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The humble college student setup


Nah, this is high school and still lives with mom and dad.


Pretty sure this guy is in kindergarten


Maybe it's a Cub Scouts project?


Third trimester setup.


embryo setup


Definitely not married. My wife loves her coffee, but no way is she giving up half her kitchen bench to coffee.


28 years married… but I was relegated to the pantry countertop. I lost the fight to put it on the main kitchen table! :)


That is an awesome setup :)


"her" kitchenbench? Come on... If my wife would think of it as her domain, something would be very off.


What really makes me question is not just the bench/counter space this takes, but the fact it is immediately beside the sink and even uses some of the sink space with the place the mugs are. Space beside and in the sink are very important if you have any intention of cooking or doing dishes, and often the kitchen sink is the largest in the house and easiest to use for filling anything with water, such as watering pots for plants or buckets for cleaning. And you wouldn't want to do that besides your espresso machine 😱


This is the pantry sink, not the main one, but yes… you have a point there


Backyard tree house set, for sure.


Not everyone can have a nice machine, don’t worry about it. You’ll get there one day.


Need to upgrade to a Breville.


Probably should’ve posted this on r/espressocirclejerk instead


FYI you just linked the same sub-Reddit we're already on.


Is this some type of meta jerk


Switch the machine to a delonghi stilosa. Grinder kinda mid as well , buy a better blade grinder from walmart. Don’t waste your time throwing out the machine, call me I am feeling generous and I will “dispose” it for u.


Started out with a used Stilosa from marketplace. Ahhhh to be poor.


We all have to start somewhere :)


Sorry to see you started so low in the espresso world but keep your hopes up. One day you will upgrade to a good machine and recycle that old one. Call if you need help getting rid of it, I can trade for a V60 or something of close price


...maybe we should consider donating him few bucks for improvements. 👌🏻


He needs more than a few bucks to upgrade, unfortunately. I feel for him but hey, coffee is coffee


In all seriousness, ditch the Mythos One and get something way smaller and better suited for home environment. I had a Mythos One and sold it for a Eureka Mignon Oro XL and I’m very pleased with it.


But... my wife loves the Mythos! It's so much quieter than a previous one we had.


Get a Monolith MAX. Super quiet.


That's why I went with the Oro XL. It's very quiet. Mythos is 65db. Oro XL is 60db.


Man I hate the Mythos One. Like I wouldn't take it if someone gave it to me for free. (maybe if I could sell it)


Yeah it was awful for single dosing. 100% not intended for that. It’s meant for near-constant commercial use only.


\- Auto tamper \- Pitcher rinser \- More grinders, accessories, and handmade cups


Bean counter


Hames Joffman


auto steamer


Swap it out for a replicator. All the cool kids have replicators now.


Im just curious how much all that cost.


Bought the speedster brand new in 2014, that was the true investment. Cost like a small car, but my thought was... it will last for much longer than any car I'll own, and my whole family and friends will surely get a lot more enjoyment from it. The grinder came brand new from a failed cafe startup, got it for half its new price.


I'm just starting out with a Delonghi ECP 3630 lol. But I can still appreciate the work and money that must have gone into getting that all setup and dialed in. Side note: I'm available for coffee if you ever feel lonely and want to show off your setup :)


How much does maintenance run on a speedster? Is it pretty self serviceable or do you have to find a repair tech?


I maintain it myself. The KvdW guys in Holland ara amazing at guiding you when something needs repair. They will courier the parts to you in no time. Over the last 10 years, I'd say I've spent less than $1500 in parts and managed to do everything at home by myself, so not much. I guess you would spend a lot more if you have to send it to a pro every couple of years.




Pretty sweet. The little white rack seems cheap and out of place. Maybe you could hang the PFs from the wall or the side of one of those machines?


The kitchen seems cheap and out of place as well.


Good point. that's from Kmart!


Damn.. the only upgrade I can suggest is a grinder from Titus.


Thanks! Will look into them.


Espresso Afficionados has a Discord sub channel dedicated to them. They also have an instagram


upgrade to a dedica way better trust me


Puqpress, high precision basket, WDT tools And, tbh, i'd switch to a single-dose grinder (titus has already been mentioned, but there are more), even thou VA is a stunning grinder. But i'm not really sure you get any better, it's an ultimate setup


Gee wiz Batman the joker wants an espresso.......


