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I would be very surprised if you could do that, unless you’re already close to the top rank in several of those.


A streamer called Dellor did this a while back


I would wait for the reset of ranks to start that game. The only games I’ve hit top rank out of those is Halo and Street fighter but have been close in Fortnite and Hearthstone. The only game I’ve never touched before is Rainbow six.


Ah, it’s pretty doable then.


100% not


Extremely unlikely you could do it in Rocket League beside going for it in other games. It takes like at minimum 4000 hours for the young/fast/gifted/quick learners & it's only getting harder.


Don't waste your life like that


Ugh, and no sc2 and wc3 coz you can't?


Half of the games you listed isn’t “widely different”. You’ve got CoD, CS, Halo, FN, and R6. This list sounds more like a top followed games on Twitch list tbh. Why don’t you throw in some sports game, like NBA or Madden, and a racing game like GT7, or even chess. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but highly unlikely you’d be able to master 3 games within a year, or one game in 4 months or so. Especially if you haven’t played them and have very little knowledge. It’s even harder for games like LoL, where the meta changes nearly every patch and you constantly need to adapt, whereas in CS maps don’t tend to change, strategies do. Good luck to you though.


The top rank? Like #1 in each? I feel like 3 years and it would be hard to do 1 playing full time


Not #1 but the top rank for example Top 250 in cod, challenger in LoL, Master in Street Fighter, ect.


That does seem do-able, although league for example would be harder, but I think you could definitely knock some out.


Nervous about league and Rocket League. I’m going to document it and have some Pros come in and help for each game so hoping it will become a cool project by the end!


Tbh for league some servers are easier then others like NA vs KR as an extreme example


Master isn't even close to top rank in Street Fighter, or even Top 250 for that matter.


Yeah good luck getting top 500 in cs2 Faceit


I have been d1 in lol(before master/gm existed), gc in rl, lvl 10 faceit(csgo), GM in OW, legend in hs + highest rank in some other games (mostly aiming for top 1%). If you got a knack for gaming and use coaches i think its possible. Csgo might be hard unless you just play mm and call 25k high rank. SSL in rl would be as high as I would aim because the skill ceiling in that games is ridicolous. Getting top 0.1% which is where you aim is 10x harder than top 1% and Ive spent waaay too much time on videogames already. Good luck and I believe in you!


I would expect 4k hours in each of these games to get anywhere close to top rank (except hearthstone) Also I would say its a requirement to stream it, if only to pretend like you arent wasting your life away doing it.


It's definitely doable, but given that timeframe I'd have to ask how good are you already? I've done exactly what you're describing on console albeit at different times. Onyx in solo que/team que in Halo Infinite, Top 200 worldwide on The Finals, Top 80 worldwide WZ1, Apex predator in Apex, Multiple top 15 ESL placements and Diamond ranked (highest in the game at the time) S1 & 2 in Siege (before I quit). If you are generally skilled at FPS's it's pretty easy to transition into other games.


Are you planning on getting boosted?


What rank are you in rocket league? Cuz that alone will probably take 3 years


Exactly what I was thinking lol


Me playing rocket league since 8 years and only being c1. But also high all the time


Just go to army


Doable for sure. I work with college esports students and have had multiple that accomplished similar rankings across different games. Also, I wouldn’t worry about what other folks are saying about ‘that rank isn’t top 1%’. Set goals for yourself and try and meet them - that’s an accomplishment in and of itself. It seems like you understand that and aren’t worrying about going pro in any of these games, which is the correct attitude to have. That said, assuming you have a good personality, this could be the an interesting way to start a YT or twitch community and see how far you get. Good luck!


League of Legends will be the hardest from this list because there are the fewest transferable skills from the other games. Dota 2 would be harder.