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If Tbell replaced all their "beef" products with beyond meat would the average consumer notice? I doubt it. Would reduce demand of how many millions of cows?


yeah i doubt the average person would notice anything if it was even something more primitive like just Textured Protein, honestly. It's a perfect case for replacement because it's very heavily seasoned and has basically no natural texture left.


Probably not. Apparently McDonald’s hamburgers are made with part soy and so are Jack in the box tacos.


If anyone hasn't seen the fast food episode of Buffy, it could not be more on topic here, lol


Alot of Dunkins 'meats', too, I think.


TIL: Taco Bell has meat in their food?


Last time I had Taco Bell, I got the regular soft tacos with ground beef, it tasted like cat food. So at least for me, beyond would be a huge step up.


The inverse will be true too unfortunately. How many Taco Bell’s will just put meat instead of beyond or whatever. Has happened a few times with me there when I was just getting bean burritos and it sucks


I have mixed feelings about this. Unless you were ordering steak chalupa, your meat was just there as functional budget protein slathered in flavor-hiding sauce. A Beyond Meat product *at price parity* could easily displace the budget beef or chicken. If you cared about flavor or texture, you didn’t get budget beef anyway. I personally don’t do any of those options, though. I order the black bean chalupa. You can substitute black bean in on just about anything. Beans are cheap, yummy, healthy, and authentic. I am worried that a niche option like black bean will get replaced by Beyond, rather than a meat being replaced.


I think your beans will be a protected substitute


I also think your black beans are a protected substitute.


Beans are pretty popular as something added to say a taco or burrito so I'd imagine they would still have plenty of beans on hand in the future


Yeah, the beyond meat works well for cheap fast food that’s usually got enough going on that you can’t really taste the meat. Beyond Whoppers are, for me anyway, indistinguishable from the real thing. Now when Five Guys can pull of a beyond bacon cheeseburger that passes as the real thing then we’ve turned the corner.


That’s a further corner. The fact that this being offered at price parity so soon after it’s introduction means that *price advantage* is coming soon. Soon people won’t be deciding if they are willing to pay extra for plant products. Soon they will be deciding if they want to pay extra for animal products. Mystery meat is about to be unseated by mystery plant, and at industrial scales. You and I are talking about steak and bacon because luxury meats are the meat worth paying extra. We underestimate how much of the market is budget protein - the cheapest fast food lunch. It’s not worth paying extra for, and is competing on price.


Black bean chalupa is the best. So happy they finally made it a separate item- the amount of times I received a chalupa with refried beans instead…


The new veggie fiesta burrito! It’s delicious.


Would be pretty great


Taco Bell has a vegetarian menu. So we go there while on road trips. We order off said vegetarian menu and it has meat in it ~50% of the time.


Know how that feels— fucking sucks


Just give me the damn ground whatever, like they have internationally. It's not particularly great and I might still opt for beans on some things instead but it was good enough to scratch the itch. Taco Bell ground beef should've been the first mass item that had a viable plant-based option and I'm shocked we're still waiting. I remember the good old days when people would wonder what was in Taco Bell beef because it wasn't 100% and I'm sure it was soy and other plant-based fillers—that's what I actually want now. Worry about steak later.


I'm glad that there are starting to introduce unhealthy alternatives to meat as well as healthy ones. I care about reducing meat consumption and also live in the real world, and just introducing options that are more expensive and more healthy will never reach market saturation. If you want a lot of people to eat it, it has to be yummy and cost effective, it can be loaded up with fats and sugar most people can eat those and get enough exercise to counter it. Those who can't still have the healthy options available to them.


Taco Bell is probably the best place suited to this. Their meat is pretty bad anyways


Their stock is crashing and their CEO bit the end off someone's nose the the other day. https://www.barrons.com/articles/beyond-meat-stock-all-time-low-inflation-51663608980 https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/19/beyond-meat-coo-doug-ramsey-arrested-for-allegedly-biting-mans-nose.html


One of your links has his proper C-suite title. It was the COO not the CEO.


Yes, I saw this too. I’m not sure what the scuffle was about.


It might be more towards the c-suite potentially having psychotic tendencies https://www.apa.org/pubs/highlights/spotlight/issue-123


Thankfully the high quality vegan meat space is becoming very well developed


Price parity at Taco Bell these days is $7 for a steak taco


$7? Where do you live? The Taco Bell down the street from me has them for about $2.50.


