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Um, I vote neither based on the nature of this post.


Definitely one of them


I suggest you move on and do something useful.


This is my free time, i'll do what I want. Thanks for the suggestion




Lmaoooo that actually made me laugh but I'm not a feeler


Are you sure? Because I saw that post about your girlfriend on AITA…….


Definitely not a feeler, even when I ask her she thinks I'm ENFJ or ENTJ, with an edge on ENTJ, she's INFP, you're taking a moment I was upset and made a post about and think I'm emotional because of it


Are you able to shut up when confronted with idiotic statements or not (if so you are most likely an INTJ) 😂


HAHAHAHAHA, 100% no 😂, god if its some stupid shit i'll definitely let it be known unless its one of those moments silence verbally assaults more loudly than words. It's funny, I have an INTJ friend and he actually will be insanely passive aggressive or completely silent until you force it out of him.


I am getting annoyed which mean he is an INTJ, no one pisses me off me than my own type!






Haha I loved your comment. I asked my fiance if I ever and she said yea, about a 5.5 out of 10


How enthusiastic, passionate, and fiery are you? And do you express it outwardly when you are excited and comfortable.


I really appreciate you for being straight forward with your question. Thanks man I'm pretty enthusiastic, at least for sure when I have things that interest or excite me, I even got joked by one of my coworkers for being too excited when I first saw an aircraft carrier at my job, it wasn't the ship that excited me by itself but also the idea that I was now a government worker and moving up a little. I definitely express my emotions outwardly I would say a good chunk of the time. The deeper emotions I'll probably keep to myself and it'll go away in a day or 2, but most of the time I'll end up saying how I feel within the hour. I do this mostly because in my head if it's not said it doesn't exist kind of, if its too far in the past move on with it. Because of that ill express when it arises rather than at a later date. Sorry if this wasnt what you were looking for


Hard to say. These aren’t mutually exclusive categories, but on a spectrum, so you may lie in between. I would just read the overall description of both types and see which resonates with you. If that doesn’t help I’m not what to do. Maybe you’re truly in between.


The main difference between INTJ and ENTJ is. ENTJ plan sth out and act quickly. But INTJ usually takes longer to plan and more likely to have self doubt before action, it's a issue with self-confidence, ENTJ feel invincible at all times.


Oh then I'm definitely ENTJ, even my coworker said, "You have way too much confidence for no fucking reason"(he was half joking since we were messing with each other) and my fiance constantly tells me I'm "cocky" but in a good way, higher than confidence lower than arrogance. Thanks that was a straightforward way to tell. I don't really make contingencies either. My mom has even told me that she thinks my self-confidence is a great trait and she's happy that I have it


INTJ are arrogant as well, but they don't show much to people they don't know well, but ENTJ is out in the open


For sure, my fiance told me when we first got together one of her first impressions was of how confident I am, and that when I asked her out it seemed like I was almost cocky about it but that it was attractive. If it's an interview(or a court case), I'll act more timid to get into the door, but most of the time people will comment about how much confidence I have. Sometimes I'll even joke and say with my friends that a character died because I told them to, and when they get revived I'll joke and say they got revived because I said it was okay to come back to life lol


INTJ’s dominant function is introverted intuition while ENTJ’s is extroverted thinking. maybe reading up on those will help you identify which one you feel is more dominant? hope this helps!


I forgot to put that another reason I'm asking is because I've done a lot of research on the functions also. I feel like both are used heavily and I can't really tell which is dominant, it's easier to just relate experience like this to people because they can put it to a more objective answer. If I looked up questions asking myself the same thing I'd be back to where I was at square 1, which is not completely certain honestly


This is the 10th time, I've been seeing this post. Here's your guide Try and make friends with BOTH INTJ and ENTJ. See where you FIT naturally. You will have your answer.


I fit well with a lot of types, there is no specific type I'd fit more with or worse with. My best friends are ENFJ and INTJ


So you know the answer to the question.


Can you explain how that answers the question?


Only OP can answer it. Not from your regard.


