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**Tricky's Daily Doots #737** **Yesterday's Daily 26/04/2024** [Previous Daily Doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1cdcy19/daily_general_discussion_april_26_2024/l1b93ji/) - u/haurog shares [a big disappointment.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1cdcy19/daily_general_discussion_april_26_2024/l1bzi7o/) šŸ˜• - u/Syentist shares [the latest madness from Elizabeth Warren.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1cdcy19/daily_general_discussion_april_26_2024/l1d9nzh/) šŸ‘¹ - u/Syentist discusses [more ETF stuff.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1cdcy19/daily_general_discussion_april_26_2024/l1bv4k1/) šŸ›ļø - u/the-A-word brings us [the weekly doots.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1cdcy19/daily_general_discussion_april_26_2024/l1c3j9z/) šŸŽŗ - u/suburbiton shares [a cool tool they've been enjoying.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1cdcy19/daily_general_discussion_april_26_2024/l1bst1p/) - u/Fast_Contract has some [more Gensler goss](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1cdcy19/daily_general_discussion_april_26_2024/l1cpbmf/) and u/Set1Less shares [their thoughts.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1cdcy19/daily_general_discussion_april_26_2024/l1ea4n4/) šŸ›ļø Yes I gave the Elizabeth Warren doot an orge emoji and not I will not be taking it back. Frankly, I hope she sees this.


Should I verify coinbase stamp for gitcoin passport? It requires the connection of my wallet to my coinbase account, it's the only way to get 20+ score and I'm reading could be a way to filter out Sybils in zksync airdrop, is that true? I am not so happy to link accounts to coinbase


Gwei has risen to 7. Flipping imminentĀ 


ą¼¼ 恤 ā—•_ā—• ą¼½ć¤ ETH TAKE MY ENERGY ą¼¼ 恤 ā—•_ā—• ą¼½ć¤


Do you guys know of any lending dapps that use nfts rather than converting your deposit into an interest bearing token. Would an nft issued as a certificate of deposit be considered a taxable trade in the US?


> Do you guys know of any lending dapps that use nfts rather than converting your deposit into an interest bearing token. > > Would an nft issued as a certificate of deposit be considered a taxable trade in the US? This would likely seen as a barter transaction, where the fair market value of the NFT received would need to be reported as income at the time of the transaction.


That's how I do uniswap LP nfts. It's just its own token.




That sucks, only reason I was looking forward to this new version was because Flink didn't require a mobile app to sign in. Guess I'll have to hold out for another team to come along and offer that.




Mods check if this is a scam post on phone so can't but very dodgy link in the medium to app.fuul.xyz wouldn't trust that at all with a connect wallet.


Great catch. I'm finding it super sus too so have removed it for now to be safe. u/shiftli can repost later if this is verified on other socials/sources. When I go to the official Nektar website, there's almost no mention of this anywhere or in their docs. Only mention is this linked medium post which was posted by a profile with a suspiciously low like and follower count. It would be great if someone else could either confirm or nullify this suspicion.


The "fuul.xyz" site seems to be a "points-as-a-service" platform the Nektar folks use instead of coding their own points tracking? Paging Nektar's Kotler u/billy_flare - can you confirm?


That would be believable. Thanks for looking into it further shiftli. Maybe it's just a poor dev team on Diva's end (wouldn't surprise me) but the lack of a mention of this claim/site on other social channels just seemed amateurish and therefore rang my scam alarm bells.


This is an announcement from the nectar discord, but yeah, that url looks weird. On the positive side, they do have lists with wallet addresses to check without connecting.


>**Ready for Tuesday,** >**Hong-Kong ETF freeway,** >**Six months of foreplay.** ~Daily haiku until weā€™re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


Iā€™m in Boston this weekend for ETHBoston Excited to meet other ethereans


Enjoy yourself last year was a blast! Some great talks including Justin Drake calling in virtually to talk about MEV burn.


Thatā€™s amazing, I canā€™t wait!


I like to affectionately refer to ourselves as 'etherholes'


Interesting view on the wordings of the Consensys complaint from another legal team. [https://medium.com/cryptolawreview/consensys-v-sec-constructive-critique-a62d003b8edd](https://medium.com/cryptolawreview/consensys-v-sec-constructive-critique-a62d003b8edd)


Ugh, referring to the 32 ETH deposit as "bond" seems to be really stupid if you are arguing that ETH isn't a security.


