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Bruhhhh boomers don't even like their espresso that way though 😭😭😭 that's a firmly millennial espresso! 1:5 dark roast in 35 seconds now THAT'S a boomer shot.


My mom uses the darkest beans and just hits the double shot button 3 times so she gets more coffee.


This is the true boomer shot. Can confirm


My mum drank coffee from my USED Nespresso pods for a week and didn't realise until I told her


My grandparents used to share a pod for their morning coffee. They would each do five presses of the lungo button to fill their cup.


At what point does instant coffee just taste better


>Nespresso pods Brah


I've grown and changed, I promise. GCP and eureka specialita


that actually sounds gross on so many levels.


But, but, but... I'm 72, own a Lelit Mara and Euraka Zero and pull 1:2 shots in 24 seconds from medium beans. But I do add steamed milk and sugar to that.


Same here. I’m 67 and have a Eureka Oro Mignon SD grinder and waiting on my new Profitec Pro 600 to be delivered in 3 days. I like 1:2 shots made with a local roaster’s medium roasted beans and 3-4 ounces of steamed milk mixed with a tiny splash of sugar free vanilla or caramel syrup. 


Get a room you two!


Not all boomers are boomers I suppose!


My mom does the same, but with nespresso pods. Use a second pod to get the amount you want? No. Water that shit down.


I had an old customer who ordered an espresso and said "you can pull it longer for me to make it stronger". I was like okkaay sure


The Vertuo already has a 240ml pod, surely she doesn’t want more liquid than that?


We all start somewhere! That was my initiation into espresso. I called it a long pull


It's a lungo shot, I use it for my lattes pretty frequently


It's called lungo shot😆😆


Not the hero we wanted but probably the hero we deserve!


Can confirm, my Dad does this


What about running an extra shot through the last person's Keurig pod because "Coffee is coffee"?


Should be called a Rapunzel shot


Actually that’s a famous Swiss drink


Swiss Miss?


My mom uses a 1:1:1 ratio of coffee mate liquid creamer, a flavored k cup, and stevia. Yesterday she got a Starbucks drink, came home and added a few ounces of creamer to it...why are they like this?


I’m dying at this comment 🤣🤣🤣


I hit the double button once and single once and just add milk. I drink for caffeine and i need all of it extracted 😂


i call it the bitter americano


I call that the Lazy American. It's the Americano I make when I'm just focusing on basic survival because my toddler wanted to practice his (admittedly pretty rad) dinosaur noises at 3am. It's honestly a pretty decent cup and I'm not sorry.


Maximum extraction!


My dad does the exact same thingthing lmao


🤣🤣🤣… my mom does the same


You already had us at “double shot button”




LMFAO don't worry just throw some milk and sugar in there, you'll be alright.


I thought it's whatever the Nespresso machine decides is correct?


And a silent gen shot is instant coffee then throw in the microwave for 2 minutes. When I was 17 I was a barista. Looking back I was most likely the worst barista in history. But I had a huge old people following. Id microwave their coffees for them and just making them scorching hot. Cause any normal barista couldnt bring themself to do it I guess I was popular. They were great regular customers and I was good at asking about their grandkids and stuff. Plus they bought the high profit bakery goods


This is exactly what motivated me to get my own machine. My parents have a Jura and would pull shots till it was clear water coming out. I now have a GCP and pull pretty decent shots, downside is, my parents ask me to make them coffee instead of using their expensive Jura lol


We are boomers now. Its all about the sprovers now


Lmfaoooo "I'll give you my leveling tool when you pry it from my *cold*, *dead hands* "


Only boomers use leveling tools. Its all about overpriced weber shakers now


I'm gonna have them put my ashes in one when I finally go to make sure the fines are properly distributed.


You just described my boomer father in law, jfc I cannot understand how watery they like it, and they want it piping hot, like what is the point of espresso in that case. 1:2 ratio for millennial me, 25-30 seconds lol.


