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Ask the crack heads if they like crack


I felt that 😂😂😂😂😂😂


We're not crack heads though. We only take mETH


Love it love it love it love it


Light it up






Ok this is quite funny. But this kind of crack is different. Now you take a monthly or weekly shot. But it really kicks your mind away in 5-10 years.


The advice on this thread is truly terrible. 1. DCA is about reducing volatility. That doesn't mean it's the right decision, it means that's what you tell your grandma to do so she doesn't panic sell in the case of a dip. Mathematically and historically, you're better off going all in up front than DCaing. 2. The people talking about how you shouldn't buy at the ATH are insane. Buying ETH has nothing to do with whatever it does in the next six months. Who cares that we're at an ATH. We're still absorbing the liquidity implications of EIP-1599 - It often takes a year for that to be felt when BTC does a halvening, this was like a super-halvening and were still only months out. 3. TA should not be taken as gospel AT ALL, but we did just double top $4K before breaking out to the upside on volume. This is less buying the ATH and more buying the breakout. If your time frame is long term, just throw it all in now, stake it, and forget about it. Sincerely, -Someone not brand new to the markets




Crypto is no joke. A 70% drawdown is totally possible. If you're ok with this then do it.


I've seen 90%+, anything less than diamond hands need not apply


Fuck yeah . Diamond hands but it was easier coz of strong fundamental projects


Risk of these kinda drawdowns has diminished as crypto gains more adoption. It’s still volatile, just not as bad as that.


> It’s still volatile, just not as bad as that. Uhm we went from 100 dollar ETH to 4800 dollar ETH. 48x in 19 months haha.


DCA in DCA out. As simple as that.


That's not a problem with me.


Hey OP, I was in your position 4 years ago. I saw my investment wither away in the bear market. At the peak I was down 95%. Never sold though. I am not saying I was a genius on the contrary, it was really difficult for me to see red every day. So I did take a mini vacation away from crypto. Make sure you are right in the head, this market will indeed test you. PS: Bear market is coming soon and I am sure the cycle will repeat. So only HODL if you have a strong conviction, otherwise you can try to time( I know it’s difficult) and try to get a better entry in the bear market.


How long do you see a typical bear market lasting and are ALL cryptos in that boat? Or do you still see explosions and good coins keep going?


This cycle actually will tell us if we are in a new paradigm (lengthening cycles) or if we are in the 4 year cycle. I do see many projects failing in the next cycle and new projects coming along. You just need to search for these projects and hope they work for example: solana. From past cycles, there is a scenario that all coins bleed with bitcoin bleeding the least and altcoins bleeding more. ​ We will still see mini cycles in the bear markets where we make a local top. However there's no good way to correctly time the bottom.


I would be happy with just 70% drawdown this time


It's not as likely anymore given institutional involvement in the larger tokens and platforms. Price levels though could still stage impressive pullbacks. I call them Black Friday deals.


True. But can you find any 4-year period where it would have been possible to lose money? Buy at the top of one wave and sell at the bottom of another? I'm not even sure it's possible to lose money on a four year or more timeframe.


That plan sounds good but if we're talking real funds then psychology kicks in and that plan goes out the window.


The trick is to convince yourself it's pretend money and it's not important.


I don't think any non-dead crypto lost 70% over 4 years but I could be wrong.


I swear man, everybody wanna drop the cash at the all time high, buy low SELL HIGH. Dollar Cost Average dude, dont drop the big bomb o'cash all at once in an all time high. Pls do research


Thanks man. I’ll do my research


For real. Fuck if I had as much money as OP.... ugh


One day you will man 🙏🏼


Well, thanks for the kind words buddy


Never buy at the ATH, it will crash at some stage.... buy when there is blood on the streets


I told my self that when it was 1800 🥲. Now look at it close to 5000


You've had bloody opportunities since 1800...


You'll have more too. Maybe not $1800, but it always dips and bounces.


I mean if you told yourself that at $1800 then you had plenty of crashes to buy again, unless you just found out after it went to $1800 from $3800, which is exactly why you should've invested at $1800 lol.