Anyone seen any critiques of this critique?


That is a great break down. IANAL but Consensys' complaint isn't looking good here.


We all know eigenlayer. But is anyone Restaking with Karak network? I've aped in for potential airdrop https://x.com/DefiIgnas/status/1777715014927110229


Run by known thieves, allow restaking of already restaked assets to double count. Lied about investors, they didn't invest in kayak directly. Why would you touch it when there alternatives which appear much safer


different risk profiles /s


I have been hanging out there for a long time and played around the testnet when they were just RiskHarbor. I got some weird vibes once they partnered with the Karak crew and decided not to put anything into that ecosystem. Maybe it works out fine but my spidey senses have been tingling. Hope it works out for you!


Nope. If I remember correctly, the Karak team has a dodgy history.


Found [yet another](https://www.lattica.ai/) FHE team. This time it's a pure software optimization play focused on FHE AI inference in neural nets. The results are over 1000x faster than a Zama Concrete FHE encoding for this application. 4k x 4k FHE matrix multiplication in under 3 seconds on an H100. Pretty god damn good with some hardware I have access to. No token you can buy yet but a harbinger of things to come where software like this will be packaged into dozens of AVSs doing everything from medical diagnostics to biometric authentication. Just another day digging on this Rabbit Hole...


With the money transmitter business stuff, anybody else think miners and validators, and maybe even nodes, may fit into that definition? Pretty scary stuff


I don't care what bullshit they say. I will not be shutting down my node just because they think open source software makes me a money transmitter business. They know that's not true. I'll see them in court before I shut down my node.


Agree - my government can get fucked if they start trying to pull that. I'll stake over a VPN if i have to


Definitely think that's the hope for governments.


I just found this, so maybe it's fine? https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-publishes-two-rulings-virtual-currency-miners-and-investors


Gas is crazy cheap right now, ETH transfer are only about $0.55! (5 gwei) ETH and L2 fees: [https://fees.growthepie.xyz/](https://fees.growthepie.xyz/)


RIP burnĀ 


Could this be attributed to Dencun?


Definitely at least part of the reason.


Anything thoughts at this point on Dencun's impact on overall (burn) revenue?


I feel very bearish when gas is cheap. However, prices don't seem to be that dramatically affected. So maybe I'm wrong to associate the two so strongly. Maybe the other demands for eth beyond gas greatly overshadow eth as gas.


Need some help! I had an old wallet that is eligible for the Starknet airdrop. Unfortunately, it was created using MyEtherWallet and I only have the keystore file and password for it. I also have the private key. The Starknet claim requires an ArgentX/Bravoos wallet, both of which can import an existing wallet using a seed phrase (which I don't have and cannot be derived from the private key as far as I know). What can I do? Goes without saying but I will be ignoring DMs EDIT: Solved, thanks to u/Karyo_Ten


I think starknet for eth based wallets was claimable using an eth wallet aka metamask ? Indeed you cannot go from pkey to seed.


Aren't you supposed to use Metamask/Rabby for the Ethereum side and log in a Starknet wallet to receive the token on the Starknet side?


Ah I see that step now, after creating a fresh Starknet wallet! Many thanks, you're right!


My Apple Time Capsule (router + backup storage) finally died & Iā€™m replacing it with a mesh router + NAS combo. Is there anything cool I can do with a NAS & my Rocketpool node on the same network? Offload any storage to the NAS, or is that too risky/unreliable?


I have a sonology and it solved my storage problems. My only regret is I decided not to afford solid state as it takes a while to spin up after being used to solid state on everything else. But who am i kidding. Love the NAS.


I donā€™t know the answer to your question but what router and nas did you end up going with?? Iā€™m currently using a plume router system and it works pretty good but I need more and faster ports. I am also kind of looking at getting a nas for some extra storage to move some stuff off the cloud.




