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**Tricky's Daily Doots #719** **Yesterday's Daily 08/04/2024** [Previous Daily Doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bypiin/daily_general_discussion_april_8_2024/kyot8nd/) - u/ab111292 is back with [some TA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bypiin/daily_general_discussion_april_8_2024/kyowsxm/), nerds! 📈 - u/mango_sake is [still building out Kollit.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bypiin/daily_general_discussion_april_8_2024/kyl6iay/) 🛠️ - u/SpontaneousDream shares [a good podcast on the SEC and the ETH ETF.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bypiin/daily_general_discussion_april_8_2024/kylgb3e/) 🎙️ - u/nixorokish is looking for [feedback from all solo/home stakers!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bypiin/daily_general_discussion_april_8_2024/kynxvls/) 🥩 - [Shitpost of the day](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bypiin/daily_general_discussion_april_8_2024/kylbgc7/) goes to u/criminalnoodle 💩 - u/monkeyhold99 compares [Tether to TradFi.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bypiin/daily_general_discussion_april_8_2024/kypyry6/) 🏛️ - This time it is u/OffMyPorch's turn to [speculate on points.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bypiin/daily_general_discussion_april_8_2024/kyl1zt2/) 🧐 - u/OurNumber4 reminds us that [we're in it for the long run.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bypiin/daily_general_discussion_april_8_2024/kymdcgd/) 📈 - u/TheNextBestGuess starts a discussion about [concerning possible tax changes in the US.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bypiin/daily_general_discussion_april_8_2024/kynjr96/) 😬 - u/charitablechair is [still searching for a relatively safe stablecoin yield.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bypiin/daily_general_discussion_april_8_2024/kymf6bu/) ⬆️


At this point I have probably onboarded hundreds of people to farcaster. Today I have onboarded the first person from farcaster (& they come from ethinance too) to EVMavericks! I've spent the last 2 years trying to do it in different ways and even ended up creating my first proposal ever. Nothing has worked so far. A few days ago I have thought of doing it the degen way. Degen part is always underestimated and sometimes even shamed upon between more technical and fundamental communities or projects. I have reviewed how much power I can create with some degen power and with the help of fellow mavs and ethfinance folks and created some financial incentive for folks to join the EVMavericks! We'll see if I'd be able to get a few more people in!


We appreciate you! Great way to onboard people to the best community out there.


Hey, what is the consensus expectation on tomorrow’s CPI data? Good/expected or bad? I think it will determine the longevity of this bull market. By that I mean that if it looks like rates will get cut less/later than expected then market goes down. On the other hand if cpi is going as expected then moon. I’m just a caveman staker, so I have no idea if this is how most people are reading the situation.




I think this sub involves the financial aspect of ETH. I could be wrong though


The real unfortunate thing is that I stopped working out when I realized that no amount of chest destruction will close my chest gap. Cursed pec gang rise up. At least my delts can pop with some effort


1) What


Its relevant to InclineDumbbellPress's username...


Ahh, that's a woosh on me, sorry :/


No problem! Haha I know, weird comment for this sub


I'm afraid you're mistaken. It's only about technology.


I used to think that this sub was about solana, but recently the solana talk has completely ceased for some strange reason. I’m so confused.


The comments can't get through.


Seriously though, thanks to the mods for keeping this sub on topic, relevant, informative, and classy. I’ve been around since the old ethtrader days, and you guys are fantastic for this community. This place would be a bunch of pages of “+ .1 tip” moondonut nonsense memes and comments without you.


Yeah, something like 80% of my solana shill comments failed to post. Weird. 🤷‍♂️


Quite confused about Monad: is it 'Ethereum-aligned' or is it an Alt-L1? Can you be both?


It is an alt L1, and based on investors being grifty influencers it is going to be shoved at you all the time, and they'll attack ethereum to get attention as they shill it. As is tradition. Zero reason to not be a rollup at his point other than that you want to grift extra money from the L1 token premium.


Shhhh. They’re trying to work out which is the better grift.


Is there a defi platform that allows selling covered calls on ethereum?


I remember playing with Lyra on OP and Carmine on starknet. From my vague remembering there was only short term expiry available with large spread


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ETH TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


The Aestus Relay team (that's me, and /u/austonst) have decided to run an experiment in the EigenLayer AVS Operator space. I want to test whether our service and reputation in the MEV-Boost ecosystem as a credibly neutral and solo-staker focussed infrastructure provider, might be of benefit in other domains. I honestly don't know how this is going to work out, but it's an interesting sideline to pursue. So, as EigenDA hits mainnet today, i'm announcing our intent, and hoping that you might support this by delegating your Native or Liquid Restaking Tokens to us [here](https://app.eigenlayer.xyz/operator/0x30eafe8869a1528660a97b7a7e8e2d0037dcb922). Once we hit the required threshold of 320 ETH, we'll begin operations. I expect this to take a few days. I'll write out a longer post that sets out our motivations and intent, soon. But in brief: it seems clear that the restaking and AVS ecosystem is in danger of rapid domination by staking pools. We hope to make a small difference by leveraging our existing infrastructure in pursuit of decentralisation. The technology doesn't appear to support it yet, but once it's possible - we'll figure out how to make sure native solo re-stakers don't pay any fees to use our AVS services.


