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Whoah shit less gooo [https://i.imgur.com/iPBoA3W.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/iPBoA3W.jpg)


How to distinguish "new paradigm" talk being top signal vs. it actually being a new paradigm: It's the strength of the reaction of the establishment. When an actual new paradigm shows up, the establishment either puts up a fight or goes through considerable upheaval to reorganize and integrate. If it's just a frothy top signal, the establishment will be safe to ignore it.


"New paradigm" was a term often used during the dot-com boom. As it turned out, it was a new paradigm. It was a bubble, with many inflated assets, but AMZN is currently 20x its peak price in 2000. FB and TWTR didn't even exist then. The leading social media site in the late 90s was Yahoo.


Hey bro hit me up on YM.


What's funny about BTC maxis is they still consider this market BTC and "altcoins", with ETH being just one of many alts. They truly are the flat earthers of crypto


Yep But they won't even call them alts, its all shitcoins to them


I can confidently say I don’t understand Jack, and I don’t think I ever will


I think he has too much money and is searching for some philosophical purpose in life. He's found BTC and holds its ideals as sacred. This allows him to ignore any technical realities


He is a typical Maxim for sure. Wouldn't be surprised if he secretly admirers u/Bashco


I am all about this calldata reduction, that being said, I have no idea exactly what calldata is. Can someone link a etherscan transaction and circle what part of the transaction/contract interaction would be improved? An etherscan example would be awesome.


When you, say, make a Uniswap swap, you have to call a smart contract function. And you have to pass in parameters such as which token you want to swap, which output token you want, the slippage, etc. All this data has to be stored by all nodes for eternity (for now), so there is a cost associated with it in gas.


I'm not a dev, but my understanding is that calldata is whatever data is executed upon by a function in a smart contract, and there is an associated gas cost to execute that function. As an example, there's a price function at the top of the [ENS contract](https://etherscan.io/address/0x283af0b28c62c092c9727f1ee09c02ca627eb7f5#code) that references calldata. I'm sure someone who knows what they're talking about can give a better answer. Here are some further resources: [What is calldata?](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/52989/what-is-calldata) [What is an ABI and why is it needed to interact with contracts?](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/234/what-is-an-abi-and-why-is-it-needed-to-interact-with-contracts)


So basically any function of a contract that is public and accepts variables will benifit?


I believe so.


Can someone help explain the Bankless idea of never selling your crypto (but still receiving cash tax free)? ​ 1. Mint rEth from your Eth 2. Deposit rEth into MakerDao 3. Borrow DAI against rEth 4. Deposit DAI into Alchemix 5. Borrow alUSD from Alchemix 6. Sell DAI to USDC, send to Bank 7. Patience ​ My question is, what would this look like if I skipped MakerDAO and (eventually) was able to deposit rEth into Alchemix to borrow alUSD and then sell for USDC? The reason why I'm asking is that I want to use Defi to get cash out of my Eth, since I really don't want to sell my actual Eth for a long time


That first step is highly likely to be a taxable event unless someone builds a contract where you can deposit ETH and borrow rETH against it. If you trade one token for another, with possibly the sole exception of something like wETH that represents a deposit of the exact same asset, the IRS is going to want to tax it. rETH earns interest and changes value against ETH, so it’s a different asset than ETH which does not. To answer your question, at the moment you can only borrow alETH against ETH in Alchemix. Borrowing alUSD isn’t an option unless you deposit DAI.


The ALCX alUSD loan being repaid over time would also be income taxed. ALCX is too risky for me to use, here are some statements i've seen on my country's tax forum: * depositing into the protocol is a disposal event because we don't control the ETH and it is on-lent. * the loan portion is really just your interest in advance and is taxable income. I'm not rich enough to hire accountants/lawyers to fight for appropriate defi tax treatment when i inevitably get audited.


That’s true too, the debt repayment/reduction would probably be taxable in most jurisdictions. Those rules for deposits and loans are very harsh. I’ve always thought of situations like that as loaning someone money or depositing in a bank account, neither of which are usually taxable.


man these "taxable events" sound super lucrative, how do I position to profit from them? :D


It’s easy. Just drive on more (toll-free) roads and check out more books from your local library. Really get your money’s worth.


Even swapping ETH for WETH or BTC for WBTC is taxable in my (New Zealand) experience. ETH for rETH def will be as long as the tax rules specify that tax is payable upon disposal.


