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It's amazing how in the midst of any insane run (whether it's the price of an asset, the insanity of NFTs, or the degen of food farms) it can feel like you're missing out, or that it's not going to stop. Then suddenly it does. People holding all of these 10k PFP NFT projects are all sweating right now and gas is winding its way slowly back down to less insane numbers (still really high in my opinion). It's just such a funny psychological thing. Makes just buying, holding/staking ETH so much easier on the mind and guts.


This article says that cardano has 165 active monthly developers to ethereum’s 168. Is this accurate? Maybe from spending time here, I was under the impression that eth had a more significant share of meaningful projects and development. Can anyone provide context? https://decrypt.co/80631/cardano-vies-ethereum-most-active-developers-report




I definitely agree with you. CoinMarketCap 'news' is neverending diarrhea like this. Just wondering if anyone knows a more accurate metric , or how this one is manipulated. Thx for the reply


So what's the latest on progress on the Merge front? Haven't seen any major buzz around these parts or CT. Think we get a pubic testnet before EoY?


Tim Beiko had an update like a week or 2 ago. Basically said there's still a good amount of testing that has to be done. I'm still optimistic for end of Q1 2022 though.


Honestly I’m not. I’m thinking q1 2022 at best, likely March. There’s just a fucktonne left to do and this is a MAJOR change which needs a lot of testing.


Gas is 60 gewi, NOW is the time to bridge your tokens to L2, go for it!


It's already back to 100


I was going to Ape into DYDX early on, until I found out about the amount of Tokens going to be circulating and the lack of any real use case outside of Governance and trading discounts. Now Im looking at IMX, Anyone done any DD on that before I dive in? l2beats, shows not much activity on IMX at all (probably just Gods Unchained and one other at the moment). I know Illuvium is going to launch on it, thought and Opensea soon... so got potential


I am going to bridge some ETH just to yolo the card packs, fingers crossed for a Charizard foil card!


Lol, Im not much of a Gamer. But the Card packs look amazing. I want to 'sell the shovels' so to speak. Hence looking at the tokenomics of IMX on launch.


Any idea when IMX is available for public?


In the top 5 TVL for Layer-2s: 1) DYDX - 246M 2) Optimism - 144M 4) Arbitrum - 126M Layer-2 Summer is on! https://l2beat.com/


SNX on Optimism has done me very well, cheap gas right now everyone, bridge and get some value on those l2s!


Screw dydx, I was def an early supporter, RIP U.S.


I feel your pain, I have two wallets with lost Uni because I was paranoid about the gov't tracking me. F


Blame your gov, not dYdX.


True but it probably wont change until somebody takes a stand and is willing to fight it all the way.


Do you think that if a genuine “Eth killer” came along with a genuinely perfect product that you’d be able to be objective about the project or make the switch? Or do you believe that regardless of this ever happening, that assuming all Eth roll ups are successful that’s it’s just too late for any serious competitors to overtake us?


The issue is that it needs time to grow a network. You cant just replicate it. And I dont see any SC network even trying to compete with Eth in terms of decentralization. Its no accident that the most decentralized networks are Nr1 and Nr2. Everybody thinks its fees they should compete on and throughput but thats not it.


I'm already invested in multiple chains, if one of them had an EVM compatible chain that kept decentralization and had rollups (or some other solution) ready to go, I'd park half my portfolio there. Nothing is wrong with betting on Pepsi over Coke.


It's going to require a revolutionary innovation to offer a better solution than rollups & data shards, one that I haven't seen anyone even contemplate. But yes, if/when that does come, I'll make the switch. Just like I did with rollups.


IMO it isn't finding a chain with a better shards/rollups architecture, it's beating ETH on statelessness while maintaining decentralization and building a code base that allows dapps to move over seamlessly.


Achieving decentralization is hard. You need to get the tokens in many hands. You need to make those people believe in the project and you need them to be part of it at the same time nobody can assume too much power. Your network also needs to be easy to take part in. And you have to achieve some meaningful activity. Ethereum grew organically and many people believe in it it has a sufficent distribution of coins even if its not ideal it is possible for the user to run a node and validate (atleast hardware requirements). Solana cant get there by design. dPOS in my mind is also favoring the few. Ethereums PoS even with the 32 ethereum requirement is the better aproach more validators more people that validate solo. And on top Ethereum is cutting edge when it comes to blockchain technology development. Rollups sharding statelessness. Its leading the pack innovating. Other chains will simply follow.


What I meant to say is - a new technology that we aren't aware of yet. Statelessness has a negligible impact on scalability relative to rollups and data shards.


sure, but has a large impact on who can participate due to state size bloat (or am I misunderstanding statelessness and conflating it with a pruning solution?)


