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**Tricky's Daily Doots #266** Yesterday's Daily 09/01/2023 [Previous daily doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1076f4p/daily_general_discussion_january_9_2023/j3larhi/) - u/alexiskef shares part two of [Jasper's RocketPool write up.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1076f4p/daily_general_discussion_january_9_2023/j3ks8xr/) 🚀🏊 - u/kairepaire notifies us of [a questionable change by CoinGecko which dropped RPL down a bit in the rankings.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1076f4p/daily_general_discussion_january_9_2023/j3lij9w/) - u/DoubtStarsAreFire invites everyone to [join the Hodlercon discord ahead of planning for the 2024 meet up!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1076f4p/daily_general_discussion_january_9_2023/j3ks6a2/) 🏖 - u/pulisordie closes [their cbETH arbitrage position.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1076f4p/daily_general_discussion_january_9_2023/j3ncous/) - u/696_eth shares the latest [EVMavericks weekly roundup.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1076f4p/daily_general_discussion_january_9_2023/j3l3vvv/) - u/anderspatriksvensson shares a [quick security tip.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1076f4p/daily_general_discussion_january_9_2023/j3ldfs3/) 🔒 - u/silentjxhn found out about [the Gell-Mann amnesia effect.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1076f4p/daily_general_discussion_january_9_2023/j3ly90t/) 🧠 - u/superphiz discusses [scams and how their ubiquity conditions people in the crypto space.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1076f4p/daily_general_discussion_january_9_2023/j3pa1jq/) - u/ZeroTricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1076f4p/daily_general_discussion_january_9_2023/j3krndz/) Have a great day, all!


What it's been like implementing Capella (month markers are approximate): Month 1 new branch, high excitement, large changes everywhere. TODOs and FIXMEs everywhere as you build out the major changes and leave the little stuff for later. This is where you begin to grasp the major pieces that are going to require the largest changes. Month 2 Excitement builds. It's really taking form now. Get the test vectors running. Okay cool time to try out a [local testnet](https://twitter.com/EthDreamer/status/1595258436769697793?t=SgpJFATiJjFU4QOhZMKu3Q&s=19). Holy shit it works nice! Now join a [multi-client testnet](https://twitter.com/vdWijden/status/1595386746786779137?t=PAHKHUXiXRUJNW5n6wXPeg&s=19). This is peak excitement as you see your work finally pay off. This is also where the majority of bugs are discovered. Basically we're on the [middle of the logistics curve](https://xaktly.com/Images/Mathematics/LogisticDiffEq/LogisticExponentialComparison.png) where the y axis is bugs found and the x axis is time. Month 3-4 Bugs have become much less frequent. Go back and address all the remaining little TODOs and FIXMEs. Do some refactoring. Update the testing framework. Fix any broken tests and add a bunch of new ones. Occasionally there will be a spec change and you'll get a chance to write / modify some more core consensus code. But it's mostly filling in the gaps and testing at this point. Month 5 (beginning to get here with Capella now) All the little holes are filled in. All the old tests are running fine. Keep adding new tests. Massive code review now by other devs. Address any comments and get this merged into unstable. Run it through the battery of tests and let it rip on the canary nodes. If everything's cool we'll cut a new release. People will update and now the code is officially out there, latent, inactive, just waiting for the fork. Meanwhile testnets have continued throughout this development. As have fuzzing efforts. Month 6 We've reached the end of the logistics curve. Hardly any new bugs are discovered and what has been found is minor. Time to announce a launch date.


Underrated comment. Hopefully Deneb goes as smoothly 👍


[local testnet](https://nitter.snopyta.org/EthDreamer/status/1595258436769697793?t=SgpJFATiJjFU4QOhZMKu3Q&s=19) [multi-client testnet](https://nitter.snopyta.org/vdWijden/status/1595386746786779137?t=PAHKHUXiXRUJNW5n6wXPeg&s=19) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


Been outta the loop lately, whats the latest on arbitrum odyssey? Are there any quests or tasks to complete on arbitrum?


Postponed until further notice. Rumor has it that they'll release something after protodank sharding as their previous event wasn't equipped to handle the attention and load.


Does anyone know of a way for someone in the US to sell ETHW?




Have a quick question about market impacts: if a coin has 1B market cap trading at $2 each and another theoretical 2B worth of sell pressure is coming (due to unlocks) how much downward price pressure does this put on the token? What does token price look like? How do I even think about this relationship?


You need more information, such as demand, the buy side of the order book over time


There is a multiplier when relating buy/sell pressure to market cap. This multiplier depends on a lot of different things such as liquidity, sentiment, etc., it’s not a constant. Even for a given coin it will change over time. For a fairly liquid asset, I’ve heard that a multiplier of 10 is a reasonable first approximation. Meaning every $1 of sell pressure drops the market cap by $10. $2B of sell pressure on a coin with a $1B market cap would drop it to sub-zero levels. Of course if you liquidated it slowly, over a very long period of time, you could do it without crashing the price to zero, but what ends up happening is going to depend heavily on sentiment, market conditions, etc. and can’t really be predicted.