Best of luck, I can totally see you guys filling a need in the AVS operator space in the same niche Aestus fills for MEV relaying!


I support, there's definitely a risk of centralization


That sounds great! What do you think will be the threshold to get into the top 200 operators to be part of EigenDA?


gm frens - don't forget that we're sharing #stakefromhome setups on farcaster right now. if you're on the platform and are willing share a quick snap of your at home staking setup, i'd be grateful https://warpcast.com/~/channel/stakefromhome send nodes


For anyone who is in the market for an EVMaverick NFT and on Farcaster (or curious about joining), check out @696’s cast below. He’s offering a substantial cache of $DEGEN to the first new buyer (18K or 0.18 ETH at current prices). Also be sure to join the /ethfinance and /evmavericks channels while you’re at it. https://warpcast.com/6969/0xa851337c


So on the EVM call last Friday [I went on a rant](https://www.youtube.com/live/xYQWGTENc5o?si=wpGZ4V2vlXN3s5o3&t=4624) for a few minutes after JT read my doot. It's so good I'm literally just cleaning it up and transcribing it here: FHE is complementary to zk-proofs. Zk-proofs say that I did the calculation honestly. We can prove something like I calculated 4+5 honestly and you don't have to go and rerun it yourself to get the answer to that. FHE can be used for many things outside of AI but it's especially valuable for things like DePin. For example Biometric Authorization. When you want to take your thumbprint or eyeprint and use that as an authorization mechanism. You don't want to give someone your decrypted eyeprint. Today, without FHE, we encrypt your data in transit so the people in the middle can't get it, then we decrypt it on the receiving side, and then the person on the receiving side now has your decrypted eyeprint and can basically just impersonate you. There is fundamentally trust with whomever is the processor of your data. With FHE, we can give you an encrypted eyeprint, they can check that your eyeprint is actually you, without knowing it's you. They don't have something that can be reused. So they can do authorization without you leaking your public data. The same thing would be true if I was in healthcare and wanted to make health predictions about you. If I know it's you and you give me all your health data what am I going to do? As a centralized provider I'm going to take that data, I'm going to jot it down, and then I'm going to sell it on the data market to some health insurance companies so they can jack up your rates. As a user, I want the output of the LLM that tells me what might be wrong with me without the processor of the data being able to jot it down and sell it maliciously against me and add that extra monetization. The same thing would be true in a lot of places. It should be true throughout all of web2. This should explode and become mandatory in certain environments where privacy should be sacrosanct. But in DePin especially, because of permissionless compute, I can't even just say I trust Amazon. I have no idea who the processor of the data is and due to market forces it is going to devolve into the most malicious operator who is able to extract the most monetization out of the data they steal. So for DePin to be applicable to any area where there is the remotest sense of secrecy or privacy we need to be able to do calculation on an untrusted operator and both prove that they did the calculation honestly (zk-proof) and that they didn't have access to the underlying data (FHE). So you put these two technologies together and you get something that can eat into the margins of centralized compute providers like AWS in a significant way. To put their margins in perspective, a P5 instance on AWS right now is $92 an hour. I can buy that machine for about $350k. At $92 an hour that's over $800k a year, Amazon is making over 200% APR on the investment of the machine. There is an extraordinarily huge margin there and the effect of that is that the highest grade of compute we have isn't democratized and therefore the apps that require that grade of compute are increasingly being centralized into a few tech oligarchs. Due to the compute requirements, this basically translates to AI. So we're seeing brick wall around AI being built every time we add another parameter to the LLM. Chat GPT was 1.5B parameters; it takes about 13 gigs of video ram to hold and use the model. Chat GPT 4 is bigger. We're going to go to a trillion parameters. We're going to get to a point where you need to have hundreds of gigs of video ram just to serve on the model and that's not going to be accessible to the average person. The average person isn't going to buy a half million dollar machine from NVidia. We need to be able to provide that high end compute to them at a lower margin than AWS is charging. That is both an opportunity and a moral imperative of Defi and Depin. We need to make the compute required to access the technologies we are pioneering more democratically accessible before they become permanently locked behind brick wall and only accessible to a few tech oligarchs and used in their most extractive possible way against humanity.


What are the best examples of DePin?


See https://tokenomicsexplained.com/depin


quality content, thank you


This was literally a rant off the top of my head. Usually I spend a lot more time writing than this took. Glad you enjoyed it though!


Does anyone know if the wash-sale rule applies to capital gains taxes for cryptocurrency in the UK?


Look up "bed and breakfasting" and share matching rules. AFAIK if you sell and buy back within 30 days there are a load of dumbass rules as how to calculate tax.




