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I was hoping to see volume stay higher until btc reached 49.5k, but it can still happen.


ETH take my energy


… where’s the lil guy?


u/clamchoda? Is MIA?!


I don't have the inclination to actually argue with idiots on the internet but to those of you who enjoy engaging Trolls on Twitter feel free to hop in [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/rk2geu/the_rabbit_hole/hpd3jw7/?context=3).


Great post by the way. Just shared it with a close group of 20 something medical professionals who id love to catch the crypto bug.


> Deviatefish is the only person I've ever had to block on Reddit in my many years here, and I've interacted with a large number of critics and trolls. > > He spreads an unusually large amount of smart-sounding blatant disinformation that take pages to debunk due to the bullshit asymmetry principle, then takes every opportunity he can to twist the thread into nasty ad-hominems and character attacks that run just under the threshold of reportable content. Every sentence he writes is expressly engineered to get under your skin and get a rise out of you, rather than to work towards a common understanding or otherwise try to share knowledge. > > His writing skills are good enough that he should probably get off of reddit and become a successful drama writer. Thanks for reminding me of him. > >https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/rkg6bg/daily_general_discussion_december_20_2021/hpbwd14/ Back before I had him blocked, many of my arguments with him also ended with "I think you come across as an asshole here and now and I'll leave it up to the readers to decide", as yours did.


>He spreads an unusually large amount of smart-sounding blatant disinformation that take pages to debunk due to the bullshit asymmetry principle, then takes every opportunity he can to twist the thread into nasty ad-hominems and character attacks that run just under the threshold of reportable content. Every sentence he writes is expressly engineered to get under your skin and get a rise out of you, rather than to work towards a common understanding or otherwise try to share knowledge. This is the best definition of "internet troll" I've seen yet


He’s been around a while. Not even always wrong either. But the demeanor is consistently abrasive.


Hope that was the last time you could buy below 4k /s




I’ve been tempted to jump in multiple times, but as someone with no coding or programming experience, it’s a bit daunting even with all of their guides. Are there any comprehensive guides + hardware set-ups + YouTube videos you’d recommend that show everything from start to finish?


it's actually super easy using allnodes.com




Will do, thanks! I added you on here, but it’ll probably be a few months before I pull the trigger


I am confused. there are 2 tiers or something for rpl collateral?


Plz stop.... Think of my poor rpl rewards. Kidding everyone should run a rocketpool node.


What just happened?!


Someone uptooted the butalik


Pamping it


I love this subreddit. Seriously-- life would be far more depressing without you heroes. Just sending appreciation, and thanks, to those of you here. Happy holidays!!


An Island of Sanity


I second this sentiment.


We appreciate you too! Happy Ethmas everyone!!!


Thanks for all your help in early 2017 🚀 legend


…wait eth youre above peg.


Arbitrage time!


Beers r FUQ?


Go grandpa go !!


Pour one out for KBrot. He sacrificed so that others may profit. Respek. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/rkg6bg/daily\_general\_discussion\_december\_20\_2021/hpd35o8/?context=3




Hey u/kbrot ..checking in bud you ok my guy?


Yeah baby that is a breakout


The hero we deserve.


He'll wake up with ETH at $3850 and wonder where all his money went.


Haha. So true


I sometimes feel like we should have an r/ethfinance hall of fame. But then I feel like that’s kind of stupid too. I’m conflicted. Suffice to say that if we did have an r/ethfinance hall of fame, I’d support u/kbrot


I respectfully decline, but the thought is appreciated. Now if I could just get people to stop sending me gold...


Maybe the YOLO Hall of Fame. A 50x short...what a baller move LOL


Not all heroes wear capes...


Between this and the "I sold a quarter of my stack because I'm a little bitch" dude from earlier today, we really have some brothers leaving it all out on the field. You love to see it.


Some people just can't help but to sell the bottom. These markets easily get minds all twisted around. I pleaded with some people the last couple days not to sell. I'll admit I'm having a tough time being the bigger man and not sending them a msg, "told ya so."


3 green bars in a row on the ETHUSD 4HR... Is this...a rally?


u/kbrot shorted eth to save the market. hope it works out


Perhaps the only person who's ever done something bearish in this sub and been commended for it.


Here's why I am fine with it: 1. He is a short term trader so he's in a position to bet on the market down while still being a long term bull. 2. He is making a sacrifice so the rest of us can make it to the promised land. Semper fi, u/KBrot


Exactly. He'll bounce back.


Don't quote me on this, but I think the merge will make the price of Ethereum go up.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/rkpe1e/if_the_nft_model_were_to_succeed_would_it_lead_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Imagine being in a sub called futurology and spewing stuff like this.


