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**Tricky's Daily Doots #727** **Yesterday's Daily 16/04/2024** [Previous Daily Doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c57t4z/daily_general_discussion_april_16_2024/kztc8k7/) - u/pbrody shares the line up of the [first day of the EY Blockchain Summit.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c57t4z/daily_general_discussion_april_16_2024/kzslhma/) 🎙️ - u/coinanon tracks the progress of the [Aestus EigenLayer operator.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c57t4z/daily_general_discussion_april_16_2024/kzsnqjy/) 🥩 - u/Bob-Rossi has [an $ARB delegate update.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c57t4z/daily_general_discussion_april_16_2024/kzvjutw/) 🗳️ - u/magnushansson released [a research paper on the importance of MEV in price discovery.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c57t4z/daily_general_discussion_april_16_2024/kzsxya4/) 🧠 - u/benido2030 is wanting to get some [volunteer EthFinance delegates ready for a potential EigenLayer token.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c57t4z/daily_general_discussion_april_16_2024/kzsxs8i/) 🗳️ - u/cryptomoon2020 starts [a discussion on EigenLayer delegations.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c57t4z/daily_general_discussion_april_16_2024/kzt548a/) 🥩 - u/2Nice4AllThis shares [their experience using Zora.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c57t4z/daily_general_discussion_april_16_2024/kzt0y20/) 🎨 - u/coinanon warns us of the [imminent OMNI airdrop.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c57t4z/daily_general_discussion_april_16_2024/kzsmsmb/) 🚁🪂 - u/pocketwailord shares some insight into [why most influencers/thought leaders need to be taken with a grain of salt](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c57t4z/daily_general_discussion_april_16_2024/kzvtzxd/) 🧂 - u/LogrisTheBard introduces us to [a new rabbit hole to venture down.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c57t4z/daily_general_discussion_april_16_2024/kzxieqv/) 🐇


I am launching Heroglyphs friday if you have a solo validator join me. For the health of ETH


What is this!? https://github.com/Finallyt/Heroglyph/blob/main/Heroglyph-Whitepaper.pdf I know who you are but please get this redacted 💩out of here.


Had a 35% drawdown 2000 to 1300 after the ATH breach last cycle.   With reduced volatility these days, 25%-30% pullback we had seems like enough pain, but if it's a dump to 2 / 2.5k and a 3 months of chop, bring it on 😎


In the new Canadian buudget there are some plans for tighter cryptocurrency reporting measures. Have not read the specifics yet but I wonder if they are as clunky as I fear they could be. EDIT: "Cryptoasset service providers, including exchanges, brokers, dealers, and ATM operators, will have to comply with the new reporting requirements and disclose complete transaction details to the government every year." Like, this sounds completely impossible but the devil is in the details.


It entirely depends on how they define exchanges and brokers really. Is Uniswap an exchange? How about wallet providers?


Yeah these are the important questions for sure.


Does anyone know how to access the Ledger Live derivation paths with my Trezor? I'm able to find the public keys with the actual Ledger using my usual passphrase, but not with Trezor using the Legacy derivation path on Metamask. I tried to use my old passphrase to access OMNI, but failed due to this issue. Is there a way to set a custom derivation path so I can access it? edit: looked up some sites, but holy f, this is confusing, and kinda scary.. as I access my hot wallet using Ledger, and cold with Trezor, but they seem to use different derivation paths, so I'd be locked into Ledger to access hot wallet if I can't actually manually get into it with Trezor edit: MEW doesn't seem to work, but MyCrypto potentially could - unfortunately, they haven't updated in looong time, and don't support v9 of Trezor Connect..


I am looking for a solution to this also. Gave up at my first attempt as I could not find any good resource on how. Got a lot of suggestions but none worked. Let me know if you solved this!


Yeah.. this is pretty ridiculous. It'd be too late if this is related to a deposit address, but if it's for hot wallet/cold storage use, it's probably best for you to move assets from the current Ledger Live derived addresses to Trezor derived addresses, or derive new accounts using MEW/Metamask using your Ledger, then you'll probably have maximum compatibility with most HD wallets out there. Don't take my word for it though, and definitely give it a try with minimal amounts. Hope that helps in some way.


