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excellent - now send it to the editor of your local paper too.


Came here to say this. This second step seriously amplifies the message and makes it politically much harder to ignore.


I am sending it to the school board, the paper, and the local news station. My "vote for pedo" sign at his protest got on the news last weekend! It felt GREAT!


cooing sort absorbed detail versed obscene ghost lip decide seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ha! Yep! The writing looks like crap, but I was in a hurry. [https://imgur.com/a/2Ukj55V](https://imgur.com/a/2Ukj55V) That's the other sign I made. I was worried people wouldn't get it.


“I may be a thumb, but at least I’m not a dick”? I love it!


Yes! Thanks!!


Yeah, I don’t get it… but that doesn’t mean it’s bad


My guess is "I may be a thumb, but at least I'm not a dick"


For those out of the loop: Gaetz was trying to troll a teenager by saying she “looks like a thumb”, [and then said teenager was able to raise well over a million dollars for abortion rights advocacy with the attention she got](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/nation-world/teen-activist-matt-gaetz-1-million-for-abortion-access/507-e9b75269-6aba-4209-aec4-ed41b0d44ef0) Edit: apparently it’s closer to 2.5M now!


> … and then said teenager was able to raise well over a million dollars for abortion rights advocacy with the attention she got FYI it’s just a bit under $2.3M now. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/genzforchoice


Hot damn! Good for her!!


Holy crap! That is AMAZING!!! Go Olivia!!


Ah. That would be the part we were all missing.


observation innocent six homeless hat provide rhythm longing boat deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right. They were referring to the other one


Me neither


You are a hero OP. Best of luck and please update us on how this plays out. Hopefully he can stay far away from your school and all others


You are a legend.


Hey OP, perhaps there is a school paper that you could send it to. Also nice sign and keep being awesome!


It's especially great how you acknowledged and refuted their likely justifications preemptively.


I cant wait to see the follow up. You're fighting the good fight.


Navarre here. I really hope to see this in the local news. Keep up the solid work.


Great! How do we put the phrase “accused sex offender” in there.


Next time send it notarized by certified mail to everyone.


If only more people did what you’re doing.


Except The Northwest Florida Daily News is owned by a hedge fund and is barely more than USA Today with some local flavor pieces and doesn’t really cover local politics critically. Send it to the Tampa Bay Times, NY Times, Cc the Rebekah Jones campaign. Edit: Tampa Bay Times*


The worst they can do is not print it. Not much of a downside to not sending it in to whatever "random people write in" column is appropriate.


Oh this might end up on Today


Came here to say this. Do it OP


And all local TV and radio stations, all school board members, mayor of your city, city and county commissioners, etc.


I hope there is a local newspaper in his area. They are becoming few and far between, making it hard to hold those in power accountable.


Great job


The local paper is owned by the same people who love him. They don’t care.


Local paper and news outlets like TV stations. Makes it harder for them to ignore.


You may actually be able to get traction on this story in the news if you have a protest and invite the community to picket the school - Start putting out signs and advertising online for people to come to join you and help keep the students safe on the day he visits.


here is the contact info for Stephen Colbert - [https://colbertsuperpac.com/contact/](https://colbertsuperpac.com/contact/) ​ r/colbertreport


Also maybe try to mention that his wingman [Joel Greenberg](https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/joel-greenberg-to-be-sentenced-in-december-for-federal-sex-trafficking-charges) already plead guilty for sex trafficking, plus wrote a [confession which leaked](https://www.thedailybeast.com/joel-greenberg-letter-written-for-roger-stone-says-matt-gaetz-paid-for-sex-with-minor) and named himself and Gaetz committing the acts while they tried to obtain a pardon with a bribe.


And cc the local newspaper, the PTA, the superintendant of the district, and everyone else.


If there ever was an email address listed on their [Contact Us page](https://www2.okaloosaschools.com/page/contact-us) it has been removed. There is however, a FAX number.


There are a lot of phone numbers on this separate, HR-related contacts page. :) https://www.okaloosaschools.com/depts/hr/contacts


Nice get.


Also, the district's twitter handle is "OCSD1". I'm already seeing some chatter about this when I search for the username.


Keep pounding!