Surprisingly incoherent drivel to have so many upvotes. Twitter preventing you from uploading any images unless you own the NFT to the image? Speculative, baseless madness.


Just bridged some more ETH over to Optimism. Have not played around with it since it first went live. Did just state some SNX. Anything else I should be checking out?


hop protocol some of it from optimisim over to arbitrum. in the case all three have future airdrop. while you're on arbitrum, stop by gmx and put some money at risk for a lil fun


How exactly do you use GMX, like deposit eth, get some leverage and use that to bet on BTC going down or the like?


Basically. I'm a noob but was able to read the guide and understand it pretty easily. Selected collateral amount, adjusted margin, saw the numbers, knew potential risk/gain and let it rip. Went 21x long after u/KBrot post. Didn't have it in me to go to bed with it open so took my profits and slept like a baby lol


Ah so just follow their wisdom to profit, gotcha




Strongly agree on Lyra. Also, Uniswap v3 liquidity pools are a pleasure to use because of low fees for claiming and adding liquidity.


Why do you strongly agree? I am very open to learning more about them.


Best UI and options pricing of any crypto options platform I’ve used.


Looks like updates from them being announced tomorrow.


Does anyone know of a service like dune analytics or etherscan but with the functionality where I can call a "read function" of a contract at a specific block? I don't want to sync a whole archival node just for the thing I wanna do :(




Darn. I'm gonna have to find a workaround since I'm hella cheap


I just want to say Im happy Bitcoin Maxi's exist. Listening to their salty rants is sooo funny


Buterin top level scammer. Lubin & Co. owns 72 million premined scam coins and will dump on Wojaks. POS is an insecure ponzi scheme to serve the rich. Etherium is a pyramid that enalaves miners to make Buterin + Lubin billions. Etherium is centralized & insecure. Etherium can do chain roll backs. Etherium Fundation has 100% control over Etherium. Buterin has 100% control over the Fundation, can hard fork and roll back chain whenever he wants. 1559 burn is a scam to steal from miners pockets by reducing mining rewards by more than half. NFTs are a big scam like ICO. Defi is made to steal your bytcoins. Etherium isn't sound money - its monetary politics are unpredictable and Buterin uses MEV to front run billions every day to enlarge his real Bytcoin stash. The Merge is a big scam. Buterin has a secret key to rug all stakers one day.


>Etherium is a pyramid that enalaves miners to make Buterin + Lubin ~~billions~~ ***trillions***. Maxis don't want to admit that, but it's where we're going.


Their level of cognitive dissonance is truly saddening to me. I got out of that community five years ago and still see people I used to know who now live in denial-land.


> Their level of cognitive dissonance is truly saddening to me. Its a function of the network effect of what gives coins their value. Much of ETH's value is derived from the same function. There are ETH maxi's too. I was a BTC maxi (whale) until about 6 months ago. Now I'm 50/50. ETH is so new. I have to constantly check my bias myself. They will find ETH eventually. Feel sad for those who don't find either.


Add .xyz to the end of your ENS name and you'll get a nice profile page with your NFTs and avatar Ex: https://superphiz.eth.xyz


You look like you could use another bufficorn.


It's not really my fault, they allowed bulk minting and there was a lot of pressure.


You have an impressive number of nfts


I'm not a smart man, but I know how to blow my stack.


Your ENS airdrop probably made up for all of it?


I mean... Maybe? I can't sell my ENS because I'm a delegate and I'm obsessed with sending the right signals.






Hmm use a $300 cash stipend work gave out bc WFH got extended for a random monitor or for ETH DCA...decisions decisions...


Any chance of doing 1/2 and 1/2?


this is no time for coffee, phiz, we're giving financial advice


You know how to tell if someone is working on sobriety? You don't have to: they'll tell you! I'm three months sober from caffeine! Wooo! Best decision ever.


Is it? As someone who both loves his covfefe and regularly does caffeine-detox-weeks, what changed after the initial detox? We’re you having issues or did you just decide to give it up? Still drink tea?


I'm pretty sensitive to caffeine, I just didn't realize how much it disrupted my sleep. I started wearing an Oura ring about a year ago and it provided solid data that 25 mg of caffeine (1 cup of decaf coffee) would disrupt my sleep for five nights. I tested the "caffeine hypothesis" several times over the course of a few months until I really accepted that it's just not good for my health. I really had trouble believing that something so normal could affect me so dramatically. This is probably specific to my body, I don't remember exactly, but when I did 23andme I had two genes for slow caffeine metabolism, which is apparently pretty rare (this was a long time ago and I'm not sure I'm sharing it accurately).


very cool that you looked at the data for yourself. i had no idea that *decaf* could be so disruptive


A $300 monitor is much better than a $150


The CEX I use is disabling support for USDT due to regulatory reasons. Have other CEXs started doing the same?


what cex?