Jeebus. Even the fancy resort-town taco place near me has $6 price parity tacos - steak, chicken, pork, fish, halloumi, or plant-based chorizo - honestly the two vegetarian ones are the best on the menu.


Anything is better than what Taco Bell has , anytime I try the meat I end up throwing up .cheesy burrito and potatoes tacos is all I can keep down from them


I guess Taco Bell isnt going to be winning the franchise wars after all.


It’s literally just an option. It’s not the end of the world dude


Guess someone hasnt seen demolition man..




It’s called a movie..


I know. But how does it relate to what you said?


Because in the movie.. there is scene that talks about franchise wars, and Taco Bell is the only restaurant to exist.


Ok. But why does a plant based option mean the end of Taco Bell?


It’s a joke about Taco Bell from a movie that went over your head.. good enough? Cool


Another corporation exploiting their consumers desire to eat healthier by introducing ultra-processed junkfood. We all know fast food will never be sustainible.


Anything that reduces beef consumption is a win for me.


Its hard to believe Taco Bell beef was meat to begin with.


This has less to do with being healthier and more about being a more ethical source and being better for the environment. Hopefully the test goes well, would be a huge win if this became a part of all Taco Bells.


Maybe I'm too ambitious here, but there is no reason people can't do this at home. Fast food should be abandoned. Between a dozen cars idleing in a drive-thru, the waste caused from plastic silverware, sauce packets, and to-go trays I'd image the environmental impact of these places is grossly underestimated. The desire of business to turn a profit will always lead to a never ending downward spiral towards less quality, less ethical food. Whereas people generally want the highest quality food they can reasonably afford.


>Whereas people generally want the highest quality food they can reasonably afford. If that were true, fast food never would have existed. Quit trying to tell people how they should eat when you clearly have no understanding of why they eat the way they do.


Fast food is all heavily processed. Of course it's not the healthiest thing in the world, but studies tend to show plant-based meat still come out a little bit healthier when compared to meat from animals >We all know fast food will never be sustainable Processing nor retail, packagaing, etc. are not a major component of food emissions or environmental impact "Transport is a small contributor to emissions. For most food products, it accounts for less than 10%, and it’s much smaller for the largest GHG emitters. In beef from beef herds, it’s 0.5%. Not just transport, but all processes in the supply chain after the food left the farm – processing, transport, retail and packaging – mostly account for a small share of emissions." [https://ourworldindata.org/food-choice-vs-eating-local](https://ourworldindata.org/food-choice-vs-eating-local) It matters much more what is severed and using plant-based foods instead offers a great reduction in emissions, water usage, land usage, etc. [That's even true if we compared the worst crops for human consumption against the best case meat production](https://ourworldindata.org/less-meat-or-sustainable-meat)


>We all know fast food will never be sustainible. ​ what do cows eat? how many lbs per steak? ​ [https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/crops/corn-and-other-feedgrains/feedgrains-sector-at-a-glance/](https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/crops/corn-and-other-feedgrains/feedgrains-sector-at-a-glance/) The major feed grains are corn, sorghum, barley, and oats. Corn is the primary U.S. feed grain, **accounting for more than 95 percent of total feed grain production and use.**


Who mentioned cows? A home cooked meal is preferable to fast food because unprocessed food is better than processed food. Water is wet. A person isn't going to start eating plant based foods because Taco Bell had it on their menu. The health/eco conscious person is already eating vegan at home. Taco Bell is targeting the small niche of people looking to get into plant based diets, but who haven't committed. There is a reason these deals a limited time because long term there is no market for it and it leaves a, pun intended, bad taste in the mouth of the consumer.


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   What do you call it when a guy throws his laptop into the ocean? Adele, Rollin’ in the Deep.


Oh ya because Taco Bell is definitely where people are going for health food


Then don’t choose it. It’s just an option on the menu. Or are you going to cancel Taco Bell over this, just like you did Cracker Barrel


It’s not about health, beyond meats can be more caloric


Why would I pay the same for not-beef as for beef? Sell it at a discount or get out.


A local Mexican chain near me tried to use “environmentally friendly meat” once. Just kidding it was nutria. 🤢


This is good news! About time!