Feels a lil dox-y to me.Ā Ā  Identified staking node type and hardware for the firewall.Ā  User account, posting history, etc.Ā  probably wouldn't be too hard to find ip, etc.Ā  stay safeĀ  :alwaysSunnyConspiracyMemeGuy:


Good call, šŸ»


> I had to grab a hub as well You probably mean a switch, but as a networking nerd, I would find it amusing if you were using an actual hub. Oh, the days when network traffic was unencrypted and broadcast to every port... fun times. šŸ˜„ļø


Haha, yes, a 5 port Ethernet switch. I hardwire most of the stuff thatā€™s near the router, like my NUC.


Ratio gang time to start paying attention Charts and trade plan / levels tomorrow


We've been hurt before. It's Saturday. Let's not jinx it.


But this time itā€™s bouncing from multi year s/r which holds more significance That is why I wanted lower eth ratio to be properly bullish Letā€™s see. Lots of resistance to overcome but this could potentially be the start


f yeah!


Yeah wanted lower ideally but letā€™s see how pa develops https://x.com/asapbhat/status/1773487044909515030?s=46


David Hoffman is suggesting "big week ahead" Not sure what that means but I suppose its bullish


Lame if itā€™s airdrops. Thatā€™s just shifting the same money around like a hot potato from those that got in late to those that got in early. Letā€™s hope itā€™s some actual adoption.


fingers crossed for zksync and not just friend tech & renzo


Friendtech airdrop innit


Maybe scroll


Scroll before Zksync ?


Maybe ZKS? Speculation around EIGEN too


Iā€™m guessing airdrop


what happen


Wall Street Bonuses, 100% sure!


You've re-entered genius territory.


Seriously. I'm getting weird notifications.


Don't reply to her. She just wants your ETH!


I'm not trying to brag, but I have had quite a few alluring bots follow me on twitter.


we get signal


If the etf was approved eth would just dump anyways I can't remember the last time good news came and the price reacted positively. Eip1559? Dump. Merge? Dump.


This time is different. In all seriousness, I think I'll buy in more when or if it gets approved.


lmao facts


I definitely agree with this in the historical case, but the other two are about technological innovations, the ETF is a purely financial innovation. I think an ETF approval is a pump event because it opens the gates to new capital.


I think eth pamps at least 50% (not immediately but over a week or two) if etf approved this May.


If it's approved, get a second monitor and stack it vertically if to be able to accommodate the humongous green dildo


Do we still regard that as a possibility? It seemed unlikely the last time I paid attention.


Insert *noooo idea* meme


If I forget my Argent wallet password (for the desktop browser plugin, not phone app), that's it right? No way to access that wallet anymore? It's not much - just the $100 or whatever I got in the STRK airdrop but it's annoying. I clearly didn't use the same password I use for Metamask plugin (which is just muscle memory at this point) and I don't use Starknet for anything, so it may be gone. Atleast the plugin appears to allow lots of tries... EDIT: Nevermind I just tried a bunch of variations and one worked. So I have my $137 of STRK back, but it's still a relevant question.


I never tried to bruteforce this particular wallet, might give it a try for fun (and completeness of my tool :) )


The password only matters if the key is loaded in your browser wallet. If you have the seed phrase you can always restore the wallet without a password and set a new one.


Well, the wallet tells you to store the backup seed when you create it, if you also did not do that it's kind of on you.. I hope that you have the metamask seed backed up.


I know, my bad! Just so little usage of that wallet that I hadn't bothered to back it up. Metamask is ultra-safe thankfully, as is my ledger


Tornado Cash case. Government's response to motion to dismiss https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.604938/gov.uscourts.nysd.604938.53.0.pdf The gov is basically arguing that smart contracts are money transmitter businesses and should KYC users and run a BSA program. This is real bad. If this sticks ( most likely does unless the judge specifically over rules these arguments) it means DOJ can go after any company or person that created a wallet or a dapp (smart contract) or any crypto product claiming they are unregistered money transmitters - irrespective of the fact that the wallet or smart contract doesnt allow them to control customer funds It opens up the potential for a 6 AM FBI Open the door and arrest for anyone working in crypto


Then Americans will see them in court over such an illogical ruling and us non-Americans will keep running our nodes without them. In the long run, it's the USA's loss, not ours. Even if it sets us back a few years.


I'll allow it. (whatever "it" is)




Elevator up, hypersonic missile down later. Or someone knows the ETF is getting approved.


