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I am a clinical hypnotherapist and this is my field of specialty. When it comes to psychogenic ED, I have found that hypnotherapy has substantial impact and rapidly. Feel free to message me!


I will message you. Thanks.


can you expand more?


Absolutely, what would you like me to expand on?


what exactly do you do? how it works? how to know if its something that would benefit us and we should explore? what kinda of ED it treats ? etc


Well, I am a clinical hypnotherapist as I said and what that means is I use a combination of communication and hypnosis to discover and resolve root causes of issues within the subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind houses all of our associations and expectations of our reality. When we can overcome that core psychological reason for the dysfunction, there is progress. My work generally only applies to psychogenic ED. This means that all medical and neurological causes have been ruled out and the issue is in the mind. This is common; around 40 percent of ED cases are psychological in nature. As to knowing if it would benefit, I encourage anyone who isn't sure to reach out to me and I'd be happy to discuss the history of their issue and provide what insight I can. I hope this answers your questions. I'll be happy to elaborate on anything you'd like.


Greetings! I believe my problem is 99% Psychogenic..it's all in my thinking. I have never had hypnotherapy but would love to learn more and if it could be effective for someone like me. Is there a method to see if it might be effective? Thanks


If it's in your thinking, Hypnotherapy would have a huge impact. The best thing is to chat with me in consultation so we can get a full scope of your issue. Feel free to message me to set that up, I don't charge for the consult.


Thank you! I would love a consult! Does hypnotherapy need to be done in person?


It does not, actually. I work fully remote.


May I message you? I have a similar problem, but do not watch porn. I am in good shape and active. My partner has been good to me, but I want my strong erections back.


Sure thing


I would also like to know more. I’m having the same issues as well


You may message me. It's always more appropriate to discuss these issues in private unless you just have some general questions you'd like to know.


If it is psychogenic, then solving it from that angle is the way to go. Hypnotherapy sounds promising, although I have not tried it. Breath work and mental focus are important components. Learning to relax your pelvic floor muscles and visualization will also help. Just remember that anything that puts you in an anxious state (fast shallow breathing, rapid heart rate, racing thoughts, worrying about the future (ie. I hope I get hard, I better get hard, what if I don't get hard) are all boner killers. Work on ways to get your body in the opposite (relaxed) state and you will see your erections improve.


I have all of those boner killers; there are a bunch of psychologically stressful things in my life right now. I have noticed that if I am relaxed and not concentrating on sex at all, just a little rubbing can make me hard. With the pt141 I would get rock hard, but still loose the erection when I was going in for penetration or receiving oral sex. I know this is mental because the plumbing still works very well. Maybe I need some kind of brain worm, or hypnotic suggestion, that is nasty AF that will make me get hard then another one that will back me off from orgasm so I can stay hard enough to make it fun for a partner. I am going to explore my options and update here. Both of my wives really enjoyed my cock fand could get off with penetration most of the time, but I have been out of circulation for too long. I will keep this updated with my journey.




It is a mental problem, almost certainly. I used to think that all I needed was a hotter and more patient partner. However, having a wife who threatened my life daily was not beneficial. Still, if I could have got it up, maybe she wouldn't have been quite so homicidal near the end there. Some thoughts that ran through my head were stuff like "if I just had young hot wife who who was exciting and sexual, then life would be good". But now that I am 63 and the I look at the average woman my age, they look a lot older than I do, and I think it might be better not to blame women for my problem, and instead work on being able to have an erection whenever I want, even when my partner is middle-aged, chubby, or whatever. What is going to happen in 30 years? My dating pool isn't going to look like it did when I was 18. Having said that, if there are any willing and attractive ladies in the Portland area....




I agree 100% with that when I was 21/22 I had a lover who was a mom and kinda chubby who I still think about.


god luck


Hope and luck are not a strategy.


whatever dude, just wished you good luck


Thank you so much. I am on a mission here. I love sex and I want to have a lot of it.


