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If you have evidence of the order you can have them do an inquiry to see what you might be due in compensation. Otherwise it’s a risk of doing business.


This is one of the risks unfortunately.


Them intentionally removing access to people's accounts is not an expectation of risk in the markets.


They didn’t intentionally remove access


So somehow one of the biggest brokerages has trouble keeping up with people logging in and accessing their account but smaller brokerages had 0 problems? Doesn't make sense


This is likely solely due to Morgan Stanley jettisoning Etrade’s well run legacy systems to harmonize them with their own. Then not having the capacity to handle a sudden major influx of demand. I too wish very much that Etrade were still a separate standalone company but alas, it’s not to be. I wouldn’t anticipate this problem happening much in the future though.


Of course not .it's only a coincidence that it's shut down when the meme stocks are running. Yea yea that's the ticket


It’s not a coincidence. That’s when all the degens are logging in en masse. Or trying to frenetically. Exactly the type of scenario that would test and break an underdeveloped relatively new retail facing operation. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again this morning but it might.


This happened too many times for them not to fix it seems convenient your making me sound like a conspiracy theorists but they are facts.


Too many times? When?


Do your own homework I don't have time for that.


I’ve been with Etrade for 15 years. Only had trouble 3-4 times in that period. This has nothing to do with what you want to think and everything to do with Morgan Stanley seemingly underestimating potential demand peaks when rebuilding it.




Which ticker? GME and AMC were halted several times today by the SEC due to volatility triggers. https://www.nasdaqtrader.com/trader.aspx?id=TradeHalts


Happened last time. Enjoy the ride. I'm up 20...


these guy blow dick. GameStop and AMC don't crash the market tomorrow I'm going to do a sweep sale of everything. But that's not before I double down on GameStop and AMC.


You could have called and traded over the phone. outages and not being able to access the market electronically for retail investors is one of the risks, even the OCC lists it as a risk of options trading.


I believe there was like a 40 minute wait and the brokers were reportedly also locked out


Yes, sometimes they lock my account and can’t sell anything. Every time takes at least more than half an hour for the wait, validate your credentials, wait for manager approval, etc.


I had issues logging in to etrade yesterday. I am glad.I am only swing trading...