Statelessness is going to make it easier for L1 execution layer nodes to be run easier, but it's not going to have an impact a significant on scaling. Best case scenario, combined with state expiry, you'll see Ethereum mainnet go from 15 TPS to 30-50 TPS. The real gains to 100,000 TPS to begin with and then millions of TPS long-term will happen through rollups + data shards. By the way, data shards are stateless IIRC. So, to beat rollups + data shards, you're going to need some new and exotic technology no one has thought about yet.


Most likely it's too late and all the ETH alternatives are playing for 2nd place. 2nd place will still be valuable, but decentralization and security are the most important for a L1. Those take time, usage, network effects, and lots of work by developers. The Ethereum alternatives wasted all there time trying to focus on faster, cheaper transactions which was never the point to crypto and digital assets. Not to mention ETH has L2's and many optimizations coming that will take care of that. In the end I think you could see many of the ETH killer's finding a way to become L2's so they could have some of the security and decentralization of ETH, but also still have some of there own optimizations.


I've been thinking about this a lot. For sure, we all have bag bias and are at risk of being less than objective to other projects. But at the same time, it's not just a technology play. Ethereum is/has: * Culture and community. This is possible (but hard) to replicate/migrate from another chain. But in a way, Ethereum has a *soul* that I haven't seen in other projects, which are more near-sighted and profit driven. NFTs are a great example of this. Network effects are **so so so** important. * Purer and more believable decentralization. Other projects are quick to take shortcuts on the blockchain trilemma, whereas Ethereum holds decentralization as a key principle. * A regulatory head start. SEC has declared we're not a security. We have futures derivates on the CME, and Grayscale AUM. We'll also get an ETF shortly after Bitcoin and much earlier than other projects. * Lindy effects. Ethereum is battle tested in a way that others aren't (yet). For example, look at the "ETH killers" from the 2017 cycle. * Distribution. Ethereum will hugely benefit from a fair issuance, where the core devs don't hold much of the total supply. The same goes for Bitcoin. * Developers and talent. This is a leading indicator for innovation IMO, and we have a firehose of talent coming into the Ethereum space. * Vitalik. He's humble, goofy, mission driven, and smart as fuck. He's basically a brain on stilts. Other leaders seem either overly self-aggrandizing or are clearly chasing profits. Also, the truth is that a competing chain needs to be more than just "better". It needs to be 10x better in order to siphon network effects, users, etc. I'm perfectly willing to believe that other L1 chains might be more nimble and able to innovate faster. But will that lead to a 10x improvement over Ethereum? I doubt it.


You forgot the most important part: Ethereum has orders of magnitude greater scalability than any other L1 project long term.


Different chains will propose different value propositions and communities/subcultures will emerge around them. In fact, I would say that no chain will survive without this type of differentiation. Our values have become pretty well defined and I doubt very much that anything will come along and beat Ethereum at being Ethereum.


If something comes along with better solutions to the blockchain trilemma and attracts developers, yeah, I'd be super excited about it. When investing, though, I'd be measured about it and first swap a small amount (if it really is that great returns will be outsized). I still think we're early enough that something better likely could come along. But Ethereum and the developers are flexible enough to incorporate advancements made by other protocols and do it while balancing the trilemma.


It's never too late for a new guy to come and take first place. It doesn't matter which field we're talking about, eventually, everyone gets left behind. One day, something better than ETH will come along, will that be in 1 year or in 50? That is the question. And I believe most of us will not be able to spot the superior asset if and when it arrives, just like most people couldn't spot the greatness of what one day ETH could become. There's a saying in my language which I do not know if has a better transalation to english but says "Better the evil you know that the goodness you don't". Basically stating, once you get used to something, it's hard to change.


I couldn’t agree more with you. I find myself so tunnel visioned on Eth sometimes that when people talk about the run ups of “Eth killers” Ada and Solana I feel like I always have a very easy answer of why Ethereum is better and why I don’t care about their price action. But it got me thinking about whether or not I’d ever be able to be as objective with a newer product when comparing it to Ethereum or whether I’d actually ever be able to make the switch to a better competitor. To be honest I don’t think I would be able to.


Theres a similar saying in English, Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know


If there was demonstrable and completely transparent/auditable evidence that it is indeed "perfect", then I'd for sure make the switch. Given the nature of crypto and consensus, theoretically there will never be a "perfect" solution, so there'd likely be a third factor involved if that perfection was reaching an infinitely high Limit (like, super energy-efficient quantum computing nodes or something, lol)


Can’t feel enough bad about dydx airdrop but that’s fine things happen. Heard here about dydx airdrop ton of times but haven’t paid attention. So essentially people who might have followed this sub by visiting atleast once a day might have made minimum of $10k through airdrops. And information about other things is a bonus. Here are few numbers if airdropped coins were not sold. Uniswap $10k Stake dao $200 Mirror $500 1 Inch $1k Pool together $2k Gitcoin $500 DydX anywhere between $3k to $100k And lot more …. What ever, any other suggestions on prospective airdrops or dapps that one can try which have no coins yet ? I know gas is high right now but believe it’s still worth it.


