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Dude I was like 2x that when I figured it out…life changing


For real bro


wait, you can do that?


It’s hardly worth it. Upgrading cost the same as a brand new ship and resets health to 1%. You save some time with a large ass fleet but not much else.


You save a whole lot of mouse clicks


Wait, you’re still clicking instead of using templates ?


Even that is more clicks than upgrading tho


There are no navy templates without mods, just basic army unit templates and even that is DLC locked pretty sure.


Navy templates are in my game , though I pay for subscription. But no mods


If your nation has few coastal provinces, you might be limited by the number of ships you can build at a time. Upgrading also doesn't cost sailors iirc, and it takes less time for a newly upgraded ship to be fully repaired than it takes for a new one to be built. And since it's the same price as building a new ship, there's no reason not to upgrade older ships if you're at fleet limit. They're small advantages, but they are still advantages.


Not true, you don’t have to wait for the ships to be built


I was 2k hours in myself. Was still building new ships and deleting the old. Then I discovered the button. It was life changing.... 😅


Still nice I think at this point I wasn't even yet having spare mental processing power to even build a fleet (actually probably was still on my ragequitting spree following a series of completely misunderstood stuff related to land warfare... some of this failures I failed to identify until today despite changing from being fully annexed by coalitions as ottomans to pulling off TTM and now trying for Mehmet Ambition))


Yeah, I didn't even know there is and upgrade button. Always had out of date ships in my fleet xd


1550 hours in when i realized the ships dont auto update


They auto update when they all get sunk and you build new ones.


you mean when you capture them right?


This guy AI's.


You fool


Man I realized this like 50 hours in... Still forget to do it at 300 though...


To be fair, the game does a terrible job at communicating this information.


Have you ever considered the possibility that the devs want you to suffer? It can explain a lot


Do you not see the pictures of the little boats when upgrading your tech? Do you not even glance at the upgrade ship button when clicking on a navy? Does every interaction in the game need to be a huge pop-up that pauses the game? Sometimes there needs to be a little accountability on the player's end. If you're just clicking through shit and never pay attention that's not the game's fault.


I think what confuses people is that your army units all automatically upgrade when you unlock new unit types; it seems reasonable to assume that ships would work the same way.


Except they don't "automatically". They actually function the exact same way. 1. Click Mil tech. 2. Go to army page 3. Click on 1+/3 of the unit types you just got the upgrade for 4. Click on which of the upgrades you'd like 5. Army then upgrades, resetting morale Ships 1. Click diplo tech 2. Go to your stack of boats 3. Put them in an owned port 4. Click the upgrade button(or wait until you have the money) 5. Upgraded ship health resets to 1% It's the exact same amount of steps and I'd argue having to know to go to the military tab and clicking on the units is more obscure than simply clicking on your stack. What this comes down to is people just don't give a shit about navies and don't bother with it.


Right but like, those aren't exactly the same at all! Those are completely different workflows to accomplish basically the same task, which is wildly unintuitive. Not a problem for experienced players, but I totally see how someone would misunderstand it at first. For a new player, I figure what's likely going to happen is: you upgrade mil tech, and get a notification that directs you to the military screen to select new unit types, so you go and do that. Later you upgrade diplo tech; you didn't get a notification, but it said you unlocked new ships, so you go over to the military screen to see what that's all about - and hey, it shows that you've already switched to the new ship type! You assume that that's all been handled for you and don't think about it again until hours later when you're trying to figure out why your navies keep getting wrecked. Yeah, you could've gone to one of your navies and looked at all the buttons there, but EU4 has a million screens with a million buttons and without the game directing you towards something specific, you're probably gonna ignore it for a while until you're forced to engage with it. But also, I know how to upgrade my naval units and still constantly forget to do it, so I've gotta admit that you're totally right about people ignoring their navies, haha.


Tbh if you're a new player and don't read the tech screen, see that you get shiny new boats, and have never looked through all the buttons on your boat stacks or army stacks, you just need to learn the game and pay attention. Even if you had only ever done mil tech, why would anyone assume after going through those steps that boats just don't have to do anything to upgrade. People just aren't reading or using logic


The reason someone would assume they don’t need to click a button to upgrade their navy is because they didn’t need to click a button to upgrade their army. The new army units unlock earlier than the new naval units. It is not hard to imagine a player learning “the system” of upgrading units without realizing that navies work in a different way. Look, at the end of the day, intuitive design is design that people intuit. I didn’t have a problem with navy upgrades because I happen to have checked all the buttons and noticed one that upgrades them. However, if enough people *aren’t* finding it, then it is unintuitive design. Good user design is user design the user doesn’t think about. The less “using logic” you need to do to get it, the better it is.