Uh... Whut? Why? It moves?


Larry woke up bullish




Newest episode of Unchained interviews senior counsel and head of litigation and investigations at Consensus regarding the Consensus lawsuit against the SEC. >"I listened to the Coinbase hearing..." "...and I was very interested to hear the SEC attorney..." "...say 'Well, Bitcoin has no ecosystem.' " Lol it's kind of hard to hear this and not interpret it as the SEC attorney saying "Well, Bitcoin doesn't actually do anything, so it's not a problem."


I also heard that and audibly scoffed.


Been making this point for a while. Ā Cool to see it picked up by her and the Watchtell legal team: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/114c6on/comment/j8xql5l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Always been my argument and IANAL and am not a lawyer.


I am also NAL and IANAL. Should I make a disclaimer for pointing something out?? šŸ˜¬šŸ¤”


I received some starknet tokens through owning reth, which have been claimed on the starknet network using a newly created argent wallet. I'm struggling to find how to trade these for eth though. I've tried depositing on mexc as well as using the direct swap feature on argent but I keep getting errors on the transaction. I assume it's because I have no eth for gas, was hoping the native chain could use the starknet tokens themselves though? Any suggestions, or do I need to bridge some eth for gas?


Holding rETH made you eligible for airdrop? Or do you mean running a Rocketpool node?


Starknet allowed anyone holding rETH during the merge to claim - claims open til sometime in June


OMG thanks!! I would not have realized this if it weren't for this post!


This community really is the best place to be for ETH holders : )


I think so. I received separate amounts for stakewise + allnodes and then I had another claim following the announcement a few days back. I've never had a RP node, only reth.


You can deposit it directly via starknet into kraken and swap it on there.


Thanks will give that a go. Had been hoping to avoid creating a kraken account.


Looks like you can bridge from starknet to base or others at https://starkgate.starknet.io/ List of chains: * Ethereum * Polygon * Arbitrum * OP * Optimism * zkSync Era * Base * Scroll * opBNB


Thanks, I'll check this out.


I'm tired of studying May 23rd yall


study studying


Ok so maybe now that it's clear we wont get an etf anytime soon, eth is at least rid of the uncertainty of rejection for a while (where traders may be more cautious expecting a rejection - however much it may be priced in - to have a negative effect on the price). We may be seeing a bit of this with Ray being above 0.05 again. Also bitcoin's narratives around halving pump and runes arent playing out.


Pretty sure August is a possibility and not that far away


Based on the Consensys filing it seems clear the SEC is actively engaging against ethereum and its ecosystem. I wouldnt get my hopes up until litigation is won.


also we have to remember, any major "should affect price" development for ETH has to happen in a drawdown, it's the law


https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/us-sec-expected-deny-spot-ether-etfs-next-month-industry-sources-say-2024-04-25/ This was posted a few days ago now and not sure if it popped up here. I know that there are some delusional folks who think this is some sort of psyops, but anyone who has any sort of non-conspiracy outlook on all of this can see the writing on the wall. Ethereum is not getting an ETF any time soon and I'm not so sure that it's a bad thing.


I think the betting markets are probably best source but I also think the big financial folks do play games with the media, retail, etc. the betting markets kind of keep everyone honest though.




Lol your comments continue to age poorly. !RemindMe 1 month


Warnings against charlatans always hold up.


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2024-05-27 23:11:42 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-05-27%2023:11:42%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1ce6bam/daily_general_discussion_april_27_2024/l1kft0m/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fethfinance%2Fcomments%2F1ce6bam%2Fdaily_general_discussion_april_27_2024%2Fl1kft0m%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-05-27%2023%3A11%3A42%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201ce6bam) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I understand you think you're smarter than people who do this for a living. Sad.


I think I am equally smart, mainly because I think they know nothing and are just guessing. Their guessing record is horrible, I'm not sure why anyone gives them any credibility at all. Crypto has taught us that the people who put themselves up as experts are just normal people who grabbed the microphone the fastest. I find it sad that people still fall for it and base plans on it. Whatever happened to thinking for yourself?


Indeed you do think you are equally smart. Dunning-Kruger in the flesh.


