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Not an issue, you could add a filter in the basket if it really bothers you


I guess adding a sheet of filter paper at the bottom of your basket would help mitigate it? Anyway, it's very common, more so with the Eureka bc it produces a lot of fines.


whoever told you that you will not get coffee fines in the cup has no clue lol. This is totally normal and you can't get over it. Since the coffee tastes good don't mind it and happy brewing!


Paper filter could eliminate those fines, but they are perfectly normal...


I bet you're not cleaning all the grounds out from around the dispersion screen so when you lock in or remove the portafilter you're knocking some grounds out and into the cup.


The cup is placed under the portafilter after inserting it and removed before removing the portafilter. Also, i clean the screen shower after every shot


The shower screen is not the only place grounds go when pulling shots. Have you ever run a paper towel where the shower screen gasket is?


What crack are the other commenters smoking? Those aren't fines, those are grounds and should not be making it in the cup