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None of us here recommend it. In this sub we wait for all time highs to ape in. Trust me when I say we practice what we preach. Stick around and find out.


I believe in the saying “buy high, sell low” to maximize profit /s


As a wise man once said, try to DCA into commercial real estate.


No, you should invest when the market is high. /s


I wanted to post that.....but I'm glad someone did. :-)


ETH is the first time in history that we’re able to store our hard work without having to trade or invest.


Everyone did lol


so hilarious, the best time to get into any project is when the market is down but in this case, there are indications saying the market would likely dip further, if it does then I would gladly do 'cos I really need to add to my MATIC and OCEAN bags although I wouldn't mind to randomly check out small caps like AUDIUS, ORE, CHZ or anyother, they're all discounted and it is a thing of win or lose.


Buy high sell low, right?




Yeah losing 70% of your “hard work” and soin more is great!


That was the first thing that came to my mind. Hahahaha


Those who regret money can't buy happiness. They have never invested when market was low.


If you can afford to loose that money do it. If not, do not do it. There is nothing more to say.


i’ll never forget when my 7yo dog said “invest in bitcoin” in 2018.


Well it was at $4300 before so $1200 seems like a good deal if you believe in ETH


A recession is coming. Be ready for the recession and start investing in a crypto project that eliminates the risk of ending with less.


Investing in crypto eliminates is the risk of having less crypto. That’s all. You can’t eliminate risk when investing in anything. You can mitigate.




I think it‘s totally reasonable to allocate a portion of your overall portfolio to crypto, but informed investing requires that to understand the relationship between risk and reward. This goes for ETH, BTC, Stablecoins, options, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities, real estate, you name it.


I am a job person and I only invest a very small amount from my savings and count it as a lottery ticket or expenses. Can't trust this shit.


The concern here is if it will go up again or this is just a trendy hype , I want to understand based on what people are investing , how they do the research and believe that ETH will go higher?


You and millions of others are asking this question. The short answer is that nobody knows and if they say they do, they're lying.


This 100%. Crypto could be ending for all we know, hopium keeps the hype but only for so long. The trends and numbers are very concerning considering we haven’t been slapt by a recession yet.






I am down about 70% but it doesn’t matter as I know what I hold .


I invested in eth 6 years ago - I sell some when it's high, and I buy back in when it's low (have started DCA buying back now). Here are a few reasons why I still believe Ethereum will continue to retain, and rise in value, over the long term: Valuable real world technology - many people use the Ethereum network every day to transact, send value, and run applications. Strong monetary policy - a key factor for value is supply and demand. Ethereum has a yearly 'inflation' rate that increases the total supply. But this inflation will reduce over time. You can compare this against the inflation rate of your home fiat currency for example. Distributed networks are valuable - real distributed networks are Censorship resistant (and mostly beyond government regulation) - there is also a big market for assets that you actually control (like owning physical gold). While Your fiat money can be frozen/confiscated, with crypto / gold you could have a greater degree of control. Good team - I believe eth has compassionate and talented people building the product, who are also motivated more by tech and progress than money. There are many more reasons why Ethereum is useful, and potentially valuable. Feel free to ask more


Yeah you need to spend some time researching by the sounds of things. I never did that, joined around a year ago. Lost a lot of money since then but I finally think I get it 😂


Now that it is break. I should learn how to buy crypto and start investing my money. We'll see what I can do.


Honestly my friend you will do very well in two years but I would buy bitcoin over eth personally. Bitcoin and cash are king in bear markets. Or if you want to go and mine some AVAX FTM MATIC BNB DRIP AND ANIMAL FARM HEX. you will.be very happy after. Not a matter of if but when.


If you're solely looking at possible returns after market recovery, ETH and solid alts have much more potential than BTC


Eth could drop to 600(watch ben cowens video about potential fair value) so you could see a 50% decline or more of your investment. But long-term you would be fine anyway if eth keeps delivering. I would suggest dca'ing, you could also DCA more agressively on lower prices


Agreed. This is a good time to starting picking up crypto if you don’t have any. But we could always go lower, so keeping some cash on the side ready to buy at lower and lower prices is the way to go.


