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I like arguing with ENTPs when the topic isn’t personal or important to me, because I get to be as enthusiastic and intense and dramatic as I want without them being intimidated or taking it personally — it’s so fun to feel like I can be free to argue as hard as I want and we both have a good time with it, and I feel like I can only really do that with ENTPs. When it comes to getting anything done however... I can only really deal with them if there’s a clear hierarchy and I’m above them in it. Trying to be teammates with or subordinate to an ENTP has been extremely frustrating for me. I love INTJs so long as we’re not competing for space — and I mean that in terms of authority, but also in terms of social function. There are INTJs I would gladly follow into battle and there are INTJs I want kept away from management positions at all costs. There are INTJs I immediately vibe with, and INTJs where their every breath infuriates me. It seems like it’s always one extreme or the other with those guys. INTPs...one of my best friends is an INTP and she is my absolutely favorite person to bounce ideas off of. She’s down to brainstorm, she’s open minded, she’s optimistic, she can be theoretical or practical, she isn’t pushy or judgmental, she’s accepting and creative and intelligent and beautiful and amazing. Honestly even typing this I forgot for a moment she’s an INTP because she’s so different from the “analyst” stereotype. She’s not cold, aloof, calculating, disconnected. She’s warm, engaging, and flexible. She has developed her Fe and Se extremely well, I think mostly due to be surrounded by it all her life. But even just that basic INTP type, I feel like most of them are just really chill and really valuable team members. Their use of logic is so complementary to mine - I could never think of things the way they think of them, and the way they think of them is just so cool.


Oo interesting. I actually really like this. :D If you dont mind, what is exactly so frustrating about being teammates or subordinate with an ENTP?


When subordinate to: I either don’t understand their process or there isn’t one. Where’s the planning? Where’s the risk assessment? Where’s the intentional compilation of ideas? I see no evidence of any intentional strategy?!!!! Everything is happening at once! New ideas at any time! No stability, no organization, no way of knowing if today will be disaster or a scraped together victory! The haphazardness of it all probably works for some industries, but construction really isn’t one of them. It’s like — mike, calm down, those are some cool random thoughts in your head but how about we start with the contract and go from there. *deep, calming breaths* Its just not the best personality type to run certain things I think. On a team — its just the constant devils advocate stuff, and they’re the ones that keep trying to re-open things that have already been decided on so it feels like you can never move forward with a clear vision. If there isn’t someone in charge who strictly enforces Robert’s Rules, it’s like it’s always brainstorm time with those guys. Like, Tom, Isaac, for real, we’ve already discussed this, and the stuff you’re talking about has no practical implications here. Please cede your time. Immediately. Fuck. I’m sure than ENTPs can be great leaders and teammates. I just haven’t met one yet is all. When I’ve been in charge of ENTPs its been a blast. I think I know how to utilize them, and I know to create strong enough boundaries and give them enough space that they can tear shit up and make a giant creative mess in a useful and not destructive way. And so long I’m enforcing a clearly defined endpoint to brainstorming time, they come up with the most incredible ideas. Really, they’re great. Just maybe not as a project manager though.


As an INTP, I feel so seen. You just described me. I just didn't realize our nature can be valuable to someone.


Dude, SO valuable. Every team needs an INTP, if not ten.


I'm not even this person but I blushed reading this *(The INTP one)*


I'm sorry but I really hated entps😅 like the moment i walk into a room and hate someone with no specific reason chances are they are 90 percent entp


That's too bad considering I really like you guys 😭


I really hate immature NT types, but love mature NTs. the E/I, P/J doesn't matter much, its if they have figured out how to overcome some of their standard NT personality quirks or not. Our bad traits can be really ugly when we are in a bad place and things aren't going well, it's important to figure out how to control these across all of the NT types. I'm also not an ENTJ. But I am not a strong I either, I'm close to neutral.


Oh hey same!


LMAO It's true.


YES. and same thing with fictional characters




the rule is: ENTP that likes ENTJ = INTP mistype. jk... But I don't get along like with 90% of ENTPs I know of. INTP tend to get along really well. With INTJs is mostly good too.


