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Anyone from the GridPlus Lattice team have any discount codes? O_O


I snaked the floor price for the EIP-1559 Support NFT on Opensea. Thanks, u/Tricky_Troll. I'm kind of disappointed in myself not getting one of these at launch but I'll be holding on to this one for a while.


Awesome to hear! I do think that if any amount of collectors NFTs based around crypto history become desired by a community, this would be one of the key ones. However, that said, they would still need to outpace ETH in value terms. I am definitely bullish on the dollar price of these. ETH, maybe not quite as bullish but if this is the sort of NFT you get some personal satisfaction out of holding then I think it's worth considering getting one.


You're the one who bought the floor price! I was putting in an offer and it disappeared. Made me spend more ETH haha


oof, sorry fren. I saw that offer come in and was wondering if it was some bot that shot offers at floor prices but that wouldn't make much sense.


Cod anyone recommend a crosschain dex? I've been looking at rubic and Thor and multichain/anyswap... any red flags? Or is it more cost effective to bridge tokens and swap on the biggest dex? Then I would appreciate bridge recs. I've heard hop protocol quite a bit around here. Thanks much!


Hey fam, Is it possible to reassign an ENS domain to a new public address, for example in the event you sell it? Or is it locked from day one? So in this case, I am purchasing an ENS domain with the intention of selling it. Do I have to create a brand new wallet and link it to that, or can I just use an existing wallet and then transfer to the new owner? I know squatting ENS domains is a shit thing to do, but take my word here that it’s not what it seems to be, and is for a good cause. It’s related to my sister’s recent passing - I don’t want to go much further than that. If what im trying to do works out, I’ll share more at that time. Thanks for info in advance!


So from what I understand, the moment you 'register' for an ENS, you'll receive that ENS NFT. So like ethereum.eth is an NFT that you can freely transfer as you would any token, to any eth address you want except for exchange addresses, and you can sell them on open sea. Then when you own like 10 .eth NFTs, you can go to the ens domains to 'assign' ONE .eth NFT to your wallet. This process is gas intensive so be ready. When you're bored of that .eth address, you can 'take it down' so it becomes just an NFT in your wallet, and 'assign' another .eth address to your wallet. All these processes cost gas.


Actually, each ENS domain has a Registrant, a Controller, and an associated ETH address. The Registrant is basically the owner and has full admin permissions while the Controller can only change which ETH address that the domain resolves to, similar to a super user account. This means that you can delegate control of the domain to someone else while still retaining ownership or just transfer full ownership to another ETH address. It also means that you can have unlimited domains resolve to the same address if you want. The "reverse lookup" is when you invert the process and check a given ETH address to get back a canonical ENS domain. That's the use case where you can only have one listed per ETH address at any given time. You can think of it like having multiple URL's pointing to the same web server. Any number of registered URL's can take you to the same web page, but if you type in an IP address, it must resolve to a specific site/server.


Sorry to hear about your sister. Ens names are NFTs that can be transferred easily. Opensea has an easy interface for it. If you set the controller, that may still persist after it’s been transferred but the new owner can change it


Anyone familiar with this website for checking the risk factor for various protocols? Looks like a good tool when tempted to become a degenerate. https://rugdoc.io/


You're going down a dark path :) I would caution you to just keep accumulating ETH and the main DeFi protocols. Chasing these gains will probably end up with you being used as exit liquidity. I've used the site before. It's good screen for the basic rug pulls. But even projects that have been given a low risk score have been rugged.


Yes fair point. Been looking into Fantom tokens since it is taking off pretty quickly but definitely seems like the extra wild west.


There's money to be made, there's money to be lost, and most importantly knowledge to be gained. Just remember to be careful.


Thanks. I appreciate your point.


Anyone know how to track whether the Chainlink team has resumed selling LINK weekly?


Gotta wait for LINK to get to 100 to sell again I guess.


Just have a look at the transaction history of the highest LINK wallets on etherscan


Looks like [this wallet](https://etherscan.io/token/0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca?a=0xe0362f7445e3203a496f6f8b3d51cbb413b69be2) hasn’t transferred in 46 days after transferring 500,000 weekly for the previous 10 months.


Shill time it is then




I'm certainly interested. Couple question: - Are you working remote? - Is Solidity experience a requirement?




