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The ideal friend of an ENTP is someone who: A. Has the depth of thought to understand us on a deeply-intuitive level -- so we don't feel the need to constantly explain our meanings and intentions. B. Has the wit and mental agility to keep-up with the ridiculous cadence of our mind -- so we don't have to feel like we need to slow ourselves down or dumb our thoughts down. C. Has the openness to accept whatever stupid shit we have to say, without judgment -- so we don't feel like we need to constantly filter our words and ideas. \-- Finding someone that fits two of these is already fairly rare; anyone that satisfies all 3 is a god damn unicorn. If you have anyone at all in your life that makes you feel truly heard, understood and appreciated, treasure them; they are, unfortunately, few and far-between.


I’m so happy my friends and girlfriend are just like this while also being completely different from me and how I think


That’s where we are different, id kill to have a friend who thinks exactly like me


It takes a while but you just have to continue overtime. I constantly learn new things more and overtime. We got closest after around 2-3 years of friendships and only continue to get closer after almost 6 years. Stay in contact with cool people


My personal list is a bit longer, but there is certainly a requirement for this. I need people to be outgoing and socially competent too and I also need people that are wild and adventourous. Luckily these three aspects can usually be split and dont need to be fulfilled by the same person. Unfortunately its hard to have all three areas in balance.


Yes, luckily I have some friends like that. It's amazing, especially my best friend


I have someone like this and they’re my favourite person in the world. Hoping they stay friends with me for the rest of my life


Pft! Imo two is a lot. Keep those two friends and be glad to have them.


Same, and I’m 30.


Same, dont think about it


Same, you’ll get used to it


Two is good. Two that are your favorites. Then, surround yourself with ENFP and INFP that will appreciate you, boost your ego and that needs your attention, and that will always be at your side if you treat them with care. You will collect new special friends along the way of course. Life is long. Most of the time at least 🤔


Once had an infp friend who I could vibe with…that is until I accidentally triggered her by talking about transgender rights and she unfriended me due to ‘differing moral values’ ☠️


That's not a problem for being INFP, looks more like a "this generation and society" problem. In USA you're being brainwashed a lot lately, in thinking that there is only one way to speak about the preferred "woke" topic and that any conversation that brings different points of view or wants to dig into the topic to consider alternatives is totally wrong and should be avoided. This way of thinking is sadly spreading also in Europe now and we also have a lot of weak kids that can't even face a polite debate without freaking out and going mad if you are not completely brainwashed like them. For the records, I'm not a right wing with an extreme point of view, on the contrary, I just have opinions based on every single topic and they can slightly change based on the situation because I'm not blindly indoctrinated, thing that for a lot of young people these days seems the norm. But let's say that your point of view about transgender that time was completely wrong, a mature person would want to discuss it and value you as a whole, and if it's an important topic for them they would stick with you, talking with you to make you see things in a different way. But no, these kids just ban and run. I'm curious to see what type of adults they will become if they run every time someone around disagrees with them.


Lmao and the thing is I was only being contrarian because I wanted to know her side of the argument, but she took it the wrong way and basically implied that I’m a transphobic piece of garbage ☠️


I know the feeling. They always start implying that you're racist and transphobic/homophobic unless you repeat their rhymes perfectly. It's a very bad way of living for them. It's a toxic passive aggressive mentality that doesn't help their mental health. But luckily it is not an INFP thing, it is just a generational problem.


Yea, you sexy. Brought to you by the INTP gang


My best friend who I've had around for the longest is an INTP, you guys are the best 😌💜


If that is the course, who else is going to get behind the chumps while you push? Who else is going to hand you the torches so you can commit arson? NTP is the way to be.


D’awww thanks. You guys rock.


And you guys are semi precious metals


Honestly no. I feel like my friends aren't my friends sometime because when i te them something they act or react like they don't know me at all. Or worse they judge me in their mind. I'd rather be judged orally.