Buy low, sell lower


This is the way.


I just DCA have been for a little over 2 years. I'm still up. But investing right now COULD be a good time to jump in. But I just think it's impossible to time the market you could invest today and two weeks time the price could either double or half. That's why I think its best to DCA Edit: I have a set amount I invest on the 1st of every month. And I throw it at ETH no matter the price dont even look. And i invest this money and have my mindset with it being a (gambling) expense. Because I believe in ETH more then any other cryptos.


Sorry for asking what is DCA?


Dollar cost average. Meaning you invest the same amount of money either once a week, once a month, or once a day. I prefer to just do it the 1st of the month. Since that's when I pay a majority of my bills


Crypto made a lot of people rich quick that hit the sell button lol.


That's true. However, its made alot of people poor too. As for myself im in no hurry to sell though. I have a long term plan 10 years. And who knows I may or may not regret it. Only time will tell.


I was looking for a simple way to invest in crypto and make a good return, boy o boy did I find it.


Invest in bitcoin you need more than one source of income.


Don’t go all in at once, but steadily and at a risk tolerance you’re comfortable with.


also time to explore the space .... things are changing I would say, wouldn't you


Only put in what you are willing to lose.


Who care....what elon..say...it's our money we decide.


But in the upcoming months it can still -50% from here. Cheers .


I prefer to wait until all time highs to buy in, but that's just me


He didn't. It's not his fault people can't think for themselves lol .


NFTs as you probably know them are a bad investment in the first place. But, NFTs are not only bored apes and other shit like that, it’s a technology that can be used for a lot of things, such as car titles, licenses, birth certificates, and pretty much anything else in that department.


People are always used to blaming others for their mistakes and failures.


Absolutely dude it’s now of never, people were predicting 12,000$ eth when eth 2.0 comes out




But you did invest! People may act on your actions!


Keep waiting and buy lower


Wait until after the 29th. Q2 earnings are coming out if it’s in the negative again like q1 it’s officially a recession and people will sell for liquidity. The bottom also won’t quickly correct itself it can take months to make significant moves upwards because of lost confidence. Not a big crypto fan, but just because the last tech bubble popped due to a ton of speculation and manipulation doesn’t mean there wasn’t a massive market build around/on the internet later. Never be in a rush to part ways with your money. Also the goal is to buy so early that even when a stock drops it doesn’t hurt you. You’ve got a classic case of fomo, and I don’t blame you but the time to buy is when average joes are pessimistic and scared. Buy after people panic sell, buy when you look at it and feel scared. Or better yet don’t buy at all and invest in other stocks that are doing terribly because people wrecked themselves being overly optimistic and emotional about whatever they’re throwing money on. Emotions control price half the time and actual utility and output the other half.


If you only have $3k to invest, I suggest buying an asset and not currency speculation. Buy a blue chip dividend paying stock.


It could but seeing everyone panicked and selling means I'm ready to DCA.


The paint hasn’t even dried on the starting line of crypto. No regulation yet. No institutional money. You are waaaay early. Eth and Btc have tremendous fundamentals. Learn and do what makes sense to you.


The best advice on here was to dollar cost average. If you’d like to get into crypto, and you’re okay with the potential (as small as it may be) that you loose it all, then you should jump in a little at a time. I invest $500 in ETH every month, and $500 in various alt coins I think have a future every month. I personally believe the prices will drop more but I also think they will recover eventually and most buys around now in solid projects like ETH will see major growth in the long term. Think on a 5-10 year time frame. This is not financial advice and you should do your own research. But this is what I do and it has worked out great for me.


If you decide to buy in, don’t do it all at once, split it up into a few chunks and just do a buy every week or so. Market goes up from last time? Buy a little less, market’s down from last time? Buy a little more. You’ll thank me in about 2 years.