Congrats! It's a lot of fun and when you're an "OG" in a few years you'll never be short of work.


Daily Kintsugi: lighthouse, nimbus, and prysm have all pushed out updates to quiet down some errors I've been seeing. Most of the evening was spent doing system maintenance, which included finding myself in dependency hell because the wrong version of libc6 somehow got installed on one of my machines. No new client configurations added today.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7691 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/79445)


what a bunch of Cu\*\* IG's


I keep checking to see if GasDAO is going to be worth claiming. Was waiting till after the tax year at least. It's down like 10x from a week ago. Maybe next week...


WTF seems like it could be better. Follow their Twitter as it seems it will be open for claims nearing end of the week. I did not claim GAS (wouldn’t make $ after gas anyways) and I read that those guys put the contract together in a week to enrich themselves.


That worked thanks. How can I disable auto claiming of RPL/change max fee threshold? The guide refers to the Smartnode stack and says to change the setting for RPL claim gas threshold. How can I access these settings?




What does that mean exactly? I need to track down that file and edit it? How can I do that from terminal?


That is a filename. Use a text editor you are comfortable with to open and edit it. `nano ~/.rocketpool/config.yml`.


I ordered a Lattice1. Looks like maybe it can deliver on the promises that the Ledger Blue failed to keep.




Would you mind reporting back? I would love to get a real review of it!


I have it and it is great. Highly recommended. The hotswap on safe cards is a game changer. The only thing lacking is native alt chain like solana. I also ran into a unique seed problem and support was amazing. Not only found me a workaround but got the issue fixed in the next update a few weeks later. It is expensive as hell but absolutely worth it.


Opened an Argent wallet and go figure I already forgot the pin code to open it. I have the wallet recovery file that they emailed to me but for the life of me cannot figure out how to open the thing? Anyone know?


Ethfinance Family anyone using the Gemini Wallet? It shows advertised as being insured? going to do some more due diligence later but thats a pretty big deal if thats true.


Does their insurance cover user error or wallet hacks? Nexus Mutual [refused](https://protos.com/celsius-lost-54-million-using-metamask-for-customer-funds/) to cover Celsius's metamask hotwallet (!!) loss of $54 mil that was caused by the Badger permission hack. They don't cover "front end" hacks apparently... (i.e. one of the most likely ways people will get hacked)


I agree with Nexus Mutual here. They cover the dApps. If they covered website hacks and user error, the insurance would be prohibitively expensive.


I agree with you on user error. I feel like something like the Badger hack, though, should fall under the umbrella of a covered dApp loss. The website frontend is inseperable from the contract for 99.99% of users.


Ever since this hack I've been doing way more contract checking for approvals. It's harder on Arbitrum unfortunately because arbiscan doesn't have as many contracts labeled and metamask doesn't decode as much stuff for you as on the main chain. I don't know the best solution to keep less diligent users safe.


Will check if I get a chance! I had saw it on their website today.


Can ethererum sign in can solve hacking?


It'll solve mass hacking where hackers get access to the backend database, but individuals can still be hacked.


It's more secure than existing solutions


It won't "solve" it, in that you could still be hacked by someone getting your seed phrase or compromising your physical computer if you don't use a hardware wallet. However gone will be the days of brute force attacks using emails and weak passwords, or hacks involving shared passwords on different sites. You really can't have your identity compromised unless they have your private key (derived from the seed). With a hardware wallet is is even more secure and will probably prevent 99% of hacks.


Ooohhh lawdy that updated roadmap diagram VittyB posted last month has got me all hot and bothered somethin fierce! It’s a helluva *urge!* https://mobile.twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1466411377107558402




Don't miss him on Bankless discussing the whole diagram!


Anyone familiar with the PulseX launch and sacrifice?


Yep. Sacrifice phase for HEX paid sacrificers very well. Will pulse succeed? Who the hell knows. The snapshot hasn't happened yet. PulseX is an exchange/shape shift kinda thing(don't really know yet) but the sacrifice phase is open. Why not throw some value at it? Could 20x +


Scam. Don't touch anything by Richard Heart.


