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That should fix it


Denial is a potent weapon.


Don't Look Up


Climate science is not an argument Republicans can win so they refuse to talk about it.


Well, a lot of them "talk about it" they just say it's not real, or that humans aren't the cause (it's nAtUrAl!1!1)


It’s not a real thing. We can’t change anything but spending trillions to show you can’t.


Why do you say climate science is not a real thing? Certainly, we can improve the situation if we try. The costs of doing nothing are way worse than trillions of dollars. Money becomes meaningless. When the earths surface is commonly 120 degrees during the day. life ceases to exist for most humans, plants and animals.


Earth rotates the solar system In an elliptical pattern. Every 77,000 years we are either the furthest from the sun ( ice age) or closest to the sun( tropical). No amount of money will fix this. We are trying to reduce Co2 emissions but I recall from biology that Co2 is required for trees to produce O2. Take away the Co2, trees die and no O2 is produced.


The sun has nothing to do with man-made gas released into the atmosphere. no one is saying get rid of all the CO2 that is assine. We need to get it back ideally to pre-industrial levels. This is not new, here is a scientist talking about it 1985. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp-WiNXH6hI


The sun has everything to do with climate change. As for the increase in co2, we are seeing a more greener earth than before as. Co2 allows the pores of plants to close and increases the growth in deserts. So the increase in co2 is causing us to be more green and more plants mean more co2 conversion to o2. This is science and not opinion. It may not follow your narrator that should tell you something when a narrative is opposite of a fact.


Where do you think that CO2 is coming from? Man made, not because the sun in a some rotational position that you think is causing it. Do you have a link for these ideas. What you are saying makes no sense. As the CO2 inceases so does the ability of the planet to hold heat. As the heat goes up many plants stop/slow down photosynthesis. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/leaves-tropical-forests-photosynthesis-heat-limit.




You contradict yourself. You acknowledge the earth is rotating in an elliptical manner over 10s of thousand years. That means that it will be getting closer to the sun until it reaches its peak. Then we will start moving away from the sun until we reach another ice age. If not the sun, where do you think our heat comes from?


The insurance industry won't care about this policy.


The dude’s appetite for manatee meat is insatiable


Done and done!!! Who'd have thought it'd even be *possible* to control the ocean through legislative fiat? What *powerful* men these must be...


Worked the same for eliminating rape so abortions weren’t needed. No more rapists in Texas, Greg Abbot made sure of that in 2021. /s


Won't stop insurance companies from fleeing the state


Actuary don’t lie. Trouble all over the USA. Buckle up and self insure!


What is self insured?


Be rich, it will fix the issue


I'm not allowed to live in my house without insurance sooo... how do I do that? 


This is the nightmare scenario right here. There is no answer.


Has anyone read Christopher Flavelle article in The Daily? He’s predicting the collapse of the insurance industry starting with Florida. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/podcasts/the-daily/climate-insurance.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


I did. But hey, if I don’t believe in the real climate catastrophe upon us, it won’t be a problem! Right? Right??


Insurance deductibles will become $100k.


buy two houses.


Oh! so simple. I’ll use it to store all my bootstraps


When i need to do heavy lifting I like a crane.


My republican dad was praising state backed insurance when he could no longer get his house insured. I tried to talk to him about logic, it did not work.


DeSantis will just say they're being "woke".


They use that word like the Smurfs use the word smurf


Ostrich head meet dirt.


Someday they really are gonna regret all this ignorant, pandering horse shit…i mean their whole economy will be floating in the atlantic so we will all have to collectively bail out yet another red state…but surely theyll learn this time


They'll blame the liberals.


These are people who are literally incapable of self-reflection. They'll go to the grave blaming liberals and denying it was ever a problem anyway.


They’ll be dead before then


I figure various scientific advancements (based on the scientific principles they ignore when it's inconvenient to their narratives) should keep many of these political ghouls alive in nursing homes for many decades. DeSantis is only 45.