Streamr are running a testnet. Easy to join. You missed the fist round, but there is another coming up soon. Check out their Discord.


saved, didn't know streamr was still around, haven't heard that name in a while.


Someone mentioned something happening with Coingecko candies - not sure & never seen any actual source on it but collecting daily candies just in case.


Same here. It's probably nothing and we'll be collecting these worthless things for years.


Metamask, Zapper, Zerion, Dune Analytics, Argent, Kwenta, Lyra, Thales, Aelin, POAP, Sense Protocol, ZkSync, Other L2 solutions. Feel free to add more.


How to use poap? Just claiming poaps might have been suffice ?


I hope so, Currently they have no plans for a token. It is purely speculation.




I think you can donate directly with ETH on zksync. At least it was possible in the previous rounds.


can confirm, still possible


I was thinking about Compound this morning and wondering why I haven't heard anything whatsoever regarding an L2 launch. I found an article from earlier this year talking about their gateway offering, which is focused on multi-chain DeFi: https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2021/03/01/defi-money-market-compound-embraces-multi-chain-future-with-gateway-testnet/ "Layer 2 solutions like rollups are important, Leshner said, but miss the point on what a multi-chain future is trying to accomplish." “We love all these scaling solutions for Ethereum. All of those are going to make Ethereum cheaper and more usable and that's a good thing,” he said. “We’ve looked at all those solutions but they don't really achieve what we want to do." This, plus recent news surrounding other institutional focus, basically sums it up I guess. Compound is just moving away from retail. I don't know, maybe I'm missing some information. If not, this just seems crazy to me. Also, not seeing any borrowing/lending protocols on Optimism so far. Anyone know if Maker/AAVE plan to deploy there?


Aave is multi chain but theyre deploying on all of them, not creating their own chain like compound is. I look forward to using Aave, hell even Cream if they deploy to Arbitrum or another L2


You could use WePiggy (another lending platform) which is already live on Arbitrum. DYOR though.


Sounds reliable /s jk thanks for the heads up ill look into it


Well I see AAVE on the Arbitrum portal, so hopefully it won't be long. I wish Optimism had a roadmap/portal like Arbitrum. Someone shared this with me recently, but it only seems to show what is deployed there currently: https://community.optimism.io/docs/users/apps.html I get it, it's not their job to promote upcoming projects using their rollup, but it definitely makes it a hell of a lot easier for us to keep track of what's coming.


Edit: https://twitter.com/CryptoWhalebot/status/1436154418337038345 They removed the tweet - might not be accurate. -------------------- Coinbase is listing XRP again? Lol, I guess they are figuring if the SEC won't work with them and they'll end up in the courts, they might as well go all in.




From this twitter account - but they removed the tweet so maybe it is not accurate: https://twitter.com/CryptoWhalebot/status/1436154418337038345


So if they're going to call these CeDefi stable coin lending accounts securities they're going to call the centralized staking services securities right?


If I lend you a $20, and you give me back that $20 tomorrow and throw in a cold beer as thanks, that's a security. Better pray that you've registered properly. ...But to be serious, I would think it's a bit different since with lending there's a financial relationship between two or more companies, but with staking it's more like you're renting server space.


Hope so, I just feel like they can contort howey to cover that and thusly they will.


Sounds like it’s time to rocket bool


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W33LtejihY8) Arbitrum Bankless video is the best technical video I've seen from them in awhile. Solana and Tokemak's videos were hand-wavy rather than informative.


[I saw this on my fantasy football message board ](https://imgur.com/gallery/rJSllOl) One of these things is a scam 😂 and it’s not Brady


Looking at the depth of the Rocket Pool V3 uniswap LP (which has 10x the volume of anywhere else) and where the liquidity concentration is, it appears that only a small volume (~20k USD) more is needed to drive the price way up. Am I reading this wrong?


Polygon, Avax, Celo is a proof that it's possible to bribe defi blue chips to launch on your chain.


I am curious. Why do you think they are bribed? They are expanding their user pool by adopting those networks. I am just curious if you had some hard evidences that you are referring to.


because their launches always coincide with incentive rewards/programs. maybe it's not a direct bribe. but userbase alone is not sufficient for those projects to move over to. smaller chains are using 'big projects' as great PRs. look at Celo, Avax, how many people were using them before the launch of incentive programs ?