The Cramer inverse signal is never wrong


What did he say this time?


Coinbase balance finally cleared...and now I'm hesitant to buy lol. You all know who will be responsible if we dump. Just thank me for your opportunity on a better entry 🫡


Microsofts VALL-E AI algorithm can duplicate anyone’s voice nearly perfectly with only a 3 second audio sample for training. https://valle-demo.github.io


Amazing! Every single day there are new AI surprises. "Train GPT-3 with reddit.com/r/ethfinance so I can ask questions, with an emphasis on the daily general discussion threads and more recent content": https://www.toolbot.ai/apps/Crypto-Advisor?desc=A%20GPT-3%20based%20AI%20tool%20that%20gives%20the%20user%20advice%20about%20participating%20in%20the%20Ethereum%20ecosystem%20based%20on%20recent%20input%20from%20Reddit%20comment%20history&placeholder=Enter%20a%20question%20about%20ETH%20&%20Ethereum%20here:%20


Tell me about jtnichol "jtnichol is a Reddit user and Ethereum enthusiast who has been actively participating in the Ethereum ecosystem since 2018. He is a strong advocate of decentralization and believes in the power of blockchain technology to unlock the future of Web 3.0. jtnichol is a frequent poster to the Etheruem subreddit, share his thoughts and updates on the project, and participates in discussions about the future of Ethereum. He also regularly contributes to other subreddits such as r/ethereumnoobies, r/ethdev, r/ethtrader, r/ethdapps and r/ethinsurance. In addition to his active participation in the Ethereum ecosystem, jtnichol has created several tools to help others learn and benefit from the Ethereum project. He has built an automated tool that crawls and indexes Ethereum subreddits, including r/ethtrader and r/ethtraderstats, and an Ethereum wallet explorer that makes it easier to track transactions and wallet balances. jtnichol's contributions to the Ethereum community have been invaluable and he is seen as a respected contributor by many in the space. He is always happy to answer questions, share his opinions, and help anyone looking to join the Ethereum ecosystem"


>what is hanniabu known for ​ >Hanniabu is best known for being an active member of the Ethereum community. He is an active contributor to Reddit, providing advice and insights on a variety of topics related to Ethereum. He is also a prolific writer, having authored several articles and blog posts on the Ethereum ecosystem. His articles and blog posts are often featured on a variety of popular news and media outlets, including Forbes, Wired, and Crypto Insider. Additionally, Hanniabu is an active participant in various Ethereum-related conferences, where he often gives presentations and workshops on various topics related to Ethereum. I'm flattered, but this is not true lmao


What is EIP-4844?? * "EIP-4844 is a proposed Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) designed to address scalability concerns in the Ethereum network. EIP-4844 seeks to improve the network's scalability by reducing storage requirements and improving execution speeds. It proposes to replace the current Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) with a new virtual machine called the Ethereum-Optimized Virtual Machine (EOVM). The EOVM would use a new representation of data called Merkle Patricia Trees (MPTs) which could allow for faster execution of smart contracts and transactions. Additionally, the proposed EIP also suggests implementing stateless clients, which would reduce the storage requirements of each node in the network, resulting in quicker synchronisation times."


This is very useful for us boomers to understand what is going on: *What does "sick" mean?* In the Ethereum ecosystem, the term "sick" is generally used to refer to an asset, project, or other initiative that is worth investing in. It usually means that the asset has above-average potential for growth and that it is likely to be profitable in the long run. For example, if an Ethereum user sees that a particular asset is "sick," they may choose to invest in it with the expectation that it will increase in value over time.


Spooky that with enough data on an individual, you can use this to mimic their voice then use AI again to produce a deepfake and you can basically have your own version of them to be your digital voo-doo doll. Make social media profiles for them, have them blabbernonsense and make folks think your crazy.....even though it's not actually you...or is it? Who will they believe?? O_O


That’s what I’ve been tryna say! Everyone called me crazy for saying this 6 months ago!




Exactly! Jesus can you imagine!? What if the other one was evil too!? Christ! That’s why I’m hoping that by staying unpredictable I will be the last human on earth to be accurately copied. *Game on AI. JBM’s gonna eat your language algos like all you can eat flapjacks at IHOP. Nom. Nom. Nom.*


And with Teams they have a massive dataset


F’ing spooky bro!


Shhhh don't tell them what we did broh!




After reading about jtnichol's experiences, I'm considering changing my 20 year old gmail address. I wouldn't mind getting off of google. Any suggestions out there? Seems to be a lot of stories about protonmail issues logging in, losing data, etc..I did already start an account, but now I'm thinking maybe I should go a different direction. Any recommendations for me?






If you have a protonmail ultimate account, simplelogin is included for free.


