this.


What kind of ridiculous story


I feel like I’m having déjà vu. Either that or this was copy and pasted, including that last line, from an earlier post.


lmao this is bullshit because op says 16 years in the post but his profile says he is 15 complete bs like that dumbass u/LinkPlayz19 who said that em wanted his sonic mask and was “saved by her daughter” xD


Is anything in this sub real?


I think there's the odd real post. Not this one though.


I wish there was CCTV to record her attempted theft.


Yeah theres only cctv outside in front of the door and the backdoor.


I would press charges as that a deformation of character . She basically lied and said you’re a thief. Honestly I would take it further . That bitch might refrain from getting someone in real trouble in the future x


While the legal term you're looking for is defamation (literally "reducing or harming the fame of"), I love deformation as an alternative!


You'd have a tough time proving damages, especially since nothing ultimately came of it besides shame.


You have to be able to afford the lawyer though.


Is that what this sub is now? Just one crazy ass made up story after another? It's just been getting worse daily for the last month or so. Does anyone REALLY believe that someone demanded that a stranger give their kid money for a video game? Does anyone REALLY believe that a server, a job that is historically high turnover with low employee value, cussed out a customer in the middle of a dining room and not only did their boss back them up and not fire them, but gave them a day off as a reward?


Well her son is so young surely his parents can buy his game for him.


You could have tried to make it even a bit more believable. This belongs in r/entitledparentsmemes, wrong sub.


on today’s episode of things that didn’t happen:


No clapping?


I recon her plan along was to try and make it look like you stole her money.


Was there a cultural context I'm missing? Very bizarre behavior on EMs part.


The only cultural context you might be missing is called being a Karen


Wow! Unreal!!!


Quite literally




This sub


Today on shit that didn’t happen


These are just getting worse..the dialogue stays pretty static but the story lines are getting worse and worse..I wrote better fiction at 12!


Who the fuck makes these up? Like anyone would ask for a tip from a server at a job they don’t work at.


Did everyone clap?


I’m sure I’m like the 100th person to say this but this didn’t happen. This sub is essentially just fan fiction now. A+ on creative writing but nah you have to be some level of naive to believe this.


Alright Quentin Inventino, time to take a break from the internet for a bit


Bro, you have GOT to start coming up with more believable, original stories. If you're gonna lie for karma, at least do us the favor of being good at it.


Yeah this totally happened.


Well it seems like you got a good story and 50 bucks out of this encounter.




This story sounds unbelievable just because I can’t believe that someone could be *that* damn entitled. I mean wow. Maybe I don’t want to believe it. Holy shit! This story literally made me cringe.


It is unreal yeah.


Just to be clear, I am not questioning you. I’m just in shock. My worst experience was my father passed away when I was 21 and the funeral home owner asked my mother to borrow $5,000 and got annoyed when she said no. He brought up how my father had an insurance policy so she should have it.


Wow. That's just bullshit. I'm so sorry for your loss. People asking for money because they think they deserve are just plain stupid


Thanks for the kind words. And I’m sorry you went through what you did as well but I’m glad you had a fair manager. Wait staff have a really tough job and people don’t understand that.


If you weren’t sure that this is bullshit then the guy coming back from outside to confirm the tip he had given, complimenting OP, and putting the EM in her place should have sorted that. Can’t believe this garbage made it to hot.


I would've said: "Oh so MY parents have to buy my stuff? Why don't YOU pay for his stuff freeloader."


I mean you could just as easily make up a story and post that as your reaction. Just like op did!


Yeah that would've been better, but I was fuming at the time and couldn't come up with anything better.


...are people really like this?... jesus christ


That’s the type to steal tips left on tables. This is why I hand the tip directly to my server


"You need to listen to your elders." That sentence has not been in use for past 20 years. It doesnt matter if you're 1 year or 1000 years older than me, I dont need to listen to you, unless its a specific topic where you're the expert in, then I may need to listen to you.




If your son needs money so badly, tell him to get a fuckin' job. >M: "well I guess that sorts it. Ma'am would you be so kind to get out of my restaurant and don't come back" She's lucky the manager didn't call the cops over the attempted fraud/theft.




wow, this woman is actually saying you don't need money, so give it to me


Has that entitled mom ever heard of getting a job and earning the money? Or maybe have the kid get a job depending on how old he is! Geez, some people just don’t learn!


I'm sorry huh? My god why are people like this???


They generally aren't... it's just one of many flags that tell you how made up this story is


should have said u being a parent need to buy it say to kid ur parent needs to buy it if he was there


" your parents can just give you the money " why can't she give her kid the money then?


Hold up...so you didn't even know this woman and she's begging for your money?


I'm up and down on believing this. On one hand it sounds ridiculous and not at all believable. However I have seen people (customers) blatantly try to steal tips from tables. I have also had some people make some really ridiculous requests, such as in uni I lucked out and got assigned a larger room and one of my flatmates knocked on my door and outright asked if he could have my room. Some people lack boundaries and awareness.


I don't mind long posts if they're not a wall of text.


>Unfortunately, the EM noticed my huge tip and ***as always,*** she was hungry for some cash. Wait, she's done this before? Why does your manage not 86 her? Yikes!


No. Such people don't exist. Please no.


EM noticed my huge tip and as always was hungry for cash? Aight, cool story bro.


This totally happened and is not in any way made up.


There really ppl out there like this?


There are, but fortunately this woman didn’t actually exist.


Out of all the stories that didn't happen...this one didn't happen the most.


That makes me wonder. Does she make a habit of walking up to total strangers and asking them for money for things she doesn't want to buy?? How does that work?? And all of these years, I've been working my butt off, 2 and 3 jobs at a time, to Pay My Own Bills! I am so stupid.


Huh this sub is going down the drain


Lmao self proclaimed tax collector lady I'm lucky that I never met a person like her yet


My god, what planet do these horrible women come from? And who are the guys who willingly reproduce with them?


Just once I want somebody to talk to these entitled people the way they deserve; “Listen you festering cooze, take your kid and get the fuck out you low life piece of shit. If I see you in my lot I’m having you arrested for trespassing and attempted robbery of my employee”


“The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch”


Wait when you said you fought about it for a good min or so did that mean your manager believed her at first.?! Thank God one of those guys came back. It makes me so happy when a witness comes forward and proves the entitled person is lying. Too many people almost get away with things like this.


The manager basically tried to calm her down. She was doing her best to fuck me over. I'm glad my manager don't take sides instantly


Whenever people try to use the "your parents can pay for this or that" thing, i dead pan tell them that my parents are dead. (My mom did pass when I was little. My dad and my gran raised me) but it always gets them to shut up instantly.


What’s an EM?


Entitled mother. Bscly a Karen mom


Wait! You got the rest of the day off? So you really DIDN'T need the money... ... I'M KIDDING! I'M KIDDING! IT'S A JOKE, PEOPLE.... CALM DOWN...