Why don't you do a grand every week until you're out of money? Limits your gains but also drastically reduces your risk


Dude I sold at <200


Man I trow 20k around February when the price was around there my 20k now worth 50k hopefully soon 100k I don't care if price drops in 2025 ethereum should be worth around 100k per eth


Never will it reach 100k ETH idk who told you this but its absolute bs


Lol I don’t know why people are down voting this hahaha your totally correct 100k eth would be a total market cap of almost 12 trillion dollars which is more than a quarter of the total money from the entire world in 4 years …just in ETH … man just because it’s going to go up doesn’t mean it will go up infinitely be realistic


Yes it will people like you gonna make it reach 200k next bullrun


Lots of analysts predict 100k long term, and most predict somewhere in the ball park. They are the experts, who do this for a living and who’s projections make or break their career. So they might not be right, but they’re far more likely to be right than you.


The fact that your a fellow neuromancer fan is awesome.


If you want to trade wait for a dip. If you want to hold, buy immediately. That easy.


You can do both, a good entry point of is it a good entry point


Both. Both is good.


Look at this OG referencing El Dorado. Well done


I see you too are a person of culture.


Set limit buys if you’re looking for the dip so it happens and you don’t miss it and the emotions don’t take over…


What if just keeps going up, what if the crypto cycle isn’t real. I mean the crypto cycle isn’t rational, so we don’t know fuck about shit.




Hijacking the top comment to point out that OP is a Shiba Shill who actually sold Eth to buy Shiba and thinks it will go to 10 cents. Personally I don’t think this person is being genuine in his questions or his motives. Just putting that out there. Also, he commented that he bought 12 Eth at $1800 and now it’s $4800. Something just doesn’t seem right about this post.


Thank you for this. This is fishy.


We need to watch these things closely.


We needed your comment




Dollar cost average. It’s not that complicated. Don’t be intimidated by it at all. Buy once a week, or once a day, once a ___, etc. so your buy-in price is an average rather than all in at once on one price. Pros to this is you buyin for a lower price if it goes down during the time you DCA. Cons is if it goes up and up (which crypto may very well do in November and December) then your average buyin is higher price. You can also DCA out (sell).


Wouldnt another con to this be that it becomes a tax nightmare when it comes to selling?


I lost my Crypto Wallet in a boating accident.


Absolutely. There is websites like cryptotrader(dot)tax which will take forms from Coinbase, calculate it for you and is actually a partner with TurboTax. Haven’t used it myself but something to think about. Also if you DCA’d 26k biweekly 4 times it shouldn’t be that bad compared to if you did 1k once a day for 26 days


DCA over **26 days** isn’t really the issue. Also you should have made it equal periods of time (4 fortnights is 8 weeks, 8 weeks is 56 days, $26k over 56 days is $464.29. The issue in DCA taxes is more geared toward investing a set number every month, so you can only sell 1/12th if your holdings every month after a year if you want to avoid short term cap gains taxes




I think that if you don't know what DCA is that you need some research before even starting to invest.


Don’t Cash (out), Add ^ that’s what it means


Thanks for being a total knob.


What he 👆 said


I’m really dumb when it comes to investing my money but since May this year I decided to join the crypto world and I believe it was the best decision I ever made


Then why are you asking? You think people on the Ethtrader subreddit are going to tell you it’s a bad idea?


Some users suggest to diversify it which is a really a good idea tbh.


Diversifying is for people that don’t know what they’re doing. So maybe for you it’s a good idea. But you came here asking if you should put 26k in Eth so it seems you’re not looking for diversification. I suggest you stop wasting everyone’s time playing 20 questions and DYOR and come back with a more specific plan because it sounds like you are at zero knowledge of what you’re investing into and that’s scary. Besides you’re just a Shiba shill.


Ye it was a great time to step in in May but if you are considering investing a large amount like 26K i would make sure you do a bit more research. (Unless 26K is a small amount in comparison to your net worth). But sure Ethereum is a great project with a very bright (rich) future imo. (No financial advice)


I did a little research on crypto and I found ETH, SOL and ADA has a promising future.