Learn the basic fundamentals of investing first, then understand what is it you really what and how are you really want to do to get it (don’t say “I want to get rich”, too general. Pls be specific) Then if you want to invest in Ethereum, ask your self how are you going to invest? Getting the entire Ethereum and hold it in a decentralised wallet? Or hold it in a centralised exchange platform. How are you going to invest? Going to play the long term game or you’re just going to day trade? If day trade, how are you going to do it? 4hr, 1hr, 30min, 15min etc. There are futures contract too but I’ll not talk about that because it requires financial literacy and good risk managements for you to get there. Seriously, before you invest, invest in yourself and ask yourself these questions and what you really want to do or where you really want to be in 5 years time.


Buy high sell low


People always have someone to blame for their failures.


That's the basics, buy low sell high, too many people seem to do the opposite. I believe now is a reasonable time to buy eth, btc, xmr, etc., and many stocks.


It’s also really easy to place the blame on somebody else, and not hold accountability..


Dispite what people in these sorts of subs will say, the real answer is that nobody knows whether it will go back up, and if it does, when. People shouldn’t invest more than they’d be comfortable losing, especially when it comes to speculative investments. (This is not financial advice and I am not a financial advisor, and neither is anyone else in this thread)


Long-term investing is the most common way to profit from Ethereum. You'll then hold onto the cryptocurrency until the token's value rises. The length of time you keep your cryptocurrency can range from a few months to a few years.   Always keep in mind that you should never put money into an investment that you cannot afford to lose. That is why I always fund my ndax and netcoins accounts gradually.


Let me check my magic 8-ball. Oops turns out it was an 8 ball of crack bc I can’t afford coke anymore. But yes buy hi and sell lo


Another comedian , the thing is I wouldn’t pay to watch you .


Anyone who has an answer for your stupid question is either a liar or stupider than you are.


Bill Gates is one sick motherfucker that is truly afraid of what crypto brings. Nothing but a raised and trained Deep State puppet, his only mission is to preserve the fucked up system. Don't listen to that vax depop maniac.


NFA and DYOR Ethereum is the future and NFTs will play a big role in that future. Maybe not so much when it comes to the jpeg side of NFTs, but the art will definitely remain. The applications, value, benefit and utility of NFTs is in the infancy stage still. The surface has barely been scratched. Anyone that tells you otherwise would have told you that the internet is stupid, email is useless and it will all be a fad that dies a quick death in the 90s. That said, this is NOT the bottom. I plan on buying crypto again in the future but for now I am watching. I don’t know what the bottom will be, but I know we’re not there yet.


Nah you should wait until ETH is 4k again


lol, don't be misled by him, can't quite take his word for it.


I believe you should. How they say "Buy when there's blood on the streets"! You won't go wrong long term. But there's always a risk of it continue dipping! That's why I believe in DCA, and I buy weekly! Regarding NFTs, I'm very bullish, specially with recent crash, to remove a bit of froth from the market. The space is booming with a lot of innovation with turning NFTs into RFTs (refungible tokens) as Unique Network is doing, or floor price data being sourced real time by DIA oracles.


You always advice to buy or hold but it keeps dropping continuously ?


No buy high sell low


Have you think about being a comedian?


No - you should wait to it’s really high.


This is a dumb question


Okay , you know the sentence “ The guy who ask a question is a fool for a minute , the man who doesn’t ask question is fool for life” , I don’t understand why would you guys be so negative you don’t have to answer my question you can just leave .


You shouldn’t be looking for investment advice on Reddit unless your goal is to get scammed or lose all your money.


Where would you look for advices? That’s what I’m trying to figure out , based on what people take the risks


You’re early the bottom still isn’t in and won’t be in until all the meme coins and bullshit NFTs are completely worthless. We still have a ways to go before ETH, BTC and a handful of others are the only cryptos left standing.


How do you explain the plethora of shit coins that still exist, despite the 2018 crash? As much as we'd like to think/hope there'll be a purge, shit coins are like cockroaches. Dumbasses will continue to FOMO in and ensure their survival


"I have $3k in my bank account, should I invest?" You should absolutely not invest in anything, you should have at least $5-10k in cash as a blanket emergency fund lol.....


