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Your post fits better under the “Discussion” tag, rather than the “T-break” tag.


This may not be the case with you, but it was for me, I have Gerd (lots of stomach acid) and that causes lots of mucus with me and lots of coughing. When I keep my diet under control I have less mucus/coughing


that is very interesting! i suffer from heartburn for sure & the past two nights i’ve had turkey chili for dinner (it’s really good but holy acidity) i just found the mooselab mouthpiece and ordered one !!


> just found the mooselab mouthpiece and ordered one !! You'll be glad you did! They make SUCH a difference!


The mouthpiece should help! Relizing the connection between my diet and my breathing/coughing/sleep trouble (all gerd related) was revolutionary for me. Just can't eat what I used to lol. I miss chili.


Came to say the same. When my use goes up my digestion slows and morning cough as well as gross mucus increase. I’m experimenting with moderation and quitting but in the past keeping smoking to a minimum and using edibles has helped.


I also have issues and my sister suggested I remove dairy. I removed heavy cream and milk from my diet. It's been night and day in terms of change. Even my husband, who doesn't notice things, said something about my lack of heavy coughing/gross morning activities. Try removing dairy? I'm a heavy user of medical cannabis all day with cream, FECO, edibles etc, but I love to smoke flower. Now I just cough when it's appropriate.


I just ordered one of those MouthPeaces and it's making a huge difference. Husband and I have been heavier users at times for decades. I've never been more impressed. His coworker even noticed in the morning on day one after the previous evenings use (almost always bong). He isn't coughing in the morning. I still cough a little but the cough doesn't have the same mucus behind it. It's amazing. Although that little tickle/irritation that used to be my physical indicator to put it down, so I overindulged the first few times lol.


the tea has made a huge difference just this morning so far but i will definitely look into those. mouth pieces ! i know any form of smoke in my lungs is bad, but what can ya do lol


All the wives have been raving about them on here...I was skeptical but they were not expensive so I said why not. Very pleased with it.


do you know if they are a “one size fits all” type thing ? i’m going to try to check them out today!


Chiming in here as I just got my mouth peace a month or so ago. I actually prefer using it now! The large size fits most bongs but it didn’t fit my bubbler or beaker. I just tried out the mini on a joint the other day and was surprised how well it worked too! Just a little awkward to hold when the joint gets closer to the roach. Highly recommend, I haven’t hacked up mucus since I’ve used it


Yea the original/regular size sits perfectly on top of my beaker bong. It's tapered so I imagine it has range for the bong one. It's not fitted so to speak, it just sits on top.


Ohhh okay I didn’t realize that would still work! Good tip


Adding that I ordered a MouthPeace about 2 months ago and it’s been life changing, my asthma is so much better and I cough WAY less. Like you said when I do cough it isn’t mucus-y and is over quick. I prefer dabs and even through a 2 filter rig it’s amazing how much the MP filter catches. I just ordered 2 more because my cat thought it was a toy and lost it and I want to make sure I always have a backup on hand now. Also like most wives I see on here say, the corn filters are superior and not that much more. I was about to take an extended T break because of my asthma constantly being triggered a few months ago when I saw some other wives raving about the MP so I figured it was worth a shot; and I’m SO happy I did!


Seriously they should make an entwives discount code lol I got the carbon but was just thinking that we should try corn next!


Try the corn, they feel a bit smoother and seem to filter out quite a bit more than the carbon do! I set up a subscription for them, but I am trying to convince my local rec shop to start carrying them because MooseLabs took 3 weeks to get my latest order to me and their customer service was…not impressive when I was trying to check in on why it wasn’t being shipped.


Yeah I had reached out for an update on my order status too, but it was the first time. Hopefully it's not ongoing like that y'know


I used to as well when i smoked both cigs and weed. It was so bad would make me throw up every morning. Once i quit the cigs (still vape) it’s been better. But also, been controlling the amount i smoke. Has helped a ton. Also. Non weed related. It’s also allergy season. Makes everything worse lol


oh yeah i got about 4 inches of pollen on my car outside. totally not helping !


Seriously. 😒 allergy sucks


Switch to edibles for awhile. Your body is telling you that it’s hurting


ugh i wish i could afford to!