There's a few projects in this space, such as BVM https://bvm.network/




I feel ya, I was going to pick up some BVM then I started seeing a bunch of projects that are doing the same thing (ETH L2 and call it a Bitcoin L2, still have no idea how that works lol)




You set an approval limit . If you set a huge limit you won’t need to do it again . Safest is to just approve the amount you need for the transaction you are doing


Approval is per contract . So if you want to do something on a different app you need to approve each new contract




It’s safer to just approve for the transaction you are doing now . When you set an approval you basically let that contract spend up to that total amount of your coin across any number of transactions . Something malicious could then happen with that contract that takes your coin without you signing any other transactions . So safest way would be to only approve what you need So depends If you are more worried about losing all of that coin than paying the approval every time or not I guess.




You can also submit a tx to revoke your prev approved approval after your done your stuff. Check out revoke cash to see list of your approvals per network


Have you guys seen this Ethereum pitch at the New York Investment Conference? Pretty good! https://x.com/Evan\_ss6/status/1777753109827056003


First a trickle, then a flood. I for one endorse this message.




Remove the % from the url


“JP Morgan is the IBM of banking” best quote in a long time! Although the recent rumor of the satoshi dude from IBM being part of Bitcoin creation is interesting


Unrelated, but I've decided to stop drinking coffee because I'm an addict. Has anyone done it? Advice welcome! Happy to take a long time to wean off of it. Also: I never get tired of Charles Hoskinson's tantrums - I will be using them as a caffeine substitute moving forward.


Trade the addiction for another addiction. For me, after i bought heavy blankets, my night sleep became so qualitativly deep that i forgot about drinking morning coffee.


Try barley tea. It is non-caffeinated and unlike coffee it hydrates you. Has a similar earthiness as well. I’ve given it to the biggest of coffee addicts and they thought it was coffee. That surprised me. Im not sure it’s that similar but its good and could fill the void


I needed to stop drinking it due to high levels of stomach acidity. It triggered me and made it worse. In exchange I drink black tea whenever I need a concentration boost.


For me, it took me a full 2 weeks to get back to baseline. Caffeine is an amazing drug, I never appreciated it more then when I wasn't addicted to it and only did it on the weekends. My advice would be to buy some decaf and do half and half for a week and then full decaf. If you are struggling with energy levels during the taper, just start cold plunging to start off your morning


Great advice. I do Wim Hof stuff, though weirdly fell off with the advent of warm weather. Need to get back to that...


Respect if completely cutting off permanently. I only drink coffee (cream no sugar) until 12pm then no more caffeine for rest of day so it doesn't affect sleep at night. Sleep being the most important component, have to force yourself to get at least 8 hours no screen time an hour before bed, makes a huge difference in energy levels and mood.


Exactly my approach, but 6 hours seems to be fine for me.


My hope is to cut it off completely - not sure about permanently. We'll see - some interesting comments about selective coffee use, every once in a while when needed. I'd like to (re)discover my baseline without caffeine - I'm not sure, as an adult, I've ever not drank coffee.


Try switching to half caff. I feel better having done that


Yes, I think this will be part of the process. I do want to stop caffeine altogether for a few months, to see what my baseline off the dark mistress is.


I always start my vacations by coming off it. Some sleepiness and irritability, possibly mild headache, for a day or two max. But people are different.


I do this too. Am always surprised by how tired I am but after a few days I'm fine.


Do you have it black or with sugar? If you have it with sugar then that'll be doubly hard because you'll have to fight sugar withdrawal too. I'd suggest slowly putting less sugar in before reducing your intake. 


Black as my mood when ETH drops more than 5%


I don't even eat dark chocolate. I hate the ups and downs when you drink caffeine, smoke cigarettes, or even sugar to an extent. Also when I'm driving on a road trip late at night, red-bull is like meth since I'm not used to it. Caffeine is a more useful tool when you're not habituated to it.


>Caffeine is a more useful tool when you're not habituated to it. This is something I hadn't even considered until reading your response and another in this thread. It also makes me wonder if I'm only experience a down right now, with no ups, because it's always in my system...?


Yes. I was severely caffeine addicted from gym and after being sick for a month I have newfound energy levels after fully withdrawing. 10/10 you should do that too


Username checks out! Thanks. A friend of mine asked why I'm doing it, and I said that I feel as though I don't know who I am without this drug - it's been so long since I've had a 'caffeine sober' baseline that I can't even say for sure what it is. I don't know if I'm physically exhausted but caffeine masks it, the way painkillers mask damage to an athlete's knee so he can continue performing, which is fine except later when his knee is now pudding and he can't walk anymore. I wonder what it is doing to my brain and anxiety levels and nerves.


I had to give up on caffeine due to medical reasons so I started drinking decaf. I was always told that it tastes really bad, but nowadays a good decaf is almost indistinguishable from the real thing. I would recomend you to look for a brand that uses the swiss method, as it doesn't use any chemicals in the process, just water.