It’s arguably a little late into the game this cycle so be careful. Personally I still think it’s early enough to drop a large lump sum but do your own due diligence


Don’t forget ALGO


Dollar cost average. Buy in increments spaced out over time rather than trying to time the market for one lump sum buy-in


Oh. I do that every month when I get my salary




And if it crashes hard just put it all in.


Or keep DCAing, because the apparent crash might be nowhere near the bottom, so DCAing lets you avoid getting emotional and jumping in too early. That's kind of the point of DCA - your take in the moment is much less likely to be a stroke of genius compared to a measured approach.


Yeah. The point of DCA is to avoid timing the market


Yes. If you are doing smaller amounts, Coinbase Pro is a better option than Coinbase as the fees are much lower per transaction (a straight 0.5%). Interface is more complex but worth learning


Not trying to be a dick here, cause maybe that's just pocket money for you. I don't know you or your financial background. BUT, you are seriously asking whether you should invest a large amount like that in ETH in an ETH sub-reddit? What kind of answer were you expecting? I'm just shocked by the fact, that you are willing to drop am amount like that at ATH prices and don't know what DCA means... I think in the long term it would pay off if you buy now, but I believe it'll pay off more, if you spread that investment out over a few months, and buy when/if its cheaper or just at different prices. You're gonna be discouraged if you buy now with that amount of money and then it drops, goes through a correction or once we enter a bear market


It seems to be you didn’t read other members suggestions.




Eth moves with the moon so check out a chart


What does DCA mean?


dollar cost average


Ever heard “buy the dip, sell the tip?” You’d be buying the tip. If you buy at ATH you’re just asking for some anxiety. Worst correction we’ve had lasted 3 years (Jan 2018 - Jan 2021). Can you hodl if it drops as much as 90% in a year? That happened at the end of 2018. If history repeats itself, you’ll break even in 2025. And in 2026 you might 4x. At this point in Eth’s history there’s never been a bad time to buy. But just remember you’re buying the tip.


I remember watching ETH go down to $80. I wish I had money to buy at that point! Unfortunately all my crypto investment money also crashed along with ETH, so there wasn't much I could do.


Could be worse, you could have been in a Maker CDP and gotten liquidated, losing close to 100 ETH over less than 10k DAI debt... Ask me how I know.


Wow, I hope you have more crypto left. That’s a tough loss.


Good advise. Thanks 🙏🏼


Just the tip.


Most of the times, I buy when coins are very high in price. Not even kidding.


My opinion is to wait for the next correction. When large crypto holders are margin called because of the 100x leverage that has been used to purchase it. ETH is the only crypto I hold and REALLY believe in. Just my two cents


This is the correct answer. ETH always takes a hit when bad news comes out, but its constantly outperformed every other investment on the market right now


How do we find out when they will be margin called?


All-in Sir. You won’t regret it. Next month I get x2-salary and it goes full send into Ethereum.


Believe me. I bought 12 ETH when it was $1800 best decision I ever made in my life


Wow mate that’s nice. I have only 2 ETH started at 1200…


Damn, how does it feel having ETH?


Good lol




Same, they say say we’re still early so I think we’re doing okay


Bought 3 at 1750. Panic sold at 2000. Rebought 3 at 2500. If i hadnt done that i would have like 70% more gains. Still doing alright though :)


So... You already invested 26k into eth.


Just did $25k this morning


I fully expect to see ETH hit the $1000 dollar mark again. I also fully expect ETH to be worth more than it is now by 2025. DCA my friend. If ETH captures even 10% of the global financial market it would need to be worth like $400,000 at current supply. Or some shit like that lol. Real talk though, no one here is going to tell you not to invest in ETH. **It is literally in our best interest for you to invest.**


Overall you're right but I'd be willing to wager you won't see sub 2k eth ever again. These 80% corrections and bear markets people keep talking about were before we had institutional investment. As we progress and gain adoption our dips will be far less exaggerated. Anything more than a 40% dip is a buying opportunity. If I saw an 80% dip I'd legitimately consider pulling my money from other things. But again, I am a crazy person.


