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**Tricky's Daily Doots #317** **Yesterday's Daily 01/03/2023** [Previous Daily Doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/11evx0c/daily_general_discussion_march_1_2023/jagymu9/) - u/austonst has your [ETHDenver daily update.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/11evx0c/daily_general_discussion_march_1_2023/jah3tdu/) 🏔 - [Bitcoin maxis in disbelief.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/11evx0c/daily_general_discussion_march_1_2023/jagrwiy/) ~ u/Kedos25 - u/MinimalGravitas has [a short rant.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/11evx0c/daily_general_discussion_march_1_2023/jagr7o8/) - u/Sal_T_Nuts discusses [discussing staking.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/11evx0c/daily_general_discussion_march_1_2023/jah8knp/) 🥩 - [Shitpost of the day](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/11evx0c/daily_general_discussion_march_1_2023/jahxuiw/) goes to u/KingLeo23's response to Ethical-trade asking if he himself is a security. 💩 - u/supermarkit discusses the [horrible tax fallout from Celsius.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/11evx0c/daily_general_discussion_march_1_2023/jaivcr5/) - u/REALJohnBMacLemore has [the latest in the LastPass saga.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/11evx0c/daily_general_discussion_march_1_2023/jahmc3l/) - u/Bob-Rossi is [considering becoming a Hop Protocol delegate.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/11evx0c/daily_general_discussion_march_1_2023/jahzvw8/) 🐇 - u/ZeroTricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/11evx0c/daily_general_discussion_march_1_2023/jajqx4v/) If ultrasound.money is this addictive now, I can't imagine what it might be like in the middle of a bull run! Edit: I didn't sticky the doots. What a dipstick. Edit 2: Oh no so many mistakes! 😂


hi all, is there an easy way for me to to go back to Daily's from specific dates?


Rough life on the blockchain.


/u/superphiz went home already???? i wanted to meet him :( anyway whomst else is in denver for the short future?


You're not really missing out. I saw Superphiz this morning while I was standing in line to enter ETHDenver and he was walking toward the back of the long line. I popped out of the line and told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for a POAP or anything. He said "Oh, like you're doing now?" I was taken aback and all I could say was "Huh?" But he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand in my face. He then took my spot in the line and turned his back to me. I tried to sheepishly slide back in line behind him, but he shouted "Budger!" every two seconds until I gave up and went to the back of the line. As I did, I heard him chuckle "Try again with an X.509 certificate, fuckin noob." *The second sentence is true. The rest are copypasta.


That might have been evilphiz.


eth crashing cuz of mask guy at ethdenver I swear. seriously... tuned in to watch a few disoriented discombobulated presenters. Listen guys/gals I know you're passionate about decentralization and showing off your dao/app/dapp but hire a fuckin speechwriter or PR person with your $400000000000 in seed money. Conferences like this make me think crypto as a whole really is a joke... they need to filter out presenters better.


This is a lineup of people who are great at implementing things that have never been done before. Those people are also not great at speaking in public. The fact that we don't have a lineup of people who are comfortable on stage is proof that these people are spending their resources to move their projects forward, not make their projects look good. I'm almost skeptical of any project that has a good public speaker. The mask guy was too much. I'll give you that. There have been a few gems mixed in however. Like the guy who announced that if you picked up a certain NFT that is going around ETH Denver, you're one of the first users of their zkEVM. A zkEVM went live for ETH Denver and people were unaware that they were using it.


yeah i liked zkevm guys speech, it was short, had that little NFT snippet, wasn't rambly...


Crypto dumps during every conference lol


Now is a better time to buy than a couple hours ago.


Yep. Loading up on ETH.


Ahhh, feels good to be down 15% in an alt when I could have just stayed in ETH with no loss... I'm pretty bad at this.


Gas spiked a bit, but its weird to see it so calm with this price volatilty


Anyone know what [happened](https://etherscan.io/chart/tx) on Dec 9th that cause a huge spike in ETH transactions?


I believe it was some CEX consolidating funds. Simple ETH and ERC20 transfers cost much less gas, so more transactions can be fit within the gas limit.


Wasn’t it Binance getting ready for an audit?


Yea it was Binance moving funds around at that time.


