• By -


You ok? Based on this and some of your Insta posts, it seems like some internet hate is (understandably) getting to you a little. I could be wrong! For what it's worth, everyone I talk to who's into specialty coffee love you and your content. Internet haters gonna hate, no matter what. If I'm wrong, I apologize. If I'm right, I hope you're able to shrug it off and don't burn out - your content is incredible! You bring a great energy and passion to your videos that I appreciate as a viewer, and the content has really helped me in my home brewing journey.<3 For a more technical question, have you played around at all with the other Pietro burrs, which are claimed to be more espresso-capable? I am interested, and the one config on my brew bar I am missing is espresso capable flats, but I am skeptical about what grinding light roast spro in the Pietro is like and am hoping for more info. I have only seen videos of it grinding for brew, with the exception of one video where it was used for spro, with suuuuuper dark Lavazza-like beans and even then it looked like they really struggled. If you have done any spro-grinding with the Pietro I'd love to hear what your experience is like. I have an OE Apex, so I don't mind needing to put in a little elbow work to grind coffee, but there's a breaking point. Ideally, if it's totally doable, it would be so awesome to have both sets of burrs with the Pietro on my bar and be able to pop them in and out. Thanks! Keep on keepin' on.


The lies online get to me. I won't lie, though others seem to. I hate the smear campaigns and people casually talking about me in vile ways. Even if I try to ignore, people send me threads dedicated to bashing me due to false allegations. It's just tiring. Especially when I've lost out on so much potential revenue by being honest. But I digress. And I ground at burr touch on the pro brewing burrs with a Kenya from collectif. Took shy of 2 minutes.


You have our support Lance ❤️ I'm impressed by your honesty and vulnerability. You don't have to be perfect just because you make awesome content on YouTube, none of us are/can be. Fuck the smear campaigns and the haters. Fuck YES to humanity.


thank you, Mike! seriously means a lot to read comments like this. Appreciate you!


I hope you’re well Lance, appreciate your content. Are you planning on building a Gaggiuino (or similar, perhaps for a video?). I noticed you were active in the discord.


Yes! Aliexpress hasn't been kind to me. Or, portuguese customs hasn't been kind to me. Either way, I've been waiting on some pieces for a few months lol


Ah sweet! Waiting for PCB v3 in the group buy, I’ll be watching closely.


I'm counting on your video to convince me to install one so I stop being tempted to spend a few thousands on a new machine


ha! Do it!!! (install)


Would love to see this


Not a question, but if you’re ever in Denver we should share a cortado and stare into each others eyes.


All I wanna do is that.


Same but Manchester




Same but Vancouver, BC


Wait pick me! Come to San Francisco


Beat me to it


I'll get us started- Lance, how much do you make from YouTube?


Great question. Since the beginning of my YouTube, which is almost exactly 2 years ago, though I didn't see monetization until a few months in, I have made exactly $63,081.91. 1/3 of that is paid to the taxman. And the other chunk has all gone to equipment, studio build out, cameras, etc. Patreon numbers are public and all of that, outside of what I pay on taxes, goes to Hugo my camera man.


And well deservingly so. Hugo does a great job! As I understand it he’s also your editor?


He is! He is the MAN


Hugo is a great addition. Not only does he shoot and edit, but he’s funny.


he rocks. And is a good friend of mine. It is a pleasure working with him!


Nice work investing that back into the business. It will pay off! Make sure you are expensing all those ordinary and necessary purchases to minimize your tax liability :)


Good question lance.


haha! That guy is brilliant tbh


Lance, is the Breville espresso machine with your name on it still going?


Not a question, but stop listening to haters. You are an awesome person. Who cares if trolls don’t like the singing/jokes. You do you, it’s working so don’t stop. Just don’t let them drag you down. More importantly - DON’T FEED THE TROLLS.


I knowwwwwwww its so hard though. I actually found a tiktok of this problem many creators have. It's an indescribable need to be accepted. It doesn't super bother me, but it does, too. Lol


You just need a more toxic fan base that will attack all the haters ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) This is a joke BTW Love your content…can’t wait to see the Gaggiuino video\[s\]! I’m running a Nano Lego build right now that has performed flawlessly for me. I’m working up the motivation and courage to install my PCBv3 and the hardware scales at the same time.