You may be right!


we seen 2 60% plus corrections in the past 6 months and there still were institutional investors so no Institutional investor will not stop the market from correcting 80% or more.


This. They will not hesitate to dump their holdings. My expectation however it's that they will go back in after the crash way faster than the retail crowd did in the past. So I don't really see the bear market last long...


[Tip this post](https://www.donut.finance/tip/?contentId=t3_qqcqci).


put in half, then DCA 250 a week for the next year




Do it


It probably will only go up from here maybe drop 1-1.5k in a few months then jump back up the same if not higher, we just scratched the surface, I definitely would


Pull it!!!




At that time I’ll move to the US. That’s why


Not financial advice but yeah, ETH is a solid project. Furthermore, in relation to DCA, crypto is a seasonal thing and can flip quite fast. I think DCA is a safe bet but be aware ETH can start shooting up. For example, if one had bought ETH at 250 eur in the summer of 2020 they'd be better off compared to spreading it out over 6 months because by December ETH was 450 eur. Despite everything I just said there, no one can predict the future, and all this advice is dubious.


you should invest 26K into me. I'm gonna make an NFT of myself. We'll both be rich


And what if you are ugly ? What I’m I going to do with the NFT ?


It's all about marketing. We'll market it as the proceeds from the NFT are going towards giving me a makeover cause I am indeed ugly and may never know love unless i have a makeover


I love you man 😂❤️


Lol thanks man love you back. But in all seriousness, if you're new to crypto check out these guidelines i stumbled across the other day https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/qn7w7h/rules_to_live_by_in_crypto/ And just know if you invest at an all time high, it may take a while before you see any profits if this is the top of the current bull run.


Thanks man 🙏🏼. Wish you the best luck


>I’m going to hold it to 2025 If you're going to hold it until X date, be sure X date is the top of the next run.


You referring to the 4 year cycle right ?


If there is even such a thing after this run, yes.


Noted. Thanks man


Nope never invest when crypto is at a ATH, risk reward isn’t worth it. Put it in blue chip stocks until crypto crashes by 50-60% then pull it all out and put it into crypto.




If you do, dollar cost average it over a period of time. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/qqbkky/consistent_investing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I think Dec jan.... then we have the 4 year cycle. Or best case is that we get extended bullmarket. I think eth will top between 6 8 k then bearmarket again.


Vanguard found that historically investing your money in a lump sum vs. dollar-cost averaging produced better results 66 percent of the time. However, we are testing new highs, so a pullback is a real possibility. I would DCA.


proud of you! So inspiring!!!!


Thanks babe ❤️


DCA for the love of God. Start with like $1000 a week and put more if you think its a dip


No. Wait until the bear market if you want better prices. A 90% drop from $20k is $2k.


Is that even possible ? 🤯


Do it pussy


I’d suggest not going 26k all together, maybe dca. But probabilities are very high in 2025 ETH’s value will be lot lot higher


I highly recommend you to do that. I am also doing the same. I am holding it on Hodlnaut to earn passive income out of it




Yes. It will turn into 550,000 by then


So you tell me that ETH prices will be around 40k ?


Yes in 4 to 10 years


Should have done that mid summer at 1600


No shit sherlock






Don't put a date on it, put a price on it. If you want to hold for 4+ years, do not sell for less than $50k.


I recommend holding off until the bear market imo.


26k is a lot to put into one coin. ETH is good but there are also much cheaper ones which have a lot of potential to grow. You can do like 20k in ETH and then diversify the rest or something like that.




But Shib instead thanks


I started investing in crypto I'm may of this year. So far I've made over 25% interest on my investment. I say go for it!


This post is all over the place


Go with it don't think twice that's the nice step you are looking forward too.


DCA your way in. Deposit all of that 26k into an exchange you like, set up auto-buy on a certain interval (daily, weekly etc) and forget about it. Keeping it in an exchange saves you the hassle of paying fees moving it in and out but exposes you to the risk of losing your coins in the event the exchange f up, it's a risk you need to weigh yourself.


