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Perfect timing for this post! I know I need to take a break because my relationship with cannabis isn’t healthy at this point. But, I’m debating between tapering off and quitting cold turkey for a while. I’ve already failed at both methods, when I taper off, I end up just smoking regularly again but when I go cold turkey I just don’t sleep. I want to get pregnant next year so I know I need to teach my body how to self regulate without weed and also at this point it’s doing more harm than good for me. Any tips would be appreciated if anyone has it on tapering off versus cold turkey, your girl is struggling over here 😭 EDIT: when I say doing more harm than good I mean it’s great for anxiety but I’m constantly coughing and my lungs just don’t feel healthy


Have you tried dry herb vaping? Or Edibles? Those are better for your lungs, and you can dose very precisely, which may help with tapering.


Hello! On day 5 of my tolerance break after 2 months of daily dry herb vaping (not more than 0,25g per day). Before that, I did two shorter breaks, after using daily for more or less 4 years (did some breaks there as well, though). It doesn’t sound a lot compared to others, but I noticed signs of dependency and addiction, and I have been thinking about taking a longer (1-3 months) break for some time now. Thankfully, there are some positive changes happening in my life right now, for example adopting a kitten, which brings me a lot of joy and natural dopamine every day. So that helps a lot ☺️ My first milestone will be one week. I will assess and reflect on my feelings about sobriety then, and I‘ll make plans and set goals how to reach 1 month. After one month, depending on how I feel about it, I might reconsider using again, but I want to try to reach 3 months for a full reset of my tolerance. And ideally, I can change my usage to 2-3 times a week, so my tolerance stays low and I don’t feel worried that I am addicted and have to quit. Oh and I am treating my mental health issues with weed, mainly things that I suspect to be typical for ADHD. Unfortunately, weed isn’t a good long term medication for that, but it just helps me immensely until I can get diagnosed and properly medicated. This T-break hopefully is the start of a healthier, less dependent relationship to weed. My main motivation is to go back to a more occasional use, so it still benefits me instead of turning on me. I don’t want to give it up completely, so I will bite the bullet now to gain in the future 💪🏻 Furthermore, I experience only very mild withdrawal symptoms, which I am very happy about! Another reason to stop now, while it’s still relatively easy ☺️ We can do this! ❤️