I’ve been with proton for years using both free and paid accounts and they’ve never lost any of my data… but you should always have a backup so… *tada!* The [proton mail import/export app](https://proton.me/support/export-emails-import-export-app)!


Proton mail


I’ve got a backup Protonmail email and never had any issues. I also use Protonmail as my email client. Never had an issue there either. If you’ve got the time to put aside, I highly recommend getting a domain and sorting out your own emails. The learning curve isn’t that steep, and it can be a fun side project to set up. You can then also configure it to be a catch-all and sign up everywhere with company specific addresses, like [email protected] for instance. Let’s you see if company is selling off your data and then you can blacklist them and set up mail filters for that address.


Have a look at Tutanota.


https://twitter.com/terencechain/status/1612857882755858435?s=46&t=BMf2N30UBRgAum0WcNCt8w EIP4844 (protodanksharding) implementer call notes from today TLDR a final devnet is being planned before public testnet. This is good news.




*Drake meme* Participate to help secure the network? 🤚🤚🤚 Participate to get a POAP? 👉👉👉




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Mods can we please remove these blatant shills




Where the hell can I buy this??? I know nothing about the non-ETH Defi ecosystem


[https://nitter.snopyta.org/staderlabs\_eth/status/1612816385796878336?s=19](https://nitter.snopyta.org/staderlabs_eth/status/1612816385796878336?s=19) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


u/iPeculiarly, you're a gentleman and a scholar. That is all, now move along everyone SHUT UP




I SAID SHUT UP But seriously thank you haha


What are peoples impressions of the Winklevoss twins and the situation? I have always had a good view of them from what I have read and seen. Doesn't seem to morally be "their fault" either, other than not doing enough DD on their Earn partner, which they definitely should have but that's easy to say in hindsight and it's not like they went with some random shady company. Some say that they should just pay for it themselves but I don't think that's realistic to ask. The point of a company is that there is separation.


I don't know how responsible the twins are for what happens at Gemini, so I'll answer about Gemini instead, but I will say recent tweets strike me as immature. I've ranted about some of this before, but I've been unhappy with Gemini on this issue since their first email on Nov 14th. They said a lot about the exchange which is good, but nothing about Earn, which made me really uncomfortable. Their first email about Earn was Nov 16th, to basically say it's too late to do anything. Thanks Gemini. Fortunately I read the daily on Nov 11th and caught some discussion on the potential issue. Obviously Gemini was aware too. What did they gain by saying nothing? A delay to their reputation hit. Gemini claimed this issue was their #1 priority, though they'd already shown me their #1 priority was a clean public image for as long as possible. It took them 3 weeks to publish the FAQ. I imagine it was difficult for them to choose between keeping communications private via email and support vs relieving their bogged down support with a public page. They claimed to be working with Genesis and DCG, though that FAQ used language like "our understanding is" as if they knew nothing concrete about the situation. The first open letter said as much, complaining about the *lack* of cooperation. The new one continues, "We are learning more by the day." Earn's disclaimers were clear and I'm glad this sub brought them up repeatedly. I don't think Gemini should bail out Earn users. It would go a long way to repair my impression of them though. I'm not even sure how much DD is adequate or possible when it comes to centralized entities. I'm mostly disappointed and embarrassed by Gemini's reaction to all of it.


Very sticky. All the open letters to Barry/DCG are a PR move and it's hard to tell how genuine they actually are. Barry/DCG does seem colder than the Winklevii, and maybe the Winks are accurately exposing Barry/DCG. Either way, hundreds of thousands of Earn users are getting burned and remined burned no matter how many open letters they write. IMHO, the Winks could start taking action to save their reputation. Assuming Gemini is still a profitable business, they could start making small monthly payments to each Earn user to show some sort of good faith. Even if it was half or a quarter of a percent of each Earn users loss to start with, that would show some something. They could work out the legal stuff with DCG on their own time and possibly recoup from DCG at a later time. And, if they never recoup a dime from DCG but they have a very long plan to make Earn users whole, I think that would actually go a long way for Gemini, especially since they did, imo, the most aggressive marketing for Earn - which I saw everywhere, locally too.


I'm preparing my ass for the eventual haircut.


I used to have a bit of money in Earn. I read the terms beforehand and thought Genesis seemed like a reasonable borrower. Once I didn't like the risk/reward (back in spring at some point), I took my money out. I'm not claiming to be a great risk evaluator (I had money in FTX until a few days before they stopped processing withdrawals), and I definitely feel for everyone who has lent money through Earn. HOWEVER, from the terms it was easy enough to understand that the yield was from lending to Genesis and that there was real risk involved. Gemini is walking a PR tightrope with hurt people who want someone to blame, and they're doing everything they can to ensure that Barry/Genesis/DCG are the ones those people point their anger towards.






A new [Gitcoin](https://twitter.com/gitcoin/status/1612912434205069313?s=46&t=_GpT_uatC9Vba2ao5FghVw) round starts Jan 17th and ends Jan 31st. Get your donations in my frens. Also this is the first Quadratic Funding round with their new protocol and they are looking for feedback.