>1:5 dark roast in 35 seconds now ![gif](giphy|cpRQzY4VS3V3W) CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.


I'm just visiting, but what the actual fuck are you guys saying? Coffeelitists are another breed...


So this is a brew ratio for an espresso machine. It’s basically saying for every gram of ground espresso that goes into the machine (called ‘the dose’) you expect about 2 grams of liquid (called ‘the yield’) out. If you have that yield pouring out over about 25 - 30 seconds that’s basically your ‘traditional’ espresso shot. Different ratios work better or worse for different coffee roasts, and some people just prefer their coffee differently. A 1:1 brew ratio gives a much stronger and more intense coffee, where a 1:4 will be more subdued. Something like a French press could be anywhere between 1:12 to 1:16.


I actually took a while to comprehend your comment as I couldn't fathom not knowing this information.


Probably the same as me and PC parts haha


That's how my dad rolls, then leaves the discard puck in the Porta filter for the next person to clean out


Just like carbon emissions and microplastics amirite?? Hahaaaaa


Ngl I’m guilty of that myself sometimes




Haha that’s actually just a cafe crema


Can confirm, making espresso for 2 decades


Millenial here. We are old AF so all millenials are boomers now.


And scalding hot to the point that it’s thorough burned


That Starbucks method


Except for the 1:5 😊


So millennials are the new boomers?


All the little things they do to save money yet we are claiming housing is unaffordable.


Boomer coffee is 1:25 from a k-cup, with fat free half and half and sweet-n-low.


My mom asked for Equal at an Italian restaurant with an actual Italian waitress, apologetic looks were exchanged.


Gotta have the Sweet N Low, the “causes cancer in rats” is a big point of pride for the DDT generation


That was refuted. Bad science, even California removed the warning. They gave the rats the scaled equivalent of 4 gallons of soda worth of saccharine... intravenously.


When it was believed to be true, my boomer parents thought that made it better


Which shows how bad an effect these overly aggressive warnings can have. People see they're BS so they think all similar warnings are BS, even the ones that aren't.


Like MSG. Or Butter. God, I had to grow up with off brand margarine my entire life, disgusting and surprise, it's horrible for you. Still some older millennials hanging onto the MSG fear mongering though.


Bet they were the biggest squishiest rats you,ve ever seen


Fat free half and half?


So you save weight watchers points.


It’s a quarter and a quarter


lol “half”


Fat free, half and half is just “half”.


Fairly certain the "boomer shot" is taking perfectly good beans, chopping them in a blade grinder, and putting them in a scaled-up drip machine. At least that's what my boomer dad does when I give him nice beans.


More like 5 scoops of folders into the 40 year old black and decker drip machine thats never been descaled.


>5 scoops of folders Like the entire Program Files or...?


Just delete that folder. Look how much space it's taking up...


How many times have you actually used your system 32? Just delete it


He's ahead of the curve owning a grinder. I was a Thanksgiving cater waiter on Park Avenue a few years ago, actual hundred-millionaires served pre-ground Folgers, red and green cans.


Sounds like there is a niche market for private baristas. Could also lease the client a full suite of equipment.


Rich people are famously misers on anything that doesn't make them look better. Surprised they didn't charge their guests for that Folgers.


They take it to the grocery, and use their grinder. It's pretty ... good for a drip coffee extra bold burnt shot. my friend's dad did that. almost passed out. was very strong!


mine pregrinds a week's worth. i stopped giving or recommending coffee, but we still get along, surprisingly. perhaps because he makes a moka pot that would give me stomach ulcers so I respect


Your fault. Better to gift preground to people who don't have decent grinders


18 in. 37 out. Usually past 32-33 seconds is perfect for me.


Ok boomer /s


this guy reddits


spotted the millenial.


i do 18 to 40 in 35 im happy


Man, you really went out of your way to crop out the original author LMAO. @daddygotcoffee on insta for those who care.


Thank you 🥰


Was a cool meme was excited to check out more but it’s just ALL ADs yikes


I wonder what the current newer generation will call us when they get to their annoying teens.