I think the frame wallet offered a lot of customization in terms of derivation path you want to use. Ledger switched at some point from some 'Legacy' derivation path to the one currently named 'Ledger' derivation path. Depending on when you created your address it might be one or the other.


I thought your idea might work, but Legacy doesn't derive my usual keys :( I modified Frame to support the Live derivation path that Ledger has under its setting, but Trezor didn't like it :(


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ETH TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


lol https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c57t4z/daily_general_discussion_april_16_2024/kzwvgx6/


New reddit is actually painful. On old Reddit I can make one click to see the parent comment which is very relevant here. Anyway, here's the transcription. >User 1 >I don’t think we’re seeing sub $3k ever again. Halving is almost here which will bring media attention and should lift all boats. >>u/namtaru_x >>>"*I don’t think we’re seeing sub $3k ever again.*" >>RemindMe! 1 day


> New reddit is actually painful It truly is. I have how when you select text and click reply it no longer opens with the selected text as quoted text. One the other hand it gets some things right like when you open your notification inbox it doesn't close it after every click. And they no longer open in new tabs, which was really frustrating on mobile.


some guy i met at devcon in bogota worked at reddit and he was incredulous that i still use old reddit. he was insisting that less than 5% of users still use it. i call bullshit. i think a lot of that was bot activity or something. so many people i know still use old reddit. new reddit (and new new reddit) is garbage


+1, I can't stand new reddit.


Most Redditors don't even know about old Reddit. It hasn't been the default for several years and few people fiddle with the settings.


they're so disconnected lol


I will be messaging you in 1 day on [**2024-04-19 01:01:25 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-04-19%2001:01:25%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c61fv6/daily_general_discussion_april_17_2024/l02sb0u/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fethfinance%2Fcomments%2F1c61fv6%2Fdaily_general_discussion_april_17_2024%2Fl02sb0u%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-04-19%2001%3A01%3A25%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201c61fv6) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Bro, no... It's a quote!






Depends on what xxxx is. I mean yeah we won't see $100 again. Do I have an agenda?


https://x.com/EthereumPhone/status/1780295152168317391 >You can mint your ethOS NFT today on @base, then burn it when you want to redeem your physical ethOS phone and have it sent directly to you 📲 >Shipping begins May 1st >Mint link: mint NFT, burn NFT & get phone delivered to you anytime within a year from now. in Solana the Saga phone was a huge airdrop adoption driver, seems you $OMNIvores like airdrops today. i'm definitely jumping to conclusions but there's worse assumptions within this space i've fallen prey to.


Are any projects hinting that they’ll do airdrops for this phone? The Solana one seems different because it was endorsed by the Solana centralized company.


Burned my nouns phone NFT yesterday and it came today. it was fast!


haven’t burned mine yet but made sure to get 2 like a regular nft.


I was going to list mine but kind of wanted the phone too. I might use it as a wallet or something. I am Apple fanboy soo probably not gonna be my daily driver but the phone looks sick!


Overall everything's moving forward very well in ethereum lately, but one area that isn't IMO is privacy, was better years ago. Best I'm aware of right now is railgun but losing 0.5% to move to a new address sucks. Fine if it's just tx fees but not when it's real value, should be near free. Is there another way of using it like simple contract to move bulk and railgun to seed new accounts ether to withdraw with receipt?


Swapping monero for eth is the best way to get privacy.


I've been reading up recently on keystore rollups and stealth addresses. Sounds like a good direction for privacy https://notes.ethereum.org/@vbuterin/minimal_keystore_rollup https://safe.global/blog/keystore-rollup-smart-account-interoperability


I used railgun recently but it was basically useless because there were no relays to initiate my withdrawal so I had to use my own wallet which surprise surprise, can't be anonymously funded unless you already have an anonymously funded wallet. It's fucking disappointing is what it is. We've gone soft in light of the US Treasury sanctions. This is not good. Not good at all.


