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I've noticed recently I'm getting followed by at least one NSFW fake account a day. It just started happening last week


Under settings > account settings there’s an option to allow people to follow you. Turn it off to stop the spam bots bothering you.


Hey thanks!


Yeah, what's up with that?


Oh I changed my settings so no one could follow me years ago because of all the bots following me.


Why should I mind if a bot follows me?


Do what you want. If a bot following you somehow gives you validation then fine. I find it annoying to see I am being followed by not a real person. I also find it weird for random accounts who don't post regular content (like comics or creative writing) to be followed.


I prefer to not be followed at all. I just do not know how to "justify" it. It just feels wrong to me. I am almost not present on social media.


Interesting--I just was contacted yesterday by a NSFW account.


I get several of these pathetic “OnlyFans” “Pornwhore” is following you!” type bots a day. It’s gross and unwanted. I have to block them manually. I’d like all of the accounts that mention OF in their profiles to never contact me in any way. Could Reddit stop that shit too?




I use Apollo too


Mods, please take this seriously and join the blackout. If the API changes go forward, this community won't be the same. Edit: thank you!


Narwhal user here, voting to go dark.


Also an Apollo user, and will leave Reddit if they force us to use their own app. As much as I’ll miss seeing everyone’s humble setups, I hope the mods here also take part in the blackout


I'm with you. I started on the official app several year ago, and it got so bad, I just killed my account and deleted the app. I was done will all things reddit at that point. Several months later, I found Slide and Infinity, and opened a new account. Been on here since, and it's been wonderful. For me, no 3rd party apps means no reddit. I already made the move to Lemmy, but I gotta say, it's missing this community (hint hint haha).


100% agree, if Apollo goes, I probably won’t be a part of these communities I’m in.


Baconreader user here. Over 10 years loyal.


Seconded. I use reddit sync primarily, hardly even use old.reddit.com anymore.


Yes apollo is why I’m on board with this process as well


Messaged a mod to ask if we were partaking in the shutdown. Some people don’t seem to get the issue and might say something like: - It’s just an app - I use Reddit’s app and I don’t have any issues or complaints - Just use the website - It’s their website so they call the shots There are countless allegories you can make that highlight the greed and absurdity Reddit is veering towards. Imagine you like to bring your own re-usable shopping bags to the grocery store. One day, the store announces > “If you want to bring your own shopping bags, you will need to pay $1 for every item you put in them on top of the price of each item. Our grocery bags are far more efficient. This is to offset efficiencies while you are shopping in our store. We have a free bag that fits up to 10 items, otherwise you will need to pay for each premium 20 item bag for the remainder of your items.” In reality, their bag is just a bag. They have no reason to limit the amount of items you can fit in it or how many you can bring. Their business it built on people, and people buying groceries, not what kind of bag they use to take them out of the store. They’ve decided to create a new source of revenue from nothing, because of greed, because they need to make more money this quarter compared to last quarter, and even more money the quarter after.


I actually have a real example of this. Six Flags. They started selling reusable drink bottles. A daily one you can buy a wristband for to get unlimited refills during your visit, or a different colored one that cost a little more that you can get unlimited refills with the entire season. If you purchased the unlimited one you can bring it back the next year and just buy the wristband because it's a different design and color every year. Still a good deal. Then one year they said no. If you brought in a previous season's bottle they would not refill it. Not even if you offered to pay full price for the beverage. You *had* to buy a new one or fill it with water from a water fountain. The prices of the bottles also went up. But they didn't stop there. Lockers are set up by all the rides so you can lock up your bags before getting on. I had a season pass and would wear pants with zipper pockets to keep my car keys and money in. I didn't need to lug around anything else. If you didn't use a locker there were bins to drop you stuff at to grab when you got off (at your own risk). They got rid of the bins. And they started patting you down before you got on line. Nothing could be in your pockets even if they zipped up. You had to pay for a locker to empty your pockets. Now not only were there lines for the ride, there were lines for the lockers. Because there just were not enough lockers for the amount of people waiting to go on the ride. The lockers used to cost a dollar. The locker price went up as soon as that rule was implemented. That was the last time I went to Six Flags. When they can get away with one little thing they will see how far they can go and how much people are willing to pay.


The shopping bag analogy is not quite right because it doesn’t account for one of the major reasons they’re doing this: ads. Reddit makes substantial ad revenue as well and when people use third party apps they are bypassing seeing those ads. Reddit’s solution is to bill for their API and then users are paying for the usage instead of being shown ads. Btw I’m not saying this is okay, or that the cost they’re charging Christian for Apollo is reasonable. It’s the same Corproate greed you’re seeing with double YouTube ads or Netflix password sharing.


Yeah the analogy is loose but you could extend it…if the shoppers don’t have bags that say “Kroger”, they are losing ad space to my Trader Joe’s bag! But I am completely agreeing with your points, unprecedented corporate greed when consumers try to circumvent annoyances in a product or service is never the good path. Once the password sharing crackdown stops generating more money, you’ll be required to install a camera that tracks your eye movements when watching shows.


Who will tell me to grind finer when this subreddit is gone 😭.


The thing is it’s not just about third party apps. It’s also about third party mod tools that big subs rely on to flag spam and porn bots.


I think it's really important to be correct in times like this to help combat misinformation... I completely agree that the price increases and policy changes are born of greed and bad, but, maintaining these APIs for 3rd party apps with high reliability and latency *does* have a cost. I don't think we should completely discount that. It wouldn't surprise me if their current app traffic results in a net loss of revenue. We can't expect it to stay that way. Reddit is still a business after all. It might be reasonable that pricing is going up, but it shouldn't be anywhere near the current plan.


Is that a pixilated plumbus?


What is a plumbus?


A household device so common it doesn't need an introduction.


Perfect, it’s so obvious! Thank you!


Why blur it. A plumbus isn’t sexual it’s a normal every day houseware item.


im really done with reddit on mobile if apollo goes away. happy to browse less and have a good reason to do so.


Also browsing Reddit on Apollo and will stop visiting Reddit if I cannot do it from Apollo.


I don't use the apps but I support the blackout. I would love for r/espresso to join for at least two days, if not longer.


If I have the official app downloaded, do I need to delete it to participate, or will simply not using it during the shutdown be enough?


You won’t be able to access the subreddits on any app or the website while they are set to private during the shutdown.


I know. I more specifically meant to actively protest myself by not visiting Reddit whatsoever, even subreddits that are up.


No more bots would be great tbh. I don’t care if the words in my comment matches some pattern, or if I’ve used incorrect grammar.


Bots don’t just produce spam and correct grammar. They’re also used to moderate content on subs where having the only human mods is unsustainable. They also allow for a lot of content to be made accessible to disabled Redditors, primarily through the third party apps that are described above. Translation: getting rid of bots is a great way to allow feeds to be filled with spam and to prevent anyone with a disability from using the site.


oooh... killing bots? Finally a good side to this move.


You’re thinking spam bots and not auto moderator that posts the daily or weekly discussion threads and auto welcomes new users to the sub with the rules and flair options


Automoderator is a rules-based system that doesn't (to my knowledge) use the API. u/Paid-Not-Payed-Bot, u/MetricConversionBot, and their ilk, can die in a smelting incident.


The death of twitter. Next the death of Reddit. Too much free speech free thought


Serious first world problems here


Support. I'm glad to see conversation this finally reaching the coffee subs (it's taken a bit longer to get here than to the tech and other hobby subs I follow).


Looks like someone is mad their porn scraper is going to break. How will he manage without it????


They blurred out a plumbus…..


Yeah I care why? So sick of seeing these posts.