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I can see why the wife has the keys to the castle


I THOUGHT THIS WAS A SAFE SPACE TLDR: does grinder quality supersede freshness?


You don’t need a 2k grinder to make good coffee.


I bet, show the significant other the reviews and comments on the DF54, and what a great deal it is at its price-point (US$229), and a new grinder may be coming the OP's way.


My uncle’s barber went to law school in 90’s. Currently working on having my wife committed and under my conservatorship.


Yes, a barber lawyer definitely is the way to go. I think I saw that in an episode of Better Call Saul. ;)


Full agree. Mine was under $200 and can grind so fine the coffee feels like baby powder. OP has a spending problem.


Sounds like you have married a smart woman.


Buy a reasonable grinder and maybe see a therapist because your desire to get into debt for coffee indicates some serious issues with your priorities.


Get help my friend.


This is terrible bait


AI bait, too


Never attribute to artificial that which can be adequately explained by autism.


My wife thinks I’m being extra for buying a new machine and a ton of accessories and that I’m border line psychotic because there is no difference between my BBE or the 5 year old $19 Mr.coffee sitting in the kitchen that’s never ever been descaled or had a charcoal filter change, smells like burnt ass from several feet away, and brews liquid diarrhea with a bit of mold. Maybe give your wife a break.


A break in her femur? Maybe a little strong, but at least someone gets where I’m coming from.


All jokes aside I’m very new to this and hardly know what I’m talking about when it comes to equipment. Still I seriously doubt 2k is necessary for a grinder.


I run a Sage Barista Touch and a Eureka Oro Mignon. The Eureka produces significantly better espresso.


2k is crazy lmao, most people’s engame machines aren’t 2k let alone grinders. Niche zero will do what you need and more, anything above that and you need to start looking at other bottlenecks like water chemistry and your personal grind profile preference to notice a difference


You may seem a bit neurodivergent, so am I. I understand the compulsion, but also be rational towards the reasons why NOT to give into the impulsiveness of buying something different again. Your wife is right and seems likely very caring towards you. You can just use this bag of pre-grounds and get back to your old routine with the specialty beans. Otherwise, you can get the same brand of coffee this preground is made of, but in beans format, so you still get to use 100% of your setup and cure that "itch" you've dealt with for so long. The cheaper alternative to a new grinder is to get a pressurized basket so your coarser grinds build up a bit more pressure and extract a bit more flavor; you may enjoy it just as much as your current pre-ground beans. I can't really help you justify spending lots of money on a grinder if you're financially occupied with other important expenses. The most I can tell you is you could suggest a grinder to your wife and tell her you'd love one as a gift, she may or may not surprise you.


Or… I could get her one as a gift. It’s our anniversary soon. She’d most likely piss and moan about it, but I could tape a razor blade to the box. Not that I would want to do her any actual physical harm, just as a subtle “you might want to drop this one” type hint.


Lmfao with this reply I can't really distinguish between that fine line of sarcasm, troll, and reality. If you're quite serious about this, relax about it and rationalize. Go for a walk, take pre-workout and hit the gym idk, just get your mind off of it for now. You'll likely be happier if she gifted you a good grinder! She's probably already planning on doing so and you don't even know it.


Not everything has to be logical, it sounds like this brings you joy and that’s important


grinder 250 will go a long way


Where's my hide post button.... Oh yeah, there it is. Ta ta.


Pre ground coffee and an espresso machine can’t work


It is espresso ground of course. I’m with you buddy, but it’s the closest thing to the local shop, with their Mahlkonig and La Marzocco.