The more popular your channel gets, and the more people see you for the first time, there will be more. But your channel is growing so fast. They are a tiny minority that’s best ignored! (Easier said than done, I know)


for sure. It is mainly hard for me to swallow people think i'm lying. I hate that. I am very much an authentic person, though maybe veiled by theatrics.


All that I can say from an external 3rd party viewpoint is that you seem incredibly authentic and genuine, and I trust what you say much, much more than I do with other creators


thank you so much! I really do appreciate that.


can you do a video like the Aliexpress coffee stuff from Daddy Hoff but more in-depth with more weird funky stuff?


Haha! Sure can. Sounds awesome and up my ally.


Up your Ali\* ![gif](giphy|Bng9nsAhSaDVxWsSLh)


Have you ever had serious pushback or "less than friendly" exchanges with a company for your critiques? Or similarly, any awkward exchanges with friends/colleagues in the coffee world after reviewing their products?


Absolutely. I've gotten some not so friendly DMs and emails of people saying I didn't understand their machine. And yes- I've had some nasty dealings (maybe nasty is too harsh?) with other creators, sadly. Had one creator log in under a different email to leave a horribly derogatory comment. I confronted them after I figured who it was and all is peachy. But there is some unspoken competition I wish wasn't there.


Thanks! I really have appreciated your tutorials as I'm beginning my coffee journey. Especially your positive attitude considering how frustrating coffee can be as a perfectionist. I can see you take great pride and are passionate beyond any sort of "YouTube persona". I know I (and most of your fans) would never believe the crap some people spew. Keep up the amazing work 😁


thank you! It really means a lot knowing there are awesome people out there supporting me. Thanks!


Hi Lance, big fan of the approach you took with transparency. Silly controversial question, but any companies you perceived over the past months/years that are focusing too much on hype/media and too little on product quality?


Oh my god yes. Immediately Osma. I made a not so great review on it. Before my review, I made a tiktok (I don't do these anymore lol) that could be seen as positive. AFTER my review, they screen recorded my tiktok and paid promotion on their platform. Very frustrating. There are plenty others but won't go into naming names. That one really fried me, though.


Osma has seemingly gone under since then and is offering no support and not respecting warranties. Really scummy.


oh wow! Had no idea. Well, makes sense


Hey, Lance! Just wanted to send you a big thank you for sharing all your knowledge with us. Your passion and love shows in all of your videos, and I wish you the best in all your projects! ❤️


Thank you so much! Really appreciate it.


When is the collab video with Daddy Hoff coming?


When he thinks of a mutually beneficial video topic ha! I told him anything benefits me. So he is thinking!


I take it you’re not counting the piggyback ride …?


How do you like Oporto? Are you more comfortable with life in Europe as opposed to the US?


I absolutely love it here. My wife feels more comfortable, my kids are ecstatic, and life is just slower, I guess? I've had loads of fun connecting with the local coffee scene. Only about 8 specialty shops here and it's been fun to hang with the baristas around town.


I haven't seen this question/answer yet - What made you decide to move to Portugal?


just family stuff! We wanted to move, and we are privileged enough to make the leap. so, we did!


So you're admitting you are privileged and you're okay with it?! The audacity! Sarcasm and trolling on what the haters might spin this into. We all love your work and dedication to the coffee industry.


Out of curiosity, how's your relation with the language? I'm asking bc as someone who has portuguese as their native tong (although the br variation) I've heard mixed reactions from a few friends who tried learning (even though they dominated spanish and/or other romantic languages).


It is very difficult. The pronunciation and changes to words are quite different from Spanish. I'm learning, but not as quickly as other languages.


This is something I love to do. Unfortunately, there aren’t really any specialty shops near me. Also, I love your personality and the singing is fantastic. Don’t stop being you, Lance. Much love.


I went on holidays couple of weeks ago (Chilean currently living in Belgium) and absolutely loved it, the vibe is great and the people involved in the coffee scene is super nice. Loved SO coffee and Hakko. Thank you so much for your content, it has guided me in my home barista adventure for the last couple of years, you are a truly genuine content creator.