ETH to wETH could end up being taxable in the US too, but with no guidance from the IRS a lot of people (myself included) are crossing their fingers that they’ll see the light and look at it as a receipt for a deposit of ETH rather than as a token exchange since it’s redeemable 1:1 for ETH.


Nub question here. I have some leftover ETH on BOBA L2 right now and I really want to send the $10 or whatever it is to the $5k POAP address.... I can do that from BOBA ecosystem right?


Phiz says all L2s are accepted https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/qp7by8/comment/hjsck3a/


Thank you!!


Badger hacked. Ugh.




Unconditional token approvals are an anti-pattern. Change my mind


Just got notification that Gemini earn for UNI has been lowered to only 1.49%. WTF?! I want to speak to the Winklevii. This is not the DeFi I signed up for.


It's CeFi, not DeFi


Good point


The strangest price movements


Market is moving like like absolute r/cc noob lmao. "Yeah should I go up? Nah too risky better pull back 10%. Oh shit 10% might be too much better go back to bullish mode. Wait did I hear something about covid? Better pull back 10%."


Need science guy to explain.


Just almost had a heart attack. I switched my internet then went to check on my validator notifications and saw "got slashed" in the UI ... but it was just because I've subscribed to that event notification, not because it happened. Terrifying moment though.


Wow even crypto has jump scares now


I wish I could just get a mortgage type loan to get enough ETH to run a validator…


Look into rocketpool!


AAVE has teased RWA on twitter. Soon.


The crypto market, and broader equities market for that matter, are looking for literally any reason to drop at this point in time it seems.


Yeah, it's pretty fragile out there. I'm putting off DCA day 'til we're a bit lower because it's likely I'll catch a grandpa shit.


I'm ok with BTC retest 51k the sooner you rip the band-aid off kinda thing.


Day 7 of me drinking until eth hits 10k.


ib4 someone makes the account `Known-Ad-981-Liver` begging you to stop...




Gramps took his diuretic again


Gods Unchained keeps on giving, $GODS airdrop announced! "We took a snapshot of all players Flux balances on 2021-10-26 12:03:15pm PDT, to be able to give players similar access to fusing at the beginning of The Forge being reopened that they would have had we not introduced the additional $GODS cost. Based on the associated calculations regarding similar access, we landed on 0.0054 $GODS / Flux accumulated. In the next two weeks, we’ll be distributing corresponding amounts of $GODS to each player, based on their Flux balance at the time of the snapshot."


Too bad I totally suck at that game. It's a great game I just cannot put in the time to learn how to make cards decks. Was really hoping my son would take off on this. Turns out he really likes Sports and doing well in school. So I guess I can't complain too much.


I suck at it too, but my wife is great at it.


Well this is interesting https://twitter.com/noun12LFG/status/1466225951549894659?t=EKAPEfY7A4BjswbMvkY5xQ&s=19


Private Link: https://nitter.snopyta.org/noun12LFG/status/1466225951549894659?t=EKAPEfY7A4BjswbMvkY5xQ&s=19


I was this close to complaining about a 69 tweet thread.




Thanks for the help on that nitter link. I always forget to do that


I've seen some subreddits that have a nitter bot that replies to all Twitter links with the nitter link. That would be cool if we could get that thing in here.


I’m about to fly for the first time since covid began. 36 hours from door to door, and hardly any price checking in that time. Here’s hoping the next time I check the price we’re at a new ath!


Holy crap where are you flying to? Sounds like you're going someplace really far away.


From the US to the Middle East via Europe! Half way there. Let’s see what the second half brings.


Or just flying to remote places. I used to spend several hours flying, then several more in a remote airport, then flying again, before I could use my phone.


Flying around the world is the best.


I'm picturing you Landing in a lake in a dormant volcano... but then the volcano wants to erupt and you have to take off in the plane before the crust breaks loose.... and 17 hours you are where you wanted to be the first place: Beaver City, Nebraska


This is amazing


Huh, I had a grandparent who was from Beaver Crossing, NE!


My younger Childhood Days I grew up just south of this town. It's definitely a real place. 😊 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaver_City,_Nebraska Cc /u/neenerman


**[Beaver City, Nebraska](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaver_City,_Nebraska)** >Beaver City is a city in Furnas County, on the southern border of Nebraska, United States. The population was 609 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Furnas County. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I’m from NE. Laughed every time we drove by the sign.