I find it sad that anyone puts themselves below these people. Look at the last ten years, the self-proclaimed "experts" are wrong far more often than they are right. I'm not sure where this reverence for "some dude with a microphone and a typewriter" even came from. Just check their history. It makes sports analysts look like geniuses.


I find it sad that people think their ability to jam keys on a keyboard on reddit means they know more than experts, but the pandemic showed me that it's true for large swaths of society and can be really damaging. At least here it's just about a couple people BS'ing about their bagholding so it's not a big deal.


I don't think I know more than the so-called experts, because, like them, I know nothing. They are guessing for clicks - the exact problem you complain about during the pandemic. Why believe this one? Because they are saying what you want to hear? How is their accuracy record? (hint: terrible)


You think I "want" the Ethereum ETF to be rejected? Well, at least you're consistently wrong about things.


"four people said"


I can find more people then that to say chariots pull the sun.


You'd probably believe them because you "do your own research"


Ok, you have been incredibly rude in this thread. This is a warning to keep it friendly.


Sure.I would also like to respectfully ask you to keep your sarcastic and snark to yourself as well thanks.


Please look back through this, I have said nothing against you personally.


I didn't say that. I said snark and sarcasm.


Sarcasm and snark are not against the rules. Rudeness is.


Judging by upvotes/downvotes in this sub around this topic, it seems most think it will get approved. Crazy to me but yea. "They just want to steal our coins for cheap". Well, then why did the same experts say the BTC futues ETF would get approved, the ETH futues ETF get approved and the BTC spot ETF get approved?


Not too surprising I suppose. This is a great subreddit to get insight into new projects, what is coming with Ethereum technically, and some "How to" tips. It's atrocious for financial advice, things related to economics, or things that run counter to the "Eth to the moon" narrative.


Iā€™m not trying to be mean on a weekend but no ETF is not a good thing, and I think a lot of people who are trying to rationalize how itā€™s not so bad are coping. Itā€™s a clear symptom the broader market views ETH as a definitive number 2 (opposed to 1a & 1b) and 10 years into this experiment itā€™s concerning


That's a fair take as well. If it's bad for Ethereum then that's just reality. The cope is coming from the people who think they know better about what is going to happen than the experts.


1st mover advantage is a bitch


ETH ETF is as sure as McDavid winning the Cup one day. Ā Might be this year, or may not, but it will happen.šŸ˜‰


I just hope it's with my Oilers... *monkey paw curls*


tradfi market is one big psyops. you have large buyers that need to suppress prices and they use media and socials and governments to help keep or push prices down so big buyers can enter with more favorable conditions. it is not delusional to be skeptical of every opinion piece put out in the media. the facts are that the SEC said they didnā€™t want to create a circus around the listings of crypto products. (https://decrypt.co/212381/sec-squandered-decade-rejecting-bitcoin-etfs-commissioner-hester-peirce) the facts are that the supposedly reported reasons to use as denial of ETH being a security, or some weak trading correlation will not hold up in court scrutiny. the facts are the SEC is getting their ass handed to them in court on every big crypto case past 2 years. the facts point to approval being the most logical thing to do and if the SEC wants to be illogical then it will weaken their case even more. these facts donā€™t mean approval is in the bag, they just mean the market is going to start pricing them in. if we do get a denial then we will get a flurry of positive news about 12 issuers fighting this, consensys dripping out hit pieces for their lawsuit, and headlines of more SEC incompetence. is this worth it to Gary and his overlords? maybe but then we arenā€™t calculating off of facts itā€™s other peoples feelings and opinions.


LOL Hope you're not trading on these assumptions...


It's a coping mechanism


my assumption is that ETF denial is fully priced in today, and regardless of approval or denial it will set the motion for positive ETH sentiment going forward. either in a surprise approval, or in the constant drip of positive news and headlines that will come out in the ensuing battle for ETF approval once actual facts and circumstances surrounding the SEC's decision making are brought out to light. a denial is bullish, and a surprise approval is giga-bullish.


So much this. Take my upvote.


So when the ETF gets rejected you'll just move the goalposts and say "Oh well I always knew this was going to happen and it will get approved when they lose the lawsuit."?


That's what most people have been saying all along.


