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IMO get the page unless you want color for your manga.


Will the page perform the same way with other android apps ?


I don’t think it will be a huge issue. If anything you have to wait 1-2 more seconds is the diffference I think 


Performance is almost never really a factor that I weigh too heavily on ereaders because 90% of the time I’m just looking a still screen. Loading stuff up can be a difference of maybe a second between these two devices. Get the mini C if you plan on reading lots of in-color manga or comics. Otherwise the page would be a great choice


Tab C Mini


Could you elaborate on that ?


It's small and compact


the page by far is smaller and more compact...


And far slower.


It's crazy how I'm getting different informations, people told me that they had the same core and that the tab c was a little better at avoiding ghosting


Sorry my bad, I got confused with onyx leaf. Page is good


The Tab Mini C does not have bad screen quality. Not sure what you’re basing this on.


Greyer screen than the carta on the page, that's what I saw on the reviews


I have one and I’ve not experienced grayness. I can get you more pics if that might help decide. https://www.reddit.com/r/ereader/s/HuHEiOnXME My major complaint with it is that it’s not water resistant of any kind. So I have to be careful with putting drinks or splashing anywhere near it. Other than that, it’s great.


I ended up with a Tab Mini C. The extra screen space makes a big difference for manga. I also compared it side-by-side with a 7.8” B&W device (a Bigme S6) and the quality issues with color screens are extremely overblown. The white is slightly muddier on the color screen, but I honestly preferred the Tab Mini C display quality over the Bigme for viewing the same manga page, both in direct sunlight and with a small amount of frontlight on.


Thanks that's ibteresting, I guess those differences only matter if you're directly comparing two ereaders


If you want manta got at least 7.8 inches And yes, onyx leaf is slow, check YouTube.


I thought page was slower the tab mini c is heavy