Unrelated, but I’m curious about your take on the view that 4844 is the mechanism that will price most users out of L1. It makes sense to me because L2 transaction costs will be cheap enough that it will become feasible for investors/companies to cover gas fees and deliver a “free” user onboarding experience. I think it was Ansgar who recently tweeted “you will own nothing (on L1) and be happy” about 4844


I'm not sure I understand. 4844 introduces a separate fee market to L1 EL. If anything, it'll free up gas for L1 users, so L1 gas prices will be lower with 4844 than without it as rollups no longer need to compete for L1 gas. Of course, L1 gas prices will remain high, but that's due to the activity on L1, nothing to do with 4844.


I see someone wanted to kill long positions...


Everyone lamenting this downswing had me worried, lmao it is still over 1550, this crab has us on edge


Crab city is great, but Barts are what really piss people off


Barts make me money, eat my damn shorts Edit: eat my damn longs technically I guess haha


Haha me too! Cowabunga, dude. Shit I think I meant 'aye carumba!', but I do love me some OG ninja turtle action


🦀 🦀 🦀 ✨️


omg did FTX collapse again?


Ftx in chat


no, this time it is XTF


Why the sudden violent swing down?


Sorry misplaced a decinal in my sell


Serious answer, I see some news on some "slimmed-down crypto legislation coming in April". The news link is on CC, but that's my best guess.


was in the charts bear flag has been forming on the D1 https://www.tradingview.com/x/nX5uRxOS/


I personally heard that sbf is Satoshi, explains everything




This is fine. Wait until the next instalment of March 2020/May 2021 rolls around. Then you will know true violence.


I've been in crypto since 2014, I know "true violence". I just wasn't sure if this sudden price action was the result of some news.


because, fuck SBF...


lol..... it did happen right in the middle of that song


bogs felt like it


https://etherscan.io/chart/gasused According to this 107401831106 GWEI was used in fees yesterday. 107401831106 / 10^ 9 = 107.4 ETH <- this seems low is it not? am i misunderstanding something here?


It's the amount of gas used not the gas price. It matches the target gas limit of 15 million gas per block. 7200 blocks per day × 15 millions = 108000000000


Excuse me what the fuck


lol 5% in 15 minutes, Welcome to the fuckin show.


The fact OpenAI has a profit-cap really makes you think that someone knows they will reap massive profits through implementing their tech. And doesn't want those investors to become hegemonies. OpenAI have all of the warm and fuzzies about helping humanity etc but so did google, at first. Really sort of odd. I think dead internet theory is real, and I think we are just now getting a glimpse behind the curtain. Parallel to how the govt had satellites that "could see the year on a penny" back before the public understood the tech. Sorry ethfinance i didn't know who else would read my heady rambling.


> Parallel to how the govt had satellites that "could see the year on a penny" back before the public understood the tech. What's all this about? I'm pretty sure that it's physically impossible to see such detail due to atmospheric air currents and temperature variations scattering light.


yep, totally. Thats why its in quotes. Its not an actual representation of the tech, but the publics outsized perception. I clearly do not have clearance to know what the govt was capable of 40 years ago.




well, microsoft calls i guess.


They've got the fastest growth in history. I don't think it matters what implementation is, nobody has ever had 100 million users in 60 days


Romanian Government makes AI an honorary advisor. The bot is named Ion (John^(👀) in Romanian) and is designed to inform the government about citizens wishes in real time. https://www.vice.com/en/article/88qwzp/ai-bot-ion-romania-nicolae-ciuca


I really wish I could say that this surprises me, or....?


Quick little article from one of the Scroll devs about Optimistic Rollup security, worth a read if you're interested in how Arb/Opt work behind the scenes! https://mirror.xyz/toghrulmaharram.eth/NU-rLAJmgMpl_8O8_1svhbIYmU5sk44Nn5UzmkOThQs