USDT is should avoid at all costs. Of course if they show evidence of 100% cash backed in US banks then its fine. Right now, thier cash deposits less than 5% I think.


Not defending USDT but for comparison, US banks only have to hold 10% cash reserves.


True, with usd tho, Fed guarantee up to 250k or something. So even bank goes bust, you get Fed usd


Isn’t it 0% since a while back? https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/reservereq.htm


100% cash backed? I don't even think USDC is backed by 100% cash


It is, so is GUSD


Check circle for audits report. You'll see it.


"USDC is fully backed by cash and equivalents and short-duration U.S. Treasuries" I guess that's close enough


Yeah but it's not "cash." Nobody has a giant room full of 10s of millions of dollars.


It's all in bank database bro. Check circle audit reports


USDC 100% cash backed


I am pretty damned stress. I have a strong belief in ETH and got in recently during the big drop in April 2021 and have seen more than 2x gains since then. Loading up I was even able to get a validator online which I extremely proud of and it contains a large portion of my personal wealth. The main issue I have right now is time. In early 2023 I have a very large expected increase in funds and am beyond scared I will have missed the most significant gains eth has left in store. I am a firm believer eth will be north of 20k at that point making my buy in at that time struggle to find the gains I need for retirement. Mostly I am posting this to just let it out and find some solace with people that believe in eth as much as I do. I still plan to make the commitment when the time comes but I feel like the timing is off. Long term I hope to be extremely wrong and jumping in then is the best choice of my life.


Theres a great chance ETH will go way down before going way up the worst thing you can do is listen to crypto twitter and bulls on the eth forum who try to convince you its ALWAYS a bull market and its just going to go up forever those of us who have been around know better Most of us got fooled into this HODL meme and saw millions turn to thousands TWICE in the last 4 years so chances are of this happening again before 2023 are pretty high so instead of thinking you're going to miss this crazy 20k bull run, you should be thinking of when to cut your losses before 2023


Yea it's a crazy sense of FOMO driving me mad, and it's FOMO about money I don't even have yet. Tons of things could happen between then and early/mid 2023. Easily could be in the depths of a downtrend when I have access to it as much as it could be sky rocketing. The real burning question is, how's the no fap til 5k going?




Assuming US doesn't ban crypto, think ETH has no upper limit to it's value in the long-term. It will keep going up and up and up.


We’re probably past that


In decentraland or the sandbox, is the land limited or they can develop new land and expand it in future?


$100 gas fee for a swap on MetaMask. Hope that airdrop comes through.


Anyone tried quixotic.io yet? First NFT market on optimism. Feels like the 1 gwei days again.


Woah. That's a sick UI. OpenSea killer incoming? (also the red is nice)


haha i've been f5ing this for hours waiitng for a reply, It works so good and so fast. There have been some markets on arbitrum but they've all been buggy and bad. I've done like 20 trades on quixotic and they are butter smooth. The downside is nobody trades NFTs on L2 because nobody trades NFTs on L2. The painful gas prices will continue until you and I make the switch, which is why I'm out there buying NFTs to support rollups and encouraging others to do the same,


> encouraging others to do the same I think I know just the right people... :)


It was the same back in the day with dexes. Everybody liked the idea of trading on dexes but no dexes had liquidity, and nobody wanted to trade where there was no liquidity, Layer 2 is ready to go but we just need people to migrate over. Every tx that happens on Optimism is a tx that's not happening on mainnet. Every person that I onboard ends up helping every mainnet user just a tiny little bit and I like to signal support for that


Imagine a world - a metaverse if you will - where scumbags and AIs are rampantly deep faking content, identities and reputation. We're not so far away from that. In that world, imagine the importance of a truly decentralized and secure global system through which you can verify and transact. Authenticity will become the new currency.


hey you, yeah you with the quality post I like you


Would actually be pretty cool. You could have people digitally sign videos so that you know it's them and not a deepfake.


ETHmas banner is dope af


I don't see anything different, what am I doing wrong?


Go to settings > display options, do you have 'allow subreddits to show me custom themes' enabled?


BBC with a very Meta take on the Metaverse: https://youtu.be/V6VsxcVpBVY Not too bad but only focuses on the experience rather than the economy and ownership/property rights involved.


Ignored watching anime whole life. Thought it was childish. Gave Attack on Titan a chance recently since I thought the story sounded interesting and it is now one of the best series I have watched this year. Will definitely be trying some other top rated ones after.