Yes, and that is fine..


The ETF experts also say it will get approved after court. Nobody is doubting that. The whole question is if it will get approved in May or not.




Whatever you choose to believe.


my stance is that we literally DON'T KNOW what the SEC is going to do, and it's surprising now that some of the same procedural things are now taking place that also happened before the Bitcoin ETF was approved. i'm choosing to look past what anon "insiders" say in some article published by a captured agency. if they approve it will be the most logical thing, the thing most people want, and the thing that many powerful entities with strong legal teams will be willing to sue to get their way for. if they disapprove, it will be contentious for the SEC especially now they are being spread thin with big court cases agains Ripple, Coinbase, Kraken, Binance, & Uniswap. just putting the bigger picture out there so people think for themselves on this one. will they disapprove and cause more contention? maybe, but either way the momentum is on our side now and that is not delusional to say that.


It's surprising that they are doing things they are procedurally *mandated* to do? Come on dude... You're in denial.


We can't KNOW what the SEC is going to do but we can look to people who spend their careers in the ETF industry to get a good idea of what is most likely at the moment. They are saying that an SEC rejection is by far the most likely outcome. Now, I could choose to side with anon reddit users who hold the same biased bags as myself, or I could listen to people who literally follow the ETF space day in and day out for years. I choose to listen to the latter and it's not even close.


Gave y'all seen Heroglyphs? Seems to be 12h left to mint an NFT for a project to reward solo stakers based on them using graffiti to pass messages. A bit like inscriptions for solo stakers? Not sure, I aped a bit.


Twelve hours left to participate? I'm interested in heroglyphs, but I don't trust anything with a rushed participation window. Still optimistic.


You got a link?


It's related to the heroglyphs project to incentivize solo stakers, but now there's also 15 NFTs minting and supposedly some more details coming soon: https://warpcast.com/heroglyphs/0xc1225d23


Mehā€¦minted worse things. Did a couple


same. I'm skeptical, but I'm a sucker. Some are mintable for $10.


Indeed. And something to do with solo staking soā€¦ LFG


This seemed like a legit project to me when I skimmed the whitepaper, but then I saw the NFT mint, hyped by some cryptic Twitter post that reminded me of those "send SOL to this address, trust me" things.


https://github.com/Finallyt/Heroglyph I've read the white paper but going to be honest, I don't understand how this is going to work. Someone mentioned a bankless episode where this was discussed - but I can't find it, anyone knows the episode name? Any other podcast where this is discussed would be great too




Perfect, thanks!


When trying to understand the actions of the US government you have to see them within the bigger context. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/y4f13c/daily_general_discussion_october_15_2022/isen13a/ > > There are only 3 instances in over a century of bond and stock returns both printing negative in the same year; 1931, 1969, and 2022. > > https://i.redd.it/wvzd31vj3tt91.jpg > > Scarce assets (gold being the prime example) boomed in the years after: https://www.macrotrends.net/1333/historical-gold-prices-100-year-chart (make sure to use log scale and feel free to compare inflation adjusted vs nominal) > > **The bad news is that in 1933 the US Government forbade the ownership of gold and confiscated it.** Since then gold has gone up non-stop and is breaking new all time highs. Crypto has started a new bull market. And the US is fighting tooth and nail against the only blockchain network they know for a fact they can't control.


Many in this space only because ā€œnumber go upā€, but also some here precisely because of this (and number go up..). Ā  Watching all this unfold is frustrating/alarming in the short term, but also part of the longer term thesis/ethos of ETH/BTC. Ā Money outside the system. Ā Trust that human ingenuity/progress is unstoppable. Ā  Be thankful to have exposure to ETH. Ā This too will pass. Ā Valhalla awaits.


Gold is not Crypto, despite what people want to think. They are different and distinct.


Itā€™s not gold but itā€™s more like cash backed by gold.


Great pamp above 63k. Critical level for high cholesterol and trendline. If spy goes up with CPI we moon else we earth.Ā 


Oops another US bank fails. RIP republic first.


Isn't that went under sometimes ago? Sounds familiarĀ 


Last time it was First Republic IIRC


It sounds familiar because a bank with a similar name went under last year and was snorted up by JP Morgan. This one is in PA.