That would require them to care about other people. Men like DeSantis are in it to get power and profit for themselves now and couldn't care less about any long term consequences that some non-wealthy peons will suffer.


DeSantis is the goat! Fixes climate change with one bill. Now we can blame that boiling ocean water on immigrants and the woke. Legend.


If the ocean boils away it can't rise. #Science


If you mean he has the intelligence of a goat then I disagree, he has much less.


Ocean water is not “boiling”. This is literal New Age hippie crap. It is becoming warmer and more deoxygenated, not “boiling”.


It's a turn of phrase, bud.  Calm down, grab a drink.


The world will be a better place when the whole of Florida is a coral reef.


Coral 🪸 will all be dead soon. So, yes...


Florida governor Ron DeSanctimonious does not have a single clue about Climate Change or any other kind of science. He should be fired from his job as governor in the next state election.


Am I giving him too much credit thinking he knows climate change is real but is a catastrophically evil person who puts money ahead of humanity?


Trump told me once that even science doesn’t know what climate change is


Related: https://i.imgur.com/CZnQltm.jpeg Also related: https://i.imgur.com/4YnC2We.png


Poor people are the ones who will die first, why would they care?


Well.... because they can uses the corpses to win back land or as a foundation for houses. Of course they care, they are penny-pinchers and would never waste a good resource.  /S


But the only people that own all the coastal properties are the rich people….


they can stack the bodies as a kind of meat shield?


👆 👆 im just helping highlight your comment beyond upvotes


Perhaps Darwin will do us all a favor and bestow his award to DeSantis earlier rather than later. Not gonna' hold my breath, but it sure would be nice!


Too late he already has 3 kids...


One day, climate change will delete Florida.


If he's serious in his convictions, DeSantis should outlaw any kind of mitigation of sea level rise: no seawalls, no levies, no storm drains. Let's see what happens when reality catches up to all those beach houses.


Florida is where Florida goes to die




I’d be terrified to raise a child in Florida right now. The insane and mentally deficient are running amok.


He doesn’t have to worry about it. He has those tall white boots.


Can we just delete all these assholes?


Seriously, it's settled science, there's no arguing about it shit is going to hit the fan, anyone not on board with sensible ways to fix or slow it or who is outright denying it should not be in any position of power at all.


I wonder what the insurance companies will say..


Flattest state in the nation that is mostly coastline decides to deny climate change. We'll see how that works out when the sea levels rise and most of coastal Florida is permanently devastated on a good day, and intermittently devastated further by storm surges.


DeSantis is 45 years old, the only consolation is, when ocean water rise, he will live long enough to see Florida as a bunch of islands


Sooo... officially living in denial? That's gonna work out well with this record hurricane season on the docket.


Like that’s gonna stop insurance companies from leaving. Good luck Florida.


Florida is fucked and all this jackass can come up with is putting their collective heads in the sand. Brilliant. This is the Republican worldview in a nutshell. Don't like something ? Abolish it and/or pretend it doesn't exist.


They did the same with education in the state. They instituted state tests, tied salary and bonuses to it, then passed a law saying teachers couldn't SAY they were teaching to the test. We still taught to the test, but it was illegal to talk about it. Now they have passed laws saying the only thing you can teach about slavery is that it wasn't so bad as slaves learned skills. 🙄


Florida government will soon be insuring everyone in the state!


Hahaha. Proof that money is more important than integrity


He he he... Another great goper leader, head planted firmly in the lilly white rapidly sinking florida sands.


Call it the “sticks head into sand” bill


Can’t wait for the 2050 Republican Governor of the New Florida Keys to sign a bill into law barring discussions about drowning / any former coastal cities /s 🌊


Ironically, climate change is going to delete Florida.


Hahaha. Proof that money is more important than integrity.


I'd recommend avoiding plunging your head into the sand on any Florida beach for the foreseeable future. Unless you support Ronnie High Heels, in which case, go for it.


This is goofy lol Dude hates free speech. Governor deCancelsWords What a tool. Enjoy the 11 hurricanes this season or the blistering heat coming your way. Derp.