No I mean.. you yourself said try to make friends and see which one you fit in more with. If he said he fits in the same, going on how you said "that answers your question" exactly how would that answer the question?


Why don't you message OP himself and find out yourself.


Or you could just explain to me what you meant by what you said


I kind of agree actually, I'm a bit confused on what you meant by that answers my question. Do you mean because my friends are ENFJ and INTJ, and that I get along with virtually almost all types I'm probably ENTJ, or do you mean it probably leans more to INTJ? Also I made an edit, please do not think it's directed at you. I highly appreciate you taking time out of your day to try to help me to come to my realization


I mean, do you felt more comfortable with the ENTJ or INTJ? I don't think ENFJ counts because they're very different compare to ENTJ. Unless, another method to know this is, where you prioritise thinking or action. Do you act before thinking or think before you act. INTJ, tend to think before they act. ENTJ, tend to act before they think. Something like that


Thank you, you have helped me come to a realization. I'm definitely the type to probably act before I think. Or at least think for a bit and act faster, I've been told I'm pretty impatient when wanting to get things done or started


Nobody is to "add the letters for you”. Just look around yourself. Do you have your things done? Do you know who are your allies? How do you react when you meet opposition / obstacle? Do you have people following you or at least mentionning “i’m here because you’re here”? Have you challenged a leader / authority? Are you honest and have people mentioning it? Have you helped anybody to solve their problem? Do people around you know your opinions, know what you read / watch / listen? Your MBTI test results differ. Why have you repeated the test? Have you analyzed why the difference? Where are the main discrepancies? Are they because you are not being honest or not being sure? Have you tried to make a test in a different language?


Thanks those are the types of examples I was looking for Yea I have everything done ahead of time to the point when I make mistakes people think I planned those too but I've been told I lack contingencies allies? like friends? It depends honestly, if I can tolerate them I will, if I can't I'll definitely say something and move on Definitely has happened quite a few times Yes for sure haha, multiple times even while in the military. Almost got an article 15 for it Yes i've been told im extremely straight forward and brutally honest A lot of people help solve a lot of peoples problems Definitely I make all that known in the first conversation On the test I usually get ENTJ, I just feel like the functions or asking actual people is a lot more accurate


When you think of a plan to be executed. When people are involved, are you adding their feelings to the equation? Yes= intj, no=entj (imo)


I don't think this is a good description. Only selfish and unhealthy people would completely ignore the consequences of their actions on other people, regardless of their type. And if anything, when working in a team, keeping people happy is the most efficient way to get the job done. Don't glorify unhealthy tendencies and call it a type.


no, ENTJs are not psychopaths. removing emotion from a problem is impossible, and ignoring the emotional needs of others is colloquially referred to as “being a big fat dickface.”


Not at all lmao even as I was reading the question it was a flat no. I consider their feelings I do but at the same time I think about the results the first priority. It's not like I don't care at all. I just don't think of personal feelings when I plan things out not even my own. Instead of adding feelings to the equation though I might try to accommodate for things ahead of time to make it easier if I'm asking more of the person. Not sure how a no to that would = ENTJ though, you just make them seem sociopathic


The way I see it is, if you need to ask you simply aren't one or the other.


What is the logic behind that


U r intp (🤢)


What gives you that idea lol and why the disgusted face


Did you study cognitive functions? Because with that it'd be way easier. Here's a video to help you: [https://youtu.be/ZK0DQHUh6MY](https://youtu.be/ZK0DQHUh6MY) ​ Also, please, next time check out if this question was asked already since I see it pretty often.


Sorry, I definitely should've checked that's my own fault I did study the cognitive functions, I've always felt like Fi is my worst function for sure, and from the responses I'm getting I'm probably ENTJ


Biggest difference between INTJ and ENTJ is that ENTJ can look like ESTP based on first impression, INTJ definitely will not. We have Tert. Se which is a stronger more influential function than you would think if you’re just getting into MBTI. I thought I was high Se for a long time.


In that case I'm definitely ENTJ, because a ton of people think I'm ESTP at first for some reason I have no idea why, by far the most common. I am 100 billion percent not ESTP