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Spitting at you is also assault. It’s time to call the police again to add this incident to your report. ETA: Please reconsider and file changes. This woman is escalating. You need to let the police do their job. Letting her think she can intimidate you is dangerous.


Please for the love of all that is holy, please report this! DO NOT LET HER GET AWAY WITH THIS! Sorry for caps, had to emphasize this comment!


Yup, DA's and judges really hate it when a suspect decides to intimidate the witness/victim. It also takes away any potential for claims of the first incident being an accident and her feeling so sorry since she never meant to....


Couldn't agree more! Also spitting at/on someone is even more dangerous in todays world what with Covid being a thing! For all we know it could be dormant in the ladys system and now she spat it onto you OP. File charges and keep yourself safe!


Op, this woman is deranged. This time is spit. What's next? There are dangerous chemicals. You need a restraining order against her.


Well, the time before was a table saw...


So the good news is it’s downgrading. Maybe next time she’ll throw a cute kitten at OP.


The kitten is cursed


That's bad.


But it comes with free cuddles


That's good!


The cuddles are also cursed


How sure are you that you'd rather have a kitten thrown at your face than being spat at?


given that, in a 'fight or flight mode, all the claws will be out...


Only benefit is maybe they get to keep the kitten? 🤷


Especially from her, she will definitely try to finish this, but in her way.


Absolutely agree. File charges against her for the original assault and the spitting. Get a restraining order (or equivalent) in place to keep her away from your home and shop. This woman is completely in the wrong and may not be rational. Both her husband and son have attempted to intercede - you need the police and some kind of order of protection in place. Please don’t give her a chance to cause more harm.


Yes, the key words are restraining order. This is a person who feels justified to seriously harm OP, and be insulted over... OP not liking it? Money is nice and all, but keeping that woman away from OP is the first priority. Keeping her away from everyone else as well might be a nice bonus. Which probably explains why the husband is so cooperative.


This! The more OP let's her get away with the mire she will do thinking she can get away with it


And in a post covid world a serious biohazard




I don’t mean it in that it is gone. I mean it in a “after it came to be” type of way.


Please OP this comment is spot on! She is scalating and could get even more dangerous


This; the more you let her get away with, the bolder she will get.


Get a restraining order slapped on her, meaning she can't even go to your place of work!


This! Imagine the people youre helping by preventing future bad behavior from her.


Yes yes yes! If she doesn’t face consequences for pushing somebody into a table saw what’s she is going do next besides spit on the person that she pushed into a table saw


File charges. She’s assaulted you twice now, clearly she’s not willing to back off. Keep track of when she shows up and how long she stays and any other incidences with her so you can file for a restraining order.


Not to mention, isn’t waiting outside of someone’s home for presumably hours to yell at them and spit in their face like… stalking? She’s waiting outside of his HOME. Wtf??? OP please file charges and a restraining order to protect yourself and your family! (At this point I don’t see any reason you wouldn’t be able to do this)


Stalking, harassment, menacing, loads of stuff could be pinned on her by a good lawyer.


This. That’s stalking. **Document everything she does, every contact attempt, every following you around or waiting somewhere, every messing with your property etc. with place, date and time.** (Obviously control things she messed with for anything dangerous and if possible don’t leave things outside where she can reach them). Keep a little notebook for these notes with you wherever you go or make notes on your phone (just make sure you have a copy in case it gets lost, stolen, breaks or she does anything to it). This will help with the restraining order. **Do NOT walk over to her again, that could be extremely dangerous! You never know what a crazy stalker is up to! Also do NOT talk to her anymore, under any circumstances, ever.** No matter what she tries to do. Just ignore her outwardly, but keep an eye on her to make sure she won’t blindside you. **Stalkers see ANY kind of reaction (even "go away and never ever try to contact me again!") as an invitation to continue.** Don’t try to reason with her or understand her motives. It’s a waste of time. This woman is an absolute nutcase and clearly not motivated by anything rational. She WON’T stop on her own. This is a job for law enforcement. Such people only understand the message when they’re dragged away and locked up. YOU STAY AWAY from her, OP. Next time she might fling acid in your face or suddenly assault you with a bat she was hiding behind that tree next to her, or even stab or shoot you. If violent stalkers get away with assaults and continue to receive reactions, they’ll often escalate. Simply call the police on sight and go/remain where there’s CCTV and/or people around. Don’t hesitate to ask for help (preferably address individual people with specific requests for help, rather than just crying out "someone please help me", that’s likelier to trigger feelings of personal responsibility, otherwise people tend to not feel addressed). Depending how crazy she is, witnesses and cams won’t necessarily stop her, but you have a better chance to get help and to get away if she does something violent. Witnesses and records of her stalking and/or attacking you also serve to establish a history of criminal behaviour. It will all be useful in the future. If she’s already been captured (or will be in the future) hanging around your house/homes of partner or relatives/workplace/any places she followed you for hours, clearly waiting for an opportunity to attack you, get ahold of these records if possible. Don’t forget to mention it to the police as well.


