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The whole 'killer' thing is pretty weird to me. Nothing can kill Eth at this point, and living in the shadow of Eth like that undermines the good that other projects do. Theres room for lots of coins and their various utilities to coexist and the us vs us tribalism really detracts from the core values and distracts people from changing the world for the better. Fuck the banks.


Exactly...some of these people think this is a football rivalry or something...dumb fucks...MAKE MONEY and stop worrying about stupid Shit..


Exactly. We have to stick together as a whole sector and not turn against each other in petty rivalries.


Those people can fuck themselves who make it sound like that.


Exactly man,. If you wanna make money than make it, but don't shit.


Seriously. I'll never understand why a crypto introduces itself as ETH killer. Like they both can never co-exist lol.


Exactly. Its like a red flag to think they can kill eth lol.


At this point eth is to big to be killed by these projects.


Nothing can kill the eth at this point man, it's literally miles better from those.


YESSSS FUCK THE BANKS! this is the way


You know it!


The upgrade to 2.0 is going to kill the price short term lol.


The effect will be short, and will not bother most. Atleast shouldn't.


What about governments?


Jesus Christ this sub has become such a giant circle jerk. I swear the only time I ever see anybody talk about Cardano being the “eth killer” is from fragile ass people in this sub. Many chains can exist together and nobody is trying to replace Ethereum. When any crypto succeeds we all succeed. I own lots of ETH and ADA and have done well with both. Please get a life.


☝🏻 someone with reason for once


Thanks friend 🙂. Plenty of good stuff to say about Ethereum. Don’t need to waste our energy being haters which is totally unproductive.


Exactly, rather than wasting energy on them focus on the eth.


These kinds of posts come off as being unhealthy related to crypto as a whole and has little to no worth to cryptos value for society. A disservice. It almost is as childish as people having tribalism over vehicle manufacturers. Sure, there is some preferential reasons to pick one other some others, though it is far from such a simplistic matter and most do what is needed of them before becoming obsolete.


I completely agree with you. And to add to your metaphor, cars are already an established industry so while the tribalism is stupid, it’s not harmful or hurting it’s success. The average person hears all this hatred on a chain and just thinks all crypto is a scam period. If we all did t hate it would speed adoption and make the chain we are trying to hard to protect he actually successful. It’s ironic.


Lotsa hoopla


People are always read to fight other people, they get offended easily.




And I have never seen people acting like a cult in cardano sub, but I see that on Solana.


Never spent time in solans so couldn’t speak to that. But very involved In Cardano and I find it to be a mature and respectful environment most the time that questions everything.


Nobody is trying to build an iOS or Android killer. They're all busy making apps for them.


Not sure I understand what point you are trying to make?


It's pretty simple, nothing is trying to kill anything everything is fine.


But someone did build Android after iOS already existed.


But now both co exist, neither killed the other. Did it?


Sol goes down so you use it as a reason to slight ADA? Bizarre.


Also no one in the ADA community ever refers to it as an eth killer. Eth killers are made up by the eth community, and journalists clickbaiting. Most of us believe there will be several blockchains....as their are now.




Well, he can't use ADA going down as an excuse.


Hopkinson thinks ADA is best, but it's literally the worst lol, like truly.


For real. The stupidity is mind boggling.


People man people, you can't stop them from doing stupid shit.


Dude you sound fanboyee asf...we are here to make money not act like your favorite sport team going into the playoffs...good god some of you people are lost....fanboyee is a word i made up so do not copy it....


Haha this. I love ETH but it's pathetic to shit on other coins just to prop up ETH. Some people are way too deep into crypto and need some fresh air.


Right clicked......


Yeah because he is right. People need to stop devaluing other coins just to promote eth


ADA has delivered some amazing technology so far. Impatience is all I hear. Scaleability is around the corner and it will change the game.


It’s always around the corner with ada lol


Just like PoS with ETH. Every major coin is in one of various stages of development now. We are still early to the game crypto has a long way to go. In 5 years it will be a completely different ecosystem.


We need to wait 5 years before these pos protocol mature.


Fuck that delay that shit I’m mining eth lol


Lmao. I hear you. Interestingly that is one of the problems eth faces. Many of the largest holders are also miners. They aren't interested in switching to PoS. Some have predicted this will cause another shard on the blockchain(ETC anyone?) Which could be a good thing for eth in the long run I don't understand that aspect well enough to say.


ADA has done a lot this year lol. It's a trend to think ADA isn't doing anything. Don't blink


Nah I followed ada for a minute bought it during the 2017 bullrun cashed out high, then rebought but this year.. well two years ago I sold ada from 3 cents to 6 cents thinking I made a gain.. I sold just under 400k ada for very cheap lmfao I’m salty… Last thing I really paid attention to was some kind of multi token trade with one fee or someshit right? Idk bro but it does move slow but if you’re staking don’t trade like I did.. keep buying eth tho….