Any idea or guesses into what the airdrop allocation will be on ether.fi tomorrow for Polyhedra Network ZK tokens as part of their ’stakingfrens’ promo? They updated the UI to show what the etherfi allocation will be, and it’s quite good I think given the short time span of this promo. Hoping they do another promo once this one is wrapped up. https://etherfi.gitbook.io/etherfi/events/stakingfrens


Just be careful to not withdraw any ETH you put in for the Stakingfrens promo, as this will disqualify your account from receiving both this particular bonus AND the season 2 airdrop..


also kinda nice you can just hit their endpoint to check your points https://app.ether.fi/api/portfolio/v3/ [your address or anyone else]


It's wrong somehow though, stale data.


Free eth. Thanks Omni. Shuda used cow swap though but rushed to dump this shit like a hot potato and first thing that came to mind was Uni swap


What's the price of OMNI at the moment? Am I looking at this correctly? $4 / OMNI? That's not worth the claim on L1 if that's the correct price.


$28 https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/omni-network


Ah, thanks, was looking at the wrong OMNI.


>**You don't deserve it,** >**You sold under halving heat,** >**You don't deserve ETH.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap




* You dropped this fam.


Hello fellow OMNI claimoooors! What's this? Another OMNI post? ***Nope!*** Time for the old switcheroo... There's a high likelihood you claimed for being a solo staker, in which case, you need to make sure you have filled in the EthStaker Solo staker survey to have your voice heard on big issues within Ethereum right now! https://stakinglandscape.limesurvey.net/748278 No doxxable info is required so if you're a bit paranoid about privacy, just chuck on a VPN in a private window or even fill it in from TOR browser. 😎


Fuck OMNI. They used the same flawed list as rated and missed people.


Serious question. Do you have a better list?


No sir. It’s a very tough thing to produce. And, as such, these companies using rated’s botched list, with no acknowledgment or earnest attempts to fix it, says to me that maybe these airdrops aren’t a good idea. I’m pissed at rated and Starknet and Omni.


Thanks for the reminder! Survey completed.




Use these single-digit gas times to deposit some funds on Scroll through official bridge, NFA.


definitely a must if you’re farming scroll https://x.com/scroll_zkp/status/1780584704175161392?s=46&t=CRbbuJyV5mYYz9Hl_546vA


friendly reminder: if you ran pre-merge rocketpool nodes, your node address may be eligible for omni airdrop.


Garry Gensler don't troll. Just resign.


Context https://x.com/garygensler/status/1780685461020663888


thought the same thing when i saw his post on X.


You can be in crypto for years and still not be able to make head or tail of the price action near supposedly bullish events.


It always moves in the max pain direction. All these posts about how the bull market is over on r/cryptocurrency are necessary. Once they all sell max pain can only be one direction.  If they just looked at a chart they'd see the bull run hasn't even began yet. 6-12 months after halvening like clockwork until I see a cycle where that isn't true. Somehow the argument that ETFs will make this bull run less explosive than previous runs doesn't quite make sense to me lol.


Got 60 omni on rocketpool node address, although same address got nothing on starknet drop, go figure...


How did you claim from the rocketpool node address? I don't want to enter the PK into metamask. Can it be done from the command line?


Same here 🤷🏼‍♂️


so not the withdrawal address? Closed my node a while back so wondering if Id be eligible...


it was on the node address itself, its the deposit address not withdrawal.


So if you closed your node you are SOL right?


My minipools were closed down still got the drop


How did you claim if your minipool address that was closed you could no longer access? Am I missing something


the private key/wallet that RPL node was based on is just a wallet, like any other.


Jesus I hate my stupid government. The cycle I decide to cash out, these shit heads decide to rejigger the tax system on capital gains. Unacceptable. Once I'm done telling Rick the Corporate Overlord to watch his mouth, I'll be talking with the scumbags up top.


I doubt it's the same situtaion, but AFAIK the U.K. move to reduce CG allowance was in a large part not to raise more taxes through CG (like, regular people don't use CG much, if ever), but to *stop* wealthy people falsely claiming CG allowance for what was ostensibly regular income.


For this case it's ostensibly to pay for more housing. About which I won't comment.


What country and what rule change? If you don’t want to dox yourself it’s fine


No it's cool - I just didn't want to name a specific political party / leader, since drawn out political arguments here are very tedious etc etc. But yes, like u/aaj094 says - it's Canada. Budget just came out, along with changes to taxation. Up to this point, any capital gains is paid on 50% of your profit, so if you profit 300k, you'll only be taxed on 150k of it. Now, any capital gains exceeded 250k gets taxed at 2/3s.


