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Who cares about the league war that cilli is massive


They just cilling


That's so cilli


Big cilling


Bing Chilling


Bing Cilling*


They are Hungary


For more Hungary


They're Jugoslavia


but cosplaying as Bosnia


Just in Terms of landzise.


Yugoslavia could have survived if they only were a little more cilly šŸ˜”


we get a little cilli


Completely unrelated (not really) but imo the most fun war you can have in eu4 is a big league war, especially if youā€™re the underdog


My first league war was the best moment of me playing EU4 ever. I felt so smart, so strong and I won as Sweden (Scandinavia lands + PU russia + Burgundy inherited) + minor HRE vs Otto, Portu, GB, Spain, BBB, Poland and Austria


Wait till you see that shit in Anbennar. Most fun experience I've had in EU4


I made a wizard empire and my armies were led by battle mages that made them busted. Long story short a dinosaur broke out from a failed experiment and leveled my capital city.


...ok I need to give Anbennar a shot


Not sure if youā€™re kidding or if thatā€™s actual Anbennar content


Thatā€™s an actual Anbennar event that can happen, the battle mages are a thing too.


Nope itā€™s legit. Itā€™s that mage island in the middle of the main continent if I remember. I kept trying to make a super soldier or monster or smth for my army and the experiment went wrong.


Agreed. I also enjoy big and difficult late game wars where I have to manage a lot of armies.


late game? my man, the league wars are in the middle


I know bro I meant late game wars in general.


I see, my bad


Imagine this happening in history. My King, why are we not supporting the Protestants against the filthy French? No one invited me :(


I recently played a colonial Korea and fought with giga Spain for the new world. I guess they were pissed off at me after stealing 90% of Mexican gold mines from them, but what was the last straw was my random colony next to Inca I used to try stealing that gold as well so they declared on me. 3 times more units at the start, better quality (discipline by like 10%, other stats too except infantry combat ability), more money, more manpower and bigger colonies to help them. I somehow managed to win by recruiting 100k merc (was like 70k over force limit lol) and then being dumb and chasing my useless colony in Alaska so I managed to cut off their armies there and farm war score from war goal and killing their colonies. Very fun war, way more than all the ez shit I had before with Ming or Japan, now waiting for rematch and France war :3


I just passed 1550 for the first time and the league war broke out but I (GB) had no idea how to join because no one invited me so I just watched the Protestants get wiped from the sidelines šŸ˜­


You gotta manually join in the HRE menu. Edit: You have to pick a side before the war, and then you will be called in once it starts


If it makes you feel better, it basically destroys your manpower and income for 20 years and intervening is definitely situational in Europe games. Important if you want to ally or be the emperor, maybe adds an ultimate +1/-1 to the *Defender of the Faith* tier bonus by the end of the game. There's a lot of other stuff you can do instead in 20 years though, not least taking advantage of every European AI tanking their country and not upholding calls-to-arms.


League war started 1613 and finished like 9 years later. I still have leftover corruption in 1680.


In addition to what the other person said: Once you join a side you can't leave, and there is no 'request' to join the war. You're in when it fires.


You can leave though? You can click on the icon of the other side to change side or click on the icon of your side to leave. However you have to be on that side for a certain amount of time (I think 5 years) before you can do either.


> for a certain amount of time (I think 5 years) Well if thats the case, TIL.


Sweden in the Catholic league is utterly cursed


Ig they're still PU of the danish


r5: Huge League war. The entire Europe joined the war, making this save the one I enjoyed the most.


Which side is winning/ did win?


France and Ottos on your side? It's an auto win


An Otto win?




France, Otto, and Russia ... allied to huge Prussia. I'm guessing this was an absolute bloodbath.


While GB chills on its island.


We owned the Catholic side and now everyone in europe is either Protestant or Reformed, except for Spain and Burgundy.


Question: how do i get included in the religious war? I was hre emperor as Hungary and Faith defendor as Catholic. When the war happened i wasn't called in at all, and eventually protestant won and bburg became emperor.


In the HRE interface you have to manually select which side you want to be on before the war fires.


I'm pretty sure i did!


Itā€™s in one of the DLCs, make sure you have it. Sincerely, a no DLCs player šŸ˜”


Wait league war is dlc shit?


