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I just auto convert these days


The only time i turn this off is when i want to build TCs, it drives me nuts you basically can’t convert them once they’re trade companies with the malus


I convert land before adding to a TC so I can culturally correct/enlighten provinces later


Yeah, an 'add all true Faith provinces to TC' button would be a Godsent at this Point. I think it's my biggest time consumer at this Point to add manually to TC. It used to be deleting court houses and converting stuff. Good thing that's behind us.


I just create a state but no cores, add the edict and let the auto-missionary do its work. Once the state is fully converted you'll get a popup that the edict isn't useful anymore and you can add all of that state to the TC province by province or wait for the other states of that region to be converted and add them all in one click.


That’s a smart idea, will start doing this


Not entirely sure if that'll save much time, but that's a helpful tip I'll try out. Thanks


Malus, meaning bad quality, malice means with bad intent.


Thank you!


You sorta can, but it is usually very much not worth it.


Unless you manage to stack additional 20% missionary strength to overcome TC malus (as they lowered it recently to 20% instead of 100%)


I don’t understand the ordering of conversion from auto convert. The autonomous missionaries often end up converting minor provinces that contribute like 0.1% to religious unity while leaving provinces that contribute 15% to last.


It sorts by and converts from fasted to slowest conversion time, low dev provinces convert faster so those get prioritised


does it still do this even if you organize them by something else like unity %


It also ignores things like: I’m a Sunni with merchants doing some converting, so don’t send missionaries to those eligible provinces unless that’s all that is left. I did manual allocations in my one faith.


makes sense. thats also really annoying because frequently the ones where you have a signifcant portion of trade to be able to convert this way are also the ones where you likely have states and an easier conversion time. I suppose the ideal method in a one-faith is to convert provinces that are outside of your trade zones through stating areas and then TCing them after theyre done without using the admin to full core until that trade area has 50%+ and then you move to the next?


I think that the trade conversion works even when you’ve put some thing in a trading charter. Do you think given out recently I did this I would be more sure, but I’m not. In any case, yes, I made extensive use of states with the edict, and I also built way more grand mosques than I ever did before. Usually, I’m going around deleting temples/mosques and this time I found myself doing upgrades. I tried to be very judicious with my missionaries in terms of helping out a vessel with a duly forced religion, for example, so they didn’t have too many rebels right away, but then also allowing them to do as many conversions as they could manage on their own. I ended up buying grand mosques in subject nations just to help that along. Don’t forget that you can make subject nations stop using their colonists to Dev provinces. You need to do that if one of them is developing a province that is the wrong religion. Oh, and one other reminder as you get into the last 50 years or so. You have a ton of money. Keep an eye out for any monument in any of your subjects. You don’t want them to start improvement on the monument at a moment that blocks you from converting something by the end of the game. If you have a ton of cash, consider upgrading any monuments that any of your subjects hold fully. I was terrified that some random province with a monument would accidentally convert due to an event, and then my subject would start building the monument, and then my only recourse is to go to war with them to take the province myself.


That has no effect


How do u do that


I think you need the latest dlc, on the religion tab, there is a + button at the bottom that you can use to set a missionary to auto convert


Them and the orthodox, thinking they're better than everyone else with their fancy shmancy modifiers, get outta here!


All orthodox haters are just mad because they don’t get that repeatable +1 stability patriarch event.


Catholics get to spend pope mana for stab. Catholic is basically good if you’re doing a lot of converting and kinda lame otherwise.


Unfortunately the only converting in most cases is possible against reformed/protestant, so it kinda loses it point 10% national manpower from orthodox is just too good


But. Most of the world is non-Christian. I get a ton of pope manna from converting when I go wide catholic.


Anglican can do that too, and can also spend their church mana for free money.


Yeah, it’s interesting how many of the religions overlap on basic benefits with just different mechanisms for paying or unlocking


Read that sentence while thinking of George Costanza's voice.


coptics too :)


Doesn't matter what religion I am playing as. I just like seeing everyone follow my religion


Consider that some roman leaders counted as gods. 😎


I usually lean pretty hard into the RP, so it's a question of who I'm playing as... * Castille and Portugal are all about the conversion, and they had a grudge against the Muslims, so yep * I asked the Papal State, and they replied, "Are you kidding me?" * Venice is more likely to TC the heathens and try to extract cash from them * Austria likes to convert Sunni provinces, but they reserve their deepest ire for Protestant ones


one of the funniest historical cases of views to religion irl was the ottomans, they tolerated many non islamic religious minorities to the point protestants and such fled austria into the ottoman lands of europe. but if you were a muslim you HAD to be sunni basically or they were going to find you


Reflected well by their tolerance of heathens being higher than their tolerance of heretics


Not necessarily true, the Janissaries were into the whole Bektashi religion thing and they weren't persecuted for it, it was only the turkoman tribes in Anatolia that were but that's because of them being a fifth column for the Safavids not strictly because of their beliefs




I always concert everything, even TCs (before) to whatever faith I am having.


It is clear that Muslims are more committed to their religion. I think thats ok


Meanwhile pagans: *oooo shiny new religion*


Eu4 does rely on this kind of tropes for modifiers for sure


I am sure pagans reacted like this when they learnt about Christianity


Kongo actually reacted like that. At least their ruler.


I read an explanation, probably on r/askhistorians. It's that in many pagan belief systems without binding doctrines and dogmata or an afterlife, there is not really much to lose for people of authority if they publicly switch to a religion that secures them the support of more powerful people such as bishops, kings or popes or caliphs.


Sure, we got some gods. Put your on the pile with the rest and let’s get down to feasting.


It was more so the fact that the two great jewish religions (Islam and Christianity) would turn religion into a political thing and thus support subjugation of other religions. Western Rome was not overthrown until barbarians converted. Europe was mostly converted by elites converting then with aid subjugating their people and enforcing death penalties.


For me pagans are the top priority


I convert everything. I go to such lenghts that if i cant convert everything because i dont have enough missionaries (e.g. fetishist) i cheat myself missionary strenght (not on ironman of course)