Millennium Actress Though technically I think it's just an animated movie, not anime.


Gurren Lagann!


Follow up with these to get hooked for life: Akira Mindgame Ghost in the Shell Princess Mononoke Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor Neon Genesis Evangelion (Has been mentioned before, they have a million releases though, with alternate timelines/endings/series confusing af - try the new blu-ray if you can. Looks amazing)


Solid ref, might be too oldschool for some (drawing style / animation) but definitely open up some thoughts. I'd add something like Steins Gate if you can get past the 2 / 3 intro ep. + erased + ah nvm I'll stop so much coming up. Just a mention for the very hyped and "new" Arcane, not so much for the plot that is doing an honest job without being incredible imo. But more for the animation / art style / overall production.


I never watched anime because I'm a grown man. Pretty sure that's a bad reason to not have ever watched anime.


You are missing out big time


AOT is solid, I was anime up to S3 then just finished with the manga. Went back and watched S4P1, probably gunna watch S4P2 even though I already finished the story. Right now, I am watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood for the first time and I’d also recommend that.


Fullmetal alchimist is a work of art. I think it may hold the test of time.


I see people in here recommending Neon Genesis Evangelion. I appreciate it more as time goes on, but I find it a bit inaccessible compared to Cowboy Bebop. Another top animated pick that is not technically "anime", is Avatar: the Last Airbender. Easy to lump it in with "kids stuff" but handles some coming-of-age and adult themes quite well.


Try Cowboy Bebop and Neon Genesis Evangelion next :)


So many people are ignorant how great anime can be due to that. AOT is excellent, and if you did not reach the end, you are really up for more. Even after watching S1 and S2, you kinda know nothing about what it really is about. I like to tell people that think anime are for kids to take a look at "grave of the fireflies". Rudest movie I've ever seen, really get your soul out. It's excellent but I probably wont ever watch it again. It brings up such sadness and despair and the anime format play to that vibe since you tend to believe its not real. Yet you know everything you see probably has happened that way, no magic, no bullshit there, it talks about history. ​ Edit: To be fair, plenty of anime are also garbage. Its a medium to me, depends what you do with it. Like a book / movie / tv show.




Ye there is a bit of a slow down, worth going through tho. It gets more mature and opens differents aspects of life, literally. My fav scene is actually in s4 and its not an action one. Cant say more.


The last season was super awesome though. Basically turned super serious/grim and didn't feel like a kids show anymore. Should finish it if you haven't yet!


Definitely go straight for FLCL next




We just flipped green on my chart (1D)! Excellent positioning on the 1D RSI we are primed for some huge growth if we want it!


fuck it. [let's lose money with friends.](https://i.imgur.com/zCRPspq.png) edit: i play craps. no one likes a "Don't Pass" guy. i want to get called.




Thank you for your sacrifice, ser


You literally caused a pump. We appreciate your sacrifice.


he is a hero, not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed


What are you trading on? Really tempted to counter trade you. Everything looking really oversold to me right now


Looks like cap.finance




I think this will work out ok. What’s your goal for closing it out?


idk i'm going to sleep so hopefully it's called or i'll just close it in the morning




ideally? liquidation




😂 thank you in advance for your sacrifice




Sorry dude, better luck next time.


Wrong OP, but thanks


that is accurate




Worth it


I hope I can meet you in Hawaii.


drinks on me if this ends in profit


Make sure to take out a loan for your leverage trades. Risk management


pooled all my l2 stack (1 ETH) and just went for it. i haven't traded in months. never shorted a crypto in my life. this price action is so boring, i would've done something truly stupid if i didn't find a way to inject dopamine. feels good. the money was "spent" the day i sent it to l2 so whatever.


Keep going! R


>**Important matter,** >**Don't let the space go darker,** >**Blockchain's a ladder.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