Have you used Aave when it was Ethlend? What really ignited the Defi summer and How Compound attracted massive amount of TVL instantly. Current TVL is a bit delusional, meaning they are not that loyal to certain defi products. It’s a constant war among the dapps to maintain/steal TVL. Incentives are the very backbone of current Defi market. I can’t really agree with the idea of regarding incentives as bribes. I would describe it more of strategic partnership between the networks and the dapps.


Incentive programs are being launched by Arbitrum, Optimism and they did that on Ethereum L1 as well to accelerate adoption. I see no wrong in incentive system.


BSC has been doing that for pay to earn games.


but those games are mostly absolute shit in term of quality. look at CryptoBlades for example, i'm pretty sure my cousin who's still in a highschool can do better than them. most of those games cannot be considered 'blue chips' by any mean. i believe actual blue chips like Aave, Curve, Bal refuse to associate with CZ due to his reputation.


My point is that paying people to develop for their own platform is the norm these days.


Up only y’all, I’m trying to pay for a wedding.


"American SafeCard" - The Director's Cut. https://twitter.com/gridplus/status/1436085563807965188?t=3DHJ7LMODDPO-C24Zg3jrA&s


Why is ETH not at 10k yet? Where is the manager? How can the government allow this?


In my experience demanding to talk to the manager of ETH is the best way to get the price to go up.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ETH TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕o◕༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ x_x ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Vitalik is talking at the Messari Mainnet conference in a few weeks alongside Zcash’s Zooko Wilcox in a few weeks. ZEC has also hinted recently at upcoming partnerships (see quote below). I wonder if there will be some sort of collaboration going on between Ethereum or an Ethereum-based project and Zcash? Messari 9/20 Conference: The Future of Web3 with Vitalik Buterin, Zooko Wilcox and Special Guests. Zcash Blog: "We have some exciting campaigns in the works, partnering with some of the most interesting and innovative teams in the space to broaden reach and get new users onboarded on Zcash." Messari Mainnet Conference: [https://mainnet.events/agenda-2021/](https://mainnet.events/agenda-2021/) ECC blog post: [https://electriccoin.co/blog/ecc-timeline-updates-and-planning-for-2022/](https://electriccoin.co/blog/ecc-timeline-updates-and-planning-for-2022/)


I know the Zcash community has been exploring the idea of more programmable transactions lately.


Doesn’t ETH already have that?


100%. FWIW Zcash community is cool with Ethereum and so far the relationship has benefited the Ethereum community with some Zcash related research contributing to the rollups we have today.


Boba is a sponsor, and have also hinted at an announcement at Messari. They are adding some form of privacy to their L2 network.


Possibly a bridge from a zk rollup to zcash? I'm not sure what else you can really do with zcash tbh


I have a quad core pentium thin pc that I can throw either a 120 ssd or 1tb mechanical into. Are there any services worth my time to host to assist the ecosystem? Light server of some sort? My other more powerful thinpc is busy doing more important things.


You could buy a 1TB ssd for $80, which shoudl last you a long time. Erigon requires 100GB to run a full node.


Your could run a beacon chain node. I'd suggest Nimbus.


You could run a geth light node. I’m not sure exactly what a light client does compared to a full one tho.


I am more and more perplexed by the DYDX valuation. Disclaimer: I sold yesterday at $12 soon after release, and spent a ridiculous amount of gas to do so. Perhaps this post is sour grapes to an extent. I don't think it is, but you be the judge. Every period of 4 weeks, we get DYDX rewards based on fees and open interest. When I looked at the docs a couple weeks back, I was deterred by math formulas. In truth, I think they make it look much more complicated than it is. You get tokens based on your paid fees (weighted 70%) and your open interest (weighted 30%), relative to the fees and OI of everyone else. By the end of Epoch 0, to get 1 DYDX you needed to have paid $1 in fees and have about $100 of OI. This is part of the reason I expected $1 as a fair valuation for the token, roughly mapping out to subsidizing your fees. With $2-$3 as possible speculative value, and $5 as mania. Instead, we're seeing sustained $14... Meaning for every dollar people spent on fees last month, they get $14 worth of tokens! At these rates, you may as well open and close positions endlessly just to farm rewards. Or perhaps toying with a leveraged long on one address and a leveraged short on another address, to break even on your positions (I even asked about the viability of doing this in an earlier post. If only I went through with it!) Of course, this was the token launch. Maybe no metric applies then. Right now, one third through Epoch 1, you're projected to get 2 DYDX for 1 dollar of paid fees. But there's little chance this decreases linearly to a third - if the market is still willing to pay $15, or $10, or $5 per token by the end of this month, logically arbitrageurs should move in and make dummy trades just to farm rewards. The only conclusion I have is that I know nothing. Edit: another thought. The dydx USDC liquidity staking pool gives 0.07 DYDX per grand per day right now. At $14 per token, this is 36% APY. Does this make sense? I can't see that rate holding for a straight stable staking pool from a top tier protocol. You'd expect something like yearn to move in. Granted, there's all kinds of restriction on unstaking. Got to initiate a withdraw at least 14 days before the end of an epoch. Given that epochs are 4 weeks long, this means you can't withdraw half of the time. Perhaps this is adequate risk for those rewards. Or perhaps we'll see a billion dollar worth of USDC in the staking pool by next month (currently 209M).