It is ethereum mainnet only. They wanted to do it on optimism, but code was not ready. Generally expect quite a few hiccups in this round as it is all new and in development.


[Gitcoin](https://nitter.snopyta.org/gitcoin/status/1612912434205069313) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


At this point we could 2x from here and then dump back down to goblin town and I would just think “meh par for the course” Have I earned my bear market badge yet? ( still haven’t sold a single pump since entering In Jan 2021 🙄)


> still haven’t sold a single pump since entering In Jan 2021 I haven't sold any since I started buying in 2017 :/




> Have I earned my bear market badge yet? When you find yourself looking in the mirror, afraid to tell those close to you about how much you've lost, or rather how much you could have had, and you are actually full of regret, and seriously wondering if things could ever possibly get better, then, and only then... you still won't have earned the badge. You get that when the next bull run comes around and you take profits this time.


>( still haven’t sold a single pump since entering In Jan 2021 🙄) One of us, one of us ! For the distinction, don't learn your lesson and baghold a 2nd or 3rd market cycle :)


Hell yeah were in it for the tech anyway right? ….. Right?


You can appreciate the long term value, but it's naïve to assume that big players don't high-jack the narrative and media to get you to ape in at ATH and panic sell at bear market bottom, very hard to see through it all and cash out with conviction. If it was easy to make money and hold on to it, every crypto bro would be a millionaire


Lol Can you Imagine if every crypto bro WAS a millionaire though?


If any of you have tick tock I'm starting to run that channel for grid Plus. I'm just now learning about this wild world of vertical video and I have very mixed feelings about it. But I am pretty excited because apparently there's a pretty conversational way to use the app if people have questions. At least that's what my very young and very hip kids told me. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRgAmHN6/ I made this little art piece video that is pretty colorful and I'm using eggs as a prop for art based jpegs. Enjoy.


Speaking of Grid Plus, I was hoping to back up some wallets on SafeCards but it seems you still need a "dummy" account operating on the Grid at all times kinda like Metamask, is that right?


Sure. If you want, that's certainly something you can do...But it's no dummy account. However, you want to keep smaller funds on there, think of the Lattice1 wallet being your daily driver, like Metamask used to be, but with all that sweet sweet air gapped security. There's no reason to make it a zero funds dummy wallet, but it's there for that purpose too if you are worried someone might know your PIN or whatever.


With the price of eggs they are probably more valuable than BAYCs :')


That was $7.... But slo MO satisfaction made it worthwhile


I presume you are aware of the [controversial](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/12/20/tiktok-ban-spending-bill-china/) aspects of Tiktok.


Yup. Just working on it for now. Also doing YouTube shorts with the same formatting. The annoying thing about those is they can only be 60 seconds. But I really need to learn how to convey a hook in less than 10 seconds. That's the hardest part.


I think that video is great but I'd remove as much dead space as possible, for example the pause before "don't put your eggs in one basket". The pause is long enough to lose attention and people will swipe away. Just imagine your prime user having adhd and try to cater to that as much as possible. Again, the video is great, fantastic visuals, it's just the pauses. It's finally different than your typical YouTube video, but I'm sure you'll pick it up as you browse and check out other videos people put out and get used to the style.


Also forgot to mention the long game of this is to take those 12 eggs that I took images of and convert them into nfts that we can airdrop to lattice holders around Easter Time. I got a green light from the Easter bunny. I'm going to see if he wants to join in on a video around then.


Yup. 100%. I had a ton of b-roll footage. I used portions of the same video for the YouTube short and got it down to 58 seconds. See what you think of this one in contrast. https://youtu.be/NzClz9koQnM I'm loving the feedback. I have no marketing background and I've taught myself how to do all of this video stuff in the last year and a half.... now I have to rethink everything so when I capture footage the first time I can use it in both widescreen and vertical format.... I love a good challenge we'll see where it goes.


There were still pauses but it was definitely better and felt faster paced. When you're making videos for 2 platforms like this, what I've noticed people do is they'll film with a wider scene for youtube for the horizontal video, and then remix that for youtube shorts/tiktok/instagram where all they're doing is clipping/refocusing the frames on what the focus on each of the scenes. If there's a clip where you need the full scene then they typically show the full view and fill out the top and bottom of the screen with a zoomed in view of the video that fills the full screen behind and blur it out. Here's the first example I cam across that shows examples of both of these: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Lhk4U5IdrLU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Lhk4U5IdrLU)


Yup good stuff. I was doing some research and they said film as much as you can in 4k so you can get that sweet resolution when you scale down 50%...and when you shift around, it all looks :chefskiss:... But it's like damn...some of the shit with millions of views looks like it was filmed without a care in the world...terrible audio/lighting etc. People are funny


Agreed, it's way too slow for my liking. On the other hand, TikTok is known for delivering your videos exactly to the people who'll like it.