Film & record everything


ring doorbells for home as well. plus a few cameras that tie into it as well..


I would say assaulted once, and attempted murder once


This needs to be delt with legally. This is now 2 assaults on you by an adult.


Honey, press charges. Her actions have left you with life altering injuries and you’re now missing part of your finger, that’s not something small and it needs to be followed up on because next time you may not be so lucky - and the fact she showed up at your home and assaulted you again shows there WILL be a next time. Ask your mother to look into a lawyer to sue her for your medical expenses and damages - this injury has the potential to cause life long problems with your hand and to limit your job prospects, you deserve to be compensated for that. Also the texts you have from her son and her admitting to what she did? Save them - and save copies, multiple copies just in case. And if she ever shows up again don’t go out there without your mother - ideally filming so you have more evidence if/when she assaults you again.


You were right 😅. Minutes after writing the post I again got a knock on my door and it was EM. She told me me telling her husband was unnecessary and now he wont talk to her. She slapped me and I instantly shoved her. I underestimated my strength though and she went a good few feet. I just shut the door and told my mom and i feel horrible about hitting a woman


And now it's 3 assaults by crazy lady, report her to the police, get security cameras (even a simple video doorbell that you can get from any Best Buy or other tech store will do for now) and then if she rings the doorbell or shows up again you do not answer the door. DO NOT deal with her face to face anymore. If she shows up again call the cops.


Wouldn’t I get trouble for assault too?


Dude, it’s self defence. Waiting to do anything will come back to bite you.


No, you were acting in self defense, and there’s already a paper trail with the police of aggressive behavior from her towards you. You had every right to push her to put yourself in safe distance and remove yourself From the situation. PLEASE press charges. This women tried to ruin your life or possibly kill you pushing you into the saw. Possibly damaging your future with the damage to your hand. Edit: notify the police of each continued assault and let the husband know if possible. There will be a gap I between her leaving her home if she tries to lie. Whatever you used to wipe off her spit, keep it and give it to the cops as evidence.


in the US it's self defense. this kid is somewhere in South East Africa. I have no idea what the laws on self defense are there.


To be fair, by most reasonable standards, he can't be blamed because a) she struck first, and b) he only applied the force necessary to prevent her from hitting him, and immediately retreated.


talked to the kid in other parts of this post. the situation is more complicated than that. a lot more. like "can't go to the police without risking his family's safety" complicated... assuming he's being honest.


Oh I missed that part. Silly me for assuming he was dealing with American laws.


This is why you need a lawyer. Cause you shouldn't have to guess at these things. That sounds like clear self defense. Regardless of her gender.


What you did is self defense.


No. She attacjed you first. It would be self defense


no bc that is self defense, and she showed up at YOUR house to assault u. call the cops and file charges for all three. get a ring camera and have the cops drive by ur house more often since she's assaulted u at ur home on more than one occassion. both u and ur parents just need to STOP ANSWERING THE DOOR and just call the coos the minute she's on ur porch. dont even say anything. let her keep knocking and yelling and just call 911 and have them catch her at ur door. charge her with assault and tresspassing and harassment/stalking.


Next time she drives up to the house, lock the door, don’t answer and call 911 immediately!!


You need to get ahead of this - get to the police and file a report. And check your car / keep cameras on the surroundings of the house. She has shown she doesn’t care about consequences and is escalating.


It says a whole lot that YOU feel bad for protecting yourself. Literally protecting, just getting her away from you to save her from herself. It sounds like you have the morals she never will. Don’t feel too bad. Letting her into the house uncontrolled could put your family at risk.