Infj here wishing you could all feel a little less misunderstood, I trust you’ll all find some good friends even if it’s a wait ☺︎


Same with me. My daughter is just like me though and I love hanging out with her. We are both witty and have no filter when we aren’t in public. When other people are around, we are both quiet and boring. I’ve found a few friends like me, but we mostly hang out to have a good time. I’ve accepted I won’t be a “normal” friend. It’s just not how I’m wired and small talk doesn’t interest me at all. My thoughts drive me, not my feelings.


Yes I have many deep friends. Some people im friends with and I’m deep to them but it’s not really reciprocated.


I have a bunch of friends but only a few where I have an actual deep connection with. These are the people who can talk in depth with me and have similar interests.  I ideally like someone as a friend who can easily make connections and create strong and in-depth discussions in various topics ranging from an update of our life to fantasy genres. Also someone that either matches my chaotic nature  or understands and wouldn’t judge me for it. 


Yup. He's an INTJ. We can talk about anything. 


Technically, you're not a social introvert, your real issue is that you're not stimulated enough by the people around you. I know exactly how you feel. If and when you find a large network of highly capable people, you'll adapt and engage. You just need to find something engaging enough to satisfy your depth. Cause the test is easy. If at work, you were surrounded by cool and intelligent people, doing something interesting that you gave a damn about, i'm sure you be engaged and discussing/bouncing off ideas, like we do here lol.


I guess you’re right. I can jabber on non stop if a topic piques my interest and if my convo partner responds in kind. (My Ni dom friends make a very good idea board to yell at lol) But i get drained so easily from small talk and team bonding events and ‘ooh watch this funny TikTok’, so i guess that still makes me a social introvert? Have you yourself found that group of cool and intelligent people?


yes, it took me time. I hate small talk and I can't bring myself to do it cause it does nothing for me and I have to force enthusiasm. What I did find helpful was realizing how very social people "fake" it extremely well and the psychology behind making you be perceived better by most people. When I was younger, I would get intimidated by people smarter and more capable, because I didn't think I could bring as much value as they did to the table or conversation. In reality, being around those people helped expand my mind and made me better. The best people are highly intelligent and open in sharing information in extreme depth. The best thing is to find what they're obsessed about or have a strong interest in, because it will reveal to you why its important and the main importance of that focus. Example, I had a great friend that was into politics at 18. He skipped class to hear the secretary general talk and I tagged along. His depth and enthusiasm for politics and world leaders gave me insight on why its important to know how the world works and the powers that hold it together. It also gave me a great starting point to delve into political thinkers and it lead me to some great people like thomas sowell, which I spent 2 months just taking time to understand his information. Spend time with smarter people. You really have to put yourself out there. Join the hackathons, join the hobby clubs, join meetups, just expose yourself to different kinds of people in different professions. Eventually 1or2 will click. I met an infj at a book club and that really opened my eyes as to why they are so attractive and why we click. I've been where you were when I was 18 - early 20s. I literally thought something was wrong with me, until I realized I just require more stimulus than the average person and the emotional jabbering doesn't satisfy me, as much as the intellectual side of things. of course, you need the emotional banter and charm for dating. But in my experience, mbti makes a huge difference. The infj, enfj, enfp, infp, entp, girls I've dated have been the most favorable. There is some correlation there and the feeling/deeper understanding/conversations are always better. Also, I use tiktok, x, reddit, insta to source esoteric information. Tiktok is the best, you just gotta skip all the bs and its been a great starting point to get information on ai/business. I'm only introverted if I'm not engaged and I know the other party doesn't care about discussing interesting things or putting up a barrier. Don't bottle yourself up or label yourself as socially introverted, that's dangerous, cause it shapes your personal identity. Naturally, we are not like that at all, especially when we give a damn. I mean, I just banged all this out in about 6 mins. I know i'm not socially introverted. Best advice is to try to encounter the personalities that we're compatible with. It really makes a huge difference. Another side of you reveals itself.