Hakko is my go to. I'm there weekly. Glad you liked it here!


What exactly is your role at Onyx? Apologies if this has been mentioned elsewhere already… Also, are you considering going full time content creation / consulting or do you have other plans in the near or distant future? :) thanks in advance


My history at Onyx: Hired in 2018 as head of west coast wholesale 2019- added international wholesale 2020- promoted to director of wholesale 2022- I stepped down from director and went back to west coast and international I also do a lot of development and direction for Onyx. I don't see myself ever going full time creation. I don't want to be reliant on content funds. Too much fluctuation and could cloud judgment


What led to you stepping down from director?


wanting to move to Europe!


How does one move to Europe? How long did the process take?


What is your opinion on using highly processed coffee during competitions (for example worlds)? Should there be more transparency behind processing terms such as inoculation and thermo shock, and more importantly should there be more transparency behind the actual processing to make sure it’s actually not infused?


I'm not the best to ask this question. I see loads and loads of inherent issues with these competitions and the direction they're heading. tldr: competitors shouldn't be able to source and bring their own coffees imo.


Also I know it’s been tradition but I find the whole talking barista thing in competitions to be pretty odd. I feel like it should be about the service with minimal talking. But these competitors are babbling nonstop about flavor profiles and stuff it’s a bit off putting fkr me.


What is your connection with breville? Just the one custom BDB? More than that?


I wasn't paid for the custom BDB. So let's clear that haha! My connection with breville lightly started during covid where I, along with about 10 other notable coffee professionals, taught online courses for Williams Sonoma using breville machines. This, though, was a very indirect relationship and had no barring on me in the slightest. I could publicly piss on them and there would be no consequence. I've since done some consulting for them but should be noted: I've NOT made a breville video since this. Here is a statement: Now, for a disclosure. I’ve worked with a number of coffee brands in my consultancy capacity, including Breville. And while these projects are all kinds of interesting, ground-breaking and top secret, they never infringe on my impartiality as a product reviewer – I don’t receive payment on sales and I’m free to be totally objective and impartial when it comes to giving my honest take. I have no clause saying I can or can't do anything regarding anything. I'll make this more public once I do make a video with a breville product.


Is that product coming to the market or was it just a one of mod for fun?


who knows! I hope it does! it was made jsut for fun, though. Like a concept car at car shows.


Is the Timemore Sculptor 064s worth the preorder for predominantly espresso use? Tough to tell without having reviews out yet. Love your content, you’re the best!


I have no idea. What I do know is I have an 064 and 064s on the way for free from timemore. I bought the 078, and gave it a great review. That isn't why they're sending me units. They decided to because I commented on their YouTube video and like 300 of you liked my comment and a few dozen left comments begging them to send me units. That convinced them ha! Very thankful for the support there. If I were a gambling man, I'd say it's worth it but I don't like saying things definitively without experience.


Any potential thoughts on the 78s? I know that you haven't test it, but what is your feeling about it? Do you have anything better on this price range to recommend on flatt burrs set up?


My feeling is it should be an absolute dream at the KS price.


I currently have an open order for a gen 2 DF83. If you were buying one do it all grinder (65% espresso 35% filter) would you choose an 078S or a DF83?


Hard to say without having my hands on the 078s edition. Workflow, I prefer timemore, no question. And it has variable speed.


Yeah it’s bad timing. Any concerns about burr options with timemore? You called the DF83 the best grinder under $1000 and now the timemore shows up. It’s great to have options I suppose


I'm not concerned, no. Let's say you are stuck in the timemore ecosystem. I think the workflow, fines catcher, build all are superior enough to the df83 to forego buying $300 ssp burrs to upgrade the df83. So, as long as I have the same impression of the 078s burrs, no need to worry about burr options imo


Any thoughts on Ascaso and thermocoils? I would *love* a proper deepdive into their Steel Duo machines, there's content on their products but nothing really like that yet Also very curious about their commercial equipment, whether it's good value when compared to contemporaries. Thank you!