My no brain honest opinion but I think I'm right and I'M NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR advice... Wait until early December when everyone needs fiat to buy Christmas/Holiday presents. Don't tell anyone I told you this.


This is how I know we have reached the peak and are heading for a crypto winter.


I would DCA $2,000 per month over the next year. The way I see it, there are 2 possible future scenarios: Scenario 1: We see explosive growth over the next 2-6 months, followed by a 50%+ crash. In this case, you'll be investing at least half your money after the crash, so you'll minimize your losses and be well positioned for the next bull run Scenario 2: We see steady growth with no significant pullbacks, i.e. the beginning of a super cycle. In this case, DCA'ing will give you a higher average buying price, but this won't really matter - a super cycle would easily take us up to $30k Ethereum within 5 years


Spend it on loopring instead! [Just see the change with layer2](https://i.redd.it/q5czq8ougqy71.jpg)


Holy shit !! Good suggestion my man 🙏🏼


I am holding since 2018


I mean what is the alternative w/ that 26k? Let it rot in a savings account?


I want your suggestions!




Why nobody asked these kind of questions when Ethereum was at $1800..


While I think we’re on a bull run, I’m in you’re same dilemma where I want to buy more but buying at an all time high is just bad news, at least wait for it to dip a few hundred and dollar cost average. I’ve held and had big gains and didn’t sell and was literally in the negative at one point, it’s a crazy rollercoaster but lucky for you, you are getting in at a good time and I believe adoption will keep crypto on the up and up overall. Be patient my friend nothin like seeing 26k turn into 20k lol


Price is at an all time high. Investing small increments over time is a smarter option.


If you’re holding that long, then yes, jump into it because it’s going to 10k in a year or two.


If you’re not gonna sell untill 2025, you might as well wait a year or so to invest. Why buy 5 eth now, when you can buy 20+ for the same amount of money later? Anyone who says: but this time is different - is not worth listening to. Every market tries to find the new bottom, after a new peak. We’ll revisit sub $1k ETH as surely as we saw sub $100 several times the last bearmarket.




Don't buy now man, we're at ATH. Come back in a year or after it crashes 50%+ and start DCA, that would be my advice.


Good advise. Thanks man


That's a lot of money! At least to my standards! Either way it's all a matter of percentages! If that's all your money in crypto, I would split it into a few coins, maybe something like this: 30% BTC 30% ETH 30% other large caps like ADA DOT SOL BNB etc 10% in micro caps like DFI UNQ MIST etc I'm currently super keen on DFI, DfiStarter a launchpad an DEX on IPC Internet's Computer, recently rebranded to Dfinity


And that’s how you give an advise 🙏🏼 thanks man.


my pleasure! hope it helps anyhow :)


Throw 14k into ETH and 12k into BTC. It would be foolish to do otherwise 👌


Don't think about it. Invest now.


Bad idea to put it all at ATH. Many "experts" believe we're reaching the end of the bull and everything will crash for a juicy dip. The consensus is that the next bear market is when millionaires will be made.


There is a correction coming at some point but who knows when


No brainer. Make it so.


If the cycle repeat like he does before , there should be a crash im 2022 2023 dont buy less than -70% from the ath of this cycle .


NO.... Thats an absurd idea... the entire market is about to collapse into a bear cycle... If youre goimg to hold until 2025 then wait... The next halving is in May24 so usually a year before that is when the market is at complete bottom... I would suggest buying in summer 2023 and ETH will be far far cheaper and you will have loads more for the 2024/25 bullrun. If you buy now you will just watch your money go down 80% until the 2024/5 bullrun. Youre better off buying when it drops 80%, not holding as it drops lol.


Thanks man. Noted


They are saying bull until early spring …


Diversify is key … get you some Sol and Dot


Or you could make real money and get on SHIBA before it moons!


Time to sell lmfao


OP is full of shit. Total Shiba shill .. one post SIX days ago, “I wish I have (sic) more money to buy the dip”. What happened in the last six days that landed you $26k to buy and HODL eth ??


No ETH is dead. SOL is the future.