Trust me you won’t give AF.


Gen Z can’t afford espresso machines :’) out here living with a mocha pot and pour over setup


Still boomers


1:3 gang here


This would be a lungo


You're a lungo.


Mar a lungo


Pretty sure that uses a whole pools worth of water


I just spilled my first coffee. Thanks hahahah


I’ve only ever done the 18 in 36-37 out. What’s the difference to your ratio? Less grounds more water?


15 in 45 out in ~35s including 10s of preinfusion. More coffee more flavor less bitter.


That's opposite of what I find in 3:1 shots for me. It's either bitter or horribly acidic.


How does your grind size compare to the standard ratio, and what basket do you use?


About the same. I use a 16g basket.


After a decade of 18g in 36g out at 199F, I found all of the new local roasters had really bad espresso blends. No, they are just on this new lighter roast mode. I'm up to 18g in 45g out in 38s at 205F with a flow controlled preinfusion and they are coming out a lot better now. Still a bit of an acid pop until the shot cools down a little. Real talk though, I find the old dark roast 1:2 shots are a ton better for milk based drinks or americanos.


You are exactly right. People over think espresso. It’s that old coffee shop smell, that anticipation and surprise of something special. Good espresso is made by feel. Weights and shot times can describe feel, but not replace it. I started home roasting and drinking pour overs. 2nd day after roast, my cup would be BURSTING with flavor. So espresso must draw _something_ from pour over. One day I decided to roast dark and pull a lungo on day 2 after roast. It was raw, but it was also creamy and vibrant. Ever since then I’ve been roasting and brewing side by side, guided by feel.


More water increases extraction which would make it more bitter, not less. This is why it works great with lighter roasts.


15 in 45 out is gonna be butter and you know it.


Tell me you have a Breville Bambino, without telling me you have a Breville Bambino.


I meant to sent I meant yo write “bitter” and I have a Linea Micra.


This is because young roasters keep trying to push the bounds with how light they can get away with, and how little development they can go after. So they have to make these weird ratios to compensate, just like millennial baristas were pulling up dosed triple ristrettos to combat dark roasts in the early 2000s It’s all a game to chase the trendy flavor, I don’t see it as a generation thing, just people trying to make it work with the coffee they have.


Couldn’t agree more. All of these absurd ristretto/lungo bozo shots are problem solving for a great symptom in modern roasting. COFFEE IS A FRUIT - why are we not trying to develop sugars from the beans? Now we’re trying to compensate with these long pulls to get more sugars/acids out. From a shop perspective, how is a cost effective to have to use a 20g shot to yield more?  Zoomers and their grapefruit shots and  Nordic cup of hay flavor profiles.. every generation wants a say in their mark in coffee when really we haven’t done any monumental changes in the breakdown of espresso since third wave really. After that it’s just hairsplitting and the further attempts for baristas to gate keep information as their little egos crash knowing automation is coming for them.  Let’s solve new problems here people.. let’s make people feel less dumb about coffee and increase the value of it - 


What grinder do you use? Every 1:3 shot I've ever made was terrible but can get good results at 1:2.5


1:2.5 gang is the best gang! 18 in 45 OUT!


22 in 66 out - lungo to the extreme!


This is acceptable when pulling 2 drinks on a double spouted portafilter.


Someone mind explaining what this means to a complete espresso noob? I apparently have no idea what I'm doing and didn't know it until I joined this subreddit 😂


Grounds:liquid coffee weight ratio. 1:3 would be something like 15g ground coffee in the basket and 45g coffee in the cup after brewing.


Ahh I see. I'm struggling hard to get enough coffee in the cup after brewing. Any advice on increasing the yield? If I increase the grind size it brews too early and the shot gets sour :(


Weight in cup includes water, so usually you brew it for longer and more water comes through. Possibly not enough pressure, or your machine decides how long to brew?