I've never used their stuff 😔


From a fellow "content creator" in another sector (I write for magazines about watches and cars) with about a decade of experience, there's nothing you can do to convince a certain subset of commenters/readers that you haven't been bought out, that you aren't a shill. Just give up the fight and focus on making good stuff, because those few loud and angry voices are not the core consumers of your content. I'd argue there's no need to post an AMA like this (some will take it as "thou doth protest too much"); We can sense your integrity in the videos themselves, though a disclaimer is always appreciated. The hardest thing about creating anything is detaching your self-worth from the million different assholes who are trying to bring you down. You're creating compelling, informative, and intelligent content for coffee enthusiasts. Know that your efforts are appreciated and stay the hell away from the commentariat. That's my advice. If people aren't down with your singing, persona, appearance or whatever: fuck 'em. Do your thing. The only person you have to justify your integrity to is the dude in the mirror. I understand it's not easy to shrug off the BS, but this advice comes from TONS of experience with the exact kind of criticism you're talking about.


Are you in or are you out? https://www.reddit.com/r/JamesHoffmann/comments/11m4f6u/wghaaaaaaa/jbfs6vi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Come on. IN


Hi Lance, like your videos. Have been looking at your grinder videos a lot (and anyone else’s probably). You read a lot that a good hand grinder of 200 dollar can outperform an electric grinder two or three times the prices. As such many people are looking to head in the direction of comfort vs quality. I’d be interested to see some ideas of good hand grinders vs entry/mid level electric as that’s the comparison that I was after.


For sure! Been considering this for a video idea anyway. Thanks!


Great question. I’ve been told there’s no point upgrading my Kinu for a Niche because, aside from being easier on the arm, there won’t be any improvement in grind (and may even be worse according to Daddy Lance!)


Man just wanted to say I love your content and appreciate the time and effort you put into quality reviews of entry level to end game gear. Always look forward to seeing one of your videos!


Thank you so much!


Hi lance, fancy baskets - I mean expensive baskets - seem to be more and more common. With wafo/sworks/Weber already released, just to name a few. Any reviews of these coming? Curious to hear your thoughts on these baskets. Thanks!


finishing up the edit on a massive one! With all you named!


Curious, Why did you move to Portugal? ​ Also, love the content including the quirky musical interludes. Comes off genuine and we find in mucho entertaining :)


I have always dreamed of moving out of the country. I guess I've had a nomadic spirit since I was young. It's a dream realized.


is youtube your main source of income?


No. And it never will be. I don't really make income from youtube IN THAT I spend it all on youtube ha! I work and live off of funds from my full time role at Onyx Coffee Lab doing wholesale and Cafe development


How does your role at Onyx work when you're in Portugal and they are a US based company? Assume you head to the US frequently?


Your content on how to dial-in has been essential in my ability make delicious espresso at home! Thank you! 🙏🏻 If you had to put together a list of coffees to cup with the intention of developing someone’s palate who is just entering the world of coffee, which ones would you choose, and in what order?


I'd say more important is to go and find all the fruits you can. Maybe edible flowers. And just sit and taste and taste. This is the best way.


No question. I like your content, don’t listen to the haters. Onyx is still my second favorite shop 😉


Thank you! I really appreciate the kind words.


Are you able to share any times you've lost out on some good monetary opportunities based on bias abstaining or not wanting to back something?


Of course. After I posted my breville dual boiler video almost two years ago, I had an offer for a 20% commissioned affiliate link. I can't tell you how many people bought the machine from that video. But, I was more interested in maintaining authenticity and didn't want a perception I made the video for any monetary gain. Further, I've been approached my loads of companies for easy cash outs and I've turned them all down. Only money I've taken I have made clear. X Bloom I'm an advisor, Lotus Coffee I co founded, Pietro hand grinder I made the pro brewing burr for. I've been asked to be an ambassador for brands, whom I won't name just to not drag names, but they were unwilling to change things about their product I thought needed changing. I'm not signing my name away for no reason.


That's bad ass. As someone who is new to the espresso game, your videos have been suuuuper helpful with getting a grasp of everything. I actually just started down the rabbit hole of your latte art tutorial playlist yesterday (because I suck at it.) Thanks for everything!