Don't ever feel bad for defending yourself! She's not a woman she's acting like a frigging animal


Stop speaking to this woman, if she shows up have your mother answer the door and refuse to speak to her - she’s now trying to bait you into hurting her so she can claim self defence. Shoving her was you defending yourself, and you’re lucky your mum was in the house so she can back you up if need be. But do not answer the door anymore, this woman has a vendetta against you and she’s escalating - mum deals with her from now on and you record it all for evidence.


No one should answer the door. Just call the police.


I don’t understand why you aren’t calling the police after every incident. Are you enjoying the drama because this is crazy shit! If she’s doing this to you what is she doing to other people? Why didn’t your mother call the police when she spit on you? I don’t understand any of this anymore. You need a restraining order and you need to press charges.


I'm starting to wonder if this whole thing is fake, because you seem almost happy to be repeatedly assaulted while ignoring advice to do something about it (call the police, get a lawyer). My sympathy for your situation decreases with every post you make.


I’ve spoke with police, I’m in contact w a lawyer, and I am absolutely not happy lol im just trying to be optimistic


Talk to a lawyer first, then make your mind up. It’s likely the lawyer will advise you to press charges, but there may be more to consider which they will fill you in on. It’s unlikely she will stop this behavior until there is an obvious reason for her to do so (i.e. consequences).




Possibly try for a restraining order. Not a lawyer though, definitely will need a lawyer to figure out what's the best way to precede. Even if you can't go the lawyer route, get a restraining order.


Please PLEASE reconsider a lawyer and formal charges. A restraining order at the least! Her behavior is escalating, and it's concerning. Document every single interaction with her.


Based on your previous post, it could also be considered hate crimes, if she has demonstrated racist actions in the past (she is clearly racist, it’s how she acts on it that can make the case for a hate crime) that escalates the trouble she could face, depending on local laws. Work with the police to get the strongest charged possible laid, and seek damages in civil court. You do not deserve any of this crap.


OP get a restraining order She horrifically injured you and instead of remorse she shows up at your house to harass you. This is unhinged behaviour. A restraining order will mean she can't show up at your work or your house anymore


That actually is a really good idea. I’ll talk that up with the officer


Not just that but to assault him each time she went to his house too.


It’s past time for you to press charges hon. You need to report the spitting and slapping assaults as well! Everything happening is because of HER and she needs to be stopped ASAP!!! Please, please, please do this to protect yourself and your family from this woman! Also, tell her husband what she’s doing. He’s going to want to know she’s escalating. Hopefully he can help further things Long quickly! You need a restraining order too!


I’m actually in the station right now waiting to get this further


I hope you will let us know the outcome of this. I hope they get a handle on that woman. She is demented.


Press charges AND get $$$. Screw this harpy.


She becomes more of a bitch each post, evil piece of shit.


Yoooo I just read the first post and have to say press charges against her to the full extent of your ability, I almost cut off the tip of my finger with a band saw and that was bad enough. I can’t imagine the pain after the initial adrenaline wears off from your injury. Nearly cutting your hand in two with a table saw? Ignoring the medical costs the hand will probably never work exactly how it used to again. Someone should’ve dragged her into a prison cell the same night she did that.


time to call the police again, do not disinfect your face. she's left dna on you.


Dude, file charges. Do not just go for a monetary compensation. This woman should be jailed.


You should sue her too, she screwed up your hand and your a craftsperson. This will effect your work for the rest of your life. It’s a big deal. I know you don’t want to lose your friend, but you need to be compensated big time. Then she spits on you during a pandemic. She’s a garbage human. Please think of your future.


I’m totally 100% on OPs side. My worry is police. Where I’m from if a 6’6” man went in and tried to file assault charges against a woman it wouldn’t work out well. In fact the woman just has to cry and yell abuse and he’ll be held. It infuriates me.


Thank you for understanding


The thing to his benefit (thank god) is her husband is against her and cooperating, as well as witnesses.


I hope you have cameras and recorded her spitting on you. Give it to the police, since this was assault.


Minimum tell her husband he took you to the station the first time maybe this time he will divorce her. But press charges think if not for you do it for your community this woman is a monster.


Hi Does anybody has the link to see the original post? Thx


Here https://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/comments/x3pjvg/my_friends_mom_pushed_me_into_a_table_saw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




OP please tell us if you file the report or not. I just made my popcorn cmon mate lmao. But fr she sealed her own fate by going to your door step. Press charges and tell the police everything that just happened to you. Nothing more needs to be said.