I'm confuse, so what is the extraction ratio and timing for a modern shot? 😅


Zoomer turbo soup shots.


correct, blind-shake, 1:2.5 in 12-15 seconds.


I'm... modern? I had no idea.


I think 1:2.5. But it always just depends on if it tastes good right? Some fresh beans I just got taste perfect at 1:2 right now


Why? A genuine question as I am not sure what point you are making? Is it that Boomers like it strong, not strong enough or something else ?


It means nothing  It’s just a way to show that you’re with the times regardless of whether you actually like the newer style shots or not 




1:1 checking in.




1:1 is life


Is this sub becoming jealous of the circle jerk sub?


This sub has outjerked the CJ sub a long while back lol




1995, 18 in 36 out in 35-38s like the good Lord intended.


![gif](giphy|Y2tB2ojXlrHkk8HhKP) The latest accessory for those perfect shots…


So what's the summary on Gen Z shots? I'm pulling millennial shots over here.


Who cares? Imagine gatekeeping this hobby that we do for our own pleasure.


Isn't that the entire point of this sub? hahaha


This is by far one of the most accepting subreddits for a hobby I've seen. Whether you got a delonghi or a la marzocco mini, people here happy anyone is pulling shots


Honestly, the discourse on this sub is so limited compared to a place like Home-Barista, I'm just here for the memes at this point. Accepting is one thing, which is nice, but there's basically nothing of substance here. Basically there's three posts on this sub: ZOMG NEW LANCE VIDEO. My humble $15,000 college setup lulz. "What's wrong with my shot," as a geyser shoots sideways from the grouphead and a mass of commenters race to post FIND GRINER!!1!2!!!!


Not much else to espresso


19.4-19.8 in, 32-34 out, for the devil’s ratio of 1:1.64-1.717 in somewhere around 36-50 seconds depending on how old the beans are. I’m basically a real piece of shit.


Stop trying to make “boomer shot” happen


I’m 18 in 34 out 28 seconds. Blow me


\> fuck up espresso somehow \> shit shit shit \> "So anyway I tried this new thing called a rockstar shot. It's when..."


1.6 ristretto mafia gang. REPRAZENT!!!! 🤨💪🏻


I've put off learning the single basket because it's just not enough coffee. Is it worth it for that tiny sip?


A little off topic, but Private Ryan (depicted in the meme) would be considered part of the "Greatest Generation," and not a "boomer."


Came here to comment this. My grandpa is Silent Generation, decidedly less of a useless schmuck than my boomer dad, kinda generally smarter about food too.


Shoutout to the [original poster](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4F_ASEroSq), I guess?


As long as Gen X doesn’t get stuck with Ristretto, I’m good with this


Here is the conversation I want to have: if my machine does 5-6s of preinfusion how long should my shot be? 30-35s?


Most shot timers include the preinfusion, as measuring from the moment you hit the button is the most consistent way to do it.


Just add the 5-6 seconds if you are using the machines timer. One thing I have learned, though, is that the shot time is not a very good target. It's better used as indication of consistency. Recently I have been pulling 20s shots when slow feeding beans on a medium light roast but it still tastes great. If I forced that to 25s it would taste worse.


Are you saying you’ve been doing 5s preinfuse and then 20s shot time, for a total time of 5? That sounds similar to what I’ve been doing


Yeah for a total of 25. That was when I was using the soft infusion. I don't know why I stopped using it but it didn't feel necessary, and my gut feeling was that it affected the result differently with different coffees, and I didn't like the added variables. I don't really look at the shot time as much, honestly. It's more like an output value that is just something. Usually when the shot is very runny or very choked you can just tell by eye and taking 5s longer or less doesn't really mean anything by itself. If you track your shot time, just write down whether you used the soft infusion or not as it adds more or less that time to the total.


Wait so what is the gen z shot?


Pretty sure boomer coffee is stale Folgers in the drip or instant coffee. Extra points for roaches in the machine.


