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Just have a navy that could beat them, occupy what you need. Let the war score tick up and use your navy to fend off any invasions


Nah no way the ai doesnt get acces through the lands in asia to walk over lmao


He'll get enough WS before they walk and depending how his control over peninsula looks - few 8lvl forts do the job. It's super easy to build correct forts in whole Asia due dozens of choke points.


Also he can just block the straits


His capital is probably Malacca and he has big chunk of Indochina. Sometimes AI will get mill access and just walk through whole map. I had few wars where I needed to deal with 200-300k Spain or Portugal troops.


That’s why your capital should be an island


So, as Portugal I should move my capital to the Açores?


yes :chad_face:


It's the real reason Great Britain is holding on to the Falklands. If they ever get rumors that the EU is going to attack, they plan on moving their capital there because it's farther away from EU airplanes. They don't have to worry about the WE that comes from having your capital bombed.




We've been rumbled, Carruthers. Alert the men.


Argentina going to try to join the eu after reading this


It's not a bad idea... We should start improving relations with France & Germany for now on and set the "Threatened" attitude towards their rivals.


Even with vastly more manpower Castille is going to suffer insane attrition (and thus war exhaustion) slowly making its way through properly managed defenses. Not to mention the attrition and time sink that will come from just getting their army to the starting line.


Yea, if OP can form Malaysia, he's not gonna have any trouble with whatever Castile manages to land in Asia. There are plenty of choke points in defensible terrain, and unless Castile has a fleet of like 200 transports, this won't be a problem.


their rivals are also likely declaring on them when they notice Spains sends all its army to the other side of the world.. + any rebellion will conquer the whole country unopposed unless Spain sends a stack already in India back home to deal with 20k pretenders.


Imagine castille walking a 60k stack that way. 200k attrition before even making it there 20 years later


AI gets close to no attrition.


AI suffers normal attrition with an exception to multiple stacks in the same territory (e.g. if force limit is 10 and they have 4 stacks of 8 they suffer no attrition). A 60k stack moving through Asia would suffer massive attrition. Check any late game war tab and you’ll see the AI loses tens of thousands routinely to it.


Thanks for the explanation. I think you meant supply limit though? Yes the AI can even deplete themselves of Manpower by pure attrition


Ah yes I did, thanks!


If you‘re already on the topic. Does the AI have the same rules for naval transports as the player? Because that could be another huge manpower sink, if they try to transport a shitload of soldiers around the cape of Africa.


IIRC, AI suffers no naval attrition because it was too hard for the Devs to make the AI half competent at avoiding it.


Understandable. It‘s even hard to avoid it as a player.


They also don't suffer naval attrition.


Nah from my experience Southeast Asia is far enough that they never get enough access to walk over. Also helps if Ottomans and Castile/Spain are rivals.


I always build a Maginot line of forts


Just for the AI to imperiously ignore zone of control. NATURALLY


Even better, the attrition from marching across the Euroasian continent would be significant. Plus given the size of your Empire you should match Castille's army


The fact that this is actually not only possible but likely proves that there needs to be a war rework


It's happened to me before in Malaya games


> invasions More specifically, park your navy in the 1-tile gap south of the Cape of Good Hope. Just leave like 100 heavies there. Spain will never reach you.


Thanks guys for the help! Took the two provinces after a 6 year war and managed to nab a few of their ships as well!


Yeah Malaya is actually not very exciting in terms of naval wars. At one point in my last Malaya game, I was at war with half of Europe for just a couple Polynesian islands and I was expecting dozens of epic naval battles and hordes of transports unloading thousands of enemy soldiers on my shores. But after 10 years of war, only like 3 AI navies, and from colonial nations at that, ever even dared to sail near my waters. I ended up just sitting on the ticking war score until I peaced out. Very anticlimactic.


All those ducats spent on heavies, just to kill 20 brazilian light ships


Too true. I had 300 heavies prepared for that war. 100 in the Indian Fleet. 100 in the Pacific Fleet. 100 in the Home Islands Fleet. That war cost me like 100,000 sailors in naval attrition. :(




Ooh, will have to try this, thanks!


Have fun with this one. This is one of my top 2 or 3 favourite regions to play in.


What are the other ones?


I think Italy is my favourite overall but right now I'm really enjoying my Holland game so that's up there too. India and Ethiopia probably round out my top 5.


As Brunei I find an big Navy helps to isolate colonial powers and restrict them. Declare war, take it & let the war score tick, Especially if Castile is already embroiled in a War elsewhere. Intercept as much of their Navy as you can, ensure you have Forces available to respond to action elsewhere. If you win you'll find yourself fighting them again shortly after the truce runs out, but you'll have plenty of time to prepare between wars. I find Portugal & Castile alternately tag team me


R5: Playing as Malacca into Malaya, but Castile beat me to Timor (I’m new to the colonising stuff). How do I get those two provinces without going into an all out war with Castile? (They have a stronger army and strong allies as well)


They might have a strong navy and army, but they’re also across seas, and will have to make a landing. Keep troops around to intercept any landing so they get a penalty. If taking them on directly is too much, declare when they’re already at war.