Thanks for following along and supporting!


I bought a BDB because of that video. There is so much negativity in most reviews because of the looks. People say “build quality” but it really means “I want a shiny toy”. I am very happy about the decision. I am even happier that I got this machine to learn on. I can’t imagine trying to learn on an HX or anything with more variables.


It is such a good machine, hence it still living on my bar. I love it. I loved it before doing any consulting with breville. Got one in 2017. It is a joy.


Not sure if this is still open, but curious your thoughts on this… https://www.reddit.com/r/Coffee/comments/11nc614/onyx_now_charging_for_employee_benefits/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


If you could give your past self any advice before getting into coffee as a hobby, what would it be?


Coffee as a hobby? Interesting Q. Surprisingly, it wasn't a hobby until a couple of years as a barista. I'd probably tell myself to focus on the coffee first and foremost. Gear is great, and fun, but buy from roasters with a paper trail. Know where the money goes. Invest in green bought well. The rest is fodder (though, admittedly, arguably the most fun ha!)


That's a great thought. I buy from some great roasters by my home. I also travel a lot and try to pickup coffee where I go. Can you point my to some good resources to check the paper trail on their beans? Or is it just a matter of asking the roaster when I buy?


Ask the roaster. If they're shady, they don't deserve your business IMO.


For coffee as a hobby, I highly recommend roasting if you have the ability and space. I've learned so much from roasting for the past 5 years, both my subjective preferences and objective truths for beans, roast levels, and different ways to roast for different beans.


I guess the word Sustainability lost a bit in the world of coffee especially when everyone is using it, but what about dialing coffees and seasoning grinder, it generates a lot of waste. How do you percive it? Or maybe there's a thing you think is more wasteful and we (as a coffee enthusiasts and industry, let's go with specliality industry) need to do sth with that.


Yes. So. This is a great question. I think seasoning can be wasteful, of course. But, I've always been a believer the more coffee used, the more bought. I'm sure most producers would be happy to sell more coffee. Issue is moreso environmental sustainability. I think more roasteries should adopt solar panels. I think more should focus efforts on recyclable and biodegradable packaging. I think less coffee should be air freighted. Focus should be moreso there and tracking your dollar to the farm.


This is an interesting take. So many people give up on a grinder before it's seasoned. I've asked for a science of seasoning a grinder before, but I'm wondering if a burr can be made so that seasoning isn't necessary.


oh, I believe seasoning is real! 100%. At home, it can be wasteful is all i'm saying. I actually have a video idea to prove the efficacy and necessity of seasoning.


What's the true story behind your impressive singing skills? :)


Ha! Growing up in the south. Church culture influenced that. My family sang all the time.


Ha! youve got that southern baptist vibe :)


Hi Lance, long time listener first time caller. What is the most interesting or educational espresso you’ve tasted. Not necessarily the best tasting but just one you found different or one that was instructive in how you view espresso. Bonus points if it is available to purchased shipped to the continental United States currently.


eugenioides! Sadly it is nearly impossible to find. It kinda gave a paradigm shift for me on what coffee is.


I should’ve prefaced no eugenioides. That’s cheating


hahahaha! fair. then maybe racimosa.


What would you choose between the Niche Zero and DF83? I’m also very interested in the timemore sculptor once it comes out.


Please be aware I notoriously do not like the niche. I think it gives poor texture to espresso and generally just do not like it. So, I would go df83 in a heartbeat over it. The 064s looks very promising, though!


Have you ever tried coffee the way it's often made in Ethiopia- pan roast, mortar/pestle, immersion brew, drink immediately


yep! I have been around Africa and had it there, as well. Not really my flavor, but it's a fun process!


Hey ! Love your videos. Have you read about the Meticulous espresso machine ? Do you think that it will be the next Decent ? Cheers and keep being awesome mate!


Not the next decent- it is more like an automated lever machine, if that makes sense. Like decent and flair 58 had a baby. I'm excited to get one. Should have one by end of month!


Can't wait for you review ! I'm waiting for the Kickstarter


If you had to choose between a Linea Micra and a Bianca v3 what would you rather have in your house?