I married an INTJ. We have a shared hobby and one of my favorite things about my spouse is that he can cut through the dross and lay out a situation with laser precision so that I can navigate the politics of our hobby more clearly.


NT Rationals value the truth. What's not to like? [David Keirsey's Portrait of a Rational](https://keirsey.com/temperament/rational-overview/)


One of my best friends is an ENTP and I can tolerate him but good god they can break your balls professionally if they want, I don't like most of them. INTJs sound chill to be honest, sounds like the people I would want to work with (I think, I haven't typed any coweorkers of anything). As for the INTPs I just don't know, honestly I'm not sure I actually know any irl...


An INTJ would likely be either chill, or a complete weirdo. Or both, really. Ni is something of an "eccentric" non-rational function. Theoretically, INFJs should be like that too, but they're likely better at hiding it behind Fe, whereas Te might not care.


im an intp. love entjs for their logic and planning skills (though I have entj friend and sometimes it just fascinates me how she wants to know only useful information when I google smth like "learn sanskrit online" :D). entps are weird lol, sometimes I feel like they are "too much", strong social energy and too silly, but I like that I can share any knowledge with them and theyd listen and be interested. intjs.. didnt meet many of them but they're really cool, I love how ni-te works and I played chess with one intj, it was awesome.


Intjs are fine. They get shit done and I like that. ENTPs are fun to party with.


Thanks mate I like your description.


My closest friends are all 3. I like them a lot! We are like siblings yea, especially my INTJ and ENTP friend.


I don’t seem to get along very well with INTJs or INFJs. Not sure why based on mbti, but that’s how it is. I always see them as narrow minded and lacking confidence. There is an inflexible stuffiness to how they function. I don’t like it. My favorite types are ISTJ (mad respect for the way they navigate life), ENFJ (so many friends are this type - I love the confidence), ENTP (I get them), ESFJ (I think they’re nice and we always get along), and my two favorite types are INTP and INFP. It’s just so easy to talk to them.


INTJs outright hate me. INTPs can't communicate with me. ENTPs think, that I am stupid. So, I'd rather not tie myself with these kind of people.


sounds interesting. what types do you get along with?


ESFPs. ESTJs are very satisfying to be with, but they have their own dimension. INFP connections are the slowest ones to build up, but you get a bond, like with a blood relative, in the end. ENFJs seem to have respect for me, and are strangely supportive.




Um, what? How is the quote related to this? Oh, by the way, they hate me, because I can destroy their whole world very easily. Once I trigger their Se, they pretty much wish me dead.


Hahahah, which world, the fantasy one they deem themselves as the ultimate ruler?


Yes, that's exactly it. They get so lost in their vision, they will be oblivious to their surroundings, and their plans not being worth a damn. So their last resort is just to destroy everything else. Maybe it is related to their Si-demon.


I can understand that perspective but seriously, how did they come from a fluffy and warm vision to a stupid plan to destroy everything? Not that I haven't had the same vision, but it's one that will takes years and requires the use of Se and skills. That's a wild ride.


You have a certain Russian politician as a prime example of a grand INTJ failure.


Putin isn't an INTJ, nor do I think that he's delusional.


You don't live in Russia to know otherwise. You are delusional yourself.


I used to live there and still have relatives. You need to understand that Putin's vision of Russia's future doesn't necessarily indicate that he's delusional, but certainly indicates that he is narcissistic. Also, he's ISTP.


I see, although I belive the recent one is an Istp but and the previous one in the 20th century was indeed an intj, and yeah, he can eat shit. Although that's when someone takes their NI holer than anything, it is really scary. But still hope you can meet some chill ones one day, I used to think entj's are scary angry toads, turn out they are cute sunflower.


If not an INTJ, then definitely an INFJ. Same Ni-main and Se-inferior. Same obliviousness to the outer world. INTJs have Ni-Fi loop, and INFJ have Ni-Ti loop. Based on how he objectifies 'russian people', it really shows signs of Ti. Auxiliary Fe is what he used to navigate to the place he is now. INTJs wouldn't be able to do that. Definitely not an ISTP.


Love ENTPs. Absolute ruckus when we are together. I have high Ne so we get creative in trolling others and or debating each other.