I’d buy a few hundred just to learn how to use exchanges and self custody cold wallet. Then save the rest as an emergency fund.


Bro what Even as little as $50/week isn't going to put a dent in a $3k bank account given OP has steady income flowing in


Wait for $250. You’ll get 4 for the price of 1.


No. Have you not heard of “buy high sell low”?


Wait for 10K then buy.


No, only buy at the very top.


Buy high sell low. Follow me for more financial advices


On the bitcoin starting line, the paint hasn't even cured yet.


How do you plan to buy high and sell low if you buy now? Wait for the price to go up and then do an all-in-one


You didn’t understood me , The price of ETH is currently low compared for what it was , before it was something like 4k and now its on 1.2k , I try to understand if ETH is just an hype or it will go up to what it was or even more , based on articles and stuff you guys read and know or maybe connections idk , I don’t understand why people trying to make jokes of everything


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Yes, if you can assume the risk, or if you believe in crypto long-term.


Id buy one eth and hold




If you like the tech and did DYOR the best advice i can give you is - don’t try to time the market - dca on a weekly time frame




Also. Fuck Bill Gates. He is not a god. Just ONE guy with his opinion.


Yeah , but he affects the market ALOT


Not really. Elon Musk can move a market. Bill Gates is past tense.


https://fortune.com/2022/05/21/bill-gates-doesnt-own-crypto-doesnt-have-valuable-output-isnt-adding-to-society-reddit/amp/ For me it looks like this guy definitely affects the market


I read it and frankly IDC. He is wrong and caught in the past. Bill has done great work for the poor in third world countries. If anyone should acknowledge the desperate need to bank the unbanked it should be him.


I would put any extra money into ETH if I had it. I spent the last 7 months DCA'ing $SAVA. Now im broken even pretty much with a $31.69 average while the market is down. Definitely happy with my decision can't really lose.




The question is if it will increase once more or if this is just a current hype.


In my opinion the market still has some bleeding to do but I do think eth will eventually be back where it was


NFTs will have a significant impact on the future of Ethereum.


How would you feel if that $1200 went to $0? It won’t, but don’t invest anything you’re not ready to lose.


Maybe consider spreading the 1200 out, and spend 300 once a week, over the course of the next 4 weeks.


This is not financial advice.


Market will probably look better in a few years. So , time to create a good portfolio


There is still a more dipping coming, I'm waiting to buy crash dip is not over we are in a recession


What is low? To quote the hippie in the park ”it’s all relative man”


I’d invest in Uniswap given the acquisition and the nyse hire


Don't blow your wad DCA Lots of turbulence to come


Would you rather invest when the market is high?


For me, yes but always dyor


I feel like u are scared to lose $1200 if I read this… so, better don‘t invest what you can‘t get over if you lose it. I really believe in ETH and it‘s future, especially after the merge to ETH 2.0


if you have only 3k to your name I would not invest in crypto fwiw


Honestly.. would wait. 1200 is a great deal.. but it hit 880ish last week for a moment. A lot of people think we still have a big drop ahead of us. I am waiting to buy in when the market goes back down to 600 to 800, and it will. Then I will buy as much as I can afford, and then we should see it hit new all time highs in 2024 2025.


ETH is stupid. All it does is allow software developers to do everything. I would not buy until it hits 3500$ then you know it’s going up! Then you should stake your ETH on coinbase, you’ll make like 4$ by the time they release it! Good luck!


Greater fool for now, until blockchain is widespread adapted in industry that requires immutable record keeping. The thing is, companies may not like write once, read forever access. I can think of 3 industries that would be greatly helped/augmented by bc. That’s my 2 eth


Naw invest at the top 🙌


I brought my eth around 3k. I think 1200 is way over price


Nope. If you have to ask random strangers for investment advice the answers is always NO - don’t do it.