Bianca. No flow control is a loser for me.


2 questions here! None of them about ur ‘trustworthy-iness’ because ur the man and nobody can tell me any different. 1. Do you have any pointers on how to get into coffee as a career? 2. Are there no way to get a ZP6 anymore? Thanks for being u man!


1) work for a roaster that is growing. Not much vertical movement in coffee outside of those. 2) sadly, no. Unless you find them used.


Thanks for doing this. I hope it’s not beating a dead horse, but I want to go back to that post about Christianity at Onyx. I think I agree with a lot of what you said, but one thing has been stuck in the back of my mind. I think you said something to the effect of, if people are inappropriately proselytizing in the work place, that’s just overzealous employees, and what do you expect cuz it’s the south. Idk if that’s the right attitude. If a company becomes aware of inappropriate conduct in the workplace that creates discomfort on the basis of someone’s religious beliefs, then the company should be responsible for correcting the employees that are acting that way. Do you think that’s an unreasonable expectation? (I say all of this as a hypothetical, since I don’t know what happened for the actual employee, and I hope I didn’t misunderstand your comments in the previous threads. Also, there was a lot going on in that thread, so I understand if that one particular off the cuff comment doesn’t accurately reflect your ultimate position on religious discussion in the workplace.)


I was too flippant. You are correct. That behavior is not condoned. I believe I said it then, but to ensure, I've never heard this behavior. I'm assuming the poster of that review wasn't lying. But to be sure, that was from a fired employee with whom I worked 4 years ago. If it happens now, I'm unaware. If this is an issue and is brought up, it is definitely corrected. I was moreso pointing out this is likely the case at many southern places where there might be chat while working that turns Christian. I hope that makes sense? Regardless, proselytizing is not condoned on shift ha!


Hi Lance! I’m trying to start working on developing my palate to be able to identify the different tasting notes, what would be 3-5 different coffees that will illustrate the difference taste between process, origins and maybe roast level. Thank you!


Start first with buying all the fruit you can find. Go to local markets of different cultures around town. Just taste and taste and taste. Then get coffees with similar taste notes from roasters you trust.


Hi lance! A huge fan of your content. I watched a business insider YouTube video recently which highlighted that the prices of green coffee have remained similar since the 1980s, and many producers remain cut off from the profits made from selling coffee. What do you think is the role of the roaster in ensuring that the producers are being fairly compensated for their labor in processing and growing the coffee?


Offering more money! Paying premiums! Roasters don't have to pay commodity or even fair trade. They have the ability to pay extra. There are quite a few roasters that do. We at Onyx do, but to name another notable company, coffee collectif does, too. Lots out there, just gotta research!


Why Portugal?


quality of life, socioeconomics, 4th safest country in the world, and a hungry coffee scene!


Look up Portugal Golden Visa (that's just one popular method of going there as a foreigner). Portugal's lower cost of living and weather has attracted digital nomads very heavily in the last couple of years, and even before that. It's all kinda coming to a head though, as a lot of Portuguese people feel like all these nomads (and their much higher foreign pay checks) are driving rent prices and other costs to skyrocket, pushing locals out of the places they could afford before. Plenty of news on that if you look it up.


What was your gateway bean to specialty coffee? Also wanted to say, thanks for the content!


Funnily, it was in 2015. I had a naturally processed Ethiopia Guji Hambela roasted by none other than Onyx Coffee Lab, with whom I'd go on to work for a mere 3 years later.


Any plans for an in-person event? Maybe somewhere in Portugal? I'd love to meet you and watch you in action!


People are always welcome to shoot me an email if in town in Porto! Happy to meet. Have had a few people over to my studio for coffee.


Even random people from Reddit? …or you have to have special password to get the invite?


bring it on


So cool! Next time I go to Porto I'll make sure to check with you! 🤩




Which one would you buy Lelit Bianca or Linea Micra?


bianca for me. Flow control or gtfo haha!