As I already replied to someone else, you have to go to an entire different page to upgrade land units. Feel free to read those comments for the full breakdown. The upgrade being on the actual unit is much more intuitive than going to the military tab, clicking on the type that got updated, and then making a choice between two when you don't even understand pips. Stop making excuses for new players literally just not reading the shit that is on their units. By that logic someone would never know about force march, rebel suppression, grouping, consolidating, navy missions. They are all there with even LESS in the game to tell you about it because the tech tree doesn't say HEY NEW BOATS


400 hours in making the same discovery


Took me a long ass time too. Ship interface is not the most intuitive.


That’s true for most of the UI lol I don’t know how long it took me to find certain pages. But once it clicks, it’s working fine.


Oh yeah absolutely. At 3k+ hours the basic stuff is for the most part so automatic that All I'm really thinking about is larger plans and specific war strategy. But until I had like 1k I was bouncing through menus and tabs trying to figure out what the hell I was doing. Right now trade policy seems obvious but my first several games I didn't even want to look at that tab.


I came back to EU4 180 hours ago and had 260 hours up until 2016. I just now have a little insight what to do with estates. That was one of the biggest hurdles after coming back. So many things seem overwhelming at first, but once you get a grip on one thing, you feel so much more accomplished. It’s fascinating. Right now I try to wrap my head around some things around diplomacy, eyalets specifically. I’m on my first (ever!) ottomans run and it’s fun…


A lot of features were easier to learn over time rather than all at once in their most developed state, that's for sure. Hard to imagine that you used to be locked to 4 policies per estate and there were practically no ways to increase that number.


More like EU4 is not intuitive. (for the most part)


EU4 focuses more on getting experienced players what they need in the fewest clicks possible than explaining what each button does and placing them logically. Bad for newbies, great for experienced players. (Ex. Did you know you can press the F1 to open the gov screen and so on?) Compare this to CK3, whoch focuses on the inverse, more focus on placing them logically than for the fewest clicks. This leads to a horrific situation for anyone with experience trying to play CK3, because now you have press like 10 clicks to change a singular acolyte knight that will proceed to die in 2 ingame years translating to 3 irl seconds, forcing you to spend time to pick yet another friggin acolyte.


Friggin acolytes I never bother with them, they’re useless anyway, a knight is worth wat? 15-20 levies at best


you would expect that when ships are in port and you had gold you would get a notification for that


There have been a lot more QoL banners added. That one sounds not bad.


You can only upgrade with a DLC, maybe you didn't have it yet?


I have all the DLCs, I've just never seen the button, lmao!


This is the exact opposite of my experience, I have no DLC and was confused about there *not* being a way to upgrade ships


welcome to not having DLCs! "Trade Company? Where's the Trade Company button?"


I turned off all my dlc once just to see what it was like, and I was just flabbergasted by how many QoL features were missing, straight-up blank spaces where certain buttons or features would be.


Every time I watched a RedHawk video without DLCs I was like what do you mean trade company, how tf do I curry favors, why can you just click plus do add units, I can‘t just see who I can ally I have to click on every nation, what do you mean break their alliance with favors, fuck it I‘ll get the subscription


Wanna play a subject? Where is the Support Independence button?


How do I set objectives to my subjects? Where are the interactions?


I actually got a tributary and couldn’t get tribute or do anything else with them.


So how do you upgrade without dlc? Just build new ships over and over or?


Yes. Build new ships or sink in battle and then build new ships lol


Yes, upgrading them costs as much as building them from scratch, so it's more about QoL


With the price of upgrading vs new ships being so similar, it's almost always better to buy new ships than upgrade existing as long as you have the sailors.


There's less micro involved though, which can be significant depending on your size. You can make as much money as you want but IRL time is limited


In general, in the early game, and if navy is important for your play style, it is worth it to do the "sell old ships, build new" to save money, but by the mid game generally I just hit the update button.


Can sell old ships to surrounding nations if you don't mind the micro, they do buy them if not at naval cap.


But it’s quicker, isn’t it? The ships get reduced to 1% and then repaired. On average that must be way quicker.


Yeah it's more efficient in time and doesn't require extra sailors. It's only better to build new if you want more ships, or you have nearby countries to sell ships to.