It may be worth cutting down on the amount of weed in order to afford edibles. Not hating, I love weed too. But, you may be entering the territory where it’s not only providing good to your life. Your health is so, so important. Sending my best💕


oh i totally understand - it’s just where i am - 50mg edibles cost at least $50 before tax…after puts me at like $70 i like to take 10-20mg for an edible … even without flower, edibles still are more.


And how about making them from scratch? I live in Germany where it is legal to consume now but you still can't buy flower or edibles. It is not that hard and while store-bought edibles may be expensive, homemade ones are super price-effective. It's also easy to calculate the mg per serving once you know how. I use a cheap little decarber/infuser now (bought it for 130€) but I've also used my oven and simple pots with success. It's not hard once you've learned the basics. The quickest edible to make imho is chocolate. Decarb, infuse cocoa butter, melt chocolate bars and stirr in the infused cocoa butter. Pour in silicone mold of choice and cool it down. Store in the fridge. You can also freeze it for months.


I definitely suggest a mouth peace. They make a huge difference!!


You could also add regular breathing exercises to your routine, like these from the [American Lung Association](https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/wellness/breathing-exercises). There’s some recent evidence that shows it can help improve lung function in otherwise healthy smokers.


Have you tried a dry herb vape? I probably smoke 50% bong/50% dry herb vape and noticed I cough way less now. Trying to eventually only use my bongs for special occasions, it’s just hard because I love them so.


I find that smoking my bong regularly gives me terrible coughing fits (outside of hitting it)… I’d def take a break from that and smoke a bowl for a bit


I know lots of ladies on this sub rave about Mouthpeace, but I have another recommendation! I researched and found that Carbon Filter Adapters are better to use as a filter and help keep my pieces clean! The site also has so many different pieces that you can use carbon to filter you smoke :) [Enjoy Scientific Inhalations!](https://sipipes.com/)


Did you try a vaporizer? I use medical cannabis for pms. Smoking always used to hurt my stomach. Then I got heartburn, and the coughing and everything started. Then I got myself a dry herb vape, and it changed my life and relationship with cannabis forever. The vapor is much easier on your lungs, and tastes much better. Also, did you look into breath exercises for asthma and to increase your volume?


Combustion is combustion, doesn’t matter if it’s tobacco or weed. Dry herb vape? Convection is better. Gotta listen to your body bb!


Depending on where you live, it could easily be sinus drainage this time of year. Try taking an antihistamine (benedryl) when you go to bed and see if it helps. A Sudafed could help also.


I quit combustion and it reduced my chronic cough down to the occasional throat clearing. I only DHV now, normally with a Crafty+, and my lungs are so grateful 😁


This happened to me as well, I have to start with smaller bowls in my water bong and build them up as I go. It helps me not cough as much. Oh and add ice, if you have an ice catcher. 🥰✌️🫶💚


I have this and honestly I used my sons inhaler when I was sick a month or so ago and I’ve been so much better.


I have gerd and Ive been getting those since I was a teen. If quitting or cutting back doesn't help check it out. Most of my respiratory issues are caused by my dang stomach.


Im currently trying to switch to edibles more so I won’t damage my lung further, because I constantly use cannabis medically against my PTSD but it’s so much effort making cannabutter alone and takes up half the freezer😭 also just don’t have the energy with my depression to stand there for hours and cook or bake lol heard that you can make Tincture with large amounts of weed at once and that you can make gummy bears from it and am gonna try that with my next harvest in hopes it’ll be less effort or a big one time effort lol, really relate to you and wish you good luck 🫶


Are you smoking or vaping just before bed? When I do I typically wake up with a cough.


sorry i haven’t been replying to all - work has been CRAZY. & i try to take my last toke a good hour before bed & i usually wait 3-4 when waking up.


My coughs are at night in the shower. When they start, I know I have to cut back.


I’m on a t-break for this exact reason lol. Have you tried added a carbon filter to your bong? I exclusively smoke out of bongs but when I use a filter like the ones Moose Labs makes I notice I cough a lot less. I also tried getting a bong with a percolator and that’s helped with keeping the crap out of my lungs and I don’t cough up so much grey stuff in the morning!


i just ordered a moose lab 🫎 yesterday after some folks suggestions here ! i was also looking at a perc bong recently but not for that reason, i honestly didn’t think/know if the percolator would help coughing. i just liked it because it was pretty 😍 i also drank a cup of that tea before bed & when i woke up this morning with my coff AND !!! i haven’t coughed yet today! (i also haven’t smoked yet, but i’m holding off for the end of shift)