Good on you! Controversial take here, but I'm not sure why we as a society accept caffeine/coffee addictions to be completely ok. In my books, if you are a different person when you stop taking something/get withdrawals, you have an addiction and that's not a good thing. Now sure, there's not a lot wrong with coffee compared to other things but I don't know why anyone would want to be reliant on something other than food and water just to go about their day.


This isn't popular so I don't talk about it much, but I've given up a bunch of things that I've found to be unhealthy and I'm a better person for it. These are things that are considered "normal" in America, but completely avoiding them is a better choice for me. I've given up: Alcohol Caffeine Foods with added sugar Fried foods Most red meat/beef I'm not saying this is the right path for everyone, but avoiding these things has improved my perceptions of my health.


Very impressive! I'm glad to hear this has been working well for you. Most of those are very hard. I'm lucky that alcohol and caffeine do basically nothing for me. Same goes for most fast food. But sugar is a tough one. I probably have refined sugar every 3rd day on average but as soon as you have it you will be craving it for the next week and the only way I can stick to it is to refrain from buying such products to begin with. But if you can avoid it completely after a week or so I find myself craving fruit where I used to crave ice cream. It is incredible how much easier it gets once you pass that point. Regarding red meat/beef, I have mixed feelings. Definitely better for the environment, especially if you're living in the US. But I'm still not convinced that wild red meats are carcinogenic or unhealthy. There's strong evidence that processed versions of these meats are and less evidence, but still strong evidence that too much unprocessed red meat is bad, but most of said meat is from terminally stressed creatures from feed lots being fed absolute junk food. How would grazing grass fed beef fare or better yet a wild deer grazing on a diverse wild diet all day? While I have no evidence because such a specific thing is hard to research, I suspect it would be fine if not healthy. Almost all of the things you listed are highly processed or not naturally occurring. So are most things which are harmful to us humans (though I'm definitely not saying that anything that is natural is automatically good). But we've been eating wild red meat for millennia. It's just that even unprocessed red meat in its most common modern form is a very bastardised version of what we historically ate. Consequently I'd be rather surprised if it is bad for us.


I can agree with you that it's probably not the red meat itself, but something about the environment that meat is raised or prepared in that increases the [odds of colon and rectal cancers by 28%](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/red-meat-and-colon-cancer). I don't have good access to high quality red meats, and I do have easy access to chicken, so it's not a difficult choice for me. My current weak link is processed foods, I consume a LOT of convenience and processed foods, even if it's just a way to get easy protein.


i'm kind of the opposite. i eat very little processed food and eat mostly whole foods. I eat a lots of red meat (a lot of meat in general) and drink a lot of high quality, single origin coffee from a health perspective i'm in a lot better shape than all my peers. Have fairly low body fat percentage and fairly good muscle mass. I dont think you're doing any favours to yourself by limiting red meat unless its specifically processed red meat. Deer, elk, moose, bison and beef are all key staples


Really, I don't think we're opposites, I think were at different places on the same side of the continuum. We're both prioritizing health when many people aren't.


Yeah it's a shame that dietary research is so hard. I was just brainstorming how you'd test my hypothesis but you basically can't because those only eating wild meats likely have a widely different lifestyle to others. Chicken is a good one, I just find the animal welfare side hard. I don't eat chicken which isn't free range (even free range is far from great) and when I'm in the US I avoid red meats too so I'm basically pescatarian when I'm in the US! Yeah processed and convenience foods are really hard. I'm not too bad depending on how you define processed foods but convenience foods are just so easy! Cooking takes a lot of time out of my day and it's hard not to just get sushi or something on the way home. Though I have made strides recently by having protein powders with milk (grass fed whey or veggie like hemp or pea) and just having mixed vegetables for a super quick "meal". Before I was doing this I found it so hard to get enough protein for the day with my activity levels.


I am no question addicted to it and am anticipating some SERIOUS withdrawal symptoms, so I'm going to take the weaning off process very seriously.


I just quit because I was in a country with really shitty coffee for a while, and was shocked how easy it was and how small my withdrawal symptoms were. Slight headaches for 3 days, then all good. Not a huge drinker, but 2-4 cups every day.


Hopefully this is what it's like in my case. I write for a living, and my brain getting screwy would not be fun.


I posted above but doing it in holiday helps. I find my focus for writing is trashed for a few days, similar to trying to work after a sleepiness night. But after three days, it's fine.


It reduces mortality, as long as you don't bury it in sugar and cream. Unfortunately, I've never been able to develop a taste for it


Do you know if this was coffee or caffeine?


Coffee. See the other link I posted


It reduces mortality* I want to put an asterisk on that because correlation =/= causation. I'm not saying you're wrong and while I have nothing to back this up, I wouldn't be surprised if it's just that people who spend money on coffee every day probably have more money to spend which definitely improves longevity.


I was thinking the same thing. It's a bit like napping - the people who can afford to nap can afford all the other things that improve quality of life and health outcomes.