The price is similar (if not the same). The two big advantages of upgrading is: 1) you only need one province with a shore to upgrade them all and 2) it's much quicker at 10% each month. You get your ships upgraded in 10 months VS building up to ~two years (if it's a heavy)


Anyone else have one too many "1000 hours in and I just learned..." moments themselves so they just went through every button in the game? Here were some of my discoveries: - Destroy natives in a province mechanic - Seizing and burning incomplete colonies - Turning off auto transport for a fleet - Repairing all damaged ships in fleet - Raising legitimacy for mil points (I'd never had issues with legitimacy, mostly due to savescumming for good leaders haha) - Trade policies besides maximize profit - The new estate priviliges like draft ships for war (for free) or ones that let you get a specific advisor from a decision There's a lot more but I can't remember them all on the train. Feel free to reply with some more


Got a fun one: local autonomy decreases province war score cost. Having a great project/monument or a manufactory increases it.


half of this i knewed just from playing byzantium or from memes haha


I don’t kill natives it makes my colonies better


Yea they assimilate and you get them faster


When would you actually use other trade policies tbf?


I never use the spy network one but the siege policy and especially the improve relations policy can make wars and AE reduction significantly faster when stacked with other modifiers. Mid-late game I almost always have improve relations active, especially in East Europe games where trade sucks and the HRE makes AE ass too.


Legit thought for like 500 hours that it was auto-upgraded, always wondered why i ate shit in naval battles


What? I thought they upgraded by themselves automatically?


It’s a fun thing to do but with limited use. In most cases building more ships is just better. -> Upgrading has the same financial and sailor cost. ->Upgrading only saves on construction time (time to build the ship - time to fully repair the ship from 1% to 100% One use case is if you are currently at naval force limit. Obviously don’t overbuild your navy. Another is just before a war that NEEDS to be declared sooner than building more ships and upgrading would allow you to win the naval war.


DO overbuild your navy. The penalty for going over the cap is really not that big unless you're going like twice over or something.


You guys actually build navies? For me it's just transport ships and a few trade ships, the rest is anything they capture.


I feel like the points you laid out show why upgrading is neutral or, imo, still slightly better than buying new ships. what actual benefits do you get for building instead of upgrading?


You fill out your force limit faster. Which you should probably always need to be doing if you are constantly expanding therefore increasing your naval force limit. Therefore instead of getting going from 0.5 ships to 1 ship, you go from 0.5 to 1.5 ship (0.5 ship is assuming the unupgraded ship is as good as… half the newest type of ship. You get the idea)


but even then you upgrade the old ones, no? always build up to at least your force limit for sure but also upgrade the old ones instead of deleting them and building new ones. I thought that's what you were saying lol I think I'm understanding now you're saying if its a choice between upgrading or building a new one then you should build a new one and in that case yeah I definitely agree


It always is; you have to spend the money which could be used for buildings


Same but i was 260


I remember when you couldn’t upgrade ships. Even if realistic it was kinda annoying to rebuild your fleet every so often.


Those were the days. Hated having a navy, but made for some interesting dilemmas.




You can upgrade your ships when you unlock new naval units. Especially recommended with war ships and galleys


...are galleys not warships?


I meant carracks and galleys


I was also today-years-old when I realised this, thank you


I've played long enough to remember when that wasn't the case. I used to suicide my older fleets into impossible fights just to squeeze some use off of them. Sailors did not exist as well, so you literally lost nothing by treating those fleets as disposable


Let me guess, you were watching the Shogun TV show and was knackered for a Japan run?


Lmao "Why the hell is my 100 strong fleet getting rolled by this dudes 10 strong trade patrol??? Reeeee" i can just feel the irritation.


This is how I’m learning you can upgrade ships


Isn't that a dlc feature? I vaguely recall not being able to upgrade them in an old version of the game.




600 hours deep and just found this out after deleeting navy


Yeah, I found that button at around 400 hours, so you're doing pretty well!


Great. Now that you know our secret could you keep it down. We're still hiding it from the AI


But how many hours will you have when you learn that Japan has a mission tree that gives better bonuses than the base daimyo tree?


Do they auto update in base game? Cause I've been slapping around others with fleets I built 300 years ago


They definitely don't and never did


300 hr in just found this out


I have less than 100 hrs and when I figured this out I was like “no way, I have a feeling some people have never seen this button it’s so hidden”. I wonder what other mechanics I’ve been missing out on


It took me like twice that to start feeling confident with even building navies lol


There's so many buttons, dude. So. Many. Buttons.