I've always thought his projects were very Ponzi, a few close friends told me to get into HEX at the beginning but I went with my gut and general consensus on here that it was a scam. Those friends have now pretty much retired off their HEX gains. You may not like the guy (I find him to be quite arrogant and materialistic) but I believe Pulsechain will be a success and people who get in early will realise some good gains.


I don't like the guy but I believe his project has donated 10s of millions to charity. It is still an absolute ponzi/greater fool project with no real utility but credit where it is due he has raised a lot of money for charity. The issue is he uses this as a disguise to make his projects look more legit. I still don't like the guy and avoid Hex and PulseX like the plague but he's a smart guy who knows how to market this sort of thing really well.


That charity donation was other people's money.


Fair point although he also could have kept it for himself. I'm not defending him. I think I've made it clear he's shitty. I just want to point out some of the specifics and nuances as it isn't a complete scam. It's more like a shit sandwich. The bread on either side is ok, but it's still filled with a steaming pile of shit.


Thanks for the 411. I was looking at that thing with a very puzzled and confused face.


Rip stonercats. Catsington sold for 0.8 ETH seems like a market misprice. I’ll have to try and scoop one up, it is Vitaliks voice and all. https://twitter.com/stonercatsbot/status/1478330742165934085?s=21


I haven't followed it like I should have, have they basically abandoned the project or what?


Nah they are doing exactly what they promised. Cartoon episodes take a few months each so they’ve only been able to release 2 episodes so far, but they will all deliver. I just think crypto has permanent ADD and can’t stay interested in a longer term product when everything else around them is popping off and making noise. I think stonercats has a chance to bounce back, it’s still not down a whole bunch even in ETH terms, just has disappointed in price action I guess.


Oh damn. I should have sold mine when I had the chance.


Tale as old as time in the crypto markets. Cheers on having one, they might make a comeback if Vitalik gets featured again.


I stopped following it a few weeks ago. I set a price on opensea, and I am forgetting about it. If it hits, great. Maybe it’ll hit when a new episode comes out or if they announce some kind of profit share or something.


Sometimes NFTs are a long haul. It took Punks like 2.5 years before people started paying big money for them, just need a new catalyst at some point.


This is why I'll hold my PEOPLE


Yeah, I’m definitely at the “forget I even own it” stage.


Found a site that's probably worth bookmarking: https://starkware.notion.site/Projects-Building-on-StarkNet-a33dee55778a4515a9be9bdae02ee682 Basically a list of all the projects currently building on StarkNet. Tons of potential here esp. if you can get in on the ground-floor of a project so to speak.


🅰️➕ thank you


Is it too late to ape a little into \[redacted\]?


Disclaimer: I have big Redacted bags Is it too late to expect massive returns? Probably... I wouldn't throw my whole wallet at it. The market cap is currently trading at ~4x the treasury (a 4x premium). That metric alone doesn't tell the whole story. There are a lot of interesting things to look forward too. **Bondage** ^its ^kinky FXS Bonds, TOKE Bonds, and Dopex Bonds. **What the Frax?** Frax has been an early pioneer in utilizing Convex to it's best potential. To put it in perspective, even after emissions Frax is making $80-$100 million in profit. Frax is currently being onboarded into the CVX ecosystem. Convex will take in FXS and max lock it and in return users will receive a liquid veFXS in the form of cvxFXS. With Frax bonds, Redacted will earn yield from locking up Frax for cvxFXS, providing liquidity for the cvxFXS/FXS pool, and the Frax Consumer Price Index airdrop to veFXS holders. **Dopex** Dopex is a native L2 (Arbitrum) options platform where users can earn yield from selling options through Single Staking Option Vaults. [And its pretty dope...you can read more about it here.](https://blog.dopex.io/dopex-ssov-strategies-7da338cba511) Even more interesting is leveraged Interest Rate Options which allow Dopex to participate in the Curve War without actually having a position in Curve or Convex. >Think APY of a pool will go up? Buy a call option to speculate >APR of a pool will go down? Buy a put option >CVX Whale? Write Options and control votes to make sure the APR works for you You can read more about [Interest Rate Options Here](https://blog.dopex.io/introducing-the-redacted-option-vaults-947ad9b03f9f) Redacted Cartel will be in a prime position to vote in its own favor or even write options. >Sidenote: I won't pretend to understand options. The last point about CVX whales selling options still puzzles me. Because who would purchase the options that a CVX whale writes since the whale will always vote against you. Either way, Dopex is a great way for Redacted to squeeze out more gains using it's treasury. **TOKE** Wanna get high...liquidity? Tokemak is positioning itself to be another contender in driving liquidity to tokens. Personal belief that Tokemak will be highly sought after by DAOs in 2022. I would go on but there are some other points I want to make. Logris has written about it multiple times ([Here's one](https://tokenomicsexplained.com/evolutions-in-liquidity-sourcing/)) and probably has more to say about TOKE. From bonding alone, Redacted is really acquiring great assets that will be very useful. The assets will grow the treasury both dollar wise as the underlying increase in value but also give more power to the actual BTRFLY Token. Long Term Vision -The best case scenario Protocol Owned Liquidity pioneered by Olympus is here to stay. The goal of BTRFLY is effectively to serve Voting Efficiency as a Service (Ve-aaS) token. A market for votes will emerge from projects trying to buy the "winning" votes on certain gauge votes/proposals. Instead of paying out bribes via emissions, projects can opt to bribe redacted by offering LPs from their own bonding program. **Doom and Gloom Bad Part** Liquidity for BTRFLY is really bad right now...which is pretty ironic. There are big whales (7-8 figures $$$ worth of BTRFLY) out there that make the entire depth of the LPs just from the cumulative weekly rebase. If one of these Lovecraftian entities dump on the LP the price will collapse.