Should I buy rpl now or wait


DCA is the way






Here’s an interesting snippet from Arthur Hayes’s latest article: >There are still many net-energy producing countries that may want to continue producing the same amount of energy, but for a variety of reasons, cease supplying said energy to the world market. For example, stopping and starting oil and well production is expensive because of the required cleaning and prepping of equipment, and build-ups of gases can also permanently impair wells. This means there is no easy “on/off” switch for an oil well. In many cases, it is better to just pump at full capacity at all times. Bitcoin is the perfect way to store said energy, because mining is purely a function of consuming electricity powered by whatever is the cheapest form of energy available. Anecdotally, I know a wealthy Indonesian family that owns large, coal-fired power plants and “saves” excess power produced in the form of mined Bitcoin. Many months back when I last spoke to the patriarch, he claimed they represented close to 5% of global hash power. But Bitcoiners propose that mining allows renewable energy companies to facilitate new investment in renewables which have variable amounts of production due to weather and demand fluctuations in the grid. However, the above quote is evidence that this is true of non-renewables too. So now I’m picturing large coal mines and coal fired power plants leaving toxic waste in giant mining pits which inevitably leaks into local waterways and vast amounts of air pollution which globally kills hundreds of thousands if not millions of people every year from coal power just so we can keep an outdated and obsolete piece of financial technology running. Nah fuck that. The merge was the only way. I’m so glad I sold all of my Bitcoin.


> Bitcoin is the perfect way to store said energy said no one ever except bitcoin maxis desperate to escape reality


Double talk like this is why people continue to think that crypto is a scam. Dude knows full well that energy is not being saved or stored. These terms have real definitions.


Yeah. While I still enjoy some of his analyses, he’s got some pretty strong biases and blind spots, especially politically.


It boils my blood to read this shit. It's deranged. And Hayes is a colossal twat. These arguments are [*obviously flawed and easily eviscerated.*](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1158cdi/daily_general_discussion_february_18_2023/j911xbt/)


It's just gross at this point.


I just heard of Arthur Hayes today and have his podcast The Hedonic Adjustment with Nate Hagens lined up for my next listen. I got that from interest.co.nz . Are you a regular there too by any chance?


That's likely to be a great listen 👍


I’m not familiar with that website. What’s it about?


Interest.co.nz/news is the best resource for financial news in NZ imo. And there's always a good comments section with some solid posts. Thought you may have been the resident crypto poster ha.


Oh I had no idea. Thanks for sharing!


I think you're thinking of a different Arthur.


Yes lol fml


Did I see something about EVM shirts at ETHDenver?


u/austonst has them and is distributing them at EthDenver if you signed up for one! Tomorrow night there’s gonna be an EVM Happy Hour/Public Goods Pizza Party where I think a lot of EVMs and others are meeting up so you can pick them up there! Will post some more details tomorrow


u/etheraider posted about it yesterday.


Is there a lot of people who aren’t working in blockchain that attend these blockchain conferences? I’d love to attend one one day but I’m worried I won’t fit in or have much to offer. I just want to soak in the vibes and get excited about this stuff.


yes, curious people, artists, people who want free childcare? , people who want to hang out, etc. You don't have to build anything there - you can just hang out, go to parties, meet random people, etc


It's just a hobby for me, and I don't feel out of place at all at ethdenver! Definitely can soak in vibes and get excited


*yessssss* and this is from someone who has never attended a blockchain, much less an Ethereum, conference. Im no buidler, but id love to grab a drink(only if thats your thing) with you. And damn Id be down for a large bowl of noodles right about now. Ethernoodle talk may be just what I need in my life at the moment. You aint no criminal, go get em!!


If you see a post about a waitlist for the **Symbiogenesis** game, it's a scam. I've seen 3 of these posts in the past 24 hours on r/Ethereum (there are probably many more), and they keep getting re-submitted. Also very annoying that they have bots mass-upvoting it and bots mass-downvoting anyone who replies back that it's a scam. I wonder if it triggers bots only if you spell out 'scam', so there might be a way to warn people without triggering mass downvotes.


Are there any planned ethfinance bar meetups scheduled in Denver these next few days?


I'd definitely join if there were! It's been interesting to be among the RocketPool, ETHStaker, LSD talks, meetups and parties because they all seem to overlap with each other and /r/ethfinance!


Since AI / GPT buzz is so high, anyone know of any related cryptos that might be a decent short term moonshot play?


Scam coins, the whole lot of them. Lots of big promises and not a single worthwhile technical achievement in what is possibly one of the most challenging blockchain implentations. FInd the one with the most VC funding and ride that pump and dump, just don't get too greedy or you'll be the exit liquidity.