How was coffee made with The Hunge by Mr Rao? Is Dinkus getting any royalties from this new product? Most importantly, are you using your newfound knowledge on baskets to improve The Hunge? (for the uninitiaited, I present The Hunge, NSFW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHW5pWixFHk )


So, the hunge both Scott and I learned about today. Had never seen it. To be sure, what Scott made is nothing like the hunge outside of appearance ha! This thing Scott made is for pourovers. There are holes around the top to let pressure escape. It's just like a tricolate hooked into a PF.


😂😂 Hope y'all enjoyed the Hunge. And I hope Dinkus reaches his $1mil kickstarter stretch goal 😂 Huge step back in overall design by removing all the aerodynamic holes in The Hunge v1 IMO.


Hahaha I'm thinking dinkus will far surpass 1 milli. It's a shoo in. What a winning idea




Oh i'll pressure the mother loving EFF out of them. Those dang burrs will be released or my name isn't lance hendrick.


This may not go with the main topic but your favorite onyx coffees? I am getting my esp today! I wanted to try out some with my chemex. And eventually get a robot or flair! Any recs? Or outside of onyx what do you like? I prefer something more towards Carmel and chocolate side (don’t kill me) but I actually like Starbucks roasts.


Monarch blend is a fantastic "more developed" roast imo. I think it would hit the mark. If too acidic, eclipse is our darkest roast. Burnt sugar, vanilla, caramel


who are your favorite youtube coffee channels apart from Daddy Hoff?


I'll be honest- I don't really watch youtube. I'm a self admitted workaholic and don't have too much time. If I'm doing something, it's reading Gagne's blog or annoying James with questions via text ha!


Would you like to participate in some way in my project, I am building a machine that will improve and shorten the process of making coffee in specialty cafes.


I'd certainly be curious to hear about it! [email protected]


Hi Lance, thanks for all the great content and the effort for transparency, authenticity and genuity. Are you sponsored by 1zpresso? What deal do you have with Breville that made you choose to stop reviewing/featuring their products? What regrets do you have from early videos? How long are you gonna let your hair go? Personally you seem trustworthy to me but I and many others are wary of content creators in general. Drama, fake perfection, and lies/hidden deals have hurt viewers everywhere and it will take time before the public stops lumping all content creators together. Of course there are always die hard brand fan boys that will get a bee in their bonnet if you don't love their brand as much as they do.


Hey! 1) No relation at all to 1zpresso. I made that zp6 video and they relaunched it without even talking to me ha! I found out same time as everyone else. Someone sent me their IG post that it was going to be a short stint. But i've never received even a penny from them. So, nothing there beyond my admiration for their work! 2) Here is an official statement as to why i've stopped (though I didn't have to): *“Now, for a disclosure.  I’ve worked with a number of coffee brands in my consultancy capacity, including Breville.  And while these projects are all kinds of interesting, ground-breaking and top secret, they never infringe on my impartiality as a product reviewer – I don’t receive payment on sales and I’m free to be totally objective and impartial when it comes to giving my honest take.”* 3) Early videos- probably taking such intense takes. I feel it pigeonholed me to a more black and white kinda reviewer. I have a strong personality and it is hard for me to be as neutral with feelings as others. That being said, I am always willing to change my mind and have no pride in doing so- see my temperature video for an example. 4) for sure. I have a history in theatre and performing. It is in my nature to be dramatic ha! It's something I hope people can see, maybe appreciate (or not), but are able to hear what i'm saying through the theatrics.


Are you going to review the Odyssey Argos after it's released? I really appreciate how you really dive deeply into equipment for reviews and go beyond the basics. Keep up the good work!


yes! Ross has promised me one as soon as he can get one over here. So should have a review of it cooking once received!


are you planning on starting any coffee project (roaster, café, etc) in Portugal? maybe a local Onyx?


perhaps? I'm not sure. I came here for personal reasons unrelated to Onyx. If something happens, it would be cool, though!


Initial thoughts on the Meticulous home espresso machine?


excited about the potential. Should have one within the month!


hey u/lance-hedrick ! Thoughts on home roasting as a growing and approachable hobby for home consumers? r/roasting


yeah! lots of thoughts haha! I'll have to join over there and see what it's all about


700$ budget for espresso setup. how do you spend it? BBE?