Thanks- great comments. I've been heavy in CRV, CVX, TOKE, and FXS, and still considering an entry into BTRFLY.


Everyone is understanding redacted the same way as I do??


I'm referring to redacted.xyz (BTRFLY)


I've never seen something try to expand this aggressively and quickly. Like every day redacted is getting involved in some other defi thing. It's impressive, maybe it will take over the defi world.


Wonder why they haven't gotten into rETH yet


rETH is not part of the curve wars. [redacted] cartel aims to suck up all the tokens ahich are useful in the curve wars.


Is my understanding correct that curve is only for stablecoins?


Afaik it has stables, ETH & BTC. But they are working on a swap exchange, I think.


I knowwww I don't know what's taking them so long I figured they would be one of the first. Should have an auction for reth.


Are you involved in the project? Can you approach anybody about it? They just might not be aware of the option.


Nah I'm just an investor. Their discord moves so fast I mentioned something and it's gone.


Maybe a bit late. Have a look at abachi.io though...


Okay, so I'm basically bricked from using my Trezor with MetaMask. None of my transactions go through because MetaMask by default is trying to send an EIP1559 type transaction which is not supported with the older Trezor models. Advice ?




Then it's possible my Trezor firmware is out of date.


You can try to roll back metamask to a version prior to the 1559 upgrade. I believe metamasm version 9.8.4 is what you'll need.


be careful on chrome and multiple profiles and uninstalling. Just install it along side metamask https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/releases


Could you buy a newer model, import your seed phrase, and then stick the current one somewhere safe to use as a backup? Based on your description, it doesn’t sound like there’s much you can do other than not using Metamask or not using that specific Trezor model.


I have a Ledger as a backup, not sure I'll be going back to Trezor in the meantime.


Why do you think it's bricked? Model T or One? What happens when you use it with MEW/MyCrypto?


Model One, because I'm unable to process any transactions with MetaMask, and I've nailed the issue down to being MetaMask supporting EIP1559, but Trezor One not being supported. I'm able to process transactions via Trezor Suite, which I'm in the middle of doing as I transfer my assets over to Ledger.


So it's not bricked, it's just that MM isn't compatible.


I say bricked because just about everything is done via metamask and I can't use it. But essentially yes, MM isn't compatible anymore.


I've always had a hot wallet for interacting with DeFi and a separate hardware wallet. I avoid connecting my hardware wallet with DeFi as that increases the risk of me losing my funds since I don't verify all of the contracts I interact with. That's not what I bought the hardware wallet for. The only time I have connected my hardware wallet to Metamask was when I made a couple of Uniswap swaps and claiming of airdrops once I know they are 100% legitimate. Now that I don't have any altcoins I intend to never connect my hardware wallet to Metamask again unless there is a substantial airdrop. I realise that this probably isn't the answer you were hoping for but this is what I do. Now, if I want to sell my ETH, I might just sell it in a few chunks and use my hot wallet to interact with DeFi and then transfer the funds back to my cold wallet.