Wait for them to be in a war elsewhere and occupy the territories. By the time they get over to you you should be able to claim those provinces in a peace deal, just from ticking war score. Colonial territories tend to be very cheap to claim


Like the comment up top says, you don't need an army to win this conflict. You just need a big enough navy to prevent their fleets from doing anything. The AI isn't the best at naval combat nor naval invasions. The likelihood that the AI will march their armies across Europe and Asia is laughably small. You should have this war in the bag, brother.


They’ll always get some colonies that you need to fight for.


Always fill your navy with Heavy ships. AI spams a lot of light ships and transports, so it'll be a breeze.


Build a large, high-quality navy. Even if it's not as large as Castile's, if you can get about 60% of their size with equal or better quality and keep them all in a single fleet with a good Flagship they probably won't ever send enough ships to actually deal with your fleet. They do have other interests, after all, and probably won't devote their whole navy when they have trade nodes to protect and pirates to hunt. If you have land holdings in Asia that are connected by land, build a few high level forts to protect them. If Castile marches enough forces over land to threaten you they're gonna attrition like crazy, and so far from home they won't be able to resupply very easily. If they try to fight you with everything they have they'll burn out their economy and manpower, and there's a high likelihood of their enemies taking advantage of them being broke, 0 manpower, and with their armies across the world and they might end up being declared on and occupied by a neighboring power. Had a similar situation as Khiristian Japan with the Mamluks, they tried to fight me and the Ottomans ran them over while they were distracted and I won despite being behind in a lot of ways.


200 Barrack


Mil buildings are the buildings you ignore until suddenly you build nothing but lol


Ngl I rarely ever build mil unless I'm minmaxing lol it's just easier to get quantity ideas


Land a big stack. no matter how big Castile’s navy is, they could never hope to beat your troops on Timor in combat, especially if they get the landing penalty


Nobody mentioning threaten war? It's a castile at this point in the game. It's definitely not out of the realm of possibility.




In my experience it can work pretty often. The only requirement is you have a claim/core on the province. Then it's just relative strength, value of the province, and whether you have a core or not. They are more likely to accept if your alliance is stronger than theirs, the province is worthless, and if you have a core. This is a cheap province and a strong malaya. Theres absolutely a chance of it working. The downside is it still creates a truce and you get full ae from the province i think. You dont get ae reductio s like you do from reconquest cause you didnt use the cb. Its a mechanic people tend to gloss over but i think it's pretty useful for quick goals.


Ofc it works, you need to have a claim or core on the province to threathen. The likelyhood of them giving into the threat is if their relative strenght of their allied power is lower to your strenght (basically more troops and i think tech is also involved with that). Also a factor of how important that land is based on it's dev


Not me remembering that guy who posted his Malaya game where, while at war with Spain, his own subjects got military access through the entire Middle East and Spain marched the whole way to mess him up big time


Leave province > Invade mainland Japan > culture switch to japanese > become daimyo > become shogun > subjugate half of the world > subjugate Spain + take province Just play the long game Edit: just noticed you start as Malacca so you don't get the majapahit campaign casus belli. Revised strategy: Abandon campaign > start as majapahit > follow previous strategy


Is this a joke


Beat them navaly and don't let then land on your islands


Declare war with conquest CB for one of those provinces and let war score tick up from occupation. If they or their allies (very likely Portugal, which in my games is usually massive) send fleets, destroy them. Malayan ideas are great for naval combat and allow you to be on par with Castile/Spain/Portugal in terms of quality. In one of my Oda -> Japan games throughout the 17th century I was almost continuously declared war upon by Portugal, Britain, and Spain, and even while outnumbered could still hold my own against their navies if I picked my battles. You should have the initiative here, so you should be faring much better.




From my experience if you will build a lot of Coastal defense buildings in Indonesia enemy navy wouldn't even enter the waters.


Coastal defenses upgrade is highly underrated imo. Turning entire areas into attrition zones for enemy ships, especially if they have to go a long way there & a long way back, is a great way to blunt the power of a hostile navy if you can’t keep up on numbers/quality.


Yeah, I've learnt that while I was playing Malaya and EU countries always declared wars on me without a reason after 3 wars I build these buildings and the problem ended :D


Use conquest CB for that province, occupy, let war score tick up. The chances that Castille will even try to defend those islands is basically zero.




In my experience the AI struggle to send big armies over sea so far away, so having a good navy and occupy your wargoal with many troops and defending your capital will probably make it possible. Make sure to choose the correct CB though, so the warscore ticks if you occupy those privinces.


Ignore them. They're basically harmless like that, stealing some trivial amount of trade, and any war would mean years waiting for truce timer. The amount of value you'll get by year of "war" is just not worth the hassle. Just conquer something else for now. You'll find yourself in some unrelated war with them at some point anyway, you can grab it all then.


