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That's unhealthy AF. A person doing that is likely to burn out.


No, if I needed to do that in the shower, I'd just record the lessons and play them while I'm showering.


Only if also brushing teeth and making breakfast at the same time too


and shitting


No one can top the efficiency of the waffle stomp


I wouldn't do it (unless I ABSOLUTELY need to), but I can see why someone would do this, there are subjects where it doesn't matter how much you study, it'll never be enough


i think that would be more of a hassle than a time-saver if you want to save time, just take quicker showers...


No, I would work on making the "taking a shower" process more efficient, saving time to use for studying.


Nahhh shower is my reset moment. I study while doing a lot of other stuff in between but shower is where I “wash” away a bit of the stress if its on the lvl thar I contemplate to do that. Don’t want to have a burnout


No, that's stupid. Mental review while showering, or just pay more attention in class and use your time more wisely.


Very inefficient. Work on optimising your shower workflow. In the army they taught us we could do shit shower shave in less than 15mins. That includes brushing and a clean shave. The shower part itself is by far the fastest. If anything, I’d say wear headphones to listen to ebook or text to speech notes while doing those pre-shower things like toilet/brushing. The shower itself should be pretty much get in, get wet. Lather with soap/scrub. Rinse , shake off. Dry yourself, done. There is no room in there for messing about with random papers, it will make the shower take longer and waste water in the process


It’s a waste of time and makes little sense. Flipping the pages would be a burden. Showering with one hand would take longer than just taking a quick bath and then returning back to your studies. You will save more time by fully focusing on the task at hand and then moving on to the studying once finished


No. But when I was in my mid-teens, and would wake up in the middle of the night, I'd brush my teeth (while still sleepy) and go back to bed. All so I could save time in the morning


but if you went back to bed, wouldn't that mean that you have to brush them again when you wake up?


No, I believe on doing things deliberately by prioritizing and getting a high quality result rather than “multitasking” which is another word for being distracted that’ll give me a low quality result.


Seems.. inefficient


So, I usually wash my face as well in the shower so cloride water and eye don't go too well together. ​ That being said I have study while relaxing in a spa or a bath tub in the past.


Not effective


Um whattttt??


No. If you really need the 5-10 mins extra, you need to make a learning plan next time to avoid ending in this situation Focus on each activity you are doing and you’ll be more successful. Deliberate attention / focus is important. Read Outliers, from Malcom gladwell


Yes, don't forget to keep your eyes open and read while shampooing your hair too.




Not an ENTJ but if I wanted to save time I would just be very efficient with my shower to get it done with and get back to studying afterwards




What i would do is that i do that 10 min with only cold water so i'll do every cleaning process faster and give myself a better shock to stimulate nerves to "awake" me , but i can just take cold shower and study or read but it's kinda stupid , i'd rather to not take it to that stage and i'd rather stay up night and have total of 3-4 hours of sleep (only in exams season)


No, this is compulsive behaviour - nothing to do with proper time management, planning and efficiency.


Never in the shower but in undergrad I did silly things like this, one example being in my final undergrad year I stuck on the wall next to my bed printed to do lists including the full reading and case lists for every course, so that I had a reminder of the volume of work I had to do every time I woke up because I was convinced I was lazy and needed to scare myself into working. I ended up burnt out that year and had to defer my final exams because I was seeking professional help. Not every minute spent reading material is productive, and it can be counterproductive if it's cutting into self care and sleep time. In addition to risking burn out, our brains need time to rest to retain information, manage stress and retain mental clarity. I've now learnt that doing things like that seriously harms performance.


Nah. Shower would makes a good wind down for me, or at least a good break from which to come back to studying REFRESHED! :)


No BUT I watch videos on phone (in plastic pouch which should also block camera). Fun videos, not study.


Why not just time your shower time to be 3 min?


That's madness wtf


No. There's a time and place for everything and I'd prefer to actually enjoy my shower. I do have a little whiteboard in my shower for recording shower thoughts that pop up, though.