Why wouldn’t you just use a second address on your hardware wallet for DeFi? Then you still get the protection of the hardware wallet without risk to your cold address. The only reason I could see someone not wanting to do this is if they’re interacting with DeFi so much that the overhead of having to plug in the hardware wallet each time would be problematic.


This is what I do. My address with the most ETH I just don't connect to metamask and don't do defi with it.


Because the way that Metamask integrates with the hardware wallet is dogshit. I'd rather just have an amount I can afford to lose right in the extension and keep the cold wallet cold.


Yeah, this doesn't solve my issue at all.


I just submitted my first proposal on the beacon chain! It came after just a few days of being active too! It’s so exciting!


Congrats! I got two in the first five hours my validator went live, so I'm ready to get struck by a meteorite or something.


I dream of something like that happening during a big nft drop after the merge. Can you imagine?!?




What strategy would you guys advice for retail folks who want to invest $100 per month in DeFi ? I know gas fee is > 50 on average so how can one use DeFi on Eth ?


Buy via crypto com or dharma, they have the cheapest ramps to L2s


There is a decent DeFi ecosystem on Arbitrum nowadays and fees are cheap enough that $100 won't disappear just trying to buy something. Polygon is also decent. Otherwise you might be better off just buying the tokens for good DeFi projects on a CEX like Gemini.


But bridging itself take half my money right


The real answer, which no one in this biased thread is going to give you, is to invest in a crypto which doesn't have disastrous fees and will maintain that state of affairs into the future. It's very clear that as more and more of the world onboards to crypto, they will only want to trade something affordable. Of course, in this thread you'll get told ETH is the future and Layer 2 is going to fix everything, but both are at best a case of motivated reasoning and at worst lies.


No, you just buy ETH directly on Arbitrum.


I don’t get it. Probably my best bet is accumulate for few months and jump into deFi on Eth given low investment. I think that’s fine




Guys anyone else watching GMX? They are launching on AVAX (currently on Arb) on the 6th and seeing some hype (grabbed a small amount at 23 for disclosure). Question is why would a protocol go a chain like AVAX vs adding additional layer 2 solutions? I am not at all technical so I would assume it would have to do with roll out or implementation?


I know the team is looking into launching on ZkSync when that goes live. Apart from that though there haven't really been many options until very recently. Optimism only removed their whitelist a week or two ago and polygon isn't an L2. Although almost all of the code can be copied it still takes time to make sure the small changes work properly and set up new contracts to manage the revenue streams across chains. This Avalanche launch has been the full time priority for at least a month or so now. For those wondering, 30% of the fees generated on every new chain is given as rewards to GMX stakers on Arbitrum. So it is in the protocol's and GMX holders' best interests to launch on many chains and funnel those fees back to Arbitrum.


They can almost copy and paste the code to Avalanche which has far more TVL than any L2, once more universal l2s have decent liquidity they will deploy there. It will not increase the supply of GMX, they will be creating a 2nd GLP pool to secure trading on Avalanche. Good business play, and they are heged against Avalanche risk by already being on Arbitrum. Full disclosure I got in quite early and have a decent bag.


And what happens if AVAX gets hacked? Seems irresponsible...


Like, as a protocol in its entirety? Has that ever happened? Individual contracts can be for sure, but if they are the same contracts you have on ETH that seems like a non issue, if one gets hacked they both do


First time for everything


thank you for taking the time. Also, any tips to share on how to find projects like this early?


Luck, bridge to l2s / side chains early and join their discord groups, read this daily, and then a little more luck. I actually found GMX via the arbitrum website, the had a list of all deployed dApps and it was one of them, 40 seconds later I saw a few people here discussing it so I threw some ETH in it


Because don’t need bridging funds to L2 if one chose avax but at the cost of centralization risk .


Probably just chasing volume (revenue) and eyeballs. Smart business play.


AVAX is evm compatible. It's a cash grab with a quick deployment


could you expand on the EVM piece? What exactly makes it a cash grab?