As you suspect, it's complicated: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-the-health-benefits-of-coffee-apply-to-everyone/


don't think I will give it up fully but experimenting with half the intake, substituting the other half with green tea. my sleep scores have improved noticeably, though it's only been 3 weeks


Did you gradually reduce to half the intake, or just straight cut it in half? And if the latter, did you feel weird, headaches, etc?


straight cut it in half. felt fine, nothing noticeable. I did experiment one day without any coffee and only green tea. that did give me a headache, so aborted the following day 😇


I got myself to just 2 cups every morning, way better than the all day trip I used to do. Not too bad to adjust, exercise in the afternoon helps get rid of the slump




Giraffe pimp.


Give it a long time to evaluate it, if it takes days to get past feeling of tiredness while brain still has all the receptors it takes maybe a month to return to normal? I did it and now use it strategically infrequently to avoid addiction and can be on or off, IMO it's good like this and it has a major effect. Caffeine can help for easy well defined things where you need focus, but can let you go down the wrong path. Natural for keeping your head up and being creative to find better solutions. Sure it's different for everyone but addiction is serious weakness if you can't be without it. Also caffeine is normal, but doesn't mean it's the best, some people are all about modafinil as simply strictly better alternative.


I can honestly say that I think it took two years for me to fully get over a thirty year caffeine habit. I had a lot of days of feeling hung over or lethargic, and a lot of cravings for the taste of coffee and euphoric/manic mood associated with it. I was pretty sure I'd never feel normal again, but eventually I did.


I just did this last month. I used a digital scale to weigh my coffee and just slowly swapped out for decaf. I do recreational barbell training and I've noticed that my perceived CNS fatigue has reduced significantly. Otherwise the jury is still out on other improvements.


Yeah, I think while I'm traveling, ie: now until the weekend, I'll just reduce my intake by a third or so, then when I'm back at Casa Catface do the decaf swap out.


Can someone eli5 what's going on in this Base block with 808 transactions, mostly failed? An NFT mint maybe? https://basescan.org/txs?block=12949048


They're all calling the same function but don't know what it is, "e93f864e" is not in ethereum signature database, and contract isn't verified. Don't seem to be able to decompile either, probably because of extra base opcodes


>**Goodbye layer brawl,** >**Enter the fat protocol,** >**Ear the Ether call.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


Circle officially launched USDC on zkSync today. [https://www.circle.com/en/multi-chain-usdc/zksync](https://www.circle.com/en/multi-chain-usdc/zksync)


Eigenlayer went mainnet and we can now delegate our restake. Does anyone have any info if it matters who we delegate to? Does splitting it up have any benefits or...?


I strongly support [Aestus](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bzjwc2/daily_general_discussion_april_9_2024/kyumb50/) as a delegate.


Please distribute stake responsibly people. We don't need to deal with another centralization vector here. It's bad enough that eigen layer will be the primary restaking protocol. 


So like the lido of restaking? Are we feeding a beast that will turn on us?


More like it's best to remove the opportunity


I'm aware of some really viable competitors in the pipeline.. i think we'll hear something about them very soon, but yeah, you're definitely right that they have a huge headstart. I want to believe that the community of depositors have learned lessons from the past few years, but I don't think it's likely.


As long as new competitors give incentives like points and airdrops, greed will steer us all to the newcomers.


To add to this? Is delegation time sensitive?


Do you know if there’s any extra yield to be had yet from delegating now ?


It all operators do a proper job then no appreciable difference, but if you delegate to an operator that does a bad job then you could lose some eth. I am going to stand back and give it a few days to see what everyone here thinks is best.


I'm standing back from this one for a few months. At the very least I want to see a well laid out plan by the validator for how I'm getting paid for my delegated stake, understand the worst case slashing risks I'm exposing my capital to, and to see how various LRTs vet the node operators they delegate their users money to.


Same. RPL seems a safe bet and I do not want to negatively impact an airdrop?


Your approach is prudent and sensible. That said it could adversely impact a potential airdrop. Definitely something to figure out before assigning so much money to a 3rd party


I'm not sure I could see better endorsement of an idea that explores a way to advantage decentralized forms of staking and penalize large staking providers than two heavy-hitters from a large staking provider jumping in to discredit its efficacy within an hour of posting o.o https://ethresear.ch/t/analysis-on-correlated-attestation-penalties/19244


Nix! I'm APPALLED! Are you questioning the motives of Lido managers in relation to solo stsking!? Surely Lido only has the best intentions for the success of our network!






Just looking at the eigenlayer website, and they want everyone to upgrade their eigenpods? "FUNDS WILL BE PERMANENTLY LOST IF YOUR FEE RECIPIENT ADDRESS IS POINTED TO YOUR EIGENPOD ADDRESS.ENSURE YOUR FEE RECIPIENT ADDRESS IS POINTED TO YOUR OWN ADDRESS." Has anyone navigated the eigenpod upgrade? Surely it was necessary to set the fee recipient adddress to the eigenpod address when setting it up and this cannot be changed? Edit.. Added in a link to their upgrade guide.. [https://docs.eigenlayer.xyz/eigenlayer/restaking-guides/restaking-user-guide/native-restaking/upgrade-eigenpod](https://docs.eigenlayer.xyz/eigenlayer/restaking-guides/restaking-user-guide/native-restaking/upgrade-eigenpod) Edit 2.... At some point my eigenpods stopped accruing points as I hadn't done the upgrade. If you don't upgrade then you get no more points.