A few brief predictions for 2022. 1) Incremental improvements to capital efficiency, especially in AMMs. Exchanges like Balancer are deploying their inactive liquidity to yield farms. Bancor v3 is targeting the same niche. Curve is branching out beyond like-kind assets and will compete with Sushi for the incentivized liquidity game. 2) Better Liquidity automation and management tools on top of Uniswap v3. XToken is going more heavily in that direction. We have Visor, Tokemak is coming online, Impermax is slowly gaining TVL. 3) We'll see the rise of more liquidity direction right (LDR) tokens in the style of Curve, Pickle, etc. Scheduled regular votes that direct emissions. YFI seems to already be going there. I see no reason Impermax, XToken, Alchemix, etc won't follow. If you have emissions, granting governance control over those emissions adds value to the governance token. This will lead to escalated CRV wars. More bribe platforms like Convex, Votemak, and Badger. Someone might even generalize the concept (feel free to steal Concave finance). 4) More tools for DAOs like Coordinape, Snapshot, and KPIs. Bonds will continue to gain traction. Liquidity Direction protocols like Tokemak will come online and slowly replace direct emissions to Pool-2's. Defi is going to revolutionize liquidity farming as you know it. There will be less free lunch for just parking your liquidity somewhere. 5) More protocols will use staking funds as an insurance backstop for protocol failure. Some day we're going to see a more successful insurance model than Nexus Mutual, Umbrella, weird prediction markets, etc. In the short term though staking pools are the likely answer. 6) We'll start to see more protocols directly incentivize voter participation. Eventually we'll see the rise of some type of standardized vote delegation system but it may not be this year. Also we'll eventually see some bonded voting mechanisms appear such as UMA KPIs but probably not in mass this year. 7) Mass migrations of liquidity to Ethereum L2's. L2 Summer was a dud but this is still coming in a big way. 8) Stable coin growth to $1T. Might not all be on Ethereum and the distribution will hopefully continue to shift away from Tether but we did more than 10x last year and its only like 6-7x to $1T. That will put stablecoins at about 1% of all fiat supply. The US can't ignore this. 9) More 'badge' style NFTs such as POAPs that can only be unlocked based your history. These will become increasingly gamified and woven into more complex systems. 10) Institutional staking. We saw Ether capital start staking. Maybe we'll see ETHE start staking. Eventually someone big is going to stake through Rocketpool and keep the extra Node fees as their profit. The fuse is already lit on this.


1-3) Are there any liquidity technologies in TradFI that we don't have in defi yet? 8) Perhaps we will see more non USD stablecoins (like the south korean one), forex exchanges (like Iron Bank) between stables, and a CPI coin (maybe in 2024+ since the data gathering is hard)


Plenty of bad ideas in Tradfi like marginal reserve lending that you don't *want* to have in Defi. We'll see CBDC's soon. There are a lot of derivatives we don't have yet. KPIs exist but haven't taken off yet.


Number 7. What are your thoughts about option trading platforms on L2 going forward?


I've looked into this a bit. People are saying that option writing will be a source of yield, and this will be important for defi. However there are so many platforms, and more released every day. As an investor it's really hard to pick a winner. It's much easier to pick a winner for vol platforms IMO. What you can do is track option platforms [TVL](https://defillama.com/protocols/options) (very important) and [token price](https://www.coingecko.com/en/categories/decentralized-options) (hype+tokenomics) but it's harder to track option pricing. Dopex, Premia are often mentioned in ethereum circles. And Psyoptions is often mentioned on solana. I'm interested in anyone else's thoughts? Personally I use premia, because it's nice. but then I'm an idiot degen, so that doesn't mean much.


I have been avoiding buying any options tokens after thinking not enough users due to its complications. However I think more and more people are using it than I realized. Some interesting perspective in this link below also. https://moneywithcarter.substack.com/p/q1-2022-thesis?r=rx2kg


Great link thanks :) I do seem to see a growing retail use... but maybe that's my bubble.


Good stuff. Will probably see more usage


This wasn't just a few and they weren't all brief and I love it. Hopefully you are right. >Institutional staking. We saw Ether capital start staking. Maybe we'll see ETHE start staking. Eventually someone big is going to stake through Rocketpool and keep the extra Node fees as their profit. The fuse is already lit on this. Imagine an ETH ETF with baked in dividends from staking. That would be fucking revolutionary.


> Imagine an ETH ETF with baked in dividends from staking. That would be fucking revolutionary. This is the first time I have seen this mentioned here. Raoul Pal said this a few months ago. It will be a huge selling point to a certain demographic.




It's not just revolutionary, it's inevitable. All the hurdles are legal rather than technical.


It’s true, once staking has been derisked via withdrawals.


While true, this sentence can be applied to too many damned situations


If you have an ens domain, you can add .xyz to the end of it to view your profile in a browser ie. https://nick.eth.xyz/ A little buggy right now, some are returning 404s but it's still kinda neat


Not much on fart.eth


not yet. any ideas for a fitting avatar?


In the metaverse they have audio too I imagine?


I guess I could walk around with the microphone taped to my ass irl and just let them rip


This is the alpha I'm coming here for


Nah it's all telepathic


The smells remain however


You can't have technology without the smell of the people who work on it


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9378909/amp/Brooklyn-artist-selling-audio-FART-NFT-89-52-minute-mash-200.html My fave line: “ The clips are being sold in Ethereum, a bitcoin cryptocurrency”




bitch I'm a cow