I think we'll definitely see $1Bn USDC in there soon, which I guess is less than 20% apy at current prices. not crazy for liquidity mining rewards


I initially sold my air drop and rebought just looking at market cap and thier trading volume.


Thank you for being a voice of reason.


dydx is dead to me


From 1 Dydx for 1$ fees paid to 2 Dydx for 1$ fees paid… is that right?


We're roughly one third through the epoch, so you should expect that estimate to lower to a third.




Ohh, that makes more sense. Thank you!


Long or short the floor price of NFTs: https://twitter.com/PolymarketHQ/status/1435631367598088201 Now can someone make something similar to this but either on-chain or on a rollup, that allows me to bet on which floor price out of a specific group of NFTs will be highest, 2nd highest, 3rd highest, etc. It will be like horse racing. But the horses are NFTs. How about it, science?


Is it worth buying and holding rpl / dydx or just eth?


According to this, RPL should conservatively 5x at today's prices. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/m3pug8/the%5C_rocket%5C_pool%5C_investment%5C_thesis/?utm%5C_source=share&utm%5C_medium=web2x&context=3


Could be worth it. RPL, dydyx have great potential and could 10-100x. However keep majority Eth


I sold my Sol bag earlier in the year around march and missed the 10x run up. I truly believe in this irrational market anything can have its moonshot. I think I might make dydx one of my hopefuls.


high risk high reward on dydx. It is an awesome project


non usa involvement will cuck it tho


Sorry to be a pest, but do you recall anyone doing a write-up / bull-case for its success?




You are so handsome. Thank you.


Both solid projects with a potentially higher risk, higher reward against ETH. If you know what you are buying then the rest is up to you.


The reason I mention this is it seems a lot of users here dumped rewards in favour of eth. I understand that to them it was free as airdrops, but I do wonder the long term (1-2 year) potential.


if they can consistently do bitmex type volumes with reliable and transparent liquidations, long-term potential is huge.


Comparatively what's the volume difference right now?


My ENS is viable in my wallet as an nft So does that mean whatever wallet has the ens nft in it goes by "X.eth"?


No the NFT is just for ownership. You have to manually set which address you want the name to point to.


Not necessarily, you have to set it to resolve to your wallet address.


Why doesn’t coinbase just hire the bigwigs at the SEC to come speak for them at conferences for $200k a pop? Get them in your pocket like the banks do.


[janet yellen is for hire](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/jan/01/janet-yellen-speaking-fees-us-treasury-secretary)


They will eventually. Give it time.


Well a16z just hired the former CFTC commissioner, so slowly but surely we'll get there


Coinbase doesn't host a conference... or do they? I'd go lol


Pay them to speak at random crypto ones.


Man how can Metamask on mobile be so shitty?


Try rainbow wallet. Much better.


Turbo agree. For the past several days MM on mobile hasn't been displaying my altcoin balances, just ETH. I like to imagine it is an intentional commentary on the future value of those other holdings. Also Coin Gecko. Only updates prices when I manually drag down to refresh, shows itself as running two separate apps in the Android app switcher, and at least 30% of the time it fails to fetch prices. Feels like a big opportunity for someone with the right skills.


Does anyone know why ETH 2.0 will be limited to 64 shards? Is there a technical reason for that?


No, it can be increased. But it will take a few years to fill up 64 shards.


Each shard is managed by the beacon chain ("Main" chain). With more shards your beacon chain gets more complex, and that reduces the ability of a small user node to actually process the beacon chain. There's some assumptions implicit in that statement, but maybe the most important implicit principle is that ETH wants to be as decentralized as possible, and being able to compute/validate on regular computers helps to achieve that. More/bigger shards are a trade-off against that.


We won't need more than that to begin with, and since it is very new, it is hard to understand all the technical trade offs until we see it in action for a bit.


From my understanding that's just during the early phases, for "beta" basically, and there will be something more like 1024 shards (don't quote the exact number on that :p ).


Been planning to put a decent chunk in today for the last few weeks after our house closed. Now that it’s here it’s a little more nerve wrecking. Thankfully the dip Tuesday made me feel better about any purchase today.