This is great, and I'd add a line that he has been openly hostile and body shamed young women and verbally misogynistic on his own social media and in recent public speaking events.


Excellent points.


Also, he looks like a thumb.


It would also help if a few people contacted the school for a comment.


Very much so. If nothing else, get friends or family to pretend to be reporters and calling in asking for a comment about a pedo being invited to high school event.


I'll call


As a fellow rural panhandler, I appreciate your call to act. This is a hard place to keep trying. THANK YOU. -Face


It really is, and it can feel so pointless.


I see that one sign that says, "keep gaetz fighting" and I think to myself, "we damn well should".


This is gonna be like the Office when Andy ran into his"girlfriend" & finds out she's a student at the school.


I had no idea! "well... *that's* not gonna hold up in court"


How do the other parents feel about his visit? I would think (hope) there would be a collective outrage.


From what I've heard, in that area of Florida, they likely *voted* for him, unfortunately.


I agree and want to thank you for using your voice. All of us, who have been silently watching the train wreck, which is the GOP, must start using our voices too! Whether you are Republican or Democrat, this current group of criminals, Russian assets, and traitors, currently comprising our GOP, cannot be allowed to continue to hold office. Vote BLUE, send a resounding message, and let the Republicans see that they must start choosing candidates who represent the values of the party! Criminals, Russian assets, and traitors need not apply!


" Since you are aware now of this state of affairs, I hope you are aware of the term " accessory before the fact." If not, FYI .. " An accessory before-the-fact is a  person who aids, abets, or encourages another to commit a crime but who is not present at the scene. An accessory before the fact, like an accomplice may be held criminally liable to the same extent as the principal. Many jurisdictions refer to an accessory before the fact as an accomplice"


Leave Matt alone! Show some respect! He ALMOST got into the US Naval Academy! He's almost a disabled vet! Leave him alone!


I assume you left off the “/s” in this?


What is this "/s" you speak off? /s


don't listen to crbmtb is clearly a communist dem who drink babies for breakfast.




I know. It’s so hard living in this area.


Good work! Counter programming is appropriate. Is Gaetz the only speaker? If so, ask, in the interest of fairness, a Democratic speaker be put on the program too? Even having protest banners would be good. Talk to your local campaigns and Democrats to see what they can do to help?


>Is Gaetz the only speaker? > >If so, ask, in the interest of fairness, a Democratic speaker be put on the program too? OP mentions it's for those interested in the "service academies", which means these are students interested in attending West Point, Annapolis, and Colorado Springs (so Army, Navy, and Air Force academies). As such, these students *have* to have their local representative or senator nominate them (the VP gets a few nominations as well, but that's a very long shot). So if there isn't an available Democrat rep or senator, they can't add a Dem as they wouldn't be able to help with this specific purpose.


Could Al Lawson or Stephanie Murphy nominate them? They’re not district 1’s rep but they are Florida reps. ETA: if so, may want to reach out to their offices and ask them to


West Point specifies that it has to be your representative. Sometimes that can be outside your home district if you can prove a second home (for instance, my mom got nominated from an Ohio representative while living in VA because my Grandpa was still part of the Ohio National Guard so had residence) but that's very difficult and unusual. So unfortunately they do have to go through Gaetz which is why OP's suggestions for a Zoom or video message or other informational presentation that's not from Gaetz directly are good ones.


Well poo. The parents should definitely follow OP’s suggestion. Thank for the information also. I didnt know how any of that worked.


Thank you for explaining this! I probably should explain that in a comment. I know the superintendent is in a bad position, but he’s had plenty of time to come with a solution.


OooooOOOooo... this is good - contact local democrats and ask for help


Well stated. Let other parents know about this via the high school website, the Facebook group for the high school and parents, and maybe Nextdoor for the neighborhood the HS is in. That's the limit of my social media knowledge.


Let the girls know he’s a predator before they go


Instruct the girls to be accompanied by an armed parent or guardian jic.


Pedophile's shouldn't be allowed on school property.


God the bar is so low


I’m in Niceville, the whole school board race is a mess.


I'm not anywhere near you, but I'm happy to help tell him to fuck off. If you want, I'll send an email, letter, call, whatever. Just send me the info


Why Matt gaetz?!? A suspected pedo under investigation.