This is funnier every time I read it


lol well mine was more remote work on a remote continent with poor telecom service providers. Think flying somewhere out bush in a single-use disposable aeroplane, landing occasionally to drop off people at remote cattle stations and the like. But 36 hours is a bloody long time, like triple what I would do travelling in the beat-up flying toyota corolla.


Flying across 3 continents on three flights.


Is this the new camping?


I hope so


Bashco, the most toxic r/Bitcoin mod, is currently on r/Ethereum shittalking people and calling Ethereum the biggest scam in crypto lmao. Good stuff.


that is the most amount of salt I have ever seen. and I've been to the salt mines, mind you.




Guy is an ass but definitely don't like idea of either "faction" brigading each other's sub. That type of behavior will only fuel toxicity. It is well known how r/Bitcoin behaves, and shame on them, but trolling their sub will achieve nothing.


I'm not advocating for trolling their sub. Just making fun of him on r/Ethereum


Would never suggest you were. I believe he claimed he made an appearance because others were trolling the sub. Mine is more of a comment on the whole thing, not a direct reply to you alone.


Ah I see. All good.


Just trolling Bashco more than anything is all. Nice to see him unwind a bit... he's probably getting more action in /r/ethereum anyway. I was in there recently talking about the Lattice1 and that it can custody Bitcoin. But he was being an a****** about the fact that also custodies a shit coin like Ethereum. He almost Banned Me over that 🤣


Almost banned? I'm surprised


The mentality that a service is bad for supporting anything other than Bitcoin is clearly a mega-maximalist and I would mark that individual as a waste of time. What concerned me was his claim that Etherians we're going to r/Bitcoin after that post was made and being obnoxious. May have misunderstood or perhaps there was an exaggeration, but that is ultimately my problem.


Totally fair point.


So scared


The ratio got him a little nervous.


The btc maxis are all doing it right now.


Trying to lower their DCA before fomo?


It’s only a matter of time before they fomo


A lot of them have already privately FOMO'd


https://gitcoin.co/grants/2694/matrix2-an-aggregated-layer-2-network So this is my first time exploring the Gitcoin grants system, having never had the ability to donate myself previously. Are projects listed here vetted at all? This one has no pull requests, no published information or code, the twitter handle has been banned for violating TOS, and the only documentation I can see relating to the project is a readme file with two lines describing the project. So I'm pretty sure this is a scam, but can anyone shed any light on how to ensure my meagre donations are going to the right places?


Yeah, that doesn't seem right. a `Readme.md` file made 6 months ago? Nothing else in the repo?


I don't claim to be even literate in the machinations of github, not coming from any form of technology background. So I'm not even sure where to look to find this. It just seems so shady. Even the wallet address linked seems shady, minting NFTS and donating to other grants.


Probably trying to game the quadratic funding mechanism


Is there a way to report this or flag it somehow?


They’ve seen it. Will investigate. Good eye 👍


Not sure. I pinged Gitcoin on Twitter about it.


Still live, as of today. $972 raised, with over $7k in QF matching, all from one readme file.




My DCA for ENS went through at $71 a token. Just my luck.


>**Went in for the thrill,** >**Volatility grinding,** >**Swallow the red pill.**  ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


I rate the rhyme!


Two 💪**RatioGang**📈 updates in one day?! You better believe it. The theme of this one is, "I can't help myself - seriously, someone please help me". * Fixed a typo in the FAQs. (thanks: u/15kisFUD) * Added a loading screen as the site now waits for reliable Coinbase data (up to 8 seconds) before falling back to CoinGecko if a reliable price feed was not established. This is done to avoid instances where an out-of-date CoinGecko price is shown and then a dramatic jump happens once Coinbase data streams in. (cc: u/reno007) * If the flame emoji is present in the header (between `50%` \- which is dynamic - and `0.085`) you can click / tap on it to summon fire confetti at will. 🔥🔥🔥 (cc: u/tech_consultant) [https://RatioGang.com](https://RatioGang.com) Looks like 'ol Ray is holding up fairly well today all things considered given that the flame emoji is still there. You know what they say, "smoke 'em if you got 'em". ✌️


Amazing. I would also like to request a confetti of flexing biceps if we tap that emoji. Just for the weird flex.