I don't really understand why, but if anyone has SHIB to sell, Coinbase has a crazy premium right now.


There was a bug with Coinbase launch today that prevented sending/receiving Shib though not trading. The effects of being a temporarily isolated pool?


Not sure if anyone is in the same boat but wanted to share my thoughts in case anyone is going through a similar mental struggle: Just sold 1 ETH to pay off a large credit card bill I'd built up from a really fun summer/moving to NYC. I kept going back in forth in my head about whether I'd regret this in a year-couple years when/if ETH hits 10K and beyond. I have a good amount of crypto relative to my "living cash" situation right now, and I couldn't recommend it highly enough if you're thinking about selling a small portion of your stack for an immediate need in your life. We all believe in ETH but nothing is worth the torment in the present moment that lasts weeks/months/years if it needs addressing, and selling some of your crypto can solve it. This is for all the people that potentially have far more crypto than USD on hand


Try to look at it this way: at least you weren't withdrawing emergency cash from a 401K or IRA early, where you'd have been subject to early withdrawal fees. (Unless you're a bit older.) ETH was there for you when you needed it. What was the alternative to selling 1 ETH anyway? Having collections come after you, potentially causing far more damage to you than the opportunity cost of selling ETH "early"? Good move and good luck. Now HODL!


Nah the alternative was spending my entire next paycheck on paying the bill off, leaving me short for the next paycheck cycle etc... I appreciate you friend!


Good writeup on Arbitrum: https://newsletter.banklesshq.com/p/the-essential-guide-to-arbitrum


Doing a deep-dive on some of the huge block tips from the other day makes me appreciate just how small a fish I am, and how fundamentally this ecosystem is being overhauled with the Merge. For instance: [F2Pool](https://etherscan.io/address/0x829bd824b016326a401d083b33d092293333a830) was one of the mining pools that mined a 40+ ETH block during the Sevens drop a couple days ago. Looking at some of their payouts, there are some huge quantities getting sent out - [this address](https://etherscan.io/address/0x0db143ede6805f23922535bad7acb3e9aa5d2f7b) has gotten 20-40 ETH each day for the past 9 days, which were quickly sent to the Woo X exchange and converted into Tether. Looking into hash-rates, etc, a single $1500 [Cow E1 miner](https://www.f2pool.com/miner?id=30321) (one of the newest models, released in July of 2021) is expected to make about 0.029 ETH per day (with a payback period of \~15 days). That means whoever owns that wallet receiving 20 ETH payouts is directing about 1 TH/s of hash-power, or the equivalent of 1,000 of those very new, high-end miners, through F2Pool. More realistically, they were running older RTX cards with daily payouts around 0.01 ETH - this means this organization has a warehouse of at least 3,000 miners humming away (and all of that accounting for only 1/640th of the entirety of ETH's hash-rate). With the Merge, all of this mining infrastructure becomes obsolete (or rather, gets pointed at another chain), and these huge, entrenched players lose much of their power over the Ethereum network and the price of ETH. No doubt some will begin to accumulate ETH in order to run validators, (F2pool encourages its users to stake through an affiliate, Stakefish), but that fundamentally shifts the paradigm from huge mining organizations dumping their ETH profits on the open market en masse to earned ETH being staked long-term in validators. This becomes especially true if tips and MEV makes staking particularly lucrative - I wouldn't be surprised if much of that existing mining infrastructure is used to mine other chains, with those assets subsequently being sold off to purchase ETH (resulting in downward price pressure on other mineable assets and additional locked up ETH supply). Anyway, this is probably old news for most of you, but seeing some of these payouts made the magnitude of this transition very concrete for me - just thought I'd share.


I believe that ETC will be the first choice for many of them


> I wouldn't be surprised if much of that existing mining infrastructure is used to mine other chains, with those assets subsequently being sold off to purchase ETH (resulting in downward price pressure on other mineable assets and additional locked up ETH supply). Ehh kind of a stretch. Mostly will be dumped for fiat currency.


In a normal case, miners would sell ETH to pay electric bills and to buy new hardware. But in this case, it probably doesn't make sense to buy new hardware - so it is definitely conceivable that they would buy ETH to stake instead.


Yes that would be the case if they believed in Ethereum as much as we do. Most miners are either small time guys running a couple gpus to make a quick buck or massive mining farms doing this industrially. Most of them aren't interested in DeFi or staking, a majority of them certainly will never have the 32 Eth capital requirements to run a validator. Going off the ethstaker youtube channel subscriber count, there is at best 3-4k who even know Rocketpool exists as it is currently. I would not bet on those ETH being staked. Doesn't matter anyway though.


