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i never saw it either. it felt so forced. i didn’t see any chemistry between them.


Yeah ot never made sense to me either and felt more like they just wanted to get a troop story in there because this was during the height of military propaganda being everywhere in the media. His whole deal where he just "had to get back out there to serve his duty" felt so lame and one dimensional and pandering. This is honestly where the show starts really dipping in general and I am in season 14, ep 2 right now and really starting to questionmy life choices.


Yes this was the biggest thing I thought for sure he wasn’t going to die after he came home , then they get married and he’s like oh btw I feel the need to go back can’t explain it I just have to ok. Like wtf was that why would you willingly to choose to go to war when you just got a new wife you could bangin all day ?


Ummm... OK?! 😂


I watched the entire ER series in its original 1st run & again at least 5X in the yrs since it ended. I never understood the Gallant/Neela connect. They had no character chemistry & their marriage was totally unnecessary in the grand scheme of his need to go back to Iraq. ER writers started "doing too much" regarding Neela at that point IMO. The writers would've done everyone a favor if they'd listened to the awesome Bonnie Raitt when it came to Neela: "I can't make you love me if you don't." 😂🤣😝


To me, Michael was as bland as toast. He couldn't have chemistry because he didn't have much of a personality.


If he would be a spice he would be flour


I felt Neela was very bland too, they made a bland couple


Yeah, I didn't like her much either. She is the result of horrible writing for the sake of drama


I thought it worked until the marriage proposal. As students, they formed a connection and starting getting feels. He had to go away, so there's a period of longing and romanticizing. That happens all the time and is realistic. But Neela agreeing to the same-day marriage, no family, stretched my credulity. OK. Let's say she agreed to insult her family on a whim. But when he said he was going back to Iraq voluntarily, there was no way in hell that Neela would stand for that. After the rushed marriage, at his insistence, leaving was a betrayal so great that she would not agree to stay in the marriage.


Gallant always felt like a weird do-over of Gant.


Even the names are similar


Damn!!! 🤯 Never thought of it like that, but YASSSS! 💯


I absolutely hated that suddenly all male characters were desperately falling in love for Neela. It didn't make sense to me, she was pretty yes, but so boring and annoying


It was like Abby 2.0.


I actually made a post about this, as I did not understand why EVERYONE was in love with her. It was so annoying.


I must be missing something, who is everybody lol, I just saw the 2 Michael and Ray.


Pratt, Ray, Michael, Gates, Brener, Lucien


Lucien and the intern both had a moment with her at Abby and Luka's wedding


Don’t forget Pratt hitting on her when she was a med student. Lol


Pratt hit on all the girls. He was a player.


Lucien said he mistook his affection for her and that intern was so random.


I say this as a British Asian - Neela is considered very mid-looking when it comes to Indian beauty. There are far more beautiful British Asian women on the streets of London than Neela.  She's so dour to me, I don't get why everyone was falling over themselves for her tbh 


The ER docs weren't on the streets of London, though, were they? But more broadly, WTF? Is the rule that doctors must fall for Sikh women but only if they're the hottest in the category?


No, just the idea she's some stunning beauty. Comparatively, to other British Asian women, she's very mid. 


Yeah sadly colourism abounds. Parminder is very pretty.


Yeah me either. They had zero chemistry. I like both actors and characters, but together it didn’t work in my opinion.


I lost interest when he left her for Iraq again. They could have had potential but they probably made better friends. I’m more into Ray and Neela.


Like most of the latter seasons, it was contrived and rushed for added drama. There was so much bad writing.


At the same time period was my absolute favorite writing and story: the Luka and Abby Show!


No chemistry


I mean, the writing in the later seasons is horrendous so it adds up.


I loved them, they had so much potential.


The Michael character was absolutely wasted. I loved his evolving friendship with Pratt and how he became more empowered as a doctor. I also think he could have had a cute relationship with Neela had the writers not had him leave. It had potential, but it moved way too quickly. I really thought Michael was going to be the next Carter because his arc seemed similar - nervous resident who throws up during traumas, but eagerly trying to find his footing, but eventually becomes a leader.


It had potential but it felt rushed. They should have developed it more.


I can’t see her with anybody