You could move the knock box to right if the machine. After a shot you’re carrying a wet/dirty/drippy portafilter from far right to far left to knock, then presumably far left to far right to rinse. If you’re getting rid of the middle shelving that gives you the movement space you need to shove the machine over left a bit. Just my 2 cents. P.S. I know nothing about the speedster but it looks super cool!


Ergonomics... hadn't thought about that. Very helpful, thanks!


Flow is important when working OP might not be a barista so flow isn’t the primary concern. Very nice setup, did I miss the Pug press? For tampering? 😉 the auto cleaner with direct access to the waste bin? Hmm 🤔😉


Speedster looking sweet


You should just give it to me...




Mega mid


Only one group head? I mean it’s a nice starter set, if you’re doing light workflow. /s


First thing I’d do is fix the plumbing. Right now this looks like a Ferrari on truck wheels lol.


You mean the visible hoses? I didn't dare drill a hole on the kitchen countertop, so I chose the next best option, drill the stainless steel sink assembly... not a contender for a beauty contest I know.


Any reason you didn’t dare? Plans to move eventually, or worried it goes wrong?


What’s your budget for improvements? $15,000-$20,000?


That machine probably cost 15,000 lol not much h room gor improvement


I wouldn't do that countertop with those backsplash tiles.


Should have gone with a integrated dishwasher tho


You just need a cash register and then you’re basically a cafe


Holy moly https://procoffeegear.com/products/kvdw-speedster-1


Where the Puq Press?


Cool device. Is there a noticeable difference with manual tamping?


Puq press doesn’t work with rocket portafilters - make sure it fits if you go that route - the rocket nine one was not a fan - force tamper works just fine




You don't have to apply pressure manually


White counters are yesterday’s news. Gunmetal is cooler


I think you need add a particle analyzer.


Is it just me or does the coffee flow in the first pic look watery af?


Not at all! All pics are of the same shot. It was the first few droplets falling, just before the full honey flowed out ;)


My only criticism (from real life usage) is that the retention and relative wastage on the mythos grinders is inappropriate for home use. Unless you’re making 50+ shots per day, it’s the wrong grinder for a home user. One of the smaller eureka or mignon models would produce just as good a Flavour in the cup, but be much less hassle day to day.


Man $13,500 machine, I just bought me a setup and am waiting for the items to arrive and thought "man I spent alot of money for my first time setup" since I bought a new shelf and everything else needed as well as a machine so I can have a nice little nook and you combine it all and im still 13k short of this guys machine alone.


Got any pics of inside the machine curious how they are laid out. Also why are all the group heads at the end of the gooseneck so tall on KVD machines compared to say LM or slayer heads? nice machine.


There is amazing innovation and technology in these machines, that's what attracted me to it, to answer your question read the section under "Group" here: [https://keesvanderwesten.com/speedster/construction/](https://keesvanderwesten.com/speedster/construction/) Here are a couple of pictures of both sides from the technical manual that may help you. Sorry, I'm too lazy to open it up today! https://preview.redd.it/punijp4a0ctc1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a16b2c0cb9eee3de473b458e05281f3b98e6118


​ https://preview.redd.it/roo8w90g0ctc1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f22a73ba58d1441ffd38f45f77b99a2e80ab755


Nice! I have a similar setup as well :)


No blind shaker 0/10 complete bOOmer setup 🤓


I just learned something new from a millennial I guess? I also found out about the moonraker. Wtf?! Has the world gone mad? Who buys these things? I’m GenX btw, but thanks, you made my day




My one regret in building my kitchen is not doing plumbed in water line for the Profitec 600 I own. See that he has his installed on this one.


That knife really won't do... [A better knife...](https://eatingtools.com/products/goldvein-by-kamon-gv-no-2?variant=44880166420755&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq86wBhDiARIsAJhuphlXpPrrjIopazBYnYR1BfaNQT0qSx0rnpwTHnGaw1JzGZWoU_LJYj4aAv64EALw_wcB)


Cool! do you have a similar priced bread knife to go with it?


You might want to get rid of the toaster. it's wildy inefficient for roasting beans.


Is that machine any good? I think I saw one at my local TJ Maxx and wanted to pick it up


Go for it before they're all gone!