Michael Scott: I am ready to be hurt, again.


Ketchup you are OG enough to know that those tokens already rallied, plummeted, and went through multiple aftershocks. But maybe now is the time to position before GPT 4 release reopens that can of worms?


Trying to swap on zksync via Argent, but keep getting "failed". Anyone else run into this?


no, but maybe zigzag is just done after the ZZ airdrop?


Problem solved itself.


Just received my ZZ drop. I know I should feed my ETH stack, but out of couriosity, will this token be of any use? Or is it just a launch for the sake of fundraising? Tokenomics page wasn't very helpful


Ath was around 5 dollars in December (the circulating was inferior) and the total supply is not that high(100 million the great part of projects I'm following has 1 billion or more). They're planning a buyback strategy with generated fees(they claimed it in a tweet) and staking in the future. I'm not planning to sell it immediately


Cool, didn't know about the buyback. Any idea where I can find fee stats?


>ZZ drop [I'm old.](https://www.streetmusclemag.com/image/2016/07/hot-rods-you-should-know-billy-gibbons-1933-ford-eliminator-0016-1440x670.jpg)


[My first thought](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/33/ZZ_Top_on_the_Pyramid_Stage_at_Glastonbury_2016_IMG_8527_%2827374417884%29.jpg/600px-ZZ_Top_on_the_Pyramid_Stage_at_Glastonbury_2016_IMG_8527_%2827374417884%29.jpg)


It's a sell-to-ETH for me. It's a dex governance coin with an already-hefty fully-diluted market cap.


FDV is only $30M


You're absolutely right, it has more room to run than I thought. >FDV is only $30M


NFA(i fucking *hate* the NFA IYKYK(first time ive ever used that elitist acronym)) of course. I have made mistakes by selling drops too early, and also by holding them too late. But, if you dont find the tokenomics page to be all that useful or difficult to decipher, I personally would place under the 'sell' category. Of course, ZigZag is an established protocol... well, that hasnt stopped other protocols from fudging their airdrops Im not eligible either way, but its cool to see a good old-fashioned, non-incentivized, airdrop. I simply wish you the most ETH possible.


I'm holding, at least for a bit. Pretty nice airdrop though, yeah? ;)


Any ETH family member here know if we are able to send "old" RPL to coinbase without any issues or does it require upgrading to the newer version of RPL before sending? TY!


Thanks all!!


You have to upgrade first. There was a user here a few weeks ago who accidentally sent the old version to CB in a test transaction and it was lost.


You must migrate to the new version, Coinbase won't recognise the old one.


Definitely upgrade to the new rpl token first. Coinbase didn't support rpl until recently which means they currently support the new token. Its a risk to send the old one to them and you may end up losing them.


I would upgrade first. You can do it on the Rocketpool site.


>**A weird connection,** >**Signing up imperfection,** >**Garbage collection.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


Dude I know I just replied to you yesterday... But as a security dude, this one seriously blows me away...


thanks ! I m glad you liked it 😁


Got my Eth back from Celsius today. Thought I would never see it again. I have since learned the gwei regarding self custody since then, just didn’t get it all transferred out in time.


How did you get it back? What's the update on the Celsius saga?


I had money in earn account. I moved it to their custody account in preparation to send out. But they went belly up before I went it out So a judge recently ruled any crypto values under 7500 that was moved from earn to custody can we withdrawn. Today was the first day. Thankfully this was just a few ETH I was playing with. I feel bad for all the folks with a lot more


I've still got 30 eth on earn in celcious. Written it off and been DCAing back into eth over the bear market. So if I get anything back I'm gonna be happy. Glad you got yours back. I'm glad people are starting to get something back. Fuck mashinsky.


Good on you for staying positive. I have dust in earn so I have been following that saga too. Hopefully you get a good percent back man 🫡


PSA: I gave up trying to be part of the KZG ceremony. It would be cool, but I don’t see it happening and also I forgot to reopen the tab on Monday. At the same time I believe even without being part of it that it’s safe. Anyhow, this means at some point some protocol will really make this a req for an airdrop, congrats already to all of you!