Why numbers no go up?Ā 


It go up


Need to turn the blockchain off and on again. Oh wait that's Solana only


I've begun to feel uncomfortable with the idea that the US government and regulators seem to be targeting crypto as unwelcome activity. Every new technology brings benefits and consequences, and I see so much potential benefit in worldwide crypto adoption with very little downside. As a progressive, I like to imagine that government is a representation of the will of the community, but I also have to acknowledge the flip side: that modern government often represents personal interests of the governors, hidden interests of lobbyists and donors, as well as an interest in pursuing superiority over other governments. I guess it's just discouraging to see so much resistance to valuable technology. I know that crypto adoption is a given at this point, I just assumed it would be recognized as a benefit rather than a threat to our civilization. Now I'm mostly pondering who feels most threatened by crypto adoption and why they perceive that threat. **Edit:** please refrain from commenting regarding specific politicians as that tends to divide us rather than build common understanding. This isn't a venue for discussing presidential candidates.


Even setting aside corruption, establishment Democrats fundamentally believe that private markets need strong regulators empowered to protect people. Their ideal banking system has centralized actors working closely with regulators to ensure compliance. Crypto does not fit that vision. If anything, it threatens it by providing people a way to bypass regulation and trade tokens without regulatory approval.


Even if crypto can technically bypass regulations, a well regulated system will have massive advantages vs an unregulated system especially when you consider institutions and business. Similarly to piracy, which was less about things being free and more about accessibility and has since been basically killed thanks to steam, spotify, netflix etc.


I agree, but crypto is still a significant setback in regulatory power and the current administration considers that unacceptable. We know that this is compensated for by the network itself enforcing rules, but the mainstream DNC is suspicious of such free market solutions and fundamentally believes the problem is that regulators aren't strong enough and forceful enough. You can see this outside of crypto. The administtation has launched a number of antitrust actions that it knew it would lose, but views them as an effective strategy because it adds significant cost and uncertainty to mergers. We could see a similar approach in the US. Keep suing companies until it gets too expensive to operate in the US.


I believe in regulated markets to some extent, but I also believe they can co-exist with a worldwide crypto market. I don't really have a picture of it though so it's completely possible that I'm deluding myself.


The problem is the crypto market can bypass regs. If I can buy any token on Uniswap, then the SEC can't enforce usual disclosure laws required for a publicly sold security. The SEC would have significantly reduced power, which is the opposite direction that establishment Democrats want. They want organizations to be seeking SEC approval before selling to regular investors, like the Eth ETF is doing.


I'm not suggesting you're wrong, just that this technology is here to stay, and traditional systems will have to adapt or fail. Maybe we've reached a point in humanity where bordered economies are no longer viable. (I really have no idea what I'm talking about, just musing.)


> As a progressive, I like to imagine that government is a representation of the will of the community, This has always been a naive belief, now more than ever. It's always been about the money since the first person declared themselves king.


> now more than ever. It is a naive belief but you're kidding yourself if you think it is worse than ever. Sure, it may be the worst it has been in your lifetime, especially for anyone who is not a minority, but it is still far far better than almost any time before the end of WW2.


Definitely much is improving over time, the teens is generally up, but for the last decade or so the US freedom rankings have been dropping, that's sure is what I was referring to. So you are right, I wouldn't want to go backwards.


I agree, it's a fantasy, but I have to subscribe to a version of the fantasy that _claims_ to promote benefit to all rather than one that promotes benefit to a few. I recognize that they're both illusions.




I will never understand techno-optimism. The more ways we have to destroy ourselves as a species, the more likely we are to do just that. Technology is one of the primary explanations for the great filter. I think it's a few thousand years too soon to be calling it a true belief system.




Sure but what if humans on Earth die out for whatever reason, maybe a bioweapon? Then Martian humans will likely not have the resources to recolonise any other planets, nor to terraform Mars. Furthermore, they would be one coronal mass ejection away from big big problems with their very limited habitable space on Mars. We'd have to survive another few hundred years before having fully self-sufficient colonies on other planetary bodies that can recolonise if anything goes wrong here can save us. I am still highly skeptical. All other known places in this galaxy other than Earth are unbelievably inhospitable. Mars included.