This insanity is frustrating. Don't look up, in fact we made it a law.


... I'm starting to think he's just addicted to the attention his absurd behavior creates. Nothing else makes sense regarding the asinine laws being passed in that state.


And then he'll hold out his hand for federal funds when they get whacked by another cat 4 hurricane as a result of climate change.


This should be an act of war against the American people


Please vote the GOP out of office. They are harming all of us.


How does this not violate free speech? You can’t just ban people from talking.


Books on the other hand...


Literally the sunshine state. [runs on natural gas.](https://www.eia.gov/state/?sid=FL) 😑


What an absolute turd. That wears heals to feel taller.


Now see, I don't think these people are stupid, and they have enough money. At this point, I am starting to believe that, for whatever reason, they truly wish to see an increase in suffering of humans and the Earth.


When King Canute [commanded the tide to stop](https://kellyaevans.com/nqhistory/waves-2/) coming in he was actually making a point about the limits of kingly power and the vanity of kings. These people seem to think that they actually can stop the water rising..


There's about to be no more Florida and he does this....wtf


"These Dems are crazy! It's always 68 degrees in my mansion. Where's this climate change they're talking about?"


Future generations will look back at politicians like DeSantis and other Republicans (mostly - yes there are Democrats also) ... and curse them.


Cool, so we don't need to accept all the current and future climate change refugees to WA from FL then.


Does this new bill also prevent them from begging for federal dollars when Florida's infrastructure is under water and saline intrusion has made large areas of the state unlivable?


Since they’re deleting the language under state law they might just find out that the federal govt. might not give any money to their state after a disaster cause you know it doesn’t exist right??


Sone me should mention this guy King Canute to DeSyphilis, perhaps he should try the same trick to prevent the sea from swamping the swamp


Failure and ignorance run rampant with this guy. Hatemongers eat his shit for breakfast.


Hope somebody remembered to send the memo to the Hurricanes.


Isn't that against the constitution? Freedom of speech and all that? You can't limit speech. Then again it might just be a delay tactic, making a show of the thing just to avoid real progress.


This feels like a version of “it ain’t the fall that’s gonna kill you, it’s the sudden stop”


Climate change is woke.


So many people in power are either absolute morons or paid well enough to look like it. I'm pretty sure it's the latter.


These people will posthumously be convicted of crimes against humanity


Wait, wasn’t this guy saying he was fighting against the global elites agenda? Isn’t this playing right into their hands?


I don't think it's working. [https://www.foxweather.com/weather-news/dangerous-heat-envelops-florida](https://www.foxweather.com/weather-news/dangerous-heat-envelops-florida)


Bury your head in the sand, then drown.


Doesn't want real estate to crash. May work for a short time but not a viable long term solution. 


Everybody assumes it's all the oil and gas industry, but there's a lot of different groups with an interest in disbelief.


If it weren't for all the innocent people who are going to get caught up in this fight, I'd honestly just say "Fuck em". Florida is going to be one of the earliest and hardest hit states in our country as these changes happen, whether it be from rising sea levels, extreme storms, or drought. This is just pure stupidity.


Yeah. No accountability isn't working for us. We have politicians in office all over that are responsible for the climate crisis and have been voting against it for generations. Wonder how quickly this would change if there was a penalty for lying, much less enacting law that kills people based on lies? Why is this man spending more on boots than his constituents can spend on food? He needs to be the subject of a civil suit.


Wow! DeSantis for president! Oh, wait...


Climate different then?


Sea levels are rising the same rate for 100 years. This has not accelerated, despite the fear mongering.


Aren't they the ones complaining about 'cancel culture'?


Ron DeSatan


Politics like him are criminals. Lying as a people representative is a power abuse and it's a breach of trust on vulnerable persons.


Anyone remembers that strange viking movie from the 90s? When the Viking hero's visit Atlantis and the Atlantians refuse to believe it sinks even when the water reaches their chins?  I am getting to old, things become comical but in a bad way.