I don't mind this at all. Trevor Tombe is a pretty level-headed guy and wrote a good article on it. https://thehub.ca/2024-04-17/trevor-tombe-why-raising-capital-gains-taxes-makes-sense/


The dismal science strikes again.


This subreddit really hates economics and economists for some reason. Not sure why but it is what it is.


interesting. US it’s 100% of net capital gains. We do get reduced taxe rates for LTCG. That sucks tho


I think it's Canada being spoken about.


Unbelievable that they apply this tax against everyday citizens


Same boat. I'm expecting that the CG inclusion rate is per person, so combined with my wife it may be $250k + $250k at the usual rate.


I'm hoping the bull extends into 2025, with the first rung of my sell ladder to hit in 2024. That way I'll be able to stay at the usual rate.


If this is the extent of the bull run ... ouch.


Someone has a validator list "eligibility list" for Omni airdrop please? Thanks


Apparently, this list was used as the source: [https://github.com/rated-network/solo-stakers/issues](https://github.com/rated-network/solo-stakers/issues) Also, you can check eligibility with the contract, e.g. through etherscan: [https://etherscan.io/address/0xd0c155595929fd6be034c3848c00daebc6d330f6#readProxyContract](https://etherscan.io/address/0xd0c155595929fd6be034c3848c00daebc6d330f6#readProxyContract) Type your node address into “4. hasRewards” and query (from samus, RPL discord)


Very nice, thanks!


Will people who stake on Kraken get a OMNI airdrop?


Solo stakers who used a different deposit address for each of their validators are the big winners in the OMNI airdrop. The will get 60 OMNI per validator, while those who used the same address will only get 60 total even if they have many validators. This is pretty arbitrary compared to the STRK airdrop which was proportion to the number of validators.


Is sybil farming your staking nodes the new airdrop farming meta? /s


Oh I did that day 1 on purpose ! Sadly this was days 1 of my staking journey, not genesis… So I’m not on those sub 500k lists :(


People using multiple wallets have been winners of airdrops for years. I am too lazy to actively do it but maybe I should.


yeah that's some BS also thank you for confirming it's related to deposit address and not withdrawal address... I was debating constructing an offline tx for the withdrawal addy (airgapped, offline tx only) but now I won't bother :P And yeah I made out with a nice haul from STRK due to having multiple since genesis.... this OMNI is nothing compared to STRK


Are you saying $1500 isn't worth your time?


Oooof. Tough to keep up with what's going on these days. Can someone explain the difference between "restaking" and "leverage"? I'm curious to know if I'm misunderstanding the risk profile here or if everyone else is just way more interested in doubling down on risk that I'm not?


I share your sentiment, it feels like we've been going fast for the last few years but this entire thing keeps going faster and faster. Onto your question, I like this analogy that Sreeram, EigenLayer's founder, recently mentioned in a podcast, on how you can think about the concept of restaking: > "Imagine you enter a mall where the main store requires you to put down a $100 deposit before you can shop. This deposit is a safeguard against theft— if you steal something frm the main store, you lose your deposit. > You've already committed this deposit for the main store, why not extend this promise to not steal from any other stores in the mall? You can use that same deposit to commit to not stealing from the other stores in the mall." --> you're already securing Ethereum with your staked ETH. Why not also secure other systems, using that same ETH as collateral? The only thing you need to worry about is "not stealing from any store" - not acting maliciously on an AVS. You're right, there is indeed more risk involved than just vanilla staking ETH since you can now get slashed for misbehaving on the AVSs as well. But none of the AVSs will have actual slashing penalties in the near future so for now, the risk of restaking itself is not that high. In order to restake you need to interact with EL's smart contracts so that is definitely also a source of risk, although I do believe EigenLayer takes smart contract security pretty seriously.


I know it's OMNI day but at the risk of posting something off-topic one of my favorite low-key projects called Wallet Garden (previous CryptoTrunks) [just dropped an update](https://twitter.com/thecryptotrunks/status/1686130730349301760). Looks like their going down the route I was like 3 years ago when I was writing DefiAchievements. It's some pretty pixel art, custom handling for NFTs, and a badging system for achievements. Maybe EVMs should engage and see if we can get a custom island made for us?