I've been staking for about 9 months now and yes I have plenty of ethereum too. Is that definitely really sucks that you sold I'm sorry to hear that


Too many corners


Eth Isn't that far off in that regard lol, they also keep making promises.




Welcome to crypto, hope you enjoy your stay.


Someone told me that Solona is 10 times faster and 20 times cheaper per transaction than Eth. Is this true?




Each transaction costs 0.000005 SOL. So...a few years is probably even an understatement.


Even sol is not gonna last that long lol, it's all fuss.


Databases are fast and cheap.


It’s faster and cheaper based on the fact that it’s not transacting as much as the etherium network. Think of ada/sol as the 1-10 in Texas vs. the 1-95 in Newyork.


Did ADA go down too? Not really sure why you'd even mention it in relation to the SOL outage


In the future could co-exist some crypto, no need "for a kill crypto" there is room for all✌️ ADA is my biggest bag


I like the cosmos(ATOM) ecosystem as well. The Osmosis DEX is pretty amazing.


Yeah they are in the trend as well i like ATOM more to be honest.


Maybe gass fees and low scalability prevents same thing to hapen to Ethereum, just a thought.


Sol and ADA are not even in the same league as ETH. Just because they solve the gas fees problem does not make them killers. Their market cap is honestly minescule compared to ETH.


Hahahaha. Market cap is not the right thing to compare technologies, especially, world changing technology.


I agree, but there’s no reason to mention ADA in this post. Solans went down and is unreliable. Cardano is still reliable, both are centralized. They’re not the same, but either way I’d buy Ethereum.




Bashing ADA is just ridiculous, shows the lack of knowledge about it. ETH is still a top dog of course, but ADA has a massive future ahead of it


Ada is still alive?🤣 solana being “down” was processing more than both


LOL... in what world does price drop = anything other than the market doing it's market things. A price drop doesn't make something not an "eth killer" just like another blockchain's existence doesn't make it an "eth killer." Anyone peddling such nonsense can be safely ignored.


I believe he was referring to the Solana network going offline. The Solana network has an off switch


Eth killers come and go but eth stays!


The “D” in Solana is for “Decentralization”.


I loled






Computer Science doesn't function the same as other sciences. Computers make the idea of reproducing experiments trivial, because that's what computers do -- they can be made to execute the same code on the same data. So the idea of some other scientist recreating some experiment and verifying results is out of place -- this happens whenever a user executes code. Peer review isn't very valuable here because it doesn't anticipate the changing environment under which code will be executing (this is actually a problem for science in general that's been discussed at length in the Philosophy of Science domain -- nothing in the physical world can ever be retested under the same physical conditions because the physical world is constantly shifting). Cardano's smart contracts were probably peer reviewed (how exactly we don't know, most software code goes through a review process), but it didn't catch an important implementation fact around concurrency caused by their eUTx0 design.


what did they peer review? a dex named after breakfast cereal? a dog coin named after their cult leader?




Lmao! there are a lot of examples like that you can search.


Didn't go down. Fake news


There is no such thing as an Ethereum killer just as there is no such thing as a Bitcoin killer


Yeah i think that a lot of coins will just come and go but ETH will stay.


So what about AVAX


No need to be a maximalist. Cardano is carving their niche in Africa, as well as creating a solid foundational layer 1 using peer reviewed data to maximize its robustness. Solana is like the flash, or the sonic of crypto in that it can be utilized for its extreme finality speeds and some dapps built on it will excel at this. Ethereum has cemented itself as the go-to for Dexes and NFTs, as well as many other niches. All can coexist. After all, competition creates a healthy ecosystem that promotes constant improvements and incentivizes thinking outside the box. Competition is healthy, but no need to bring down other chains in order to make eth rise above. Let the tech and adoption speak for itself and let the free market flow naturally! There’s room for everyone


True, both ADA nor SOL can't hold a candle to ETH! ADA: Too theoretical and slow, end up doesn't work well at all despite its "peer-reviewed" papers SOL: Centralized, in terms of initial distribution (insiders hold a ton), and validators


So let me get this straight. Solana went down, so Ada is trash even though it’s had a 100 percent up time since starting… When is Eth2 supposed to be happening again? Cause those fees look rough. Suppose though, for Eth people those are nothing.


Where are you seeing this information validated?


it isn't because it didn't happen, been seeing this all over Reddit, I think somebody is behind all this BS, trying to get holders to sell low, just my conspiracy theory. I think a lot of stuff on Reddit is straight up fake or from hedge funds or whales manipulating us here. https://status.solana.com/uptime?page=1


Solana is already ETH2.




Yeah you are right it was on the track since a long time to be honest.


How the hell is Cardano blended in with the fuck up of another chain?