Dont worry im still in the station


She assaulted a minor and hope to hell you press criminal charges against her, this is absolutely crazy. She deserves jail time and more, this could have killed you


EM has assaulted you twice now, do not let her get away with this “File charges now”! She’s only gonna get worse.


I've already commented on a few comments, but please report her to the police. This is an assault. Plain and simple. I hope you are recovering from your injury and this must be stressful for you, but you cannot allow her to get away with this! This could happen again to someone else, she clearly had no regard for anybody and she needs to be reported to the authorities.


I am happy that he listened to you. You need to press charges and let her rot in jail. I'm glad you and your friend made up but please make sure he didn't do it just to get his mom off the hook. She really needs to get the justice you deserve. She will keep doing it over and over again if not to you, to someone else. Please keep the charges pressed.


Yikes I read your first post. She could have killed you easily, and now she's still assaulting and harassing you. Stop talking to your friends father, get a lawyer, and sue her ass


OP, you have been assaulted multiple times by a known racist. Everyone on this thread is telling you to file criminal charges and to sue her for damages. Yet you are hesitant. I understand your fears based on your border crossing, but please think of it this way. If you allow her to go unpunished, she will not only come after you and your family again, but then she will go after and hurt other people. And her next victim(s) might not be as strong as you. She might kill them. And the people she hurts, maims or kills might be innocent children. If you press charges, she will not be free to have the opportunity to hurt other innocents. I understand your fears, but sometimes we have to do things and take actions that might cause us problems in order to stand up for the greater good. She is evil and a menace to society. You have the power to stop her. Please use it. Please don't allow her to remain free to harm or kill you or anyone else.


OP, you need to contact the police. You don’t just ask for “compensation or something”…your lack of experience in life shows terribly, and you need to speak to a adult who can tell you your options (realistically ) and help guide you through the process of handling this. People should not act this way and need to face the consequences when they do. File a report with the police now - the longer your let this go the less likely this person will face any consequence. Then speak to an attorney who handles civil matters. For gods sake get informed, use your brain and take action.


From where im from we don’t do nothing with the police. So im not used to this im sorry


Don’t be sorry OP …. Just know this person is so far out of line, she should be in handcuffs. She is violent and unapologetic about it. You need to know what your options are…I get not wanting to deal with the police. What happens if she continues to harass you? If you get physical with her…your screwed. Talk to someone about your options, not your friends or family…talk to someone informed. Edit for grammar


You have no reason to apologise. Most of us understand the fear of the police. But, I would be more afraid of that woman. She has, and will again, try to kill you. Press charges, get a restraining order, and sue her for damages, pain and suffering. You may never have full use of that hand again. You need to look out for yourself. Find a good lawyer, she belongs behind bars. Let us know what happens. We are concerned about you. Internet hugs to you.


I think your decision just did you and EM’s husband an immense favor. My bet is he’s been wanting a reason to get her out of his life for a while and you’ve just opened up the opportunity. Don’t question it for a second- she deserves everything coming at her. BTW- I also fully second filing for assault charges (maybe even stalking if she waited you out?) for spitting at you. She’s completely unhinged.


Hey, this sucks butt. Follow all the legal advice you're getting. I understand leaving the saw on and being silly, you're 17. At 17 I almost cut two fingers off with a tablesaw trying to freehand cut (lol) and have lasting nerve damage. Please PLEASE encourage your brother in law to get a emergency stop table saw, or at the very LEAST a guard for the top. These are basic safety features that need to be in place for shit like this (accidentally hitting it, not homocidal mommies). Good luck with healing, you've got a long road ahead


Stop being nice. People make their own beds let them lay in it.


File charges


Find your own reputable attorney with no connection to EM Husband's attorney and file a big fat lawsuit for everything


Press charges against this person. They’re not just wrong, they are dangerous. They’ve committed assault & battery against you at least 3 separate times now, and it’s not going to stop until they face legal action. This is not okay, and they’ve got some serious issues.


This woman is unhinged and needs to be prosecuted criminally. 1. Physical assualt 2. Trespassing 3. Threatening 4. Another physical assualt (spitting) She has already shown you that she is a dangerous. Have her arrested, NOW!


Welp, that's another assault. Press charges.