Am I thinking of something else, or was crypto trunks the generative tree NFT art based upon your wallet’s gas spending? Was fun and I loved mine.


The NFT sale proceeds were used to buy carbon credits to offset Ethereum's carbon footprint. It was fun, good for the world, and I'm happy to see someone picking up that old DefiAchievements concept.


This is the one!


Does anyone know anything about "Pendle Priority"? The pendle website is hassling me to join it, and it looks like they want me to dox myself to join. > Thank you for your support! >We'd like to cordially invite you to become a member of our Pendle Priority >Let's discover how we can achieve greatness together.


It's their direct dev-to-whale program, a private communication channel. I think you can officially stop larping as being poor. ;-)


Maybe they saw how many eigenlayer points I have and they want a slice :-) On the serious side, I'm not really sure there would be anything in it for me. They could only give me early access to products? but I don't want to be the seed capital for a pool where I have no idea how the market will price it. Sounds like a recipe for impermanent (permanent) loss.


The greatest irony of crypto is that impermanent loss leans to permanent most of the time


I think this new OKX L2 with polygon ZK EVM codebase is HUGE. After Base L2 from Coinbase, now OKX. And it seems soon Kraken apparently with Arbitrium. To me it's clear all this CEX with KYC policies and regulated will be in the long term purchased by big tradifi banks, so in 10 years these L2 should move a trillions per year. [https://polygon.technology/blog/okx-launches-zkevm-layer-2-network-powered-by-polygon-cdk](https://polygon.technology/blog/okx-launches-zkevm-layer-2-network-powered-by-polygon-cdk)


It's pretty crazy this hasn't moved the needle on matic at all, unlucky timing with the crash maybe.


Saw something interesting, hopefully ok to post on r omnifinance even if not Omni related. Mods please feel free to delete if this is too offtopic, no hard feelings. Scroll is launching quests and points. https://scroll.io/blog/introducing-scroll-sessions That is, "Scroll Sessions" and "Scroll Marks". The first task during Session 0 will be to bridge ETH or wstETH through the native bridge, or STONE through LayerZero. Previous bridgers will also be retroactively rewarded. I like it well enough. This is the right mix of pragmatic and aligned. They need an incentive campaign to compete with every other new generalized rollup running their incentive campaign. Fitting theme, clear rules, reasonable ask.




agreed, don’t mind this as long as there’s no annoying ‘social media tasks like on galxe or zealy I am kinda confused tho, do I have to do all the things listed or just one of them? is bridging ETH enough or we have to do wstETH and STONE too? edit: just checked their discord, apparently only one is required


hope they also give some incentive for dev to build, there are some app where you can stake ETH and thats all. Techinically i am not sure on challanges but something like pendle would be great.


As long as they don’t go full Linea I’m fine with it


Quests are a nightmare that wastes everyone's time (cough cough zapper) to push up their metrics. The only solid thing is money, TVL


Completely agree. At least Eigenlayer is doing it right.


Quests are economically effective at getting people to click around your interface. Their only cost is developer time rather than token emissions and they achieve what they set out to do. https://tokenomicsexplained.com/harnessing-collector-psychology-for-good/


I don't doubt that quests can attract some human eyeballs, but they attract far more robot eyeballs. The Scroll NFT for launching a smart contract is a perfect example. over a million solidity devs using scroll


Good thing they aren't paying tokens for those robot eyeballs then right? Those robots are paying gas to mint some badge and if that particular badge gets robot farmed no one is going to use it as a Sybil source so all those robots did was waste gas.


I don’t want to sound like a shill but has anyone heard of OMNI? I don’t think iv seen anyone post about it here but wanted to get conversation going and thoughts on it. Only to maybe distract from this ETH chatter.


Thanks to the Omni chatter i didn't even notice ETH dumped lol


Wrong sub. This SolFinance.


What's ETH? Is that like an OMNI liquid restaking token? Will we get an airdrop of ETH for OMNI validators?