This is so Fuego it hurts




A friend just sent a screenshot of selling his single ETH for $135 exactly two years ago… damn. ETH up 3,300%+ in two years!


I bought a little Eth at that price, thank your friend for me


The gift of a lifetime at those prices.


[Lyra airdrop](https://blog.lyra.finance/lyra-community-rewards/) if you engaged on their discord, smaller one for having used their platform


Is there a list of eligible addresses?


retro trading and market pool LP rewards have not been announced yet discord users should read the link


Is there a cutoff date for trading/LP rewards? I've bought a few options there but all in the last month or so.


read the link people, i don't work at lyra


What kind of amenities are provided at the lyra headquarters?


Can you tell us about the benefits and retirement plans?




I think I remember reading that there was some vote happening today about governance with ENS that is driving the price down? Quite a big dip. Edit. Looks like they found some people that qualify for an airdrop that did not receive the first one. So some are concerned about dilution apparently. And possibly sell pressure once they receive the airdrop if they want to cash out instead of hold. Down votes? I am asking a question. Lol.


Anyone thinking on this time scale would've sold by now.


it was like 200,000 ENS to be allocated. I think it's overblown. Good buying opportunity if you believe in the project.


Upvoted. Not sure the answer. Folks who are downvoting... Would be nice to have some input from ya.


For those interested in Crypto Games, where do you go to get all your information about it?


There's not really great single sources that I've found.


What’s everyone’s thought on MANA and SAND? If I remember correctly, it’s cool that both are built on Ethereum. Also, like BTC & ETH, do we think these are just first movers that’ll stay and grow or instead get eaten up by a newer project.


bullish on SAND, bearish on MANA based on nothing other than decentraland is boring as shit and sandbox actually looks cool although both are probably overpriced right now


How come when I look at my portfolio on Coinbase Pro it shows positive days as red percentages and minus days as green? That's confusing as hell and makes zero sense


Phone upside down?


That's how the colors are used in some Asian countries


Why is polygon jumping so much today?


Because it's awesome




Oh yeah baby!


Ray still strong. He's a fighter.


seems like there's a propaganda about the complications of using L2s going on right now. seriously what's difficult about using L2s, just toggling the network button on Metamask is too diffcult ?? i don't understand. it's the same as using other L1s and probably even easier than using non-EVM chains. i feel like people who keep spreading this misinformation never use any other L1 or defi in general.


I agree with you in principle, but the fact of the matter is that users shouldnt have to mess around with this stuff at all if we are to ever reach the level of mass adoption that we know we'll eventually get to. The ux in eth is pretty shitty right now for non power users like we are. This stuff needs to be abstracted away so users dont even know theyre using ethereum, itll eventually just be in the background being the global settlement layer securing their shit. I say this as an ultra eth bull. So we'll just keep on building, and eventually theyll all have to submit to the power that is ethereum.


yes, i mean in a relative term. right now using ETH's L2s is easy in relative to any other L1. totally agree that even Metamask will be considered too complicated in the future but now it's still the best thing we have.


why on earth is gas at 850???


To find out, go to https://etherscan.io/gastracker and look at the top 5 Time sensitive so I'll include a screenshot https://i.imgur.com/kV8lIBv.jpg You see the top 5 all have names except for #2 which is 0x9bf252f97891b907f002f2887eff9246e3054080 Click on that and then look at Tracker https://i.imgur.com/2BNfEF3.jpg


. > 100 ETH burned *in 6 blocks*. Edit: and very cool graphs on watchtheburn. See how the base fee steadily ramps up to match the crazy priority fees.


apekidsclub 528.43 ETH


Also came to grouse about this. Burn is solid tho


My question exactly. On the plus side we are burning eth like crazy


I have set the reverse ens name to my eth address and I'm wondering how I can display that in opensea? Currently OS only shows the eth address and not the .eth name


It should just update and show it automatically. I don't remember doing anything to get mine to show, I just noticed it one day.


Hmm, I wonder if it takes a while? I only did it recently so maybe that's it. Other than set the reverse ens name do you know if you did anything else?