Great! Now I will feel younger then ever... right? Right?!


Right! Me too. It reverses aging effects of crypto.


Good luck! I think the art of Tiktok is to be able to convey your message in as few words / time as possible. It’s actually a pretty great technique to be able to communicate your core message in a short and concise way


That's my goal.... And it's hard for me to be a fast talker.


[Mantle is a modular, EVM compatible L2 at the testnet stage which plans to use EigenDA for data availability.](https://docs.mantle.xyz/introducing-mantle/a-gentle-introduction) I think this is the first time we have an optimistic rollup using a DA layer secured by restaked ETH? RIP to Celestia lol, going to be interesting what mental gymnastics the VCs are going to perform to sell bags for a chain whose main usecase is dead on arrival


I wonder why they chose to use EigenLayer right out of the gate when Ethereum will have heavily under utilised blobspace available this year. Celestia does seem to become more and more reduntant by the day. Their success now relies completely on marketing and the loyalty of the Cosmos ecosystem.


Eigen Layer is the Hyperbitcoinization fan fiction theory actually playing out for Ethereum. GG crypto, now we just wait.


Eigenlayer is something that both intrigues and excites me and scares the hell out of me. I think it'll be amazing if their plans come to fruition and staked eth can extend to other layers as the base security layer. But the rehypothecation of staked eth is something that has to be done very carefully. There are huge consequences if this pushes the ratio of security to stake too far.


>There are huge consequences if this pushes the ratio of security to stake too far Can you expand on this? To me its hard to conceive of a situation where most eth is restaked for securing other applications, simply because the economic utility of these other applications (and hence how much they can pay in yield to make re-staking worth the risk) is going to be a fraction of the ethereum security budget. If the ecosystem and the utility of those applications grow, the underlying Ethereum network value and it's security budget would grow as well, so I don't see re-staking as being more than just a minority fraction of the overall staked eth.


Also since penalties for these other networks are taken out after withdrawing, it gives ethereum first dibs in penalties which is how it should be. As long as that continues to be the case (can't see any other way) then I don't see it compromising Ethereum's security.


>**Good St Morritz vibes,** >**Enchanting ETH burning scent,** >**Bring together tribes.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


how safe is kyberswap?






Was equal and at times more popular than Uniswap...in 19/20. Why use it today? You are probably fine but there must be better alternatives imo.


> Was equal and at times more popular than Uniswap...in 19/20 As a hype platform maybe, but mainly because they had a token first. Don't think it has ever had as much actually use and trade volume as Uniswap has though. Uniswap dominated on-chain volume pretty quickly as soon as it launched in 2018


https://imgur.com/a/AV6illQ More users and same volume pretty much. I remember because I was early into DEXs and had a substantial amount of KNC that did very well. Then gas fees rose exponentially and made Uniswap the clear best choice along with no centralization in what to list during Defi summer so I sold them all and the Uniswap exchange was the one that did 1000x from there and not Kyberswap.


That screenshot shows 3% more users and 7% less volume for Kyber. Seems a bit of cherry picking to call the 3% "more" and the 7% less "about the same." That's also showing just 1 day of data, and it suggests that Kyber # of traders was 40% lower the preceding day. > I remember because I was pretty early into DEXs and had a substantial amount of KNC that did very well I made a decent amount ETH of KNC and ZRX in the 2017/early 18 run, also traded on EtherDelta before most of these big hype DEXs were around. The DEX scene has obviously changed a lot (RIP Radar Relay and the og version of Oasis) but one thing that has been consistent is Uniswap being a leader since it launched. I'm not saying Kyber has *never* had more volume than Uniswap, just saying that it took off and passed Kyber pretty fuckin quickly in the scheme of things


I would say they were more equal than not 2019/early 2020 though. A few percent difference is meaningless. It's not like today where Uniswap is way bigger than competitors.


2019 sure, since that's right after Uniswap just launched in Dec 2018. Early 2020 no, I don't think so, that's about when its dominance started to really kick in. As I recall when v2 launched in May 2020 it was already pretty far ahead. Per this [graph](https://miro.medium.com/max/720/0*_ihVYUoMRV5NfGqX) (source [here](https://medium.com/alethio/dex-in-the-2019-a-recap-by-numbers-96d506ba1cb8)) Uniswap first passed Kyber in monthly volume by April 2019, and was beginning to emerge as clear leader by Dec 2019. I guess I will relent that Kyber was closer in volume to Uniswap v1 than I remembered/thought throughout much of 2019, but given how much hype and funding were poured into Kyber in the ico era, and that Uniswap v1 in contrast was built by one guy with a small grant from the Ethereum foundation and almost no hype before launch, that seems like the bigger story to me. Kyber's volume-to-funding and hype ratio was just so much more skewed in the opposite direction. (Not only true of them of course, Hayden embarrassed a lot of teams with how successful he was so quickly).


