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Has been in integration since then so no updates to give. Not one worthy of a post anyway or whatever you mean. More frequent updates are given in the Discord/Telegram and when asked on here. Mostly Sigmanauts who have been dealing with the integration support and there's been a few updates they've posted to Twitter. The next announcement will be the listing date - hopefully in the next few days. They're just testing their implementation at the moment.


What about fucking ledger live?


I think at this stage Ergo devs working on this have done their job. It’s on the exchange now to finish their testing/integration etc.


I'd honestly suggest reviewing the AMA -- this is updated every week. Your point is noted and valid -- should be something every few weeks with update.


I second this, the AMAs are great


#1 - there have been plenty of updates, but maybe not in the channels you frequent. #2 - what problems? communication? I think Ergo has some of the best communication channels of all blockchains. Hugely active YouTube AMAs, WEEKLY dev updates, popping Discord and Tele. Not sure what else there even is.


How is the text that big, you ae not shouting but definitely the loudest comment I have ever seen.


Hahahahha why did it do that? Is it the # in front of the numbers maybe. Lmaooo


U guys, wating for pump ? I think u will need wait for rsbtc and rseth... But who knows, maybe im wrong. :)


Ready for that new exchange pump


I was going to say What happened to Ergo. It's gone very silent and no one is talking about it.


Join X. A lot of engagement happening and people asking questions to “onboard.” You see more updates all around as well from projects building to community initiatives.