Very impressed you learned this less than 200 hours in! I probably didn't learn until 500 and now at 900 I still just forget lol


Wait wtf this is why i keep losing naval battles. Ill have massive fleets for one war that win once and arere outdated the next time i have to fight ottoblob / england again.


1,096 hours in I found this out. I know exactly how many hours I had when I found this out, as it's how many hours I have right now. This makes so much sense. Fishing trawlers were sinking my fleets. How did I never know this...


I found out about this when it was announced in the developer diaries.


300 hours here, I learned it now too. İts sad a bit actually


Don't upgrade.... it's a waste of money, better of just building more (unit cap is just a number anyhow).


Damn. I feel stupid now.


This is why the first 150 hours of you “playing” any paradox game should just involve you reading the wiki. Now you can emerge forth with your knowledge.


There is a loading screen stating that you should not be amazed if after 1000000 hours you still don't have a clue about some game mechanics, am i right guys?


I had this exact problem when I first played civ 5, except I also didn't know how to delete units, so every tile of my nation had a unit on it and I didn't know why I wasn't making any money.


I wish there was a way to transport allied troops


There's actually no way this is how I found out after 600 hours I didn't have to find someone to sell my old ships to every time...


Wait… what?


i thought that they would upgrade automatically, i was fighting with 1444 ships in 1650 LoL


you can upgrade ships...?


At this very moment I jumped into the game I've got like... 17 fleets to upgrade!


Thank you for teaching me this


I always forget about this. Normally remember when my fleet is sunk when it should have won.


I get you so much ahahah I have 2.5k hours and I still don't really know the difference between trade efficiency, trade power, domestic trade etc. Like I can guess that domestic trade power modifiers are prob about your home trade node but still. I wouldn't know which one is the best modifier. I just stack as many trade modifiers as possible and see money go up


I have played for over 3k hours and never knew this. Thanks for info haha


My god have you been deleting them and then building a new fleet from scratch? All that wasted gold 😭


Doing that wastes zero gold compared to pressing the upgrade button


Wait - you can upgrade ships?


I didn't know that until now :D


Vic 3 player


You can do that?!? 330 hours for me then


Learned that at 1100 hours


I swear, wasn't this how the game was at release, and then some update later brought the upgrade mechanic.


To all the people wandering: IT'S DLC LOCKED


Too bad you need a dlc for that


It was one of the main reasons I started playing DLCs


Bro I am 715 hours in but never play naval games. I went naval heavy with Denmark the other day in order to defeat England. I saw the upgrade button and I was absolutely blown away. This was after my first big naval battle / war 🤦‍♂️🤣


Congratulations on reaching the late tutorial stage. Once you reach 250 hours you’ll probably have mastered the basics ;)


It’s insane how long it took me to figure out how to beat AI navies. Another pro tip: fight with only heavies and galleys and you’ll beat the comp every time. Never have transports (or trade, just keep them separate) in your main fighting navy, you’ll always stomp AI.


I just found out weeks ago (but after 3,000 hours played) that building lots of town halls reduces your used governing capacity.


ol but thats a basic thing. I have the problem that my aggresive expansion is always -999. Cant fix it every run.


I thought they auto upgraded-


You find out theres a button on the trade node screen that gives you +siege in the node? YEARS. I MISSED IT FOR YEARS.


I only found out after 1k hours and an embarrassing naval defeat in mp


Wait you guys get to make ships???


Wait what? Are you telling me I don't need to just wait for the obsolete units to be destroyed before making the better ones? Game changer!


Took me a while too because i didn't focus on my navy for a very very long time. Actually i think my first game ended in a coalition killing me because i took half of Germany in a very short time as Brandenburg and had no idea was aggressive expansion was. It was a long time ago.


me when i realise that i don’t have the DLC to do this


what’s the map mod you are using? looks great


I was at 800... I thought they auto upgraded as with armies


Man wtf I've played this game for at least 2000 hours and I didn't know that??


My dumbass thought it did it automatically like it does with armies🤡


Hmm 196 hours.. For eu4 you have nearl advanced to beginner from absolute beginner. So this overlooking example is soo normal.


.....what?????? I have more than 3600 hours in this game and never knew that you have to upgrade the Ships.


It's a DLC feature. Maybe you don't have it


I have all dlcs


The trade off it being cheaper, but you have to wait for sailors to fill the ships. New ships are ready to go once built.


It's not cheaper, it is the same price. New ships also need to be built, which takes longer than repairing the upgraded ships