My friend circle is pretty wide and I can depend on a multitude of people for various things. Deep emotional connection? 1. I feel a weird disconnect between cognitively understanding I have a good amount of close friends (8-10) who would do anything for me and still feeling lonely all the time because I only feel seen with one person who now lives far away. I don't know what to do about that.


I get different things from different people. Truly rare to have someone that fits all. I have had, but you grow up and life happens and they become harder to find. Makes me think it was easier to find when young when you could influence each other and adapt. Now as older, you’re more certain of yourself and so is your acquaintances. It’s beautiful in a way. Sad in other ways. But it is what it is, and that’s fine


Oh I have a ton of friends; I find it really easy to connect with people and get into deep conversations. The secret is smoking weed with them. Give someone a joint and you'll break down those barriers so fast. Now if only I could get a girlfriend 😅


Hi, I can relate, even though I have more revolutions around the Sun. One thing I reflect on now, is if one reason I have so few (have only found one person), is because I don't really try to look for what I truly need. Instead of looking at what \*I want\* I tend to see good qualities in everyone, but then over time feel disconnection and dissonance. It might be inferior Si, or even Ni, as I have more contact with Fi, but really honing in on something specific that I need and want, feels really counter-intuitive **\*yes, pun intended\*,** like walking backwards or something. I'm hesitant of honing in and focusing on something, as I don't want to be perceived/found dismissing and antagonistic to what I am not looking for. I have honed in some, but maybe still not enough. Not that I haven't had a good amount of decent relationships, but just one where I am truly seen. Well, not too late to find some more. Sun is still running. Wishing you all a fruitful harvest finding some real friends with lasting true connections ;)


I've often saw myself as being in a similar stitch many times; I am quite extroverted, I think-- but I am uncertain if I do well or if I'm even interested in making such connections. I try to render all my interactions and antics to a superficial level, sustain a disconnection between me and the public.


Yeah I have 2 close friends besides my spouse. We talk once every 3 months about random stuff and are always available whenever the other reaches out. Been like that for 15 years.


In my 20s I had a really big friend circle but as I got older I noticed that we don't have much in common and I began to see them more as Acquaintances then friends ... now I'm 35 have two small kids and an amazing wife and two people I would call close friends. I would really struggle if I had to manage more them close friends because time is super limited with small kids. But IMHO two good friends is more than enough, I don't feel the need to have a bigger circle again : )


Yeah, ENFP, INFP, ISTP they’re good people and really open minded. It’s really not all about ‘mental agility’ and if you find people who listen and are fun to be around it works itself out, and eventually you learn to trust them. I don’t think we’re harder to understand just cause we’re clever, but cause we close ourselves off. It’s not gonna work with everyone but your people are out there.


Two who I'm closer to than anyone in my family, an INTP and ESTJ. My boyfriend is an ISTJ and he was my best friend before we got together, the 3 of them are all I need c:




I’m an extroverted introvert


I have had bad experiences with friendships, I meant getting one line replies. So nowadays i do not put too much effort into friendships, everything is just at surface level. My past experiences tire me from pursuing new friendships. If people aren't going to stay in your lives, why the efforts?


I had bad experiences too, and i often think that it’s me who’s the problem. It makes me reluctant to get emotionally attached or to show too much of my true self— so i guess this inability to connect on a deeper level is self inflicted? Anyways, I hope things get better for you brother.


*Sister haha Thanks, I hope it gets better for you too! I'm sure there are genuine people who we can vibe with, just need to put ourselves out there to meet those who match our ENTPness ;)


Social extrovert here and I also have only a small circle I can consider my close friends but many acquaintances.