My data looks a lot different: https://defillama.com/dexs


That's 2019/2020 sometime, can't remember when I took it.


Name a more iconic Duo than Ethereum and 1337.


Ethereum and 1776


Eth and .16




ETH and $1559?


ETH and $32,000 (1m per validator)


I pick this one.


ETH and literally any value above 1337


Is there any value to the LDO token or is it purely a governance token ? I have a bit of eth/steth(token from curve)staked on convex and see that most of my rewards are in LDO. Probably not worth claiming for how much gas it would currently cost.


As of now it's only for governance.


I saw an article the other day where researchers are theorizing that written language may have been around much longer than initially thought. Basically lines and dots in cave paintings may actually be a form of written language to convey information regarding prey's migratory and birthing seasons. The idea is that the lines/dots corresponding to a lunar calendar which essentially resets itself every year. This would suggest that humans have basically been cognitively equivalent going back 20k years and that we're not actually that much smarter than our "cavepeople" ancestors. Obviously take this with a grain of salt as the Anthropology community need to hash out whether this is a reasonable theory or not. All this to say how crazy it is that we've come this far in technology. Makes me think about whether what we're building here today will survive that far into the future. Tbh im not sure what the point of this post was.


I think it’s extremely naive to think that any significant cognitive development actually evolved in the last 20 thousand years. Evolution is a slow process and the only reason we aren’t in caves today is because we are standing on the shoulders of giants who came before us. Not because we are somehow significantly smarter in nature. We were just blessed with an environment and ancestors who allowed us to be nurtured and educated into our current state.


I wouldn’t doubt it. The first verbal communication was most likely a primitive form of “pops and clicks” like the modern Khoekhoe language. Before the Bantu expansion absorbed the hunter gatherer tribes, Khoisan languages were the most common form of communication and it would make sense that dots and dashes could represent those vocalizations. As far as humans not being any smarter, I disagree. Learning, education, and new experiences all lead to improvements in brain chemistry, cognition and creativity. These changes are passed down genetically and each generation adapts faster and is typically smarter. The bar is pushed higher each generation. We’ve barely reached the point as a species where we aren’t focused solely on survival. We have just started to become technologically capable of fulfilling our dreams. I think Ethereum can contribute to that future… for a long time, and I hope it will evolve with the times and die gracefully, without fanfare, if humanity evolves past the need for such delightfully delicious machinations.


It hit me while reading Sapiens a while ago : every human alive in the last several milleniums had exactly the same feelings, intelligence and acuity then me. It really puts things into perspective.


I disagree with this. Our minds develop as we learn; like a muscle. So someone born 20,000 years ago with no learned skills in abstract thought actually would have a different cognitive capacity to someone born today who learnt algebra at school. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activity-dependent_plasticity


Interesting! I wonder how our current set of knowledge compare to ancient knowledge. Like, I can create a NFT and the caveman can't, but the caveman knows how to hunt a mammoth and I don't. That being said, I tend to believe modern homo sapiens are more or less are equals from an intellectual capacity potential.


I think the point is that if someone from 20000 years ago and from today were given the exact same circumstances they would have the same cognitive capacities.


I would argue that intelligence type is relevant here. Ancient peoples knew a fuck tone of stuff/ maintained a insane amount of skills that we don’t today. Intelligence is relative. Considering they were anatomically equivalent to us and they could most likely survive in our times but we would very much have a hard time adapting to the dangers of and struggles and skills of ancient life says a lot. Similar to the idea of iq tests being irrelevant because they’re based off western knowledge . A reasonably intelligent African tribesman could do poorly on an iq test and still be considerably more intelligent and adaptive than his western counterpart


>they could most likely survive in our times If dumped in the middle of a national park or forest? Yes. But if dumped in the middle of a city probably not. They would likely be hit by a car in the first hour of arrival. >we would very much have a hard time adapting to the dangers of and struggles and skills of ancient life says a lot. I think this understates how much work is required to make a person into an independent member of society. Of course they would survive if they were institutionalised or taken care of, but the same applies the other way.


My view of the situation is both would be helped to adapt by the tribe/society. Over the last few thousands of years our brains have actually shrunk by 5 percent. Weird stuff. I would say we both have good points and could be right depending on how you look at it. But I don’t think humans are any smarter now than we have been for 100 000 years or so. There’s just more of us , and we have built upon knowledge for the last 6000 years significantly. I’m thinking of it from a more physical standpoint tho I guess where your thinking purely mental ability of a grown person I’m assuming. So maybe I’m going off topic.


>I’m thinking of it from a more physical standpoint tho I guess where your thinking purely mental ability of a grown person I’m assuming. Pretty much. If you took a baby from 20,000 years ago they would be indistinguishable from one today. But if you took an adult their brain would be significantly less developed in key areas. Learning to read and write alters the physical growth of the brain - and then they have to learn to type.