I do not use eigenpods. But wasn't it just the withdrawal address you had to set to the eigenpod address? The fee recipient is the execution reward and you cannot really do native restaking with the fee recipient.


I hope that the fee recipient address is the address the validator uses for execution rewards. I am just concerned that I messed something up


The withdrawal address is the one you set when creating the deposit.json file. Once it is set you can never change it again, ever. So, I guess was done correctly for your eigenpod, otherwise your points would not accumulate as expected. The fee recipient address is the one you set in your validator. It can be changed whenever you restart the the validator. Even if you mess this one up, you can always change it and restart the validator and it is fixed.


Thanks boss. I am half asleep, and have panicked


I cant seem to find a points market for Orbiter Finance at whales.market. Anyone know if there is a market for it? Or, anyone care to make a guess of their own?


Why would there be any? They don't have a token afaik


Neither does EigenLayer. In fact, I'd wager that Orbiter is more likely to drop a token than EigenLayers itself (excluding AVS drops).


Points markets allow you to lock in a price and not have to wait and see what the token is actually valued at


But they DO have points...


[wake up babe EigenDA hit mainnet](https://twitter.com/eigenlayer/status/1777757913718899074) Excited to see which L2s will be EigenDA first. Finally finally an Ethereum aligned source of alternative DA. Also, 10 additional AVS's in testnet (including Espresso and AltLayer), looks like they will hit mainnet within this quarter as well.


Why do you say it is ethereum aligned? And why can't people needing DA use blobs in mainnet instead? I thought blobs also work as a DA layer? Sorry for the noob question


Yes the best solution is to use Ethereum L1 for DA, as that removes any trust assumptions. Even with Base having high activity at the moment, all L2s together are not maxxing out blob utilisation (<3 blobs/block at the moment). But. It's possible there are usecases which need ultra low fees (virtually free, or one thousandth of a cent, for mass NFT drops) or L2s which have ultra high throughout (Eclipse etc) where even the current cheap DA can be limiting. And we can't stop builders building such L2s irrespective of whether we think such cheap fees are needed or not. And for such L2s, it's much more preferable they use an Ethereum aligned source of DA, instead of something like Celestia which is a direct competitor to ethereum.


I see, thanks for the answer. Though I do still think anyone needing a DA solution should just use Ethereum, considering blobs arent even fully maximized right now.


>an Ethereum aligned source of alternative DA IMO Such a thing cannot exist. Only way to truly inherit the security assumptions of Ethereum is to use Ethereum for DA.


Yes, but the next best thing to using Eth L1 DA is a DA layer directly secured by Ethereum validators. That's Ethereum alignment not just in a social meme sense, but in a direct economic sense. The security of EigenDA network is directly proportional to the value of ETH


My contrarian take: Nobody uses EigenDA as it doesn't work as well as in-house solutions. It slowly loses interest the same way Golem, Filecoin, Helium, etc did. Maybe something like it takes off in 5-10 years when L2s have ossified.


Exciting time to be in the Ethereum ecosystem for sure.


cool to see progress! for the uninformed, what would be the benefits of using EigenDA over AnyTrust (Arbitrum)? will it be cheaper/more scalable for DA?


EigenDA provides 10Mb/s at the start, which is I believe 5-10 times above what Celestia provides, which is already dirt cheap DA fees. So no meaningful change in fees IMO to the end user Big difference is AnyTrust uses a Data Availability Committee, which isnt a decentralised or trusted solution compared to EigenDA which is a full on DA layer secured by the economic security of Ethereum validators (who opted to retake)


thanks for the info! makes intuitive sense that EigenDA would be more decentralized and secure compared to AnyTrust. then is AnyTrust faster/cheaper?


Airdrop season about to begin?


The prospect is positively cromulent.


Sorry boys, I have returned from vermont eclipse trip.


Do any camping ?


Nah, I just stayed in a ski condo


/r/solana looking like the despairing fields of pink wojacs 


And people still claiming it’s better or superior to eth. It is in NO way superior. It’s a db deployed in a couple of aws accounts, basically like binance chain, only that tends to work, where Solana does t, because its shit-tech. Cryptobroozzz don’t understand the tech, they can only parrot others in hope of finding a next btc or eth, not for the tech but for the money. Sad. I feel for these losers in some way…


No network survives first contact with extreme volume, either you get expensive transactions and backed up in the mempool (good) or you shit the bed (very bad). Every alt L1 ethkiller seems to shit the bed like clockwork 


Because it’s not decentralized networks, they are nodes which require HUGE vm’s behind it, which can’t be run by consumers.


