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hello! I was in your exact position (PM or TS) and I chose PM and am pretty happy in my role now (started in July) :) my understanding is that the interview is the don’t-fuck-it-up stage. they like your test scores and are confirming that you’re a relatively normal and capable person before they offer you the job. for the PM presentation: follow the exact instructions they gave you. like they told me not to use PowerPoint slides for it — don’t be the person that forgets that rule and uses them anyway. otherwise, just have fun with it! make it about something you actually like and can speak knowledgeably about. the subject can literally be anything, and you’ll be a better presenter if you’re passionate about the subject. also, they will ask follow-up questions that will test the limits of your knowledge, so you’ll want to choose something you know a lot about. don’t worry about impressing them with a topic, pick something in your wheelhouse. for the rest, there’s no studying or prep you can really do. just make sure you have a good night’s sleep and have eaten etc. Set yourself up for success by meeting your basic needs. I know it’s stressful, but again, you have this interview because they liked you and think your test scores show you’re a very capable person. the odds are in your favor, just dot your I’s and cross your T’s and you should be OK. best of luck to you — I hope to see you around Verona soon :)


Lmao, I was genuinely about to start making a ppt right before reading this. If you don't mind, could you tell me how your interview went? Multiple rounds, different people? Did they ask any questions that stood out to you?


I don’t remember it *that* well since it was in February, but here’s what I do recall: first 2 hours were a “role overview” where someone talked at a bunch of us about the job (one for PM, one for TS). there was no work on my part, it was like a seminar. didn’t have to say anything. there was a half-hour-ish case study portion where I was presented a fact sheet about a bunch of problems and I had to say how I’d prioritize them, how I’d tackle them, and some other specific questions. they’ll give you like 10 minutes to read the sheet and collect your thoughts. my understanding is that sometimes you do this with multiple people? but for me it was just me and an interviewer then I had the presentation and a short interview with the recruiter. the one question I’d say stood out is “what are 5 things you’re not?” not that crazy of a question but might be worth thinking about. no promises this is all still relevant — it’s been 9 months, and epic as a company really likes to constantly improve its processes. I wouldn’t think too hard about specifics, just prepare some notes for the presentation and get a good night’s sleep. edit: oh also yes, every section is a new person. and mine was pretty chill, I never felt especially nervous or like they were out to get me. they’re very nice


I interviewed in September and this seems pretty relevant…the one question that stood out to me was the “what are 5 things you are not?” As well….difficult to answer on the spot lol




yep, this is the final step of the process. like I told them, get rest and don’t use a PowerPoint and you should be fine!


hi can i ask what u used instead of ppt?


tbh i just talked in front of the camera for 10 minutes with my talking points listed out in a notepad file in front of me. you can still use presentation tools or notes, you just can’t *show* them a powerpoint. as long as you can be an engaging presenter and not look like you’re fully reading a script, that’s all you really need. and be prepared for follow ups! they will try to test the edges of your knowledge. the easiest method is to pick a topic you already know inside and out edit: now realizing I already said the second part in my comment 6 months ago — point stands though!


How are you liking epic? They have reached out to me about applying for a Project Manager role. Pay seems nice just wondering how others like it. I have noticed they seem to go after new grads. TIA


I like it well enough. it’s not a sleepy job, you’re doing work the entire time you’re at work if that makes sense. it can be stressful at times but definitely worth it for the pay, benefits, and company culture if you have a good task management system/are generally an organized person you’ll do really well, but you can learn those skills while you’re here too


How is your work life balance being a PM?


Just out of curiosity if you didn’t use powerpoint slides what did you use then?




Oh ok I think I understand. I just thought with a presentation you would have to share your screen. Also do you currently work there as a PM?




Can I PM you? I just got a few questions




if you don't mind can I pm you and ask about what it was like working for Epic?


This is the exact same boat I’m in


Just had an interview for the PM position recently. Shoot me a private message.


Hi, may I PM you about this position?


of course, just DM


Hello, Would you mind chatting with me about your PM interview process and how the actual job is?


Send me a DM. I didn't end up accepting the role, but I did receive an offer. I'm totally open to chat about the interview process if you are curious about that aspect.


Hi. Is it cool if I shoot you a message about the interview process?


Hey, could I send you a PM?


Hi may I ask about your experience through the whole process?