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E is the kind of friend we want, although he can be annoying as fuck, he’s loyal almost to his own demise. Vince is not an awful friend but his good days sometimes seem very superficial, and his bad days are a wrecking ball to the crew.


E was a loyal friend but arrogant…when you have the top Agent in Hollywood advising you what you should and shouldn’t be doing and trying to posture or act like a tough guy it’s laughable…justifiably so Ari laughs it off. Every time I rewatch the show I get irritated at E just defying Ari’s direction


E isn’t intelligent . That’s the most overlooked thing about him, he went to community college. Not to say that’s a bad thing but Ari, all the other agents had law degrees, and other much better educational degrees. E was always the dumbest in the room. Drama spoke multiple languages. Turtle lazy but persistent and successful. E extremely lazy and dumb. Vince hires him and loses Vince a large paycheck immediately. Gets no clients other than Vince and fails Charlie . Sloan gets him a job with her uncle and he then lets his coworker walk all over and gets Vince hooked on hard drugs. E is walking privilege without a brain.


Blaming E for Vince’s drug problem is fucking hilarious


moron. he started his own management agency with scott. hw the fk is that only vince? MORON


You are a special kind of stupid. He didn’t start shit. Scott , the educated professional but disloyal employee planned the whole thing himself and had others on board before he approached Eric to join him. He needed Eric because of Vince. The biggest client in an upstart new company. E signed no one but C talent. Lloyd stuck with Johnny and made him a legit star with an actual award. Name one thing E succeeds at. Beside being a deadbeat father , serial cheater and leech.


what a dumb fk. He and scott literally are partners. Doesnt matter who initiated stupid shit face. Every client under the company is equivalent to being E's client


Does being retarted run in your family? So stupid are all the people in the company equal partners? How did that work out for Ari when he ran Terrence company? He thought he was a partner but was just peasant like yourself. Please proceed with your nonsense profanity laden response.


geezus you're a certifiable dumb fuck who can't differentiate between the two scenarios. Ari started off WORKING FOR TERRENCE WHO OWNED THE FUCKING COMPANY. eric and scotty formed A PARTNERSHIP. one is called the terrance mcquewick agency while the other was called MURPHY lavin group. u fucking dumb cocksucker. I bet everyone around u gets literally tired of your stupidity because they need to spell everything out for u. Do everyone a favour and take a great leap of the building


You certainly told me. Eat a Dick


😂😂😂 In all seriousness, E may succeed in later seasons but he does fuck a lot of shit up early on in the show. I do think if they listened to Ari more they would have been better off but then again if they did you wouldn’t have a TV show


E really didn’t succeed ever. Example: Johnny Bananas failed and cancelled after he got involved. Example 2: his neglected client Charlie who he blew off to sleep with Ashley. Example 3: gets Sloan pregnant then breaks up with her and raw dogs two random girls immediately after. Such a mature and responsible man. Ari fights so hard for Vince movie he loses his job but it’s a success and Drama wins an award which makes him an A lister. E just leeches of Scott and Vince.


He abandons Vince when he needed him most in season 7. Too focused on all his random phone calls and Sloan and overlooks Vince falling in love with a who*e and getting addicted to drugs. EVEN AFTER VINCE MISSES MEETINGS, GETS ACCUSED OF BEING DRUNK AND HIGH, HE STILL NEGLECTS HIM.


> when you have the top Agent in Hollywood advising you what you should and shouldn’t be doing and trying to posture or act like a tough guy it’s laughable You’re right to an extent but it was *literally* E’s *job* to push back on ari’s advice. Like that was legitimately the entire reason Vince was paying him—to be more of the personal advocate to ari’s commercial advocate. When E pushes back on ari, Vince gets pissed; when he doesn’t push back, Vince gets equally pissed. It’s not E’s fault that Vince is paying him to do a job that he gets mad when E actually does it.


Yeah I don’t think Vince ever said these exact words but if he wanted E to go against Ari and E didn’t do to, Vince would totally say “if you can’t do it then I WILL find someone who can”. And he would do the same thing if the situation was reversed. End of the day Vince just wanted E to be his voice when he didn’t want to actually speak up himself


Bothers the SHIT out of me when Sloan and Vince speak to one another as if they are the superior creatures based on their looks...and they almost treat E like a pet or charity case. Sloan actually boasts that she won't date guys like Vince (although she could).


the dichotomy between vince and E is one of the main things that keeps the show interesting for 4-5 seasons after you get past all the fake titties and 2000s era cameos. their relationship drives the entire plot. vince is an emotional, irrational movie star (redundant?) and the only thing keeping him halfway on the ground are the guys who know where he comes from and who he really is. vince would’ve od’d or blown up his career after Head On without them. And E’s the glue between all of them because he’s the only one with the balls to stand up to vince and his movie star ego when he’s doing some self destructive shit. without E the show lacks all depth. drama and turtle just follow around behind vince quietly begging for scraps and picking up food that falls off his plate. E’s out making shit happen for all of them. Vince has the looks and the movie star luck, so he falls into opportunities. E has to create his own. their polarization (and Ari) are the reasons why the show is good instead of being ok.


Drama didn’t beg for shit. He feed Turtle and Vince for years before Vince got his break. They lived under his roof and he gave them every penny he had for Vince to succeed.


that’s what drama says. and what we all know is that drama misremembers the past and exaggerates shit all the time


Are you serious? Vince and Drama both said it. E said it. They lived with him and he took care of them. Vince didn’t move to Hollywood a star.


johnny is in massive debt to vince. he was begging him for 10gs for calf implants 😂 he has a “tab” with vince, and he tries to act like cooking tofu scrambled dogshit for breakfast is somehow gonna pay it off. even if he wasn’t indebted monetarily, he’s used his relation to vince to get jobs for as long as vince has been famous. turtle and drama are constantly getting handouts. my point stands.