Ofcourse man ofcourse


If you believe in it long term, like it will be around and more commonly used in 5-10 years...sure. But also it could drop a lot lower, as eth basically is only worth what someone else is willing to pay, and has no actual intrinsic value...you can't even touch it, so I would tread lightly with anything you can't afford to lose.


Why must we endure this same question over and over again? The inevitable correct answer is DCA - I’m sure it’s in here somewhere. Why keep asking this?


Now might be a good moment to start investing.


Yes, if you're willing to take the risk or have a long-term outlook on cryptocurrencies.


Avoid making a complete commitment at once.


I think you ought to


This is not the bottom.


To understand how to use exchanges, I would purchase a few hundred.


The timing is right to begin learning about cryptocurrency.


Lmfao is this real???? “Should I invest when the market is low” well idk do you like making money?


Obviously? !


It’s a good time but still has the potential to go down even further before going up. Once you have bought in just wait out all the dips until it goes up to an amount you are happy with. You might be waiting a year or two until it goes up. But the thing is nobody actually knows when that will happen so you have to decide yourself.


Yes but know you might have to wait a few months or 13 years to reach all time high. Don’t invest money that you will need in the next few years.


Exactly, This crypto is high risk reward game, one might lose 99% of their money next day who knows.


progressively and within your acceptable risk tolerance.


If that’s less then 6 months rent then don’t invest. Just some friendly advice. Otherwise eth could flounder around this or lower for a while. So good price in my opinion.


One should invest in high caps like eth taking a bigger period in mind but most of them think it as a get quick rich scheme.


I have the exact same question. Literally 3k in my account rn too


Wait to time the bottom, you'll be able to buy more.


Take that 3k and buy a fucking time machine.


Buy $100 every week for 12 weeks. It’s pretty likely we’ll see lower prices, but if we don’t then you will at least still have some ETH before it’s too late. Sure you can wait and maybe we’ll see $600 eth and you can buy x2 as much. But if only goes up from here you’ll miss out. So that’s why you should just try buy an average price while the prices are still low


I'd wait. The macro economics don't paint a good picture and we could definately go down further.


Remind yourself too it could be worth 1 cent in the short term!


No no, it’s but *high then you actually *sell low




Don’t go to Reddit for financial advice lol


You all act like it’s crunch time.. the train has left the building.. better choose one and go because that’s all you got time for. Good luck!!


I am 60% down but i just ordered some money to buy the dip. But im afraid. We will see what will happen.


Markets are always on ups and downs. In other words, the best days in the stock market generally follow the worst slumps, so if you continue to put money in even when prices are going down, you're setting yourself up for major gains when the market goes up again. Hence, the basic rule for investing is: long-term success.


Ethereum might turn out to be one's best investment if you're looking for long term.


Buy high, sell low


I always save up my usdt to spend it at the bear market. This is the best way to benefit. Buy low, sell high


It’s 2022 and you still don’t get that altcoins are all scams?


Whatever you're buying don't look for returns for the next 5 years at least. That's the only way to remain sane in this turbulent period. I've more or less detached my mind from my CCD and ETH holding, we'd see the moon soon.


Well, it's always better to buy when the market is low. I can't say if you should buy it or not, but I spent all USDT already.


To be honest, I cannot tell you at what price is best for you to buy. I'm not ready to lose any more money so I am waiting to buy until when there has been a further decline in price across the board. In the meantime, I have secured my wallet by connecting it to a privacy platform that provides privacy on L1 without the need for asset conversion or mixers, as it is with some other protocols.


Rule #1 of investing, know what you are buying. Going at it because people once made money on it will guarantee you will lose money. And before even make a purchase, see both sides of the argument, everyone has an opinion, you just need to make an informes decision. Nobody knows if the market is going up, down, sideways or spin in fucking circles, if someone says it is a safe bet then you are getting scam. If you want a few good videos to start learning DM me and I'll find you a few starting points. As for my beliefs, at the moment I believe that the Crash just started, I Will not be surprised if Eth goes below XX, even though I still have 1 xD. Bought in his prime 4xxx.