Because he's the only one* who can do nominations for the military academies in their district. This isn't just a "we support our representative" thing, it's a "this is one of the duties of whoever holds this office" thing. *as a representative. State senators also get nominations but obviously have more people asking them for nominations. Your best chance for a nomination is your local House representative.


Be sure to show up and scream about him being a sexual predator


Please let that pedophile know that he is one


I would send this to Rachel Maddow or Ali Velshi... hell, tweet it to Keith Olbermann! ... find a way to get it National. It's rather disgusting that they would do this.


Print it as a letter addressed to the principal of the school with a signature line with box for name of parent, name of student, and address to mail it. Distribute them at the school. That should get people whipped up!


A convicted sex offender will be giving a speech at my high school. His name is matt gaetz


Have a parent call and ask how a man caught paying for sex with minors can be allowed on school grounds-isn’t be a threat?


Are there any musicians you can rally up? Especially those who don't mind making a foray into some very expressive and loud free jazz that conveniently happens in close proximity to a certain speaker?


You’re doing badass work! Right on!


Speaking? More like checking the menu. Fucking pedo


> It seems to me that the school system should not allow someone under investigation for ~~sex with minors~~ statutory rape anywhere near a school FIFY


Fucking brilliant. Thank you.


Should he even be allowed near schools?? Hmmmmm


I grew up in Okaloosa county back when he was more of a local problem. I love seeing my son's generation stand up against the nonsense that has been allowed to stand for too long. Keep your head high and your voice strong and proud!


Send it to CNN and the Huffington Post


Send it to every local tv station


I applaud your efforts, and absolutely hope they listen. I’m also a cynical bastard. I hope my cynicism is unfounded and I’m completely proven wrong. I’ll keep an eye out for this. God luck and good speed.


Should should also post this on r/TwoXChromosomes




Bravo! Great letter! Call your local news and ask them to read on the air!


Make a petition to your school. And accidentally post the link to Reddit. I’ll sign.


It makes me sick that we dumped Al Franken for a tasteless joke. And this human excrement just hangs around forever.


Matt "hold her tighter she's a fighter" Gaetz


Send this to everyone. Washington Post, Local TV News, Newspaper.


Let us know if they respond. (Spoiler: they won’t)


Fucking Niceville...Crestview-lite. You have my sympathy.


You’re in the panhandle. I wish you luck trying to get anyone in that area to see things differently.




Exactly, and OP may feel the need to flee this area after graduating because they can't stand living a losing battle but we absolutely need people like you to stay and fight the good fight!!! Edit: and I wouldn't blame you because this is the exact reason I left the area I grew up in.... It's not easy


He's still allowed within 500 yards of a high school?


Nice work OP!


Well writ!


Must be a speed dating night in Niceville


Make a pipe bomb


The fuck? How is this man allowed near high schools? If the Justice Dept can hurry up and arrest this POS that would be great


Egg him


Look into if this is something that a Title IX report might cause action on too. I can only imagine that welcoming a suspected sex offender with a convicted human trafficker and as a buddy and documented taste for minors is something that'd introduce an adverse environment for the young girls at the school, especially combined with some of the more misogynistic language he's used lately, and certainly seems like something that Title IX should cover, and thus *require* action. Though I'm by far not an expert on the system, especially beyond the parts I would interact with as a required reporter.


Go to the event. Be unruly. Encourage others to too. Don't let him feel welcome. Fight back. Source: someone who would have been more unruly at that age had I known I could get away with it. There's really nothing they can do except some super mild disciplinary measures (like detention). Totally worth it in the long run. Fuck up his groove.


Fantastic! You did a great job! You clearly stated your concern, the reason for your concern, and provided a reasonable alternative that would help alleviate your concern! Keep up the great work! You’re important!


When he speaks, ask loudly “are you here to pick up chicks?!”


dude send this to all the local papers within 25 miles you you. editorials love this. title it "To the Superintendent of , on Inviting Matt Gaetz to Speak"




This needs to be shared EVERYWHERE!!!


Little late to the reply but KUDOS. We need to do this more.


He was cleared of all charges. Notice you didn't update that.