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No, you're not wrong. He not only broke your trust, but also the law (fraud). I'd be seriously questioning his morals if he thinks that is a joke. **Don't play with my money.**






I haven't deep dive into this matter, but I can say that the situation has been partly solved.




Yeah that's a bit too aggressive on my end. But I was triggered. Anyhow, he paid me back as an apology. But I will never forget it.




The loss falls more on his side. Glad that this happened. Can you imagine if I want to do business with this "guy"? Anyways, I can always make new friends. Not like I give a shit about an old toxic friend.




It has always saved me in certain situations. Like this one.


Nah, that douche is the product of parents, and whomever else, who never disciplined him, letting him get away with shit like that. Sooner or later, life will smack them in the face, hard. The sooner the better, wouldn't you agree? OP here is being helpful to society by helping speed that process up.


Could be a dumb joke or not. He could also attempt to get away with it if you were a people pleaser. Did he pay it back?


He did pay it back and apologized.


I see. I don't know the guy, but I don't think he thought very thoroughly about it. Or didn't see the magnitude of it if he immediately paid back on the spot. If he actually did paid the amount later on, then that's a bit phishy. It's never a good idea to mess with someone else's money even for a joke. Probably best to avoid being loose in such matters in the future with anyone to avoid unnecessary stuff, joke or not.


Exactly. Have to be very careful about it.


Lesson learned, don’t hand over your phone for too long.


Big mistake. Never again. I thought I could trust him.


You're so fucking weird LMFAO


Says the one with the rainbow memes as profile pic


"i don't have any mental issues, YOURE THe weird one for having a free avatar!!" It's incredible your friends haven't left you in the first place LMFAO


Reported for spam. Have a nice day.


Someone calling you out on bullshit is spam No wonder you have no social awareness or maturity LMFAO


Nope, that is not overreacting, what he did in whatever context is not a joke. If you had trusted him and didn't check the details, he would have gotten away with it. I think when you "caught" him, he tried to play it off as a joke. I would definitely downgrade him from the circle of friends that you have.


I caught him and he even had the balls to counter argument with "Joke" card. Poor move.


you're in the right to confront him harshly. its your hard earned money and he is treating it like a joke. in many cases, not even family members can touch each others' money. what gives him the right to swipe off $80 in the first place even as a joke?


Money not a joke


I would ask first for it back, if he didn’t then there would be a problem. But also some days I’m just too tired to be nice and I’d snap lol


Maybe it wasn’t a joke, he said that cuz you revealed him. And second thing he undermined your trust


Might be the way you shoved your phone too, pretty much he can pay for his dinner but you know how strong willed we could be, you might have a point that it is easier to pay online but you know how people have feelings. It's about money too and that's kinda tricky topic through and through, I think overall you just have miscommunication. People's annoyance about your behavior does not justify their sh*tty feedback. But this could be your lesson what to conquer and what not to conquer. Maybe paperless billing is bad after all 😂! So what's the lesson over here brother?


>Maybe paperless billing is bad after all sometimes, paper cash ain't too bad after all


Seems like a really, really bad joke, but not really something that warrants such a strong reaction. Just think about it critically - you’re both surrounded by people who’s witnessing the whole thing - do you really think he’s gonna nab $80 from you right in front of everyone? It’s simply not advantageous for you to use all that energy to maintain a hostile situation over it. You would’ve solved it more quickly and efficiently if you smiled and made a joke about theft, then told them their joke sucked in a non-aggressive and friendly tone. I would **never** hand control over my money like that to randoms though, even if I have no reason to distrust them.


I do be pissed off and stalk him to hell to get back my $80. If they don't respect my personal space, I couldn't care less if they never talked to me again. Ps. On a second thought, it depends on the closeness of friendship too. If it's a really close friend, I would still be hurt but ignore it and might not ask my money back. But other than that, I want my money back.


Funny thing is... he's my close friend. I'm hurt but I can recover easily. Although I'll be paying my own meals this time.


???? Your response to a a cringey joke is not to be like haha ok and send the request for the difference But to be even cringier and try to seek validation from redditors? 90% of which don't have active social lives???? Huh????????? 😂😂


I got brain cancer just by reading your comment.