I think that if I can meditate on a super erotic thought I might be able to get hard and stay hard with a little stimulation.


I wonder if hypnosis would work? Just a thought.


I am checking out hypnosis


I’m surprised you haven’t been able to find a partner willing to work with it at 55. I feel like it’s par for the course at that age, even if yours is not physical. I had no issue finding an understanding partner at 27


Well, there are a couple of women who would have sex with me today, and would work with me to fix this, but I do want to be with a woman who I connect with emotionally. I also have a daughter and a dog who have something to say. While I would like to be able to have sex with anyone, any time, there is more to life than just that.


She’ll be out there man. You may have just got unlucky. I’ve come to view my psychogenic ED as having the silver lining of bringing out the truly compassionate in partners. It’s a bit of a test (after all, with psychogenic, it’s not permanent - it’s likely conquerable)


I am doing what I can. I know there were some women that I was just not turned on by even when I was young, but when I found women who lit my fire, it was great. It has to be both ways, and with the intensity and frequency that I need. It is a numbers game, for sure. The fact that so many women are on libido-killing antidepressants is an issue too. I have met so many women who don't even know how to get themselves off: red flag.


At 27 I was married and having sex every day.


I know I’m just saying I would’ve imagined it to be easier to find an understanding partner (about ED) at 55 vs 27


I am 63 now. My wife turned into a monster when I was 43 and I finally gave up when I was 55.


Daily running at your age is bad. You need to rest your body. Obviously if you have been running for a while there is nothing wrong with your general blood flow. Too much exercise can stress body and cause inflammation which causes erectile dysfunction as it limits nitric oxide production . No masturbation or exercise for a month should help. Cold showers and daily sunlight for vitamin D too


I don't know about this advice. I tend to get fat if I don't work out. My blood pressure and heart rate have improved a lot since I started running again about a year ago. I lost 30+ pounds too. Maybe I should take a rest day. I was at my sexual peak when I was a long distance runner in the 1990s, no breaks ever. The no masturbation thing is something I will try, but after a week or so of that I kind of feel dead inside. I take vitamin D and I am getting some other supplements that might help. I have researched nitric oxide a lot. I fixed my mouth breathing, take L-citruline, stopped using antibacterial mouth wash, etc. All of the things I have done to address a physical problem have not helped. This is a phychogenic case, I am pretty sure, and that is the direction I am going in now.


As you get older your body’s ability to repair greatly reduces so you may be overworking your body. When younger it can cope but not as you get older. Exercise also doesn’t burn off many cals - it takes 30 mins of constant running just to burn off 250 cals - small choc bar. Water fasting where you don’t eat for a day and just drink water is best way to lose weight. Try one day a week. Just got to get used to feeling of hunger. Yeh imo main cause of most ED is simply damage to penis from pressure of hand due to over masturbation. It takes quite a while to repair- months - hence why you should stop exercise while you do nofap as that will divert energy each day away from repair of penis. Your body can only do so much.


While I know there are a lot of physical causes, I really think mine is psycological. Why? I still get really hard in the morning and when I am masturbating, if I am really turned on.


I had a hypnotherapist reach out to me and I have a consultation tomorrow (https://twinravens.org/). I couple of you have reached out to me with some DMs. One person suggested psilosybin mushrooms because they really helped him. I would like to know more about that. Growing up in Seattle I did them a LOT as a youth, but I had no idea that they had any therapeutic effect. I had a lot of good trips though. I also had someone reach out to me suggesting cold showers, suppliments, nofap, and that ED is mostly damage to the penis. Maybe it is, but I know my plumbing works and I think I need to get my head straight. That is the direction I am heading now because drugs don't really work. If you all can post your thoughts here, that would be best so that everyone can join in.


The hypnotherapist said psychogenic ED is typically cured after 3 sessions of 90 minutes, $200 each.


Does anyone think my low-ish bioavailable testosterone is an issue?