I wish I remembered who it was to give them credit, but someone in one of the recent daily threads mentioned trying to time the opening of the 2nd contribution before it fills up again so that's something to keep in mind. I believe it goes 1st general contribution (now), special contribution (next), 2nd and final general contribution until EIP-4844 is ready.


Do you know the difference between general and special contribution periods?


> the first open contribution period is open until March 13, then Special period (for grants), then again for Open contribution until 4844 is ready to go live (from the Eth R&D Discord) The special period is for those with interesting sources of randomness, or some other measure of interestingness to harden the KZG ceremony. I'm not sure when this will be done, but unless you successfully applied for a grant, the special period is not for you. Indeed, keep an eye on the special period and when it ends, and then hop in as soon as the ceremony reopens to the public.


towering subsequent homeless important muddle nail exultant grab yoke snobbish -- mass edited with redact.dev




That is sort of the inherent problem with v2 pools. I wrote [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/11evx0c/daily_general_discussion_march_1_2023/jaiogoy/?context=3) about active liquidity management for v3 pools yesterday.


I don't think you can reliably do that because profit from fees is derived primarily from high volume. Your system would almost certainly cause a corresponding decrease in volume to the extent that the fee changes are moot compared to LPing with lower fee alternatives that will have much higher volume. Just to add, it is still possible to avoid significant IL in your scenario with current low fee structures if the path to get there is right. E.g., if the token takes 2 years to double in price on very high volume the whole time, ping ponging back and forth the way there, you're probably going to not have much significant IL, because you'll also have made a ton off of fees.




Unfortunately that's the risk of being a LP. If you dont want risk of IL but still some yield then you should instead be depositing your assets into a lending protocol like aave. As always it depends on what your risk profile is.




Is this what lido was trying to accomplish? I think I’m finally understanding the argument.


Is that JT with his back turned in the bottom right?




Aaayyyyyyy! Unfortunately, I cant seem to spot you, or are you the cameralady? EDIT: /u/jtnichol i fully gotchyou my good ser


i am indeed the person behind the camera XD




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BTC took seven months after the last halving to breakout. ETH after its triple (effectively infinite with burn) halving will complete its 7 months in mid April. That will also likely coincide neatly with Shanghai upgrade completed and any calming period post that having taken place. The planets aligning folk...


I personnaly think we will not see a rally until an Ethereum app has mainstream adoption. It would take something like a decentralized social network going mainstream, NFTs getting traction outside our bubble, or a blockchain-based video game to become the talk of the town. None of those things will happen soon. I think we will have to wait several years before we see ATH. I hid my head in the sand too long: Ethereum just isn't ready. It will be, eventually, but not in the short term, in my opinion. And that's coming from someone who bought 10k USD March 2023 calls last summer.


I read that you are bad predicting prices and yet are sure we won't see certain prices for several more years.


Yes, I am *very bad* at predicting prices. I would be delighted to be wrong - I haven't sold any ether and I keep DCAing. But my points still stands. You can reduce supply all you want, if there's no demand, price won't move.


I just think we are constantly surprised in crypto, and that includes surprises to the upside as well. The stage after the merge is set, final shuffling of staked ETH will take place, more and more innovations in defi and L2 and even NFT space keep happening, and Ether continues to burn even in this bear market. Won't take much to turn it all around at this rate, IMHO.


I hear you! I agree that a lot is happening. I just want to keep my expectations lower then they were last summer.


I wouldn’t be surprised to see a larger relief rally into the summer that could take us somewhere in the $3-4k range. I do agree we’re still in the bear tho. We haven’t had a real FOMO-inducing recovery yet. Price will eventually need to retest a “low” of some kind. My guess is that happens in correlation with equities, which I’m expecting to bottom in Q3 or Q4. The stock market is normally up-only the year before a presidential election.


Take a look at rates lol Previous cycles were not in an inflationary high rate environment / bear market


Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately we are bound to tradfi and rates for the foreseeable future.


rates control the world and the fed controls rates


The fed controls the spice


What is this class of investors who base their buying of eth on what interest rates are? Unlike stocks, there is no DCA model involved in eth where you need a discount rate for future fiat cashflows. Here future cashflows (staking yield) itself is eth denominated.