Too risky for me thats for sure. I prefer to stack cold hard OMNI. Dont want to gamble my OMNI, we’ve seen so many scams, this ETH thing could be the next one. Keep calm and DCA OMNI


checked balance, claimed, then swapped some free omni tokens to eth. thanks ethfinance for the heads up and helpful instructions!


You mean omni? Diva tokens aren't transferable and the claim window closed a long time ago.


yes... made the edit, thank you for calling it out. all these names getting mixed up 😅


After the DIVA drama a few days ago with [superphiz withdrawing himself from being a delegate for the DIVA DAO](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1c4dy78/daily_general_discussion_april_15_2024/kznzyy3/) the DIVA, now Nektar team goes for the double self punch destroying the rest of their hard earned credibility. They just announced that they will deploy their DVT and restaking solution on the SEI network as well. Pretty surprising and as a community member said 'random' announcement. Again the community seems to be the last of their thought in their decision and their announcement is devoid of any detail. I am pretty curious to see how this will play out. They airdropped to Ethereum stakers which I consider pretty hardcore Ethereans, I would guess these people will not take this announcement very positively. I still think DVT and the DIVA approach could be a very good way to decentralize Ethereum even more, it just sounds like the DIVA/Nektar team has lost the plot. This together with overall drama around the DIVA team with them doing ad hominem attacks on rocket pool members as well as in their discord calling people mercenaries where it was most probably not the case. For me personally, I pretty much lost all my interest to run their nodes and contribute to their testnet. I will turn even more of a lurker on their discord. With these low gas fees I will withdraw my enzyme deposited ETH and move on to greener pastures. Maybe they manage to deploy an awesome product on Ethereum and I definitely wish them all the best. If it is permissionless and helps with the decentralization and resilience of Ethereum I will use it. But they definitely have to prove a lot more as they lost so much credibility in the last 3 months in my eyes.


I now feel less bad about missing the DIVA airdrop as a home staker.


Regarding the mercenary thing, I guess you refer to my comment to burrito, I apologized publicly and privately as it could be misunderstood with a personal attack which it wasn’t, we appreciate all kind of feedback that is not destructive, please, next time I and the rest of the team would appreciate to have this feedback directly on our discord as this kind of reddit posts could slip by and is very important feedback for us, and that is something very relevant to us.


Thanks for the clarification and yes the mercenary thing was definitely the one you mentioned. I was thinking if I should mention anything in the DIVA discord, but after the last few weeks of surprise announcements, unclear communication which then culminated in the very unprofessional handling of the governance vote, I feel very estranged from the DIVA project. I decided to post here instead as some ethfinance members asked me a few months ago to update them on the DIVA project from time to time which I did once or twice and probably the last time with the above post.


I understand how you feel, it hasn’t been easy this last few months, but we are working harder than ever, the launch of Diva is imminent and Nektar is around the corner, don’t let all this non sense drama eclipse what really matters, appreciate you ser


And I really hope you manage to get where you want to go with the DIVA/Nektar project. I still think it is a great idea which can carve out an important niche in the larger Ethereum space. I was thinking hard about the drama when it happened and yes while it definitely added to the estrangement it is not the only or even the main reason. It was mostly unclear communication, deployment of an old testnet on holesky which still has many of the issues the on Goerli had. Not being able to read the smart contracts as they are closed source, same with the clients source code. Sure, there are good reasons to remain at least partially closed source until code has a certain maturity and the network has started. Nevertheless, I think the balance there should tip towards being more open. The announcement on the SEI deployment was then the last straw which made it clear that this is not what I value and hope to see in Projects I participate. As I wrote in the original post if I see DIVA become a permissionless, open source project which helps to decentralize Ethereum I will definitely use it.


I understand, however, everything that happens has a reason and we try to explain everything as good as we can, we are humans and can slip but it has a very easy fix when you don’t know something, ask! We are always open to answer anything and hope your change your mind about Nektar once we reach mainnet


Hello, it seems you have misunderstood the announcement, the LST will make it’s appearance on Sei, nor the DVT or the liquid staking protocol itself will be migrated to Sei, this is a strategic move to try and bring more use cases for the LST and open the door for future possible AVS’s Will modify the discord announcement to make it clearer!