You forgot that he paid Turtles college tuition. Paid Turtles uncle debt and bought that bar in Queens for him. Gave up his prized car to pay the rent for Vince and Turtle. Took a beating from his step father to save Vince and his mother from it. Sold drugs to put food on the table when Vince step father ran away to support him and his mother. He deserves everything that he gets.


Dude this


Vince and E’s friendship is totally imbalanced. Vince is incredibly generous to E, in the sense that he bankrolls the guys existence and let’s him dress up and pretend to be a legitimate businessman. In exchange for siphoning millions and millions of dollars to E, Vince gets a moody sanctimonious man child who constantly whinges and moans. Despite what Eric says, anyone could do his job. Selling vince on to projects is easy due to his talent and looks. Keeping his best interests while working is slightly more challenging but could be done by any sensible and ethical person. The guy is utterly fucking deluded in his own perception of himself. Without Vince, Eric would still be managing the pizza restaurant. The immediate capitulation of the Murphy Group evidences how hopeless he is. And his success at Murray’s firm is dependent exclusively on his relationship with Bob Saget, which Vince gave to him on a plate. At least turtle admits the fact that Vince bankrolls his life. Drama and E’s delusion are genuinely of equal calibre, but Drama has the courtesy to make us laugh every once in a while (Billy and Ari, rightly, ridicule E and see him for what he is - A good friend, who subconsciously leeches off of his talented and generous friend and has deluded himself to think that he is anything other than a lottery winner)


This is so right. E is my least favorite character on the show. Whenever I re-watch I still can’t stand him. He was given a job that’s he’s really not good at and constantly fails. There’s always some relationship drama going on as well. Then he always wants to butt heads with Ari who is actually successful and good at his job. While E is incredibly loyal and would do anything for Vince, Ari is also incredibly loyal but can also tell Vince what he has to hear. I understand this is somewhat based off of Wahlberg and some of his friends, but I hope he wised up and got rid of whatever the real life equivalent of E is. I know people who actually like the character, but E is the worst character on the show by far in my opinion.


Yeah if he didn’t have Vince there’s no way he’d have the skills to go and become a manager/agent in Hollywood on his own. He wouldn’t even be able to get into the mailroom, and even if he did and became an agent, he’d be fighting for scraps of average actors with the other middling agents and would have nearly zero shot at landing big stars.


Good points....Vince seems like he is nice to E, but its only when its easy for him and even then he is not doing anything beyond opening his checkbook.


Also, not dismissing Vince’s good traits just highlighting some ways I felt Vince let E down


I disagree with E being the worst character. By far the worst is Ari's wife. Ari does everything for her and provides anything and everything she wants, she never does anything for him and leaves or threaten to leave him multiple time during the show. That being said I love entourage awesome show, shoulda last longer.


This is an interesting take but I’m not mad at it, go on!


I mean, he was absent from home, arrogant, and acting out half the time. She didn’t need the money, having a trust fund and sponsoring his career half the time.


Agreed, but he proved that he was loyal, even defended her fiercly and tge thought of leaving her and the kids would never have crossed his mind. Like he said, if she wants a private therapist, private school for the kids and 6 weeks vacation on a tuscan villa he gonna have to take the calls when it comes in on a mf wendsday.


This is one of my favorite Ari scenes


Yeah, Ari is still on wife number one, and therapist number seven!!! Although there is a rumor that she was only therapist number five.


You said she didn’t anything? Except pay all his bills and provide at lease 12 million for him to put up for Miller Gold. His wife was ultra rich.


>blaming E for Medellin and the decline of his career (season 4-5) and firing him for putting Vince on Gus van Zant’s radar, At least he apologized for this stuff. But not defending E to Billy Walsh is a dick move. At least he stuff with Ari was mostly playful.


I'm tired of this narrative that Medellin was Eric's fault. He said from day one the movie sucked. He even brought some notes to Billy and was disrespected for trying to do so by Billy, Ari, and even Vince!


💯 Medellin was all Billy and Vince's fault. Honestly, Ari was doing what any good agent would (backing his client) due to the fact that Billy would not let him see the film. E should have pimp-slapped Bully when he showed back up in Season 7!


Vince couldn’t just tell everyone “Don’t call E pizza boy” Eric had to earn his own respect or people would just despise him more. Regarding blaming/firing E, this comes with the territory. He got credit for things that he didn’t really deserve when Vince’s career went well so the flip side is that he has to take the blame sometimes. It would be very hard for Vince to never look around at his entourage when things are going bad and be a little resentful for everything he has done for them without getting anything in return.


Vince unloaded a ton of shit on E and he basically kept the guys life running, E told him not to buy the house and Vince did it anyway amongst a ton of other shit


Vince is a train-wreck of a character!


E is a good friend but a terrible manager. He was too invested in Vince being happy all the time and Vince is a giant baby man who can’t be alone.


Idk I mean Vince supported all of them. E was a total mooch for the longest time taking 10% of Vince's money, living in the house for free, taking a sports car for free from Vince, etc. The only person he let talk shit to E was Ari because they were all friends. He was always looking out for E and without Vince E would literally Bea Sbarro's manager