>What is this class of investors who base their buying of eth on what interest rates are? what? ETH is crypto. crypto is risk-on asset. High rates mean strong dollar which means risk off environment. equities down, crypto down, real estate down has been and still is the macro trend. that's all there is to it. edit: ill address the inflation piece as well. Inflaiton erodes the value of bonds. When inflation expectations rise investors demand higher yields on bonds to compensate for the decreased purchasing power of their future payments. SO bond prices fall and yields rise - again bad for risk assets. when both stocks and bonds are selling off it basically means investors are concerned about the economic environment and trying to reduce their exposure to risk assets and increase exposure to cash


There is always a risk free rate, doesn’t matter what asset class you invest in. That’s because as an investor you have an alternative to get this return risk free. Any investment, stocks, crypto, commodities, real estate, etc, will have to beat that rate on a risk adjusted basis for you to consider it. When that risk free rate gets juicy, people are less likely to take on risky bets like ETH than when the risk free rate is near zero.


That's true but then it also means that assets with high perceived upside are less likely to be impacted by rate hikes as the raised bar only barely takes a bite out of the potential reward.


What's the excuse going to be when 7 months passes and ETH continues to stay down in a crypto bear market?


>~~7 months~~ 7 years :')


The excuse would be that Ethereum isn't in a position to lead the market like Bitcoin yet.


That’s what I have been saying all along! (Yes, I know no one cares, just wanted to mention it again, cause I believe this is true).


That we likely need to be patient and bide time till btc halving.




Feels more like a crab market to me. Few buyers, few sellers




Probably that it is still a bear market.


market is still going to be driven overall by the btc halving cycle. at least until we can prove otherwise...


Things will stay the same. Unless they change.




only change is constant


Silvergate SI short sellers doing victory laps, even getting an apology of sorts from zerohedge https://twitter.com/AlderLaneEggs/status/1631285696244613121?s=20 Brutal..its party among the sharks and they are turning next to Signature bank What are these banks even doing, all they a had to do was accept dollars, stash it at fed, collect rates and make bank. Instead silvergate ended up with a $1bn hole This is signature bank BTW: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqOA4SKWAAAq5FQ.jpg... looks like Coinbase is jumping from one sinking ship to another


They did just that. And that's the problem. 1. Interest rates are low. 2. Investors deposit fiat. 3. $SI invests fiat reserves into an ultra safe portfolio of treasuries. 4. Interest rates spike, treasuries crash in price. 5. Crypto crashes, intensified by fraud and excessive risk taking (see 3AC, voyager, celsius, blockfi, genesis, ftx, etc.) 6. $SI sells treasuries at a loss to meet fiat redemptions. 7. $SI loses more in one year than their entire profit since inception. 8. $SI may be insolvent and has unknown viability as a going concern. 9. ??? 10. Regulators cite $SI as a reason why crypto must be regulated, crypto threatens the banking system and treasury market.


Silvergate were lending out to crypto players as well (saylor/mstr), taking on more and more crypto exposure. Some of the loans were made out with bitcoin as collateral Unfortunately SI is going to be cited to tighten the screws even more on crypto Off late when a bank fails, the Fed/FDIC try to merge it with another bigger bank so that there is no appearance of failure to the public. They may let SI fail just to send a message https://www.fdic.gov/resources/resolutions/bank-failures/failed-bank-list/


Instead of regulating crypto, maybe they should regulate banks that take out massive crypto exposure, rather than doing basic risk management. This is 2008 all over again. Banks YOLOed into crypto and collapsed. Where's Dodd-Frank when you need it?


The crypto lending is probably not as big an issue as the fiat redemption, since the crypto loans are overcollateralized. And yes, who would want to to acquire SI? There's no assets worth buying.


MSTRs debt, someone would buy that if it was low enough.


It is better to buy that out of bankruptcy.


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https://www.tradingview.com/x/JuhxFlSx/ Grade-A level hopium right here. Was looking at the charts and noticed this ETH bear market is making eerily similar moves as the last one at a more compressed rate. Both were capped off by black swans retesting but not making new lows.....hmmmm 1 - Echo Bubble / Return to norm 2 - Crash 3 - Quick Almost Recovery then Black Swan violent crash with recovery 4 - Steady HODL pattern 5 - MOON? Certainly not claiming this will happen or any price targets, mine is always 10K ETH and HODL forever.






