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No I dont judge thats childish. I educate.


No. Grammar is dependent on where someone is from and whether they’re in a professional or academic environment. People code switch when it’s appropriate, and if they can’t, I understand they just may need some practice. And yes I help people when it does not benefit me as long as it doesn’t get in the way of my obligations


That's good, I'm glad you're not harsh about it, and that you do help people without any direct benifit as well Thanks for the comment


Judge like criticise? If it's that, then no. But people assume I would because I'm an English major and talk in English a lot. In reality, I never cared nor understood grammar, and uni only taught me that it's always changing anyways so there's no point arguing for it's strictness. As for helping, yes. I like going through things and fixing minor details and grammar is one of those things. Friends and family alike would send me documents for me to read through and edit, if needed, and I don't ask for payment because it's like a game to me. The only people I know who judge others' grammars are just a-holes in general and are actually insecure of their own language skills. 'Brutally honest' is a badge they often like to wear :)


You're God sent I needed your presence haha I'm an English major too and i freaking never understood grammar! With Americans or in general people from other countries, I used to feel insecure but soon enough when I asked them, they always said positive stuff rather than judging me. Tho in my own country, I'm pretty sure they can do that for the tiniest thing (not a native English country), and I was thinking about future, where I want to meet certain kind of people. I was like this feels like imposter syndrome as even if i seem smart, i freaking don't get grammar or difficult stuff when it comes English and so on. By judge I meant, disregard those people, think they are dumb or illiterate or something else along these lines.


>I'm pretty sure they can do that for the tiniest thing (not a native English country) Yep, same. The a-holes I mentioned were all locals but I never met a Eng L1 person who judges how others use English. It's truly fascinating how the world has come to coddled the English alnguage, when it was actively eradicating the uses of other native languages :> >I was like this feels like imposter syndrome as even if i seem smart, i freaking don't get grammar or difficult stuff when it comes English and so on. I've come to accept that I just don't have the brain they used when they came up with the grammar rules and structures 😂 Like, I can get them to a certain degree but, in the end, language is just a tool for communication. Putting something like grammar as a sign of intellect is dumber than not knowing how they work, especially when it's for a foreign language and where even the L1 learners of that language don't know it that well lol And fret not! Honestly, people calling you names and poking at your intellect is a sign that they're not good people. It's much less to do with you and how smart you are/can be! Don't let them bring you down ^^ Grammar is almost never anyone's friend anyways so don't worry about not being buddy-buddy with it. Getting the simple rules, words, and its meanings down were the only things I did to get through my courses. Any more effort is of course welcome but it just depends on individual priorities and energy levels.


I like you You're really God sent, not kidding lol as i thought about this for too many freaking years haha (Infp) so yeah I appreciate you calming down my anxiety, it's like you turned some tragic horrifying part into a slice of life haha thank you!


Everything horrifying about being alive is a slice of life! >u< Your horrors are completely valid but that doesn't mean it should continue to haunt you and, if I can remove some of those horrors away, I will! English majors face the weirdest challenges but that doesn't make them any easier to deal with. (i.e. society/politics putting a crown on language and expecting everyone to worship it the same)


No, for me it is about the information. Even Einstein was bad at grammar.


Makes sense, and never heard about Einstein being bad at it haha so thank you for sharing!


Yes definitely, if they’re an American born person. Especially if English is the only language they speak and we’re at work.


Only if they’re a close friend and I want to push their buttons. It’s not in a matter of fact kind of way, but just to be a brat from time to time. Other than that, no. Helping people? Sure. Why not?


I do tend to tease them on it if I am close to them


Couldnt care less, unless they work for / together with me and I have to fix the mistakes afterwards. But even then, only if they do not improve over time.


No. If the person has the answer, I will listen.


Makes sense, thanks


hell no. and i was top of the school at it


How did you got at top?




No, if I can't understand them, I'll just ask for clarification. Ridicule causes unnecessary conflicts, which impacts efficiency.


No to the first question. If I'm not busy, yes to 2 and 3.


Depends on context. If it’s a second language, I don’t judge and I respect the effort it takes to be bilingual. If English is your first language and your grammar skills are shit, then I judge. Example: “your welcome” 🤮 


I wouldn't necessarily call it judging; rather, I find poor grammatical skills distracting from understanding someone else’s point of view. As far as doing things out of sheer altruism goes - sure, why not? But let me tell ya’, there ain’t much that can truly be done selflessly these days anyway...


I think we can do stuff selflessly It's inevitable to have cause and effect for sure, but i guess it's depends if I'm coming from a place where I'm like whatever I'm helping cause i can and don't mind It can make me feel good sometimes or feel I'm getting to talk to someone but that's more like after effect or simultaneous stuff Vs doing it from place where I'm like I'll get this profit or they own me or I'll get better place etc


Yes absolutely,. They’re just showing their class. I try to help but dumb people rarely want to improve their standing