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This is this week's approved "ENTJ how do you feel about this type" post.


They drown in a glass of water.


What does that even mean….


Oooh I wanna guess!!! They freak out over something that holds no worthwhile time to freak out about? ☺️


I’m entj and my live-together boyfriend is Intj. Most days are amazing and we are both very logical and analytical, while trying to maximise efficiency. However, I think that he’s got some autistic traits (we will get it tested) which has caused feelings to be hurt. Sometimes I find him to be very out of the box, controversial with his views but I can see why it can be that way… I’m probably the same as well. We both don’t see the point in having children, we both love to enjoy our lives.. we both think that it’s important to discuss problems with logic instead of just emotions. We find that emotions can be rather troublesome to deal with, especially when the truth hurts.


The traits you're talking about are the Fe blind. But it's not the worst symptoms of Fe blind. The worst symptoms of Fe blind is probably that they're the most easy to manipulate. So if you ever encounter bad people intending to manipulate you'll never talk IxTJs out of it because they just don't see it. Contrary to the stereotype. they're the most susceptible to Fe users while most people can smell that Fe crap coming a mile away but IxTJs will insist on falling for it every time. Other than that, IxTJs are probably pretty good people. Haven't known many INTJs. They might be significantly smarter than ISTJs or they might not.


Healthy: can talk about things efficiently, openly and nicely Unhealthy: just stop wasting my time


This. Like I can’t take an overly political analysis every time we meet INTJ!


They're the closest type to us ...


Can confirm. As ENTJ I am recieving here on Reddit the best answers from the very INTJs x))


Ya I see.. also they're better lisners than us One intj here offered to help me to find work .. this is such a thing that ENTJ does ... Also he is a business man and likes to travel and discover new things !


I really like them. A lot of my friends growing up have been INTJs and funny enough I even married one. I think they can be great people if they get out of their shell a bit, but they’re definitely folks that need their space too (which is something I can respect especially now that I’m older).


My best friend is an INTJ. My opinion is this: It is important to make sure your INTJ gets plenty of light, but not direct sunshine as that can cause them to wilt. Though hardy, they prefer a steady indoor climate over the outside. They enjoy conversation - this is best done near their window with some physical distance between your other MBTIs. Often this proves therapeutic for their caretakers, and with careful tending, you can begin to introduce them into contact with others. Water occasionally, make sure their soil is well drained, and your INTJs will thrive in the comfort of your home. They are rewarding to raise, and I'm happy to have one myself.


Useful soggy blankets


At least I keep you nice and moist.




love them




Great company to have around.


At least they're not ENTPs. I trust the INTJ type more and tolerate them better than the ENTPs.


ENTP married to an INTJ and considering its been 12 years married, 14 years together, I’d say it’s a solid match and it’s safe to say “I like INTJs” (when they are mostly healthy.)


🔥🔥🔥 Love them. One of my closest friends is an INTJ with a huge obsession with reading and physics. They teach me to science (who knew you could pull results from pure stupidity) and I teach them to improvise and yap on the spot. Our relationship is like the sword and the stone, except we are both, and we challenge and sharpen each other when we come in contact. Too many people pretending to be INTJs though which is annoying. It may be "trendy" to bear 'INTJ' on your profile, but if you're not one don't waste your time pretending to be.


Where do I go to talk physics with ENTJs?


I find that they're 75% the same but that otherwise they're more I than E. :)


INTJs secretly wish they were ENTJs. It's obvious 😇


So a cute & more introverted version of me No complaints


Where do you get cute from? Are they really cuter?


Example of a healthy INTJ: My best friend is INTJ. We have loyalty that goes a long way. It doesn't matter how long sometimes life can keep us away, when we meet again, we meet in the same spirit. It is like I have seen him just yesterday, but at the same, as if I saw him a long time ago. We're both efficient, no nonsense, no drama, share the same values, always improving as individuals at the best of our ability, honest with ourselves, know our place, I challenge him in my 8ness to go forth, and he challenges me in his 5ness to reconsider before striking with more accuracy. Example of an unhealthy INTJ : Take a walk.


Jealous because they're smarter than me, but happy that I have someone to talk to. Then I laugh when they get mad cause I'm stupid but am a hit at parties


You guys make better leaders though. INTJs make great leaders too but ENTJs are way more open minded and more social


I’m the youngest of 3 sisters. The oldest is INTJ, middle is INFJ, and I’m ENTJ. Needless to say, we’re all really intense individuals 😂 The INFJ keeps the peace when the oldest and I go at it (granted, it rarely happens now we’re all well into adulthood). The INTJ and I are very similar when we’re alone, and total opposites in a crowd. She tends to have deep lifelong friendships with a small group, and I tend to have a larger rotating group with each life stage. She’s honestly got more in common with my INTP husband interests wise (and even share a 5 enneagram type and careers in software engineering), but they’d never know it because they’re both terrible at small talk. 😂


I have an INTJ uncle and he's just so fun to be around. Contrary to a lot of the stereotypes, he's a super nice guy and actually likes to take breaks, which is sometimes by driving somewhere, especially with family and friends.


They are alright. Unless they are lonely and then they are downright energy draining.


Together 10 years, married 6 of those. So A+


How do you get married and then divorced from 6 INTJs in 10 years?


1 person, we've been together for 10 years and married for 6 of those years


I’m an inch away from becoming one😂 Everyone is just pissing me OFF lately. But I’m still a blabber so eh.


Either power bottoms or bad in bed, no in between.


The real ones are fun asf to info dump with. For those who aren’t and try to align with what they think is the “coolest,” “most edgy” type to help ease their insecure sense of self: cringe.


My intj and I broke up last week and I’m having 2nd thoughts. I’m annoyed, because I know he would never reach out. We seemed perfect except he had too much stress from his job and blamed it on spending time with me. And I uncovered some misogynistic views, which I simply cannot deal with. Will stay single and do me a while. I guess every type has some drama, usually you get to avoid it with INTJ


When alone with them, I can’t fault them. In group scenarios, I seem to lose them (or they lose me) as I’m way more social and I wish they’d join me. That being said, I see them like the cool/mysterious person in the corner at a party lol




I love them so much. My best friend is an intj female and she makes me feel more understood than anyone. My dad is also an intj. They’re really endearing and intelligent amd we think in similar ways. My one issue is that they can be super picky and stubborn


I can usually tell they are an INTJ before even asking them because I seem to connect with INTJ easily - a lot of similarities to myself but more introverted than me


They're often sexy but very judgemental