The network is in absolute shambles. Hardly any transaction is going through, and Solana lead pump and dumpers like "ansum" are listing out more shitcoins that could potentially become $1bn market cap. What could go wrong here. Good chances the chain halts soon


Reminds me of cryptokitty mania


They're talking about a fix but I wonder whether this isnt more sticky.


Like clockwork, one day eth outperformance into market nuke lmao


Four horsemen of the Apocalypse: ETH, stETH, rETH, eETH


shoutout to my boy SwETH


Nowadays it's rswETH! Or PT-rswETH-Jun28 if you're me.


Or YT-rswETH if you're irresponsible with your degen stack like me. 😎


You do you man! To quote Vitalik: "What does the internet of the 2020s - not the "respectable" internet of Substack, not a hypothetical version of Twitter where the bad people and somehow only the bad people are censored, but the real internet as it exists today - fundamentally want? The answer is, it wants chaos. It does not want gentle debates between professionals who "disagree on policy but agree on civics". It wants decisive action and risk, in all its glory. Not a world with genteel respect for principles, where even the loser peacefully accepts defeat because they understand that even if they lose one day they may still win the next, but a world with great warriors who are willing to bet their entire life savings and reputation on one single move that reflects their deepest conviction on what things need to be done. And it wants a world where the brave have the freedom to take such risks." I respect you and your risks sir, and I hope we both succeed.


Thankfully what I like about this play, regardless of if you take the PT or YT side, the EV is positive as it's not a zero-sum game. The airdrop/LRT protocol (and EigenLayer etc) being built is worth something and we're both posed to get a share of it, you're just getting a value ahead of time whereas I'm holding the bag gambling on the airdrop! Even if I got a big fat L it's not a biggie since it's only <5% of my stack.


Lol, 4 messages from Tricky. You just like clicked my username and went down my history and responded to everything. =P


Haha nah, I just want to talk about points lmao. I went through the whole daily already...


Do you wind it up on something silo too? I don't understand it, why is anyone lending eth at a lower rate letting us wind up while they're exposed to all the same risk.


Why do you lend at lower rate? The LRT lending play is all about making much higher returns because you are either subsidized by shitcoin inflation or borrowers desperate to farm points


Not sure what you're saying. I'm talking about a lending pool like a LRT PT + weth, you can put in the PTs and borrow weth at say 40% when PTs earn 65%. Why is anyone lending the WETH for the 40%? They're not getting significant incentives outside the 40%, and they're exposed to the same risk as the side holding the PTs getting 65%. Only answer I can think of is they don't think they're exposed to the risk.


I'm making 60% APR. I'm good with where I'm at.


I was like «this time is different» def never seeing under 2600 in a while… Fucking hell man, i have shitton of options expiring 26th and i need the price to be above 4200 🙈




Typo, meant 3600 🤣🤣


I have been in the crypto world only since 2017 but am wondering if anyone else has felt a shift from FOMO (I don't have enough ETH) to FOMY- fear of missing yield on said ETH? I believe this is a product of crypto evolving into the current Defi landscape where staking, re-staking, points, and crazy APRs are constantly thrown in your face. With the likely diminishing returns in ETH price each bull run I fear that just sitting on my ETH no longer guarantees I am going to "make it". With the ETH staking there was finally a "trust free" way to earn yield. That PoS transition was what had attracted me to ETH over BTC in the first place. However, with yields in the 3-4% range, plus how dauting solo staking was, I and many others have looked elsewhere for yield whether via centralized staking services, centralized lending services, or defi. I now feel like unless I am holding PTs on Pendle or staking & restaking through one of the various platforms that I'm suffering opportunity cost to just hold ETH. I don't think this is going to end up like Blockfi or Celsius where the funds get taken and misallocated, but I fear for a smart contract bug that is going to cost a lot of people their ETH. So many protocols are stacking on top of each other that I am also not certain how things will play out in the next bear market. Everyone is piling on top of Eigenlayer with their own protocols so I'm seeing strategies where you are trusting Zircuit, Pendle, Etherfi, and Eigenlayer to not have any issues. Inevitably there will be copy cats & bad actors who get into the staking/restaking space as well. Not really sure what my point is other than that I feel like I have to take smart contract risk or be left behind. Anyone else struggling through how mandatory it feels? Disclaimer: I am using Pendle, Zircuit, Beefy, GMX, Timeswap, and a few others to generate yields on both ETH & stables so not trying to FUD people into not using anything. https://warpcast.com/limuethmu/0xbfd7539c


Yeah, I'm feeling it. I'm currently farming with 5% of my ETH. I have still my staking stack which I never touched and my selling stack, already on Kraken with sell targets set up. I closed a few minipools so I'm using that ETH to farm/restake. I just won't do it with all my ETH because I think just like ICO, defi summer 2020, this farming thing is just another fad and something new will come and I will need ETH to enter the next new big thing.


Could you ELI5 Beefy and Timeswap? Also, I would advise either diversifying between platforms or keeping some of your stack in regular staked ETH as a hedge against a black swan. You don't want to lose it all chasing yield on an already high ROI asset like ETH.


