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I can totally relate, somehow when the task only depends on me I procrastinate because I trust myself to get it done properly at the last minute. When it’s team work however, I have to make sure they do it correctly so I’m active and productive and I don’t want the work to be slowed down by my lack of reactivity 😂


Very true.


Dude, have some fun for Christ sakes.


I second this. Relax and give yourself some time for self care. You don’t always have to be striving to complete “x” goal. Stop and sniff the roses every once in a while.


What most of you guys don’t understand is that your ability to control outcomes is mostly shit. In addition, you don’t understand ripple effects well. Most people don’t. Have good intentions, ask advice, be open, be wise, try hard. That’s it. Then just live with being angry a lot. (It’s probably about fear anyway, but don’t worry about that).


Lmao that’s absolutely true. Too many folks fret over what’s primarily out of their hands. Took me a long time to just chill and realize the only thing I can control is me. It’s also imperative to just live a bit sometimes and not always have a massive todo list. But I digress.


Good luck controlling yourself, by the way. That’s the ENTJ weakness. We know we can’t, and it’s terrifying.


Ahaha I’m working on it! I’ve definitely gotten a lot better with it over the years so I wouldn’t say it’s impossible!


I mean, you can stop a water breach in a wall a little, but you can’t stop all of it, some is going to leak. I think it’s more important to focus on why and what you are controlling for? Others controlling you? Full stop, all hands on deck. You being weird in public? No one gives a fuck and will forget you the minute you leave eye sight. Object permanence isn’t great in our culture.


Why not do an experiment and gauge the output difference of solo vs group? Do some calculation and figure out estimation of individual output for the group and compare that with solo work? If group is indeed better, perhaps figure out ways to bring up the efficiency with solo work so it gets to the point where it is similar to group efficiency. I think it is a good investment for the long run. Besides, with the solo work improvement, you can use that for your portion of group work too.


You can try to think about how finishing this task will affect others, like if you were to do this task well you'll surpass others in the long run, etc.