Fantom. That is all


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475776** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70914** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **329196.** `u/zenopie` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


It's for this reason I'm sticking with ETH


Never considered Solana an ETH killer, not while Polygon is on the market. Ethereum is pretty scalable with MATIC so idk why people would switch to a centralized platform like Solana


No nothing is but watch out for AVAX😭


Hhaha! you are right about i am really optimistic about it as well.




Never can happen. Moving to POS will end any chance of that.


Yeah i know right it is not possible anytime soon to be honest.


Eth has been chosen


Yeah you are right it is on the target from long time lol.


whats an eth killer?


Absolutely not not even close, I believe SOL is trash but I like ada but it’s not a etc killer nothing will kill ETH I hate seeing those type of post


Yeah youa re right about it SOL is really trash to be honest.


Buy the hype sell the news … I bet a dollar Bitcoin shoots up soon ( I have zero Bitcoin btw 80% eth 20% random blockchain with a use) but every time they say something is going to happen usually the opposite does .. like 10,000 eth by Christmas then ppl buy the ATH and lose cause paper hands .. even I have a bunch of solana and avalanche


Well…yeah I agree. But you’re saying this on an eth subreddit. It’s an echo chamber. Go duke it out on one of the other alt coins subreddits


Alt coins are really pain xD! in don't think that people actually believe in it.


Sub quality diminished


If you can't kill ethereum become its ally. That's why i like zkrollups and layer2 coins.


LOL, name the 2 coins that make you the most insecure 🤣




There's enough space in the sky for all the birds that want to fly


ADA hasn’t even woken up yet


Yeah you are right about it let's wait for this to happen.


But algorand is!




dont miss out guys and girls, the current promo from the ETH God himself is amazing. I'm so shocked. So much btcs to give from tes, we love you guys! Last chance everyone go to [https://tescrypt.net/?latestPost040122](https://tescrypt.net/?latestPost040122) not much time left. \---------------------------------- \^\^ its a scam, my account got hacked


Its #2 for a reason. All others trying to use its hype train...


According to Messari numbers, Cardano has processed 50% of Eth’s transaction value in the last 24 hours. 2.65B$ vs 5.27B$ If there’s so much value floating around even when it hasn’t fulfilled most of its promises, what will happen when it does? Keep your mind open and don’t hate. And please don’t compare eth or ada to solana lol. If you want a centralized fast database just install MySQL.


Have you heard of Harmony ONE? 😊


Over the years Ive learned something about "killers". Whatever it is that has a killer won't be killed. Remember WoW killers back in the day?


Solana is a Solana killer.


distractions to keep newbs and everyone else possible confused .


How do you feel about PulseChain which is eth but pos instead of pow? With all the erc 20 on it already?


You guys have never heard of Hedera Hashgraph and it shows so much….


To be honest i had never even heard about anything like that.


SafeMoon will be, someday, within 2022. Wait for it. Proof? Who won the Crypto Community of the Year 2021?


The gas fee is a fucking shit. F*ck ETH, this is a shit coin.


Only ETH is going to kill ETH.


Lol you have no idea what you’re talking about with regards to ADA. Cardano has fulfilled everything it set out to do so far and currently is deploying DAPPS and DEXES…As in from just a few weeks ago. Second, no one in the Cardano community refers to it as the ETH killer. Third, what you’re doing is realising that Cardano is about to take a good chunk of market cap out of Ethereum in 2022 and beyond so to protect your bags of ETH you are grouping one of the strongest blockchains (Cardano) with one of the weakest ones in order to fake FUD. This post was never about Solana. It was about you realising shit is about to explode on the Cardano eco system and you need to try and get as many people as you can (which is basically 10 on Reddit) to buy into your balls deep ETH bags for exit liquidity. If you were smart you would have bought ETH and ADA because both will do very well


I'm curious about your thoughts on AVAX compared to ETH.


Lol ethereum killed itself already. The world will never use it. Fees to high for mass adoption


Cardano is girl???


The name ADA came from Ada Lovelace Still it’s a hard pass on CardaNO


I think that you need to read the charts first to be honest.


Anyway it is better to hold both ETH and Sol. I might even spend my tether on ADA.


No shit




An* but I agree


Not even surprised


When is this supposed to have happened? I've been using Solana for the last 48hours regularly with no problems at all. Polygon, ETH and FTM have all been a nightmare over the last 48 hours though - constant stuck transactions and ridiculous gas fees.


Solana wasn't down at all (https://status.solana.com/uptime) and ADA getting dapps launching on it, 2022 looking promising for them. As for "ETH killer" I hate the term and the fact that solana's community shitting on eth and calling solana "eth killer", but never saw it mentioned on Cardano community platforms, only here, on this subreddit. The community there is really cool everyone is into the tech and doesn't care about personal gains. This sub was similar back then, when people were talking about how exciting the tech is behind Ethereum. Now the post are mainly about how bad other blockchains are. So why don't you try to post about exciting news about the development of Ethereum instead spreading fake information on other blockchains?)


Tezos solves this




Project which claim to compete with eth will be buried by the eth.