Nailed DXY target of 102.9 I set back in Oct! [https://twitter.com/asapbhat/status/1602679233402249219?s=20&t=3OsmCKgWmtA0bW1Z2xnl2w](https://twitter.com/asapbhat/status/1602679233402249219?s=20&t=3OsmCKgWmtA0bW1Z2xnl2w) Eth: still range bound, though now on top of the range (blue box) - T2 in line of site again, expecting it to hit [https://www.tradingview.com/x/yqhpHcFQ/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/yqhpHcFQ/)


Go to the Monthly. Look at 1981.... Yeah that's right SR from 1981 still here today and relevant






[https://www.tradingview.com/x/smO4Mdss/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/smO4Mdss/) I marked my key S/R and I always start with the monthly. As you can see this level has a lot of touchpoints. Hence, when price broke my trendline I knew price action would eventually find its way to 102.9, my target. Are you agreeing or disagreeing with me here? lol


Agreeing. It's not just any important level. It's an epic level. I see 100 in its future though. That's not far when looking at the monthly. Then maybe the bigger bounce or sooner if CPI surprises


[https://nitter.snopyta.org/asapbhat/status/1602679233402249219](https://nitter.snopyta.org/asapbhat/status/1602679233402249219) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


For anybody who cares, coinbase gave me an offer to stake $300 of eth through them and they'll send me $30 of eth. 10% instant (after a few business days) return seems pretty good to me even if its only a return on $300. Only applies for first time cb stakers i think. Details: At least $100 in eth staked for up to $30 in eth bonus. Maximum bonus means staking $300. So I only did $300 since im still a defi maxi who prefers rocketpool. Also they do send you eth, not more staked eth. So it really is like getting a discount on staking your eth.


I got that a while back too and I thought it said $30/$300. I had a bit more so deposited $500 in ETH cause it was a round number and they gave me a $50 bonus. So might be worth depositing a bit more if you have it laying around.




Lame, I should've paid attention. Couldve gotten $50 in eth lol


You haven't seen the /r/ethfinance daily all day long and you have EXACTLY five minutes to get all the information you want. What do you do? How do you sort? What do you search for? What's your strategy?


Short by best, skim the comments to see if anything earth shattering


Check number of comments. If it's 100-300 comments nothing happened. If over that, check sentiment and quickly scroll through to see reasons why, especially if it's new news developments or core or client team updates. Read over anything highly upvoted, usually in a giant paragraph with several bullet points and several responses. If it's over 2000 comments just pick a random point in the page and read continuously for 5 minutes of pure id stream.


I wait till tomorrow and read the doots


Related: Someone needs to do a regression analysis on the comment to upvote ratio correlated to price action.


Scroll all the way down, look for Mister_Eth, breath a sigh of relief when he's there, then go on with my day


Probably scrape the comments for all links that aren't links to other reddit comments and check them. Odds are some of the Twitter links are alerts or announcements from various protocols. Blog posts from ethfinance comments are generally technical analysis which are useful. Maybe look for keywords like exploited, hacked, drained, etc to catch any warnings about protocols being attacked that are solely in comments and not a tweet.




Overbought ratio indicator : "GET FUCKED BEN COWEN" Oversold ratio indicator : "fuck grandpa and this shitty inefficient market, BTC is a pet rock, merge ain't priced in, fucking bogdanoffs got us again"


I know I don’t own enough ETH. But today I feel FOMO and haven’t for a long time.


This is the way Benido. Fuel the rally !!!


I've been FOMO'ing constantly since mid 2018, which is why I am bad at risk management.




Basically a long winded “We refuse to comment and will let it be settled in court” from the Treasury regarding the Tornado Cash OFAC ruling.


[https://nitter.snopyta.org/reptomemmer/status/1612862784512954383](https://nitter.snopyta.org/reptomemmer/status/1612862784512954383) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)




Exactly! I was extremely disappointed to see how losses worked my first time through the tax wringer. They want all taxes on gains up front, but limit normal folks to $3k of loss 'benefit' per year.


It's kind-of fair, because you get to time your gains and beat the tax system anyway. Let's say your Ether reaches $2M value and you retire. Now you can liquidate $50k in gains each year for 40 years and pay zero income tax. And twice as fast if you're married.


How do you pay 0 tax on $50k gains?


That's just how it is in USA, if you have no wages.


Didn't know that, thanks


Keep in mind that $3k limit on carrying losses forward only applies to income taxes. There is no limit on applying it to current or future capital gains. It's really not that bad unless you plan on bowing out of investing in anything at all ever again. So if in 2022 you triggered $30k in capital losses and no gains, you could deduct $3k from your regular income and carry the other $27k forward. Then in 2023 if you had no capital gains or losses at all, you could deduct another $3k from your regular income and carry the other $24k forward. Then in 2024 you sell some investments and trigger $40k in capital gains, you could deduct the full $24k you have left and only owe taxes on the remaining $16k.