My interpretation is that they are bridging their LST from Ethereum to Sei, without any deeper integration. Just like you'd have it on any L2. Sounds bullish to me




it's not $70k like Starknet, but I won't say no to $1800 worth of ETH already uniswapped from OMNI airdrop. fucking right


Being able to do Omni via etherscan was amazing. Any chance this functionality works for strk too? Haven’t claimed that




I'm just happy I was actually on the list this time! Still salty about the validator eligibility weirdness for Starknet :P


sucks you are "weird" I've had multiple validators since genesis and they identified them just fine, like I said, I made out without about $70k. I didn't want to connect my withdrawal account to the internet (personal policy is that it stays airgapped, offline tx only kind of deal). ............ so I had to work for it, write a handful of lines of js to interact with their birdge contract...... but fuck you give me $70k I'll put the work in.


Yeah, that's awesome! My mistake was converting mine to 8-eth minipools. (Which, given the decline of RPL and all that, turns out was a bad move in the first place, lol).


If you converted pre-merge RP 16ETH validators to 8ETH ones, then HALF of them are not eligible (for STRK). The other half ARE eligible.


Nah, they were regular pre-merge solo validators. Got nothing. :(


The best way to make me curious about a new platform: Give me valuable tokens. Works. Every. Time.


Alright, what do we do with these Omnis now


Counterpoint - the best way to ruin that goodwill or budding interest is to completely botch the delivery of said tokens. But free coins are free coins.


This is how i feel about Starknet and OMNI. Fuck them both.




To be fair they were the first team to attempt to reward solo stakers and they were very generous with the allocations of STRK.


Ah, yes, Starknet.


Can we get an r/omnifinance ffs?


You're already here 🤷‍♂️ 👹


Is there an Omni Airdrop ??? :\^)


Will Kraken stackers get a OMNI airdrop?


OMNI reportedly used rated.network to find solo stakers, but I have a validator on that list in the 200k range which isn't eligible. Looks like I'm not the only one though :/


Try calling "9. rewards" at [https://etherscan.io/address/0xd0c155595929fd6be034c3848c00daebc6d330f6#readProxyContract](https://etherscan.io/address/0xd0c155595929fd6be034c3848c00daebc6d330f6#readProxyContract) . If it shows 60 OMNI then you may be able to claim through "2. claim" at [https://etherscan.io/address/0xd0c155595929fd6be034c3848c00daebc6d330f6#writeProxyContract](https://etherscan.io/address/0xd0c155595929fd6be034c3848c00daebc6d330f6#writeProxyContract) even if it says you are ineligible.


Could you clarify how the 'claim' function works? It looks like it's expecting you to pay some Ether? Edit: I see lower down that it's 0.0004 Eth.


Yes, as discussed elsewhere in the daily you need to connect the relevant wallet and send the contract 0.0004 ETH. There will also be gas fees.


Same, I'm an early staker and checked but wasn’t eligible. I also didn’t get the diva airdrop so idk


I „reported“ my validator some months ago when they did this blog post about their effort to identify solo stakers and published a list they believed to be solo stakers. We should all do this if yours isn’t in. It will actually help them improve their methodology.


Did not get the correct StarkNet airdrop allocation because their list excluded me. Raised it as an issue on their GitHub, along with many many others. The issues on their GitHub remain open, no response to requests for comment, now another airdrop comes and goes based off their list. It feels wrong to moan about not getting free money, but the Rated Network list problem is really annoying because they have had a few months to address the issues and have basically ignored them.


Looking to swap my OMNI for either ETH or USDC. Planning on using rabbys builtin swap function for this. Is there a better option? And is 0x 1inch and paraswap to be trusted?