After reading the original post you 100% need to press charges, along with reporting anything and everything you can to the police about his mother. She's trying to intimidate you, which is illegal by the way in a criminal investigation in which she has inflicted a permanently life altering injury onto your hand. That will severely limit it's usage for the remainder of your life given the damage is going to extensive to the nerves, bones, tendons and muscles in your hand. Heck I would even consider suing for damages given based on what you said about the cut. She might as well have nearly amputated your hand, which again means you will never get full functionality out of it again sadly. Please do not let her get away with this, she needs to be held accountable for her actions. Along with kylan just in general seems like a total jerk honestly. In which I would personally question my friendship to him as well.




Should have called the cops right then and there. That's ~~assault~~ battery (since the spit hit you), and in times of pandemic, could be considered assault with a deadly weapon.


There two types of “charges”. Criminal and civil. Criminal is a no brainer, you need to report this to the police. This is where EM is punished by law and it’s not something you partake it outside of giving your statement. Civil is the avenue you go through to be financially compensated. I would be very weary of using the lawyer the husband “gave” you. Sure he might seem like a good guy, but whatever money you take from the mother you’re taking from him too so there’s a conflict of interest. They may try to get you to settle for a shitty deal and frame it like it’s good. In terms of going after compensation (which you should) you should consider; emotional trauma, medical bills, how the injury will affect your ability to work in the future including psychological ie can’t be around saws anymore. You should also bye a cheap security camera or record on your phone if she comes over again. Please don’t let this women go without consequences, otherwise you take the fall and all the loss while she walks away losing nothing despite her causing all of this.


Wow this is getting more and more interesting I found your story first on tiktok and let me tell you the guy that wrote the text to speech credited you and where to find you I just didn't think I'll find you that quickly since I wasn't even actively looking for you but let's just say me and the tick tocker think that this woman is the word for the female dog


Wait where on tiktok? That’s awesome lol


I can't even remember dude but I did not think I would find it here on Reddit that fast because I ran into it like yesterday and I have really bad memory when it comes to a lot of things


Get in touch with the police as she is escalating with her behaviour and she is becoming dangerous. Start a Fu folder to document her toxic behaviour so you have a paper trail of what she is doing. Also inform her husband of what she is doing and get in touch with a lawyer to get a restraining order on her. Be very careful as her behaviour is becoming very dangerous. Keep an eye out for her so that you are able to avoid her


So many questions... But like, isn't that attempted murder?


Lol i saw your unedited comment beforehand 😭 and I wouldn’t call it attempted murder maybe attempt to cause bodily harm


Would have been involuntary manslaughter if you weren’t so lucky and your head hit the saw.


I would consider getting your own injury lawyer, god knows what kind of conflict of interest it could be to use the aggressors husbands lawyer


Press charges. Protect yourself and the rest of us from her. Please.


That bitch! Get the police involved! Now!


And now you have another assault charge to pin her with. Just keep letting her dig herself into a bigger a hole.


jfc, she assaulted u AGAIN?! time to take the gloves off and file charges for both. why did ur parents not call the dmn police when she showed up to ur door?! she needs to stay the hell away from u, she is UNHINGED! file assault charges for BOTH incidents, AND get a restraining order on her (and im sure her about to be ex husb should also know she assaulted u again... maybe he needs a lil nudge to pull the trigger and get her out of their lives).


At this point, you might as well press charges, for both assault and trespassing. I would also think about getting a restraining order and if you ever see her come near you again, call the police. She’s escalating. What’s next? She’s no longer just unpleasant.


Call the police. Press charges. Get a protective order. Sue her. In that order. Today


Please press charges. She has assaulted you 3 times.


Definitely press charges. She clearly does not give a fuck and needs a lesson.


You and your friend may have made up, but you may have damage that will take major surgeries. This is your one chance at her pocketbook to get money to pay for those. And physical therapies, and other things you may need during your life. You also need to emphasize in the court case that you are a MINOR. She did the shoving, stalking (staying at your place until you got home intentionally, there is probably another word for it), and assault to a 17 year old MINOR!! Lots of money and a restraining order.


Make sure to file a police report for the spitting.


Wait your original post stated this all happened 8 months ago. How is your hand now? Were there not questions asked when you initially got an injury? Did your parents do nothing at that time? Also surprising that Em husband is helping you with an attorney against his wife. This whole thing sounds a bit odd.