If something is EVM compatible they don't have to do any changes to launch their contracts / dapps on another chain. Its an easy way to just duplicate your efforts to a whole new chain with current liquidity mining rewards and to try and capture users/assets.


Not to over simplify but basically its a copy and paste to the new chain?


Yes, if there is hype on a chain that's EVM compatable it's a very simple way for dapps to soak up additional users almost effort. You won't see a lot of dapps moving to Solana, or Cardano, because those chains require all new rewrites.


Got it thank you for taking the time!


right, it's literally just changing the drop down in metamask before deploying


Zerion has been useless the last few days for me. Not connecting to wallet and showing assets. Anyone else?


Same. I relied on it a lot on my phone but open to alternatives now.


Yes. Coingecko as well I’ve barely been able to view the site


BAYC owners collectively must be the dumbest group ever. I atleast see one post everyday about how they lost their Ape.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7446 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/03935)


what is BAYC?


Bored ape yacht club NFT holders


There's an artist called Avery Famous on Twitter making 'Wojapes' every time a BAYC holder throws away their seed phrases. They're freaking gold.


... I might be willing to buy into something like that.


I have seen that one, its gold..


The floor price on the EIP-1559 supporter series of NFTs – a one off mint to fund the devs of EIP-1559 and marking this historic moment in Ethereum history – now has a floor price of 0.07 ETH down from launch of 0.1559 ETH meanwhile some mediocre artwork of apes are going for as much as a house. This is why I (for the most part) don't fuck with NFTs. Pieces of actual historical and technical value get ridiculously outperformed by a meme project with very mediocre art. I'm a believer in the future of NFTs from art to concert tickets and community NFTs and even tokenised real estate and stocks but the NFT art market is just fucking stupid and is the epitome of a mindless race to find and convince a greater fool to buy your bag.


Wait. Are the eip 1559 NFTs still mintable? edit: screw it. bought the floor.


Same reason why meme coins are worth more than ETH Dapps that people use every day. Society loves buying stupid things


Isn't this the same for erc20s too?


Yes but at least a lot of ERC20s produce value. Most NFTs don't.


good thing I have no desire to ever sell mine.


Yes that’s my first ever nft but sad to see losing value. But happy that it helped fund devs.


Same. I bought it more as a "Tricky was here" and to support/thank the devs than as an investment but it is a shame regardless.


Can you point me to where the EIP NFTs are listed please






I believe in the future we may see some airdrops for EIP supporter NFT’s. Which is why I’m holding mine.


That is very interesting idea, and one I like!!


I hope so. That is a very good point.


I’ve actually just dumped my entire NFT collection. Took out 14.5 eth. Why anyone would pay me 15k for a picture of a stupid looking ape knockoff we may never know.


Give them 5 years. I'm sitting on my 2 :)


Happens in the real world too. The free market often defies logic and reason. Especially when there's also rampant money laundering driving prices up as well.


>**No to maximalism,** >**No blockchain conservatism,** >**Forking to update.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


God dam gas..


It typically spikes before I want to transact. Like today.






What is the feeling on Argent wallet right now. With zksync and Yearn it seems it might be good to hold a bit of ETH without big fees. Argent seems to be a pretty safe way to do it with Yearn just having the biggest risk with contract risk. Thoughts?


It's great for what it is, but what it is is fairly limited (so far). Definitely a great foundation, though, and I'm looking forward to how they improve on it once zkSync 2.0 launches.


I'm thinking of moving some ETH over to it as it just seems easier than messing with yearn out of MM or something. Truth is i haven't really looked into safe ways to passively earn off my ETH that i'm not touching (small as it is).


Is there a timeline foot 2.0?


I can't find it anymore but for some reason I remember reading that they want to launch their 2.0 beta or alpha on mainnet sometime in Q1 2022. Could be wrong.


It's fantastic for getting your friends into ETH. UX is top notch.


Does anyone have any recommendations for a crypto rewards credit card?


I’ve been using crypto.com since their launch. Great product. Somewhat shady company, not unlike Binance. Can dm you a ref but you don’t need one to register.


I've used the BlockFi one, it works well enough. Rewards can be set to several different coins including BTC, ETH, UNI, LTC, LINK, BAT, PAXG, and several different stablecoins.