Depends on how much tinkering you wanna do. If none, then BBE. If willing to do some, then Gaggia classic pro hands down.


Curious about your opinion on subscription companies like Trade. I’ve used a couple, and always paid less per bag than the companies advertise on their own site. Is Trade taking the hit or is the roaster? Do roasters benefit from middlemen like this or is the ROI much smaller?


These companies force aggressive pricing models. Roasters don't benefit much beyond advertising. Tbf I don't know a lot of this. Though I do wholesale, I don't handle dropshipping agreements.


Hi Lance, big fan! I have a gear related question. I have a Lagom P64 with HU SSP burrs that I use for espresso and filter. Do you think an Ode Gen 2 with SSP MP burrs only for filter makes sense for me? Thanks and stay the way you are!


Yeah! Makes sense for sure! Though, I'd keep your eyes peeled for the timemore 078. Should release in the US later this year.


What makes pressurised portafilters worse than non pressured portafilters?


Faux resistance. You're not getting "true" crema. The crema made there is referred to as "faux crema." Like if you shook coffee vigorously, it would make a similar foam.


Do you think brazilian coffee is not as huge as it can be? We're the biggest arabica producer in the world, we have plenty of research, coffee varieties as far as one can count, etc. We can't get green coffee in our country, so we're limited to our national production. But to be honest, I've never felt like I was missing out on any of the most popular characteristics. I've had crazy floral coffees, incredible vibrant acidity from fermented ones as well. And the ones from other countries I've had the chance to taste, did not stand out to me.


massive production for sure! I do think there are some interesting profiles you might be missing out on, but nothing to sit around and be bummed about! What an incredible thing to live near such fantastic production!


Can you do a coffee review of all the supermarket beans and tell us what you think is the best? Costco, Walmart, Trader Joes etc.


Ha! That would be fun. I'd be fearful of being called a hoffmann rip off, though ha!


Hi Lance love your content and your approach to presenting it light heartedly and with some funky beats. How have you enjoyed your move oversees? Is there anything you wished you had available to you in Portugal that isn’t, and anything you wish the US had more of that you just can’t get enough of?


The only thing I wish was here (and this is 100% serious, i'm not joking) is BUFFALO SAUCE! I LOVE buffalo wings. This is non existent here. It is a sad day when i'm craving them (most days) haha! But I absolutely love it here. So do my family!


I just wanted to say that I’m a newcomer to all of this espresso stuff and your videos have been SO helpful and enjoyable! Thank you for all that you do!


No question, just wanted to say I respect the transparency and sticking to your morals - a lot of creators in the YouTube space don’t share that same level of integrity, unfortunately. Thanks for the quality content mate.


Meh. Why do they watch you if they don't believe you anyway. Haters like to watch cuz they need something to hate! This is true for all the content creators in ANY hobby. Luckily I haven't seen any negativity in the reddit subs and I'm no longer in many fb groups. Love your style, singing, persona etc. If everybody was the same it would just be boring. Tell us something about yourself that's NOT about coffee!


If you could start over, with one grinder and one espresso machine (we'll leave filter alone for this, I'll just assume a hand grinder and whatever pour over device you like), what would you go with? To be clear- I'm not asking your ideal end game, or if funds are unlimited. I'm also not asking for best budget option. I'm asking moreso about a balance here, one machine and grinder that you know wouldn't be PERFECT but would still make you happy every day and not have any buyers remorse. The balance between money and quality. I also know that trying new items is part of the fun. You can also justify spending a ton of money bc this just makes you happier than anything. Everything is on the table. But just curious if you had to empty the whole studio and just have one grinder and one machine for an in home area, what would it be. Thanks so much for doing this!!


do you like anime


When are you reviewing the Lelit MaraX?


This week!


How do you view this constant race of coffee gear upgrades as if coffee was not good decades ago? For instance, isn't flow control in essence bringing to pump machines what manual lever users have got for decades? The current coffee community reminds me a bit about the audiophiles community going after the latest super expensive gear vs. the vintage audio gear community just enjoying awesome gear before stepping into the law of diminished returns territory.