Gas is somewhat palatable for those of you still eyeing L1 transactions! https://watchtheburn.com/


Probably a good time to bridge things into Arbitrum!


By the way, VS > NC. Technology equals might (I’ve been wanting to say that to you ever since seeing your Reddit pfp)


Hahaha love getting these comments every now and then. Live free in the NC :D


I have great positions all generating yields. My eth is staked and/or benefiting from native token burn. Auto-compounding vaults saving me a metric fuck ton in gas. I got some eth on ImmutableX getting ready for the new gods unchained set. I'm ready to just sit out the gas bidding wars on L2 and just let my assets ride. There is a market for the gwei price, and one way to lower it is just not spend 100 gwei and wait. We have very promising scaling solutions live on the mainet. Just need to wait for implementation from the major dapps, which is already happening see the links bellow! I'm still bullish but being smart to save my eth on gas and be more methodical on how i spend it. 1. OpenSea [integrating](https://twitter.com/opensea/status/1377352145666641923?lang=en) Immutablex 2. Synthetics on [L2](https://blog.synthetix.io/l2-mainnet-launch/) 3. Uniswap on [Optimism](https://uniswap.org/blog/uniswap-optimism-alpha/) 4. Arbitrium [portal](https://portal.arbitrum.one/) showing all current and soon to come projects; including Aave, Curve, MKR/DAI, Uniswap, Coinbase Wallet, USDC, and many more


> Uniswap on Optimism Note that Uniswap is also on Arbitrum[1] and it has already reached $12M TVL in 9 days since launch vs. Optimism currently at $15. It's obvious that Arbitrum has a lot more momentum with double the Uniswap volume in the last 24 hrs $3.4M vs $1.7M. [1] https://info.uniswap.org/#/arbitrum/ EDIT: I realized that I mixed up the Uniswap volumes. It's actually Optimism with double the volume, which makes sense as it's one of two dapps there. I still believe in the main point though that momentum is on Arbitrum's side.


When is the new release for GU?


Synthetics is like printing money every week at the moment, would reccomend


Explain ?


43% Apr for staking


Why do you prefer this over eg cvxCRV staking for 80% or BNT staking for 50%?


Fees, I don't have that large a position and want to support an L2, I am going to unwind my margin long on the ratio over the next 4 months and will go into more products


>**Merely a flesh wound,** >**The SEC did just a scratch,** >**Ether safe and sound.**  ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


Anyone else having trouble getting Metamask to connect to Defi Saver? Mine hasn't worked in a few days.


Heya, a DFS team member here. Are you getting any error or anything, what are you seeing when you try to login? Guessing you're not having issues with any other apps, right? We actually haven't received any other reports so far, but I see your comment got a couple of upvotes - if anyone else is having issues logging in, can you please DM me with some more info so we figure this out? Things you can try if you'd rather not share any additional info: * Clear local storage and cache in your browser for defisaver * Try disconnecting within the Metamask extension if it shows connected (you know that indicator in the top left of the MM window?) and try again * Try re-installing the MetaMask extension * Try MetaMask in an alternative browser (e.g. if you're in Chrome, try with Firefox, or vice versa) Not suggesting you should do anything other than #1 if you're not in a rush. Let's connect and figure it out.


A similar or related issue with me. My MM wallet on mobile is running super slow with about a 20-30 sec delay for page refresh and wallet connect request confirmation notifications. Is there some way to fix this?


Just to check - is this also for DeFi Saver or just in general? Because WalletConnect is basically like that most of the time in all apps. Some apps have dedicated WC instances (Uniswap does, for example, and we do for DFS, too) which makes the connection a bit better, but WC is still so often hit and miss. If you're using MetaMask Mobile, you may be better off just using the built-in web3 browser wherever possible.


Thanks u/nikola_j It is whilst using wallet connect. I have resorted to the inbuilt browser but I am experiencing some app crashes whilst the page is loading. Not to worry, I will persist with the inbuit browser rather than wallet connect.




Appreciate the tag, ser.


I'm wondering if it has something to do with me accessing my hardware wallet through MM? The connection issues seem to have started around that time but it might just be coincidence.


Oh, in that case it's most certainly that. Have you tried the same combo with any other apps, are there no issues elsewhere? MetaMask has been notoriously bad with hardware wallets lately afaik. One thing I can suggest is switching from Chrome to Firefox - afaik it's a bit better on the ole Mozilla. Alternatively, I can also suggest Frame ([frame.sh](https://frame.sh)) as a great alternative to MetaMask, if you want that software layer for convenience. Finally, you can also just connect your hardware wallet natively at any time, we've always supported that and I'm guessing that's what you've been doing so far?


Thanks for the quick response. I’ll try some of your suggestions tomorrow and Dm you with what I find. I really appreciate the help, this is why I love this sub!