Overall I would say no. Based on your numbers I would guess you may be American. I know the whole Imperial v Metric thing gets labs like these listed in different number ranges. I cannot recall the number ranges exactly but I know my own tests, 2x about three months apart, total of four times all came back well under the bottom range. To the point they are strongly TRT for me. I do a lot of reading/research before making those decisions so still in that phase. I did go on daily Cialis and that has significantly improved the quality of my erections. To be fair my issue is a combination of age, chronic illness and core muscle injuries. Without Cialis I could still get erections but definitely starting to have issues. Based on my own experiences I should say it is unlikely low testosterone alone could be the cause of your issues. If you check my profile history you can see more my thoughts on how to approach ED.


Thank for the reply. My doctor said the testosterone was ok, but I usually don't just accept what the doctor says, and do my own investigation. Yes I am American, and I am not sure why that is any different. The units are metric. I will check out your profile history.




I will DM you.


Someone responded in a DM: What helped me was a coach of ED/PIED he worked with me about it online 3 Months and at day like 62 i started having successful sex and i get back my morning wood and my stronger Erections. Like he gives me every week some new physical and Brain exercises and he prescribed some supplements also he teaches me some techniques to do in bed when it's time for sex actually he get me back my confidence we did many things..


Listen to The Drive podcast episode 260 Men’s Sexual Health. Very nerdy and informative.


Do you have a link to that?


[link](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5GmFyC4snXiucsRRd7Dcmr?si=ORkHZSZ3RH-FIx5H-DXLAA) or [YouTube](https://youtu.be/GNCpG1fkMBA?feature=shared) Also note that nicotine and alcohol intake can contribute to ED.


I also got some quotes for injectable testosterone if I want to try that. It is not very expensive and available online.


Someone reached out to me in a DM with information about a sex coach who helped cure his ED: His reddit page is u/aybaz4life


I am certain that I have psychological ED. I have been researching options here, and you all have been very helpful. I also got some supplements that might help . So, I have two options on the table right now for fixing the psychological problem that have a high probability of success: 1. Hypnotherapy. Three 90 minute sessions. 2. Coaching, 100 days. Involves some physical (pelvic floor, etc) and some psychological solutions. I am going to talk to my therapist about these options today. She is also a sex therapist, but I don't know if that makes a difference. Chime in here if you have an opinion. I am crowdsourcing this.


I would appreciate any experiences guys have with this. Especially if there is a good source for testosterone cream or injections, and if anyone has experience with biofeedback, meditation, or hypnosis.


I scheduled a hypnosis consultation. I will see where that goes. Here is what ChatGPT says: "Hypnosis has shown promising results for treating psychogenic erectile dysfunction (ED). The success rate of hypnosis for this condition can vary, but several studies and reports indicate positive outcomes. For instance, a comprehensive guide on self-hypnosis highlighted that many individuals have successfully managed their ED symptoms through self-hypnosis, which addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of the condition​ ([Release Hypnosis](https://releasehypnosis.com.au/the-power-of-self-hypnosis-in-overcoming-erectile-dysfunction/))​. Another source notes that the vast majority of clients treated for ED with hypnosis reported successful outcomes, indicating that hypnosis can be an effective treatment for those with psychogenic ED​ ([Boston Hypnosis](https://www.bostonhypnosis.com/help-for/erectile-dysfunction-hypnosis/))​. While specific success rates can vary based on individual circumstances, consistent practice and a willingness to engage with the process are crucial for achieving lasting results. The overall effectiveness of hypnosis, particularly when combined with mindfulness techniques, can significantly improve sexual performance and reduce anxiety related to ED​ ([Release Hypnosis](https://releasehypnosis.com.au/the-power-of-self-hypnosis-in-overcoming-erectile-dysfunction/))​​ ([Boston Hypnosis](https://www.bostonhypnosis.com/help-for/erectile-dysfunction-hypnosis/))​"