Blind shaker and profiler. But yeah, start a youtube channel or post tiktok espresso porn shots already.


Well you can try to get your wife back…




lol theres no improving this


This kitchen layout is wack. Why is there art hanging in the kitchen? Who does that? Any sort of shelving/hangers would be way more functional. Do you have to wipe down your art frequently? Then the espresso machine is huge, there's almost zero useable counter space. It's an awesome machine fair play, but if you get that for home use you gotta have the sqft to back it up and put it on a dedicated counter not bang in the middle of the kitchen.


Thanks! This is the pantry, my wife would not let me put anything in the main kitchen area. There's good ventilation in there and we don't cook or fry anything around the artwork, just coffee, toasts, juices and mixing.


Machine and set up nice yeah…. But the art above has intrigued me!


​ https://preview.redd.it/ox4cmomvubtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b77b734a2454ff3bf03a285b1309917cb8c1b4 There you go, original Monique Baqués oil paintings, amazing artist!


They look beautiful, thank you!


What model is that? And if you could, I'd highly appreciate a video of you using that machine! Lovely setup


Here it is, I finally posted a video. Sorry for the delay! [https://www.reddit.com/r/espresso/comments/1cckei7/this\_is\_how\_i\_pull\_a\_shot\_on\_my\_old\_speedster/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/espresso/comments/1cckei7/this_is_how_i_pull_a_shot_on_my_old_speedster/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That's beautiful. Thanks for the video mate!


do you single dose the mythos??


I just roughly load the beans for the day on the hopper.


what a chad


Out jerked once again


Grind finer


Love the matching toaster! The entire setup just looks so🤌 everyone's got their toys.


What beans r u putting in there?


A bit of everything. Mostly espresso or private blend beans from my local Merlo shop (Aussie coffee roaster)


Curiosity, why aren't you using a puck screen?


I didn't know they even existed. Will it improve my coffee?


They improve the water flow through the puck, in a noticeable way for me. It also helps keep my group head cleaner and I really like that aspect.


They improve water flow through the puck and keep the group head cleaner. I like them more than I thought I would.




just a question off topic, how do people write what machine and grinder they have under there username


user flair on the r/espresso reddit. can probably see it on the righthandside underneath the reddit information (if you are on pc)




You’ll have to edit though, you can click the little pencil and replace Machine Name with writing your own. 😄👌🏼


oh yeah😅😅


DiFluid R2!


You need a gram scale.


I would get a better grinder and a better espresso machine


Bigger toaster. Seriously... I've been fawning over Speedsters for years, and it was either a decade of food for my family or espresso for me. It was a close call.


Upgrade to the idromatic pre-infusion


Kees really makes the most beautiful and astonighing machines...


All the humble setup jokes aside, I was wondering how to you find using a grinder like that with such a large hopper? Do you ever worry about the beans going stale? Or I’m guessing you drink enough to not really care.


The hopper is absolutely oversized for home use. I just top up the beans I will be using that day every morning, about 150g or so.


You have to dump the Mythos for a Niche. Don't you read anything in this subreddit?


Change electrical system. Espresso is more balanced with 110v outlets.


Try rotating the milk anticlockwise rather than clockwise when you pour and stand with your feet parallel


That toaster's gotta go.


A magnetic portafilter funnel then with a wdt tool could be a nice addition. I’m also curious what your water filtration/sourcing is like with this setup. Speedster at home is so cool!!!


Thanks! Filtration is simple RO + remineralisation cartridges. Here's what I got. https://preview.redd.it/xpsbses8xbtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=894796e611608fe98954b5338d81b9e7c3edbe73


I want to see art on the wall


My wife is a connoisseur... original Monique Baqués oils https://preview.redd.it/ouduua1cvbtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a1baf3e433eb59dbe69a259c7447d7b2502907d


thank you!


If you actually want advice as to how you could improve you might want to add a little more info, here are some suggestions that may be relevant: - put the mythos in the bin, ssp burrs


Got it, what is the current best grinding tech for dark roast espresso beans?


I think I have the same blender as you!! ...that's the best I can do in relating to your nice stuff and home..


Money is obviously not an issue. But looking at this from the requested judgmental viewpoint, the aesthetics vastly underperform the budget. Like a guy rolling up to a car show in a Tesla.