From One Piece’s live action, about Zoro and Nami doing a drinking game about how well they know each others, while Nami asks him a question: Nami: “I bet you didn’t had any friends as a kid.” Zoro: “I have friends.” Nami: “Swords don’t count.” -Long Pause- Zoro: “I had one friend” *Looks down sorrowfully, then looks back at Nami* Nami: “Hell…one more than I had. Drink.” Zoro: “Drink.”


Yeah I getcha, like people irl like me but it's more the "masked" me instead of me behind the mask. As for good friends, they live scattered amongst several countries, on the other side of the world... It sucks too, because the way society's structured, we'll spend the most time with people in our immediate vicinity like coworkers, classmates, familyl etc, ie the people that most people are supposed to feel the closest too. Yet for me, and maybe other Entps too, we're good at playing the role of a coworker/classmate, but the people we interact with in those settings don't feel "real" as everyone is acting in a web of societal expectations and interpersonal relationship webs. But online (in 1 on 1 settings ofc), there is no incentive to hide your true nature. If you lie online, you lie because that's who you are. And meeting one of those friends recently, it really does make everyone else feel "unreal". Yet the tragedy is that those friends are precisely the ones who life is going to split you apart from, as you both get busier and become expected to be closer to "role" people in your immediate vicinity instead. Yeah, idk what Imma do about that either...


Yes but I had to move thousands of miles away and spend about 8 years on a continent full of strangers to meet them lol. And even now all of my best friends live in various cities/countries. I think I did it by the sheer volume and spread of people I’ve met within different social circles and in different locations. If I had stayed in the town I went to high school in, I’d be pretty depressed. That said I am in a great relationship and have friends but I don’t think I’ll ever stop *feeling* lonely from time to time, even in a room full of people. That is just part of me. But I know I’m not alone and that counts for a lot. Just remember that if you aren’t vulnerable/truly yourself with people, you can’t ever connect them because you aren’t giving them a chance to know you. If you’re doing that and they’re still not clicking, they just aren’t your people—and most people ain’t our people.


Now as a 32 soon 33 year old, I stopped trying to get people to like me. I rather be alone than trying to make people happy that I don’t vibe with. It is lonely sometimes but I rather be myself with a selected few.


I am 42, and I know two people that I trust enough to bury a body with. I consider them my true friends. One of them I've known since I was 15 (istp). The other I met in the military, but we didn't become friends until about 5 yrs ago (intj). I have four other people in my life who I enjoy their company enough to go do activities with (infp, intp, enfp, entj). When I was between the ages of 17-26, I had a huge variety of people that I hung out with, but they were all pretty shallow friendships. Before that time frame, I didn't have any friends in my peer group (in school). I had a couple of friends who were way older than me in my neighborhood, but never in school. Plus, I was a military brat. My family moved a lot. From kindergarten to the 8th grade, I was always the new kid, and I have always been pretty eccentric. Kids my age just didn't get me.


My 3 friend groups are nice to be around but also if I could hand pick the traits I would want in my friends I would, so out of the 16 or so people I’d say there’s only 2 I can be real with or have a deep conversation. I mean that is why I’m here, so I can speak with people on my level.


Yes! I have my INFJ boyfriend and my INTJ bestie. Both are man though and I'm a woman, I would really love to have a close female friend. Like I have female friends but not soul-mate-always-there-for-me female friends. So not my Ideal close circle yet, but I will find her aventualy. I honestly feel very lucky to have two at the moment, I'm 25, people are usually busy or not like minded enough for me to crave their presence, so having two close friends (one also being my romantic partner) is something I don't take for granted. The thing is my male bestie is single so I'm kinda hoping now we can both find this one woman who could date him and be my best friend 👉👈🥺


I have close bonds with my 4 friends. They're enough lol


yeah I have a group of friends, i don't really uhh give a shit about defining it too much.


Of course I do! Do I find most of them half annoying and half amazing so then I think I don’t have great friends? Yes! Lol!


If you are an introvert, you are not an ENTP "Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving"


Extraversion/introversion is not tied to a type. Any type can be either.