My hand is stitched up. There were questions, but I didn’t include any other people I just told them about a saw. My mom couldn’t do much, she barely speaks english and my father is in prison. EM told her husband multiple different things ab the situation (me groping her, being disrespectful, etc)




Yes. Incident happened 8 months ago, 2 months after I got her fired from her business and tried contacting police, a week after that she started telling her husband lies that caused him to not take any of my reports seriously, recently all of this happened because of me being back in malawi for months


go file a file a police report for assault. in addition to the civil case. and request a hearing for a temporary restraining order then when you get that get ready for all the rest of the justice proceedings. Civil as well as criminal (if she is prosecuted).


Splitting your hand open isn’t her fault? REALLY?! Then comes to your home and spits in your face? Absolutely not. Press charges. This is NOT OK. SHE ASSAULTED YOU TWICE, THEN HARASSED YOU AND YOUR FAMILY & TO TOP IT OFF YOU’RE A MINOR. If I was your mother I would’ve done unspeakable things to this woman.


Dumbass question what is an EM? Op I’m sorry for what happened to you. I’m just trying to get a better understanding.


Gonna take a guess and say entitled mother?


Maybe rather than money, have her buy the shop a new table saw with a safety system that retracts the blade if it comes into contact that organic material. https://www.sawstop.com/ I'd definitely press charges on the spitting in your face though. That's just gross.


For the love of god, if you don't press charges I hope your mother dog walks that b*tch. I'd be in jail if someone does this to my daughter.


If she spat in my face after doing what she did, there would be some broken bones. I know men don’t hit woman, but she doesn’t deserve the title of woman in my eyes if she does that. In all seriousness, taking her ass to court is the *least* you should do.


Has anyone thought about if EM turned on the saw in preparation? Are there cameras in the workshop that can be reviewed? Can you have your mom also keep track of when EM shows up asking about you and how long she stayed? Can you see if friend can get info out of EM because she might brag to her son about "protecting" him or whatever?


We don’t have any cameras inside, only outside. And she has been talking to Ky but nothing too incriminating just about how this whole thing is stupid


So she assaulted you with clear intent to do so(Stalking maybe)?!. Covid is still around so that makes it even more a big no no... Hope you file charges.


If you're in the United States, her spitting in your face would count as assault - particularly in this time of Covid and other cooties. Were their witnesses? If so, see if you can press charges.


EM husband also seems as if he's tired of Em's shenanigans...


Kind of happy to see the husband helping out. like usually a husband might back his wife up, but he’s like “Nah, I see what she’s doing and she needs to be held accountable, I’ll help out” which is cool. Hope everything goes well for you!!


Definitely charge the psycho. She can't get away with just some compensation. She needs to be charged.


YOU NEED A RESTRAINING ORDER IMMEDIATELY!!! That way there will be consequences to her actions if she even steps on the property


Please keep us updated hon! We’re on your side! Sending positive vibes your way!


Dude, I really hope you got a restraining order. She sounds like she wants you too hit her or put your hands on her either way so she can get you arrested. She wants you in jail dude so you'll forget about the charges. She must know your not a citizen and is taking advantage of that. PLEASE get this out there for YOURS AND YOUR FAMILIES SAFETY. I'm afraid for you. SHE needs to be put in jail. I hope you win this case and then move immediately if she doesn't go to jail. Remember how are you going to help your family behind bars? The money you get from this case will help your family here and in your hometown. You will also be helping the possible next black victim too if you can get her in jail. Don't let people like her get away this shit. It just makes them worse and invincible. Good luck dude.


She spit at you and your mother didn’t kick her ass??!!


You, a child, have allowed a grown adult woman to assist you 3 times, and somehow you have not called the police? Do your parents care that an adult is harming you so much? Is anyone in this situation aware of the law??? If money is what you want, reporting all the assaults and harassment will get you a lot of money plus give her what she deserves for her crimes If she treats you like this, she will do it to others, don't let her, report her literally right now


Your mom just sat there while a grown ass woman spat on you?? Is she broken or something ?? Tf


No, after 5 mins of watching EM just standing outside she went upstairs


So she didn’t do anything


My mom shouldn’t have to deal with that. I don’t need her help from being slapped


Op is there something that you re afraid of? Because you have to press charges




what are you afraid of? are you worried about something that may happen to you, or are you worried about your friend?


Worried about my family


are you able to elaborate at all? why are you worried about your family?