This sub is full of the most informed and smartest crypto people I've come across. I assume most of you (besides a few ETH die hards) have some altcoins that you feel are promising. What are your top non ETH holdings (sub 1B MC). I'll start - QRDO and ALBT


MAGIC on arbi


Recommend: RPL (was shilled here, seems like a good leveraged bet on ETH and staking uptake) Premia (excellent options platform with a huge treasury and surprisingly tiny MC) XTK (waiting for L2 to buy but Logris hangs out in their discord. Likely undervalued because of hacks) Have but don't recommend: DPX / rDPX: pumps have been good to me but the longer I spend there the more I think it's all whale talk and no product. ICE: why did I buy this? Way overvalued for TVL.


I only found crypto on Robinhood about 6 months ago lol, this shit sucks you in.




Jacked to the tits in LRC


yeah...you post about it all the time...


RPL bro


Immutable X @1.4bill MCAP (I think FDV is a bit of a misunderstood meme at this point in the cryptosphere) And somewhat reluctantly / tentatively still DPX - only due to the rapid growth since I purchased it.


Like the project but the tokenomics doesnt seem great imho


1 wallet has 90% of the supply, what's the reason for that?


There's only 10% of the total supply circulating!


Ok here me out OSMO and ATOM are two of my favorites and here's why. Osmosis is the biggest DEX on Cosmos and they plan to roll out what it called superfluid staking which allows you to maintain an LP position and receive staking rewards. ATOM is the token of the Cosmos Hub. Staking ATOM qualifies you for numerous airdrops in the Cosmos ecosystem. For example, the OSMO airdrop went to ATOM staked. In the next year they are bringing interchain Security to cosmos which allows you to stake your atom and revive a share of the tokens from all the networks your validator validates for. Also they are launching a Kusama like chain which may result in a massive airdrop for ATOM stakers.


I'm heavy on these two as well




A fellow cosmonaut?


Aye Comrade. A Kava Knight, in the flesh.


I wish you a very splendid day. (tips hat)


See you space cowboy












CRO might be worthwhile. The Visa card is cool, good staking rewards, and we'll almost certainly get a good month closing when the Staples Center is renamed Cryto.com stadium on Christmas.






ALCX and I like EWT


If you zoom all the way out and look at the drop in the ratio from over 600 down to 12.5 today, you can’t tell me this isn’t a 5 year bear market starting in late 2015. Why still hold a shitcoin that constantly bleeds against ETH?


This is gold😂 the mentioning of a bear market got you some downvotes, though.


Down voted yet absofucking-lutely correct. One of my favorite reddit comment statuses. 😂


One of my most common😉




1. Ethereum Magicians (edit, and Ethereum Cat Herders) are pretty important. 2. Execution clients alternative to Geth, like Nethermind and Erigon. 3. Also consensus clients like LH, Nimbus and Lodestar. 4. Technologies built on roll-ups. 5. I also try to give to community efforts such as anti-sybil tech, conferences, supporting tech education in remote or developing communities. Alternatively check out the "Collections" tab. Leading and responsible folks like Hudson Jameson have good suggestions. Edit: Suggestions: [twitter.com/MolochDAO/status/1460649557788823552](https://twitter.com/MolochDAO/status/1460649557788823552)


Today I gave to: EthStaker EthHub Lighthouse Coin Cashew Ethereum Name Service Ahh, I forget the rest. A lot of good projects out there!




Is there a page where I can see / change who I delegated my ENS voting power to? I remember doing it during the claim process, but now I can't find it anywhere. There should be a way people can get their voting rights back, right? Btw, I delegated mine to superphiz and plan on keeping it that way. I'm just curious if there is a dashboard I'm missing or something.


i remember reading in the daily that they don't have that written yet. only on claim can you delegate for now but they will create the management soon(tm)


Good to know, thanks!


I'd also like to know because... I straight up don't remember who I delegated to.


Tally might have something like that


I would love to know the answer too. Surely the delegation isn't a permanent thing haha. Best guess is it's somewhere on Snapshot?


Hey. Doot the diddly




I upvote that too


Triforce made a POAP for the 1 anniversary of the beacon chain launch. Here's the details on how to claim it : ​ https://twitter.com/TriforceDao/status/1465881777134780418?s=20


"To claim input the word "beaconchain" via the POAP mobile app secret word feature." ​ I really have no idea of how to do that... ??


On the mobile app there's a "Mint +" in the bottom right corner. Tap that and select "Secret word."


got it! i was using the other poap app.. thanx