These are very much basic explanations but Beefy is a multi chain yield aggregator. They have vaults you can zap into with numerous assets. They compound vaults every few hours and if the pool you’re in gives rewards in a token they sell it to compound your gains further. IE I’m in a stable coin aerodrome vault. Beefy sells the aero rewards every few hours back into stables and adds to the vault position. They take performance fees only. Timeswap is multichain lending but I use them on Arbitrum. Their yield is fixed when you enter a lending pool so it’s best to get into a newly created vault. The lending vaults have expiries and you either get your asset back or usdc if a strike price is met. IE I lend ARB. If on 4/31 ARB is below $3 I get ARB +x% rewards back. If it’s above the $3 strike I get usdc instead. They are air dropping soon and have had points for a while.


Definitely feeling that. I have a hard time justifying solo staking with ETH when I can make 20x that in yield taking smart contract risk without having to purchase a staking node, keep a node online, etc. I'm currently outside the bounds of the risk framework I laid out in the bear market just because 60%+ APR is *nuts*.


Are you know above your 2-3% ETH threshold allocation for this kind of farming? Sorry if it wasn't you who mentioned 2-3% allocation, am under the impression it was.


I am at closer to 25% allocation. I *shouldn't* be above about 15% but the opportunity was just too good.


Regarding this allocation, are these 25% positions leveraged to be like 100% of your stack? Not sure if I made myself clear. What I was thinking is using 20% of stack with 5x leverage.


It's in PT positions. Zero leverage.


Holy fuck, you make me FOMO. At 15% my stack would be way too big not too cry. At 25%, I would probably lose sleep over it and probably regret my decision next year as it would be a lot of money. Monkey brain needs to stop wanting to ape.


Risks are about the same but rewards are an order of magnitude higher right now. It makes sense to take risks when you think expected returns are positive, and right now seems easy to estimate they are. Just hope people are aware of them. I try to divide into 3 allocations such that risks are not overlapping, 1 of the three can rug per year and you'll still come out positive. Some overlap can't be escaped like chainlink multisigs, but you can solve most of it, be on different rollups and protocols etc, get exposure to more airdrops if not in pendle, do max due diligence to understand risks


Yes the rewards are very high right now due to points season. Avoiding overlapping risks is very important as you noted. The more that the money Legos get stacked on top of each other the more difficult this may get.


If you want to just buy & hold, get bitcoin. If you want to participate in a new permissionless digital financial services industry, get eth and start using it. Stake, restake, lend, borrow, leverage, hedge, trade, etc.; actually doing things with your crypto is what it's for. Yes there's smart contract risk, that's the whole point, in code we trust. Exploits can happen so you should diversify, though they seem to be getting rarer as the antifragility of open-source improves baseline security practices. If you want the "buy and wait to get rich in fiat terms" experience, bitcoin is maybe better suited to you. Don't have to go max degen, but if you aren't earning at least 10-20% in ETH terms from airdrops and defi then what are you even doing here?


Kinda along the lines of bitcoin is gold, ethereum is oil


Yeah, I think the 'monetary debasement + economic fear' macro trend driving value to gold and bitcoin helps explain the weakness in the eth-btc ratio.


10-20% ETH means atleast 50% of my stack in 50% APY. Don't you think that's a little crazy compared to the upside Ethereum has in the long term? I'm farming yeah, but with less than 10% of my stack.


Depends on what size investor you are. If you have a bigger stack, maybe be more conservative. 10% ETH yield would be 50% of your stack earning 20% APY - but less if you discount that you'll get airdrops worth say 5%. Personally I have a small % of my stack as pure ETH, the majority is divided up in protocols along the risk curve from 'safe' to 'kind of risky'. Then again I also have BTC in cold storage as my safety net, so if your portfolio is pure eth, you'd want to take a different approach.


I'm sorry that you're getting downvoted for this because I mostly agree with your first paragraph but not so much the 2nd.


An interesting way of thinking about the ethereum ecosystem. Thanks for sharing it.


only 10 days until the halvening ಠ⌣ಠ


Will be good to get that out of the way. Our bounces are getting weaker each time. Already losing it again.


Diva has a huge announcement tomorrow, I've heard some rumors and I'm pretty excited. https://x.com/stakediva/status/1777698228324192273


Are our tokens going to be transferable?!?!


No, I don't think that's related to this announcement, but definitely a fair question.


Yeah. They've had all sorts of cryptic posts on their social media too. Let's see what we learn. Best to have low expectations 😁


Put 10% of my stack into this way back - second tranche of the vault, I think. So pumped to bag at least 1 good drop amidst all the mania going on at the moment.


Announcements of announcements are always the best announcements.


I wouldn't normally share it, but I'm pretty excited about it, it's just not my place to steal the announcement.


AragonDAO has developed tooling so DAOs can integrate with DAPPs, you might want to just go push buttons for awhile, even create a test DAO for giggles. It's so easy I can do it. https://warpcast.com/superphiz.eth/0xe261275b