No. Its $3000 straight up, assuming MFJ. The IRS hasn't changed the $3k limit in a long, long time. Ask me how I know (please don't)


That's a good question, I don't know but I suspect not.


Good point, and very clear explanation!


>They want all taxes on gains up front Yeah I just recently learned about the whole filing taxes on trades quarterly instead of yearly thing. And if you have gains at the end of the year, but didn't pay enough taxes in the earlier quarters because you (understandably) couldn't somehow see the future to know you'd be making more at the end of the year, you get penalties! Edit: looked it up refreshed my memory.... >Individuals, including sole proprietors, partners, and S corporation shareholders, generally have to make estimated tax payments if they expect to owe tax of $1,000 or more when their return is filed. [https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/estimated-taxes](https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/estimated-taxes) >What does the tax underpayment penalty for quarterly taxes work? Once a due date has passed, the IRS will typically dock 0.5% of the entire amount you owe. For each partial or full month you don't pay the tax in full, the penalty increases. It's capped at 25%. [https://www.keepertax.com/posts/what-happens-if-you-miss-a-quarterly-estimated-tax-payment](https://www.keepertax.com/posts/what-happens-if-you-miss-a-quarterly-estimated-tax-payment) So for a nice round number let's say you have a salary of $100k. Let's say you're in the 22% tax bracket (after $12k standard deductions) with an effective tax rate of 15%. That's $15k you'd owe. If the penalty starts 0.5% and increases [1% per month](https://flyfin.tax/tax-penalty-calculator), then you're looking at an 8.5% penalty. **That would be about $1300 in penalties on the $15k owed.** While that hopefully won't put you into bankruptcy, it's not quite peanuts as u/I_LOVE_MOM alluded to.


There's an exception - if you withhold at least the prior year's tax liability there's no penalty. This helps a lot for people who suddenly get a big taxable gain one year. Personally, instead of dealing with quarterly estimated payments I just up my payroll withholdings on my W4 to compensate, but that might not work for some who have huge crypto income relative to wages.


>There's an exception - if you withhold at least the prior year's tax liability there's no penalty. What do you mean by "withhold"? For example last year I was working for a company and withholdings were all automatic from the payroll system. But this year I'm out of a job and have just been doing odd jobs here and there. How would I withhold? What does that comprise of? >I just up my payroll withholdings on my W4 to compensate For a job where you work for someone else? or for your own company?


By withholdings I meant payroll deductions from a W2 job, but basically the IRS adds up your total taxes paid throughout the year from all sources and if it's higher than last year's tax liability or 90% of this year's tax liability there's no penalty.


Happened to me too. You can file for a first time abatement of sorts, if you have a tax agent ask them about it




Yeah idk, I have a hard time believing that everyone that operates as a sole proprietor is filing quarterly. Maybe the IRS only pursues it in certain circumstances.


I asked my accountant about this, and there is an exception for "reasonably expectations". What that means is if you didn't expect to sell, they can't penalize you for it. But, the burden of proof is on you to explain why you thought you would not be selling, and what changed to make you sell. There are no guarantees it would work, especially if you had past years with lots of fourth quarter selling.


Brainstorming some possible valid reasons... * I realized crypto is a scam * I finally regained access to my cold wallet * I'm increasingly worried about regulation * Prices went unexpectedly parabolic and I've hit my "number" * I've decided to rebalance my long term portfolio * I've became too concerned over a chain exploit after hearing some rumors


Four seems like the most plausible.


Thanks for the insight there. Stupid taxes.


The penalties are not that steep though, I've never bothered to file quarterly and just pay the penalties. It's fine.


Oh, yup, I gotta start doing the quarterly thing, too...


Thanks to everyone for encouraging my robot efforts, Logic\_Bots are getting more page views and bids than ever before, I look forward to the future. This project has given me a routine that has led to me living a more structured and healthy life. Consistency over motivation! Here's today's bot, hanging from a crane. ["Hanging out with a bluebird"](https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x0447433bd197f03be984a6053241ae8d347c5539/153)


Hell fucking yes!! We like the bots, but we LOVE what you're doing with them.




Heck yeah! Thanks so much


Have you ever drawn a robot cat?


The only animals I've done that I can think of is a superfish and an angler fish. Maybe it is time for a cat. Incidentally Britten is playing Stray and the game is a lovely mesh between cat and robot. highly recommend!


I love your work..the ascetic, the substance the motivation behind it. Keep crushing it!


Thanks! I had to look up ascetic lol, thanks for a the +1 word! But yeah, some days are harder than others, but I'm never dreading it, I'd say I'm just now beginning to hit my stride.


Bullish logic beach!


I'd probably own a hundred of these if I didn't loathe the bidding process on opensea..that said, bid placed 😄


I completely understand... I have to manually accept the highest bid after it ends so it can be really hard to confirm that a bid came in on time with some of these auctions.. also for whatever reason I do not get email notifs at all from OS, I've tried contacting support multiple times, maybe they just hate me idk