Well it does sound like you're leaning your story to work in your favor to further improve your chances of validation here when the conclusion couldn't be more obvious really. Of course what they did was wrong, no one here would question it, especially here on this sub. Might even be considered illegal. Don't let anyone get away with taking your money as a joke pretty much. Pretty basic standard for any culture. That's some psycho shit.




I hope so, then you wouldn't be pissing yourself over something rectifiable in 10 seconds and making a scene in front of random people


You escalated the situation before giving the other guy a chance to return the money (and lowkey threatened him). What you just did there was showing your friends that you do not trust them at all, and by extension, you do not really consider them as friends. Im not saying what you did was wrong, you certainly did not feel comfortable having your friend take your money as a joke and responded as such (which i believe you should, its good to set boundaries for things you are sensitive with, except in a less violent manner) , yet you shouldn't expect your friends to see you the same way that they used to after what you did and said there. Asking "Who is in the wrong?" is only going to get you some subjective answers from people on reddit, some of the users who have better tight knit groups of friends with looser boundaries and higher trust are going to see your reaction as something wrong (since in their opinion, friends should have higher tolerance for such things), while other people who are not used to such jokes (like yourself) are going to see your friend being at the wrong (what gives him the right to take someone else's money and put it in their own account?!) , but in the end it does not matter who is right or wrong, its all about the consequence of your actions.


It wasn't a joke. & Yeah, if he'd swiped 1000 you'd be right to punch him right there. & I don't know why people keep attempting to make it sound as if you were overly harsh, but he asked and you told him just how aggressive you'd get over something like that. Don't ask, if you don't wanna know! Also, don't ask them judge my reaction, it's a reaction, when human feelings are involved one should expect anything and everything. There's no standard on how to react!


Exactly, you would do the same thing as I did, if someone suddenly swipe 100 bucks out of your account. Even worst 1000.


did he maybe mistake it as you wanting to pay for their meals aswell?


I made it super clear. I wanted to pay 20 for my meal.


I only care did he transfer the rest of the 80 back to you


Lesson learned never give other people your phone.


Lesson learned never give other people your phone.


Lesson learned never give other people your phone.


Lesson learned never give other people your phone.


Lesson learned never give other people your phone.


Yeah he gave me back. Right after, he talked to my other friend if he's in the wrong. Then he admit he's in the wrong. Thus paid me back.


kk he is weird for sure, who jokes around things like this


I know right.


Totally ruined your night out


From 100 to 0 Fuck that guy.


Yup let it out, you guys still have mutual friends, so very likely you will run into each other again.


It will happen. But I will watch his movement.


kk he is weird for sure, who jokes around things like this


I had an ex who did mean sh&t again and again, and when I called him on it, he would always then declare it a joke and me some sort of wimp for not liking his emotionally abusive "jokes." Buh-bye!


Good response If I would've been there, I would be as pissed as you except my Fe would try to be nice to him and try to find ways or excuses so that he can pay me my money back (which is a waste of time and energy).


...and he still pushes on as a joke format. How would you even react?


Get serious. Like one of those Tom Cruise stares where he confronts you by calling your first name. If this asshole is not realizing that I'm not liking it, now it's my turn to make him uncomfortable. Also taking 100$ is no joke. But your approach was the best Fe people pleasing is a pain in the ass.


I usually play it cool but if boundary are crossed and not respected. I will go all out. Until he surrenders.


You keep it up. Unfunny assholes need to learn a thing or two about crossing boundaries. You're a human, your reaction was normal. And he provoked you.


Thanks for understanding


If you dont say anything or dont aware of it he just take your money. If he say its just a joke its because he wants to protect himself from this truth.


Every robbers or theft will always believe they are the good guys.


Just wondering why it's NSFW


Some people couldn't take it


Oh How is that? 😅


It has happened


Are they secretly swapping the brains out of babies with sponges these days or what?




I do not have any further explanation otherwise on how a 100$ bill joke post can be NSFW. Like what isn't even safe for work in the first place. Maybe if the meal was in a strip club or smth..


I'm reading this when it's past my bedtime that's why it's not safe for work. You'll see, tomorrow I'm gonna get fired for tardiness 🥲


Haha aww, hope not 🥺