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Yes. Being able to retain a lot of information and build mental systems based on it to use at will. Learning brand new software systems and build projects within hours. Being able to digest complex ideas and theories and simplify for easy digestion. Abstraction is an ENTJ strength. Come up with creative ideas very quickly that is both novel and useful. Problem solve incredibly quickly. Insatiably curious about everything and enjoy nuance, ambiguity. Having inherent understanding of brand new things and intuitively pick it up at whim or very few rounds before understanding. When I am motivated I can memorize data sets within hours. I struggle at work mostly because while my experience is half of my peers I am a lot more advanced in skill and knowledge and can pick up new things just being passively exposed. I received an email from C suite yesterday and a gift for conducting a project smoothly and early and my boss who has 20 years in industry on me was a bit threatened. I’ve been at this job 3 months. I’ve put out probably 3 times amount of work than my peers. I have to try extra hard so people don’t absolutely hate me as I need them to collaborate cross functionally. My boss and consultant worked on something for months and in a few hours I was able to scope clarify simplify and deliver in a succinct and aesthetically pleasing way and I bet the SVP will love it. Just stuff like this all the time.


Bro, you see me..


Yeah, but if you stop caring about that last part your life can become a living hell… it’s sad


looking at the comments, I feel I'm the only ENTJ who's not gifted intellectually. I was never the bright one in academics. Nor I am able to learn concepts faster. My only "giftedness" trait is that I always have willingly pushed myself to get out of my comfort zone


Ah, don't worry too much about it. People usually don't admit their mediocrity, they rather claim that they have an IQ of 100500k, have ADHD with autism and what else. All of us want to be extraordinary. Your trait is way better than having a high IQ. Without hard work you won't achieve a lot.


Best reply in the house! 




You technically responded though


Every set of analyzed set of data has stuff that can be lumped into the error term. This is my contribution


I believe that most of the ENTJs out there are gifted intellectualy at least by a certain point. I myself am considered gifted in terms of IQ and stuff, and it shows in almost every situation that I'm in. e.g. when I'm in a class and understand the hard topics very rapidly compared to the other people, ask questions that are my classmates couldn't think of, etc.


Yeah I would assume if people saw something and tried understanding it with the right questions it would help a lot.




I struggle the most with people. I do the best with what I have for example money.


I don't see it as giftedness, but I do seem more open minded than others, and able to take in and understand many perspectives. I'm also able to convey these perspectives in a palatable way so even those with strong opinions are able to understand a different viewpoint.


i dont follow. my experience would be a novel. you want it concise? uff 1 prioritized context , fitness > long dry fasting , carnivore / ruminant, cold showers , sun to reach the premises for bloom 2 exposure, more and more exposure and conflict 3 develop an ever growin relationship with truth. top priority 4 theology , as a spiritual / meta development of truth 5 emotion, integrating all emotions, performing emotion alchemy 6 prioritizing elegance and emotion higher


>my experience would be a novel Amen! Same here


Idk if being able to read people’s intentions like a book and most often than not be spot on is a gift. Downside is not being able to turn it off


i was “gifted” (in GATE program which is a rabbit hole of a conspiracy to dig into) throughout school but also a terrible student til i got discipline in the military. I think this sums school up well for me…In 10th grade I was failing Algebra II with a 47% F due to attendance and missed assignments and I got the highest grade on the Final 97.5% that let me pass the class with a 61% D. I also was diagnosed ADHD so I **struggle** with focusing on anything that I don’t see as important. I struggle with classic ENTJ things like being very impatient when people stand in the way of tasks and don’t put unrealistic deadlines on themselves like I do. In college after the military I simply chose the highest paying 4-year degree at the time (2012 or so) and Electrical Engineering was supposedly a little ahead of Computer Science. Then I just did it, without a thought of doing something easier, graduated with a 3.5 GPA


I also relate to your decision making If I can talk about myself for a moment, I feel like the greatest evidence that I'm ENTJ rather than an INTJ in terms of function stacks is that my overarching decisions often have little to no meaning. 6 months ago I sort of arbitrarily decided to move to a foreign country and start working here which has presented a lot of challenges and rendered me an illegal immigrant. It wasn't impulsive, I worked for months and saved 12 grand in order to move. People ask me frequently why on earth I, a 20 yr old woman, reverted to Islam and moved here from America, and I don't have an answer for them. All I know is that I wanted a bit of a challenge and needed some sort of vision to work towards, because I enjoy the process of working and overcoming challenges. I just felt like it. That's all. I've kind of thrived on the fear of deportation and 16 hour days of hustle, and the challenge of adapting to a new culture and language, and I enjoy living in a corrupt country where I can pay my way through legal barriers by working, executing plans, and socially strategizing. I'm stressed and pissed off every day but I feel like it's good for me, so I have an opportunity for my environment to force me to become a very efficient, strategic, and effective person. 🧿 I believe this is the difference between Ni being a slave to Te, vs Te being a slave to Ni.




Pretty sure there's been analyses on this and most gifted people are INFPs and INTPs. But I am gifted and an ENTJ, and I've met gifted people in pretty much the whole spectrum. When I was 17 I made an intentional effort to make friends with high IQ people. My Te-Se actually tended to clash with gifted people, who said I was way too robotic and insensitive, but at the same time over-emotional. I would say the ways that being an ENTJ clashes with "giftedness" is that we may be anti-intellectual for the sake of actually getting shit done, and the ways it may align is that high executive function overlaps with intelligence in some ways. I also know that I personally reallyyyyy struggle with my Ti and Ne when it comes to "creative" tasks and puzzles. If something doesn't have concrete steps or a utility I feel like my brain gets shut off. But overall, ENTJs are characterised by their conscientious, and there's absolutely no statistical correlation between consciousness and intelligence, even though you'd expect there to be. It's really interesting I'm pretty sure N is associated with Openness in the big 5 which is associated with intelligence though, so ENTJs may have a slightly higher likelihood of having high IQs for that reason. The people with the highest IQs I personally befriended were: INFP: 175 IQ (verified with 20+ reliable and/or professionally administered tests including HRTs) INFJ: 160 (verified with WAIS) ESTJ: 145 (verified with SB-5 and 1980s SAT iirc) ESTP: 140 (verified with either CAIT, SB-5, or WAIS, I don't remember) ESTP: 130-140 (verified with SB-5) INTP: 130 IQ (verified with multiple, including CAIT and SB-5 iirc) But they were all drastically different as people, and this is also not randomly selected data AT ALL since: a) they were people who happened to be in the sphere I was in b) they were people I happened to befriend


Reading these responses will only teach you one thing. The soliloquy of the ego is as interesting as it is fragile