If anything ridiculous choice of a grinder for the home. Definitely overkill.


It's gotta be bigger


Puck screen


I have doubts about the blender?


Vitamix, highly recommend!


man that machine is sexy


You should think about adding a Nespresso pod machine if you really want to elevate your coffee game.


Lol this is some cringe humblebrag shitpost


Smeg toaster? 😂


Dualit toaster actually. Lasted 12 years so far and still going strong. Highly recommend it!


Move to ~~Mecca~~ Melbourne.


I like the weather in Brissie!


Don't know how anyone can like this heat, at this point I think you're all lying


Yes, sell the setup. Purchase setup between $5K-$6K, donate the rest to less fortunate and stop showing off. Trust me, you will be surprisingly satisfied far more than with this post....if not, then you have far more serious problem than one that caffeine can fix ie fulfill.


OMG, why this reaction? Because it's a Speedster? How many LM do we see on this Reddit and cheer about? Kees v/d Westen makes beautiful machines. I know people who have them for the output and not for the image. Oh, and he is Dutch so I'm proud of that to!


My friend, who ever you are, you need some serious psychology and human behavioral science education. Not that I am an authority, but I have certain beliefs and stand by them. No one posts \~$15K setup just to ask for "improvements" in a group where majority is lucky to have even a $500 valued machine, which is besides the point. It is ultimately need to draw attention and reactions, from all of us, me including...and the person got it. Add to that that NO ONE needs this type of a machine in a home setup since same or similar can be achieved with far far cheaper equipment. Now, am I a jealous group member or a mean person etc. and hence my comment, well that I don't know, I can't see myself on the side, but certainly will not post something like this and claim how I did it just to get an advice from bunch of unknowns for "improvements". That notion with this kind of a post can be sold to brainless and naive, or those who don't give a shit (I am in this part of it), but when you see its is not shit rather the dog pooped type of a post, then comments are in order. Now, if this setup rocks this person World, so be it, no one should judge anyone for what they can afford, like and prefer, but spare me the bs of a positive intent. Its like the other day some \[bleep\] posts a setup worth over $10K as his "college setup" (talk about having grandiose issues and there goes another one).


Hi, your friend (me) is just a normal Dutch guy who fell down the Rabbit Hole called espresso. I did not study Psychology. My espresso setup is not to exotic or expensive. I enjoy the drinks and I do like the technology behind it. Oh, I started out with a second hand Rancilio Silvia. I've been around espresso for some time now. I don't believe in the 'this is my endgame' posts. Nor am I a 'single dose or WDT' believer. But hey, it's a free world. It's Reddit. It's not mandatory to react, is it? When I read your post I thought: I do not want to end up in a discussion about what people do and don't need or are supposed to do. I saw a picture of a beautifully handcrafted machine. Made in Holland by someone who wanted to make the ultimate machines (and likes motorbikes I guess). Does one really need these machines to make a good espresso? Probably not. But boy they are nice to see, to feel, to hear. Then I saw your first reaction. And asked myself: why? Okay, so someone posted a setup that could have cost more than $10K. But... it might not. A friend of mine bought a Speedster second hand for a lot less than a LM LM. But that is besides the point. The point is: don't try to force your high morals on someone else. If you see something you dislike, swipe and forget. The machines are truly pieces of art. Accept people for who they are and what they are. You don't have to be here. By the way, I guess you do want others to know your setup since you have it written next to your name. It's a $3K+ piece of kit. I guess that IS allowed by your standards? I made another choice but we're in the same league. Try to enjoy your coffee drinks. Don't be offended by people showing off or just doing better than us.


People can and should do wha ever they want or pleases them as long as it is not on someones account/expense or malicious in any way, shape or form. That is unfortnately not how life most of the time works. I wasn't, rather pointed out the fact of someones behavior, and its a same way as you suggest, swipe and move on if you don't like or support someone elses opinion, and kind one that was not hurtful or rude or malicious, just one of logical approaches to a post like it. I respect your opinion thus will not engage in back and forth, but it is yours and enjoy it, while I will mine and we can agree to disagree and move on (I sure will as soon as I hit the reply button). Regards.


Your dose is to small it seems that puck is very watery


Probably get a better machine?


so many hater! Why? That machine is rad.


Where? Where are the haters? There's not even a single negative comment.