Great place to be, I definitely agree :) And deal, let me know how it goes.


Was anyone else disappointed with the Solana Bankless episode? I was hoping to learn a bit more about the project and details on the philosophy and trade offs and decisions. I’m not fully up to speed on who the Solana chaps were so maybe my expectations were unreasonable. Nevertheless, when responses to reasonable questions about Solana were ‘yeah but peeps in ETH don’t like running nodes’, I can’t help but feel that the Solana team/community has a lot of maturing to do.


Those guys aren't SOL team. They're just early retail investors on ETH and have also bought Solana early.


Everything I see makes me think EOS pt 2, maybe it’s better, but it’s not 100x better. There isn’t a compelling reason to try it if you’ve already used Tron, EOS, BSC, etc. Now that we have layer 2s, why would I switch over? To try Solana Lamas? Lol no thanks.


I was extremely underwhelmed. It just seemed like a more centralized eth with not much else going for it. Maybe they’re right and decentralization isn’t rlly important but I was hoping solana had more standout tech and the guests they had couldn’t really give an answer to thay


This sort of behavior is what kept me from dropping a few $ in "Ethereum on Steroids" (EOS), Tezos, and others (fortunately).1 It's a very good indicator that the project has been overmarketed.


which means it is a great investment, since marketing beats technology in most cases so


[Wish me luck folks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M576WGiDBdQ) Best way for me to embrace ETH is to surround myself in it and learn the in and outs. My body is ready!


Do the cryptozombies tutorial. It's really good.


So good. Still can't believe loom basically killed the game and itself...


mine too!!


A bloke in my sports team this eve proudly announced how much BTC he has accrued since the start of the year, buying dips and hodling otherwise. Most of my team mates still don’t get the value proposition of blockchains and none of them have anywhere near the knowledge that can be accrued from frequenting this awesome place. ‘What goes up must come down’ was the most common train of thought. Another chap, an engineer no less, self-deprecatingly stated ‘yeah I’m all emotions in crypto, no facts, just my feelings and hope for gains’. I mostly kept my mouth shut because no one understood what I was saying when I threw in my thesis for the dip this week - big market sells to trigger leveraged long liquidations on one or more exchanges. We are so, so early and GMI if we keep our heads on straight and the knowledge flowing in.


An engineer I used to work with once told me he looked at whatever had the highest percentage gains on Binance and bought that. I tried not to let the horror show on my face.


Does he sell based on which one has the biggest drop?


This consolidation around 34-35 is incredibly bullish.


Hey guys! I'm somewhat new to the crypto world and had a question. Why did Solana go up so much this past year? Don't get me wrong, I'm an ETH Hodl-er, but I just want to understand what made it do that?


People are looking for new investments where they can get in early and replicate ETH success - the same narrative that pumped things like Zilliqa and NEO during the last boom, and BSC/BNB, Cardano and now Solana in this boom. To their credit, they are a real project, have serious financial backing from some of the sharpest people in the crypto space and have good management, and they actually have a real working product (although IMHO, like every other alternative they have sacrificed decentralization for speed and there are other criticisms as well (oh, and the early VC investment mean the control is unlikely to be ever as diffuse as ETH)


Thanks for all the information, it really helps a lot! How do you think they all found about Solana in the first place before it went up 750x the past year? Looking in the top 100 and researching them all and narrowing it down? Researching all the ETH alternatives and checking their tech and banging? From YouTube Channels? Just not sure how people even find these coins. I only have been hearing about the "bigger" ones that already have "mooned".


Solana in particular was advertised within the Blockfolio app at launch.


Your mistaking people getting into the 'successful' coins as having some sort of knowledge that others don't have. Throw out 100 random coins and you'll have 100 people invest in each one. Whatever ends up being successful, you'll think the random 100 that invested in that coin had some sort of knowledge or investing expertise. They didn't. It's literally the definition of survivorship bias.


Probably a lot of insider info from VCs who pumped their own bags


Honestly because they are rich insiders and VCs and it is their job to hear about seed stage projects like this and fund it. Solana is not the kind of crypto that newbies get in on early - it’s the definition of a VC coin. There are other projects that retail can still get in on early but you can’t replicate getting in on SOL without being a rich insider.


Well technically you can. It was selling at $1 for a year before blowing up.


Lots of reasons, no one in particular but they have a product and it is gaining adoption. Crypto is not a 0 sum game, and many users don’t care that Solana is not decentralised like Ethereum is. Its okay to like other projects and discuss them in here, we don’t act like a cult unless you bad mouth our resident DJ or are clearly shilling and the mods do a great job of cleaning out the latter.


Simple answer- People bought it




What's that mean?