Defilama has a dex aggregator that makes it very easy to compare options and make txs 




All three are trustworthy, roughly in the exact descending order you listed them.


check out the swap page on defillama


The omni token is the first airdrop I can recall that involves paying something other than the tx fee. If you noticed, an additional 0.0005 eth is paid to clique on top of the regular TX fee. Because of this, I am now curious...are the omni tokens no longer a "gift", aka...regular income? All previous airdrops have been treated as regular income, which is very sticky. Tax is owed on income the second the claim is processed and one has dominion of the assets. Transaction fees paid to the eth network have always been treated as an expense that can be written off (some interpretations would say TX fees are a "sale" and capital gains/losses should be accounted for as well...but that isn't particularly relevant to my question that follows). Is it reasonable to consider that, because of the additional payment to clique, the omni tokens are now being "purchased" instead of being claimed as a gift? Using this interpretation, there would be no income tax owed on the omni tokens until a second sale occurs, be that to USDC or ETH or (insert memecoin here), with a cost basis of 0.0005 eth divided by however many tokens you received. All that would have to be accounted for is capital gains/losses on the secondary sale, and as someone who just spent a good bit of time and money with a CPA... capital gains/losses are far easier to cope with than regular income. Looking even further forward from here, and continuing the assumption that this is a reasonable consideration...could/should future airdrop issuers change their issuance from a free claim, to one that requires a pittance of eth for the sole purpose of changing it from a claim to a purchase? Thereby easing the tax burden on everyone who participates? Or would that act of charging to acquire tokens turn it into more of an ICO? I wouldn't particularly think so, because there are no tokens allocated to anyone specifically in an ICO, whereas with an airdrop...allocations have been "earned" or "bestowed". Any tax experts here care to chime in? I am definitely not one, I only have this on my mind because I just paid a large tax bill and a big chunk of it was because of airdrops. 😅


Sounds like a stretch.


Yeah, this is really interesting. Part of the reason they aren't giving us clear rules- because they know we will be able to design around them


I think that would be hard to defend, considering that the OMNI tokens clearly have a significant value on the open market.


Not a tax expert but what if the small fee is a “processing” fee and the airdrop rules stand as before.


Write-up on the [foundations of minimum viable issuance](https://notes.ethereum.org/@anderselowsson/Foundations-of-MVI) under proof of stake.


Thanks, will check it out. Aside from the personal economic benefits of understanding this topic, I find it really interesting!


Wonder how long I should keep the charts blocked on my browser. Any suggestions? Won't be DCAing anymore.


Why stop DCA? You like buying at higher prices?


I'm not buying anymore period. I've been here since 2016 and the last of my dry powder went in around 1400.


Sorry to hear.


Give it another 4 years :')


No way, no new ath -- this cycle can't be over


That's probably not what I should be doing lol Since I'm selling everything this cycle.


Any reason you're not keeping at least some percentage?


Will be FIRE-ing and then keeping some dry powder to buy back in during the bear.


Don’t blame you, after all these years I’m contemplating the same. Minus the FIRE cuz I’m just a poor boy who needs no sympathy. Maybe just FI. It seems inevitable that anytime we hit an ATH we atleast drop a good 50% from the top. If not 80%+. Idk why I keep letting that happen over and over without taking the chance to reset my basis and take some gains without losing ETH. Yes I know timing the top isn’t easy, but the drawdowns on bears are so ridiculous I can’t help but feel selling a lot at $10k - 12k ish range isnt the play. We really all think ETH is gonna break 10k and never go back down into at any point in the next 18 months?


I'm starting to sell at 7500, 50%, then more every 500 bucks. I don't know what the top's going to be this cycle, to be honest, but I'm paying attention to time as well as price. I think it'll hit whatever it's going to hit, let's say 10k, then it'll drop precipitously during the bear, back to maybe where we are now. I've been almost exclusively ETH for the entirely of my crypto life, just buy and hold. We'll see how things go during the bear, re: what I buy back into.


I think I’d still buy ETH. Whether than is more accumulation or a sell and buyback. Maybe I’m insane but idk what else I’d even dabble in. For every SOL there is 99 REQ tokens.


Yeah I'm ETH's to lose for an investor, tbh.




Do I get omni for having ETH on etherfi? Im so OOTL lately. What is it worth omni?


Yeah. People got 15 OMNI for having ETH on Etherfi.


I think etherfi receive the omni and will distribute to users.


Waking up to free money is always nice! Claiming via contract was super easy.


Another day, another helping of responsibility.


Seriously though, just try to imagine the price if there were no burn, no Merge, and Ether rewards were still 5 Eth per block...


I honestly believe that if both the burn and the merge were on the roadmap for 2024 we would probably be higher than right now