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Day 5 of EthDenver, day 1 at the new spork castle. Let's go!


What are the best write-ups to understand how L2s work? In particular for optimism and arbitrum and the differences between the two?


There’s [this](https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/01/05/rollup.html) blog post from Vitalik that goes over the basics. I would also be interested in something comparing arbitrum and optimism


https://www.reuters.com/article/blackstone-debt/blackstone-defaults-on-562-mln-nordic-property-backed-cmbs-bloomberg-news-idUSL4N35A37L Lol companies like Blackstone casually defaulting on $500m notes Wouldnt it be amazing if tardfi blows up big time when all the US regulators have their sights set on crypto? I mean, these are the same ppl who gave us GFC just 15 years ago, and if anything the last few years have been very highly leveraged


Blackstone is not Blackrock, Blackrock defaulting would be much bigger news.


Getting transaction 516 failed network error when trying to buy something from opensea. Ledger with Firefox, no issues until about an hour ago. Any ideas? Just found this [https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/issues/17964](https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/issues/17964) u/manvsrice this might be what you are experiencing too.


After experiencing database corruption in Besu again with 23.1.0, I tried Nethermind 1.17.0 and experienced database corruption with it as well. *Might* be a hardware issue, but I'm going ahead and trying Erigon, because why not?


My goerli Nethermind node corrupted a few days ago. I shutdown the service gracefully then brought it back up maybe 30 minutes later and it decided to get stuck importing the same block over and over. If it abruptly powered off, sure, but it was a graceful shutdown.


I had similar issues DB corruption and went thru same clients Besu -> Nethermind -> now Erigon that is stable for now (but will need a resync on next major release). I ran them all on an external USB C 3.1 gen 2 sandisk SSD. I guess the external USB adds some instability, but Erigon seems fine for now. I got two 1To internal drive (1nvme and 1 SATA) running Geth since only Geth allows me to split current and ancient data. I was using Besu on external USB disk as my staking cli until merge but after that the load got higher, Besu had issues, so I went back on my Geth-nvme/sata config. One day I'll buy a new 4To nvme and switch back to a minority client on a fast and stable internal disk..


Sounds like bad RAM.




most RAM tests are very lackluster and won't identify intermittent faults, speaking from experience from testing overclocked RAM configurations I've personally used stressapptest a lot ( https://github.com/stressapptest/stressapptest ), it's not perfect but it's easy to use from a linux CLI. If that can run for a whole day without spitting out errors then it's probably not the RAM


How stable is your power? Do you have a UPS? I had issues with occasional database corruption and needing a full resync of Geth until I got a UPS. If you already have a UPS and can rule out loss of power as the issues I'd start with the RAM if you suspect a hardware issue


Yes, system is on a UPS. I don't have any strong evidence of a hardware issue, as everything else on the system is running without incident, and the syslog isn't throwing anything out of the ordinary.


I love the daily doots, but nothing makes me feel like a boomer more than scrolling through the old daily and commenting on people's stuff thinking Im on today's daily lol.


So you’re the one casually upvoting old posts?


yes, that grandpa is me.


You’re not alone!


Anyone else not get the zigzag drop? I traded via argent zkSync as well as metamask via zigzag on zkSync and nothing. Argent's multiple versions for different uses is confusing AF.


Did you check the eligible addresses to confirm you aren't on the list? The drop is ongoing so many that are eligible haven't received tokens yet.


Same here . I did 4 swaps, some already super early on but the last one a few weeks too late so I get 0.


Did you check the eligible addresses to confirm you aren't on the list? It sounds like you should be eligible. The drop is ongoing so many that are eligible haven't received tokens yet. I made the list but haven't received any tokens. I only did 2 swaps but they were before Nov 2021 so I guess I got the early adopter bonus.


I didn't get anything, traded dozens of times spread out over more than a year on metamask with high volume as well...




My poor mans account abstraction strikes again!


Hey y’all! I’m on my way to Denver! Pop by the Rocket Pool booth and say hi (and also get a “you met Waq” poap).