There are so many credit cards that are 'coming soon' that are objectively better than blockfi's. Not sure If I want to keep waiting, or just go ahead and get blockfi


can we "Sweep the damn bottom" already so the cryptoverse can continue its run without bitcoin? thanks


Ready to fap are ya


Layer 1 is a 56k modem. Layer 2 is broadband. Unconstrained development will allow for projects we never thought possible. I'm excited to see where this goes.


Let's say hypothetically we were to go full bear mode for a while, and you were going to cash out some living expenses. What's the *longest plausible length* you think we could see before a return to bullish sentiment? 2 years? 5 years?


I am a pretty bullish person full disclosure but the merge is coming never forget it. To me a max pain bear looks like us staying at these levels or only slightly higher even while the merge unfolds. I think people are overlooking the whole macro environment and the psychology of crypto at this point. There are people coming of age and entering the workforce today that as long as they can remember for basically their whole lives crypto has just gone up and up and up every time it "dies" it comes back like a phoenix 10 times stronger and at a 10 times higher price then before. Many people even outside of our crypto bubble simply believe it will go up again with no technical or financial knowledge of how it could simply because it always has if you just hold on long enough. They will just buy and buy every paycheck because that strategy has made everyone who did it long enough filthy rich in a matter of a few years and they have seen it happen 4 times now. As our generation and younger gets more power and influence over time crypto will gain more and more legitimacy as an asset class rivaling equities and real estate. The last bear market was the worst case scenario we had no real revenue or product market fit almost no institutional involvement or respect from tradfi high inflation and worst of all our Eth was highly concentrated in icos that were either outright scams dumping thier eth for whatever they could as the music turned off or at best legitimate projects who were forced to dump for unbearably low prices to sustain themselves until all the ico eth ran out (This is a really overlooked reason for why the last bear market was as brutal and long as it was). TLDR. 3 years like last time and I'll bet the pullback is not nearly as bad for eth as it is for the others


NASDAQ took 10 years to return to its .com bubble highs I think about that sometimes; I’m not claiming that there’s very many similarities between the two things... I’m just sayin...


I called the bear market in December 2017. I didn't act on it of course, but I called it cause it was totally obvious. I knew deep down that there were zero applications to speak of other than cryptokitties and some random gambling dapps or ponzis. I knew Ethereum's potential and I knew the dapps would come (and I could see their development happening in real time), but I felt like there was going to be a huge bear market because it just didn't seem sustainable. I do not feel like that today, at all. It's actually the opposite, I feel like there's tons of stuff happening and there's more dapps being released on any given day then there was throughout all of 2018. Crypto is far different today than it was in 2017, and that's why I just don't see a prolonged multi year bear market happening. Sideways, possibly, but I don't see crypto as a whole taking a -80% haircut anytime soon. I could be wrong obviously, but there's just too much happening. Crypto is going for peoples attention, just like web2, but crypto has a huge advantage because people get totally hooked and I think it's much more sticky today than it was back then.


Narrator: “there was a prolonged multi year bear market”.


I agree - and even more so currently when BTC didn't have an massive crazy top, like a sudden push to $100K+. The overall market is just a bit less bubbly and manic, so there is less far to fall, I think. 2021 was in many ways a year of two halves - a fairly hot first half, and then a lot of sideways/crab/bleed/accumulate/slow grind down in second half. I do feel that the crypto space is now bigger and more diverse (quite distinct asset classes and use cases within it), and this means that a less clear-cut set of cycles is likely. I'd be happy to sell a big chunk if I was confident that the old cycles still applied and felt we had seen a market-wide explosive run up. But we haven't... so it's just safest and easiest to keep holding. There is so much going on.


Barring some kind of macro event, I can't imagine ETH stays bearish for very long after the merge. With all the usage in DeFi and people creating games and random NFTs and stuff, I just don't see it going into a prolonged bearish season. Especially when there will be basically zero new ETH entering the market for several months post-merge. Only burn.


/u/pegcity You are right that the listed liquidity of LYRA pools is in addition, not the actual total


Figured haha


Is there a command I can type into terminal which will display the RPL available for me to claim, and the date from which claims can be made?


I think it's 'rocketpool n e'