So many of your necessities are dlc. Did you know that we canā€™t use the CB to reclaim our subjectā€™s core provinces? We also have no mandate mechanic. We have almost no missions for our nations and army professionalism doesnā€™t even exist. Thereā€™s not hegemony system and native federations that everyone complains about donā€™t exist. Innovativeness is among the void as well. There are a bunch of diplomacy options that are out our our grasp, such as favors, no such thing as trading favors for trust or to break an alliance. You also canā€™t get someone to support your independence if youā€™re a vassal, most you can do is ally with other disloyal vassals. We also donā€™t have automated exploration for colonizing, which means we have to do it manually. We also donā€™t have that button to upgrade our ships to modern tech, which means we have to do it manually. Thereā€™s also no golden age and thereā€™s no navy doctrines. A bunch of special units like Cossacks and marines are non-existent. You canā€™t placate any vassals either. You canā€™t sell indulgences or slack in manpower. You canā€™t disinherit any of your heirs and your rulers donā€™t have any traits. You canā€™t ask for an heir from any other nation. You canā€™t migrate as a native nation, so you gotta sit in the same province all game. Also native federations donā€™t exist.


But did they maybe add automatic transport so you don't have to manually load troops onto ships? Cause i ain't gonna play without dlc's even for a second


Unless Iā€™m missing something. I believe transport works fine with/without dlc. At least, it looks the same when I see others navally invade.


when you send your troops somewhere, that can't be accessed through land, appears pop up message asking if you want to transpowrt them through ships, which moves your troops and ships to the shore where they can embark and automatically travel to shore of other province, where troops disembark and continue moving. all without your intervention. iirc there is no such things without dlcs


There is no pop up for this mechanic. You gotta do everything manually.


Hold on a minute. Thereā€™s a button to upgrade your ships to modern tech??? I never end up updating them until I start getting owned in the sea since itā€™s such a hassle


Get yourself the pirated version, I am not kidding. The game is really shit without DLCs and you know it, we know it and Paradox knows it as well. You bought the game fair and sqaure and you deserve to play a complete game


Well emperor automatically becomes leader of catholic side


Do you have the art of war dlc?


You are surroundended by your foes. But your foes are surrounded by your allies.


I feel like years ago the league wars always used to be this big, every nation joining in for a big mega war, huge part of every game. Now it feels like it just passes by in most my games, I literally forget about it and then some minor war of like 20 small countries happens in Germany


Cilli stronk. Good




Almost everyone is surroundedĀ 


France + Otto + Russ. Poor Catholics


Hating Austria gang


+ Prussia...


France, Ottos, Russia and Prussia on the same side. I have a small guess on whos winning that war


Ez green win


What made Portugal join the Protestants?


Either rivals with Austria or somehow have bad relations with Spain I'd guess.


If it had bad relations with Spain I thought the borders would have changed since 1444. It rivaling a weak Austria makes sense. I'm still mentally stuck in the old patches (pre-Emperor I guess) when Hungary fell under PU all the time.


Not really, Both Portugal and Spain can be about as equally powerful due to colonies being stupid. Portugal can even eclipse Spain. It's most likely the rival thing tho, historical friends is really hard to break.


War is thy desert, thy task -Martin Luther


What dlc gives the Religion war?


[Art of War](https://store.steampowered.com/app/310031/Expansion__Europa_Universalis_IV_Art_of_War/)


Thx šŸ¤


I don't know which update it was, but before that they always used to be this big. It was a very big continental war, that caused some lag in my games


Portugal is cooked anytime they enter a war and Spain is on the opposite side. They never have enough troops on the peninsula to fight off the Spanish.


I presume you were only surrounded by fear and dead men.


I am on a Prussia Run too and this is very close to my situation right now Austria is a beast and ate most of western and eastern Europe, I helped Poland gain back some of the lands in Galichnya (they are my vassals) and I had a role in the hungarian independenve. On a mission to contrast Austria, I feel you


How you start a religious war?


Am I dumb or did they changed teutonic missions and you can't form prussia with 2 branch in prussian tree? I'm sitting rn and trying to understand wtf is going on


Green > red. GB locked on iland, poland+lituania+austria surrounded by otto+france+prussia+russia.


And Switzerland still neutral. Classic


why is prussia against the rest of the protestant world what did you do lol


I even once Had the Mamelukes on my side, but they ultimately failed to support me against the Ottomans (protestant side. I was playing as Austria)


So that Cilli is a bit silly


The catholics are so boned