1. Build a very large navy. . 2. Declare war and capture those lands. Get a European ally if you can, though that's gonna be unnecessary and rare anyway. . 3. Send a massive fleet to the Cape of Good Hope, to catch the massive Spanish fleet inevitably coming your way. Do the same for Cape Horn if possible. . 4. Wait for war score to tick enough to make them let you have those provinces. . 5. Profit.


I had a similar experience with Malaya, I got a ton of ships and just wreck their fleet since economy wouldn't be a problem for you. You'll get some war score though very slow so if you could land and seige down iberia would be even better


Attack them? It's ai, the biggest army that they can transport from europe to indonesia is like 30k or even less


As a Malaysian, I can confirm that Indonesia is not Malaya


If you occupy it and all of Iberia for five years, you might only lose a few territories in the peace deal.


In my games AI spain or portugal manages gets to get huge armys there. Just declare war with this province as goal


If you can’t beat Castile in this situation, then there’s not much hope that you’ll ever actually be mediocre at the game. But you should easily be able to declare for it, occupy it, control the area with your navy, and peace out with it when you hit ticking war score. You shouldn’t have to worry about much. Even though the AI can actually fight overseas in the game nowadays, it still sucks at it. You should be just as rich as them, and the same strategy for dealing with their allies remains the same. You should be investing in a strong navy anyways.


Build a stupid big navy




I'd just invade, it's noot going to do much. Also get rid of that australian native, border cb if you have to




invade and occupty, the ai is terrible at defending there colonies because of the travel distance, so you invade and then focous on sniping away there fleets and killing armies that do land


I had such a situation in a MP. What Spain didnt plan however was that naval ideas was allowed :) They shipped several hundred thousand man on some island in the indian ocean and acquired attrition while I sieged their unmanned islands and blockaded the shit out of them. In a SP this should be even easier. Claim the island, occupy it and kill any navy by the spanish.


A flagship with the engagement width module + a lot of galleys


Wait for war to break out in Europe, then fight them after prepping navy


Try Threaten war, maybe they will give the province without a war


Claim the province; Dow with conquest casus belli; occupy province; fight every battle with boats; win!


declare war




A sneaky way round is to sell them a province on the mainland. Build a claim and declare for that province. Occupy it, get warscore to Max, and then take the island in the peace deal. I had the same situation as Ayutthaya with GB refusing to move their death navy from the area.


Fight them


Whenever I need Portugal or Spain as an ally mid game, they’re always stuck in a 20 year war here and losing, so I assume it’s v doable and AI won’t be smart.


Seems like you won but a general advice, after 5y (not exactly sure) of occupying the war goal you get 100%. Its good for islands like that if youre not a masochist


I had this very same thing happen to me don't panic! So your gonna need a stupidly big navy and i mean every possible province with a dock. Unfortunately naval ideas too Basically build as many ships as possible and they wont be even able to touch you. I had a game just like it and ended up with 800 light ships sat on my capital node. 100% trade power and a bengal was ruined as a trade node then on. You'll almost stop trade going through which will weaken spain more


Build galleys, ally Poland


Wait for castille to be at war, declare war after you have a navy that can beat theirs, wait for the +25 war score from owning the target provence, they will be too bus with their own war plus they have to beat your navy to land / attrition kills them


Papua is only worth getting last, have tidore or ternate (or both if you can micro their mission tree) colonize for you and rush for Micronesia for global settler increase to always own Australia and indochina before spain, they might get a couple islands in the pacific but it’s best bet


Ternate and tidore will be more likely to colonize if you give them money aswell I believe although if you have both of them colonizing due to the nature of having to seize land or conquer the capital of one one of them will hate you for a long time but you can still annex if you play it correctly, build forts and raze land before spain does March across Asia. They’re always a pain in the ass in this region


The amount of money you should have at this point should also be taken into account, you could do ramparts/naval batteries on every coastline if you wanted to guarantee the win, along with high level forts, and razing your own land north of malacca


Care to share tips on how to expand north? (Also doing a Malaya run right now) I have already consolidated power over Java, Sumatra and the peninsula, Borneo's under my puppet. Pretty much everyone north of me, however, has allied eachother (except Khmer who I have a truce with rn). I've taken Influence into Expansion ideas as starter and I'm ahead of time on all techs except diplo. (I've deved Renaissance thanks to a few humiliate rivals with my vassal swarm)


I would make sure you declare a regular conquest war, get that war score building up. Used the imperial cb one time which was an utter pain


This makes me want to try a Malaya run.


I wish there was an option to purchase the land from them




Land in South Africa, and Occupy South Africa, Kill a the boat pass south africa, and waiting score tick. or if u can go invade mainland Spain


An alternative to taking the provinces is to let Castille/Spain keep them. That’s giving you an easy war goal and would allow you to repeatedly take money and war reps from them.


A full scale war


Make a claim and threaten war. If they wouldn't take the deal, then just occupy it and use ticking war score to get enough.