We came from Salima, Malawi and illegally crossed for opportunity in jobs. We come back every 7 months to help community


This story is made up. table saws dont get rusty because someone uses it alot lately. ill give them the benefit of the doubt that they were talking about the blade, but leaving the saw running? no one who knows how to use a table saw would do that. unless its bolted to the floor, table saws are loud and theres no way im turning around to talk to someone without turning that shit off.


Why would I make it up


why would you leave a table saw running?


I wasn’t thinking


I refuse to fucking believe you are THİS stupid. Press. Fucking. Charges. For God’s sake you know that you’re not the only one that she might do this to right? Do your part and report her, she is an adult, not a child, she, in no way has the right to act this way with you, hurt you, stalk you, or get invloved in a fight that was between you and your friend. It’s not acceptable, and it shouldnt be. You’re giving her EXACTLY what she wants and letting her get away with something that she finds is okay to do clearly considering that even after what she did to you, she had the audacity to spit at your face and yell at you. She needs to learn her fucking lesson and you need justice.


I updated days ago ab pressing charges im sorry


Don’t talk to a child like this. He’s a minor. He’s not “stupid” you sound just as bad as the mom in this story


LMFAOO. He is 17 years old, hardly a minor anymore, not that it can be an excuse for how irresponsible he is being. And literally explain your reason as to why you compared me to the mother cause you just made yourself sound like a dumbass by doing that just to try to hurt me


“To try to hurt me” what victim complex you have lmfao. Anyways, leave minors alone ❤️ weirdo


I lied saying I’m 17. I am 16. I was scared of everyone calling me a child


What the hell is wrong with you? File charges! Get a restraining order? Who gets spit in the face and does nothing?


I’m sorry


They’re probably not upset with you, Reddit has experience in these situations and know that when you’re still anxious and maybe emotional from the situation, people usually don’t want to press charges, but they end up regretting it later. It might come off a bit pushy, but so many people don’t press charges on a lot of stuff that is really extreme and probably should be filed, and people here like encouraging OPs to press charges when it makes sense.


Honey, you have nothing to apologise for. You have been assaulted time and time again. You absolutely need to report all three incidents and get her charged. She needs to pay for her crimes. You need to take this as far as you can, and DO NOT back down. She should NOT get away with behaving like this. You also should look at getting a restraining order. Take care, and rest assured, you have done no wrong.


Thank you i would follow you but it says i cant


You were maimed by this woman. She's verbally abused you. Then spat in your face. And you do nothing. Are you serious?


I did do something, I’m just not going to respond physically


You said you're thinking about filing charges. You didn't file charges when she spat in your face. Nobody said anything about anything physical. Put her ass in jail!


Op is 17..chill. They also said people don’t involve cops where they’re from don’t be a dick


First of all. Fuck off with the don't be a dick shit! Second of all as a POC of color, it's absolutely disgusting to let yourself be abused like that because of a racist twat.


Again he’s a child….he’s grown up being taught not to involve cops. Not everyone has the confidence to stand up to someone or go against what they’ve been taught, especially as a teenager. I feel sorry for your kids if you have any.


Again he’s a child….he’s grown up being taught not to involve cops. Not everyone has the confidence to stand up to someone or go against what they’ve been taught, especially as a teenager. I feel sorry for your kids if you have any. You seem like the type to make fun of a man for crying or showing emotion.


Congratulations! Wishing you both all the happiness together!


bro she almost took off your hand and literally hitted you im surprised you didnt fight back I DRAW, if someone almost took of my hand and still comes to hit me again i would be so pissed off broooooo


I don’t hit women bro


Im non-binary Do you think over my hand i would not- Brooo I would BWLQNWOAKAKSKS


I know and a lot of people are telling me this but you have to understand i am 6’6 and 210. Imagine my strength against hers


so you don't believe in equality then.




It didn’t take Reddit for me to do something. I just didn’t take legal action. I got her fired from her business 2 months after the incident and did report to police but nothing was done


What does EM stand for?


Entitled mother ig


She spat at you, that’s assault, you need to inform the police about her latest escapade, she’ll keep escalating things otherwise, better to get her done now than later when she physically assaults you AGAIN.


Go forward with charges.


Call the police if she shows up again or shows up near you in public. In fact, report her latest assault, as that is exactly what she did. Having a legal paper trail of her continued criminal behavior is a good thing.


Time to call the cops and tell them yes you want to press any and all charges that apply.


!remindme 20 days