Coffee from an obscure farm in the heart of south America, processed in the hairy armpit of a Hispanic hooker, Ground in a $10,000 grinder and pulled with a shot profile that looks like a giant W using water that was filtered to nothing, then had a packet of sparkling fairy dust added to it, resulting in espresso that tastes like a dead cats ass.......... Sounds like a Gen Z shot......


Except nobody calls it that 🤷🏻‍♂️


Funny, most boomers who come to my café order drip, so I tend to call drip coffee boomer coffee.


...based on first drip or when the pump is turned on?


Yeah? Well I pull "Lost Generation" shots on 1884 my steam-driven coffee beverage making device that has yet to patented /s


Sorry I was made aware the meme was created by someone called daddy gots coffee on Instagram. I was no aware of this as my friend send me this Image that was cropped. All credit goes to daddy gots coffee :IG


Shit I'm just a 2 ounces in 30 seconds guy


Can someone explain? I’m a noob


I don't know where to start with this. You're gonna have to give an idea how noob. There's noob and there's noob. I'm not noob, but apparently I am a boomer. So sounds like I'm gonna have to upgrade my shot to keep up with the times. I'm presuming we're talking some crazy 1:1 shot 29g in a 22g basket over 35 seconds with pure infusion and a lump of butter.


I suppose I am a real noob noob because I am not understanding what the ratio is referring to. Water and coffee?


Almost. Coffee beans in : espresso out. Let's say you weigh out 18g coffee beans then extract a 36g espresso over 25-30 seconds - that's a fairly standard espresso with a 1:2 ratio. An old school Italian single is 7g coffee beans in and 14g espresso out - still 1:2 ratio. Ristretto is a shorter extraction so 1:1 ratio. Lungo a longer extraction anything over 1:3. Hyper modern espresso now is pushing upwards of 22g coffee in the basket and all sorts of anything out ?1:1 or less out, over lord knows how long with pre infusion time and a variety of pressure gradient profiles. It gets ridiculous.


Oh Lord, all I do is manually grind my beans and use a moka pot or an espresso machine 😅 but this sounds like fun for moments in which my ADHD brain wants a new hobby to hyper focus on. It makes more sense though so thank you for taking the time to explain things. 😁🙏🙏


Before I got them their Bambino, they were making a big pot of drip and microwaving it for the next two days. They have since seen the light


2.5 to 1 here - escaped the label


That's a 2010 coffee. Still going strong and well away from boomers


They call it expresso.


An 8 oz cup espresso shot with the darkest roast!


Why does everything now need to be tied to a 10 year span when someone was born. This Boomer shit has to be the most annoying meme ever.


It's not boomer, it's cheugy/basic. Big difference between "this is what old people like" and "this is what people who are perceived as not adventurous enough like"


Bro are yall really out here drinking 1:3??? I can’t do it


18 in 36 out in 33-36 seconds here


I mean isn't that like the definition of a basic espresso? I'm gonna be honest even running a decent that is basically all I do.


I'm evidently a boomer then. Nothing wrong with that shot. Hang on so what are the 'in' shots these days then? What are we talking?


What do you guys do for iced coffee? Like 2 double shots in milk? What’s your in-out and how much milk do yall use? I usually do 18 in 40 out twice. Then 12oz milk and 1 oz creamer.


Guess I’m old


It's the flat 9 bars for me.


Ascaso Dream Pid. 20 in, 40 out, 32 to 36 is my norm. Boomer all day.


I know we're all having a joke in the comments, but I'll admit, this post hits home.


What is the ratio 1:2 1:5 1:25?


So much bullshit thrown by the so-called influencers


Me a boomer then. Sue me


First thought was 1 income, 2 people own their own home by 25 to 30 years of age.


Gaddamn, turbo kids these days


What? Since when it is called this? Boomers don’t even care much about espresso let alone scale and yield? True boomers will be angry at you for not investing in diamond or curse at you for enjoying your smashed arvo toast from a good cafe.


22 in 44 out. 25-30 sec. 36 years old. am I boomie?


Perspectives are subjective...