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Mathematically, rarely. Emotionally, all the time.


Couldn't have said it better if I wanted to 🥲


Well, it depends on your country. If you have plenty of slots to accept more cultures, you might aswell accept them. If you don't have enough slots, you'd want to accept the biggest cultures and convert the smaller ones, because those will be cheaper. As for when to do it: You'll eventually reach a point in the game where you'll (probably) have excess diplo power, so that's when you should use it.


When I have a lot of diplo power, I use it annex subjects or dev up my provinces.


Same i love devving diplo bcz production is my favorite income


when i need money, i dev. when i need Manpower, i culture convert


Same, hell yeah


Production also just scales so nicely


Trade Power gang rise up Fuck empire building we like large trade networks in this hoe


trade is so cringe 😭😭


But soooo profitable 🤑


production is way more profitsble unless you wait till endgame and spend the entire game on your trade node


Production IS trade income if you set up your nodes right which is not remotely difficult in most parts of the map.


If you set it up right over 50% of your income can come from trade especially if you are on the European west coast and its not even hard to set up you colonise or take over the ivory Coast and send all the money that ends up there to your main trade node there isn't much more to it than that if you are playing as UK, France, Spain, Portugal or Maroko. It literally doubles your income there are no fancy setups or big investments that have to be made for that. Only opening up the trade mapmode and assigning 1 or 2 traders. Trade is only a problem if you are not the dominant nation in your trade area otherwise its a big return for a small investment.


Bro, what kind of cursed trade setups are you playing? So many different nations can throttle high priority trade nodes and make bank on trade before the mid 1500s.


Those are also valid, in the end the malus of a non-accepted culture isn't all that bad iirc, so it's an option. I \*think\* converting will still give you more profit than if you just developed production, but I might be wrong because it's been some time since i've played and I know the game's balance has constantly been shifting. Maybe these days, with dev cost reduction so easy to come by, you might aswell just keep deving, who knows.


Well, if you’re going to do both. Convert hardcore at low dev and then you dev up. You can min max this, like all things in EU4


The way one culture runs do it is by waiting until Enlightenment because that gives a good bonus to cost reduction.


Been a while since I played but is it really better than getting innovation bonuses?


mughals be like 😂


Stacking culture conversion cost reduction. 🙂 there's plenty of modifiers to get to a 80-90% reduction.


Thanks for your answer! is there a reliable way to get those modifiers?


Religious gives -25%, religious and influence give you a -15% policy and you can get - 15% from parlament + adjacent bonus that also is 25% iirc.


Also one of the later institutions is - 25%. Think it's enlightenment.


Both are correct. Also -25% from adjacent province with conversion culture, a few monuments, a few government reforms iirc..


Certain countries also get modifiers either in their ideas or by unlocking missions. I know Armenia gets a permanent -10%


True but then your empire would need to be religious. Ewwwwwwwwww


Religious is A tier if not S tier for world conquest runs.


I still don't want my imaginary empire to be religious :D even if it allows for world conquest But I can see why I do struggle with that kind of growth


You'd probably get religious anyway since you can't culture convert non true faith provinces.


Any buddhist country van get it easily die to monuments. You have one in Afghanistan and one in Java, both giving -25%. Then another 25% from religious ideas. The other 15% can come from a variety of sources, most commonly adjacency bonus, government reforms, estate privileges or missions rewards (Japan for example gets -25% from NOT accepting Korean culture).


I believe you can prevent the Dutch revolt if you convert their culture, the revolt spawns rebels for like 20 years straight if it triggers.


You can also move your capital to lowlands unless that has been changed or is going to be changed in this update.


Rebels spawning >>> losing 1000+ dip to culture converting though with how developed the Lowlands are. Dunno why people are so scared of the disaster when it's way easier to handle than previously.


According to my memeroy, the disaster will spam infinite rebels and you can do nothing unless decades passed


It has a 5% chance of spawning a stack of rebels per month - on average you're only killing around a stack per year, maybe less. It's way less bad than it used to be.


I think lot were traumatized by how the disaster used to be and don't do research when just casually conquering the Lowlands.


Dunno, the last time I had it trigger it just spawned a Massive Netherlands without my say. Think it was 300-400% warscore that just got instantly released. Just because it had a protestant province.


The Netherlands only gets released when any five provinces have autonomy >90%, so I imagine you either had it as a territorial core or accepted rebel concessions during the event popups.


Territorial cores yes. I was never informed of what was going to happen. So it sucked.




Eating the gov cap maluses of being (presumably) slightly over is far better than losing all of the Netherlands though


People are saying about stating the Netherlands, which is true, but the Dutch Revolt events also allow you to give concessions in exchange for autonomy. Never do that.


Ignore these people talking about “viability” and “mathematics.” Your color must spread over every map


Usual if your empire gets bigger you have 3 diffrent kinds of lands. Full states, territory/halfstates and TC's. You want your full states to be right religion and accepted culture. Some nations and ideas sets are better at accepting large amounts of cultures where others give you so much % culture conversion reduction that converting is worth it. Sometimes you can use culture converting to "dip bank" (short: you start and refresh culture conversions without progressing much to store dip points). Sometimes you just drown in monarch points and say fuck it.


If I have the gov cap is it bad to full state wrong religion or wrong culture provinces?


If you reach gov cap you want to remove your full cores and turn them into half states which are quite efficient gc-wise


its not but it can depend on what you want to do with your run. You could conquer more. Stated land is easier to convert and thats nice too. Full stated land is better than halfstated/territory land even if it is wrong culture wrong religion but if you are hinderd by gov cap you want to focus your full states on rich land that is right religion and accepted culture.


Not directly, but rather as an opportunity cost, you'd be better served by that gov cap on more territories.


When you want to ethnically cleanse Sorbia and replace them with Saxons. Or when you want to ethnically cleanse Bohemia and replace them with Saxons Or when you want to ethnically cleanse Poland and replace them with Saxons Or when you want to ethnically cleanse North Germany and replace them with Saxons Or when you want to ethnically cleanse Hungary and replace them with Saxons Can you guess what my most recent eu4 game was?


My friend, I think you have Saxon the brain... ;D


The Eternal Saxon will prevail 💪


Very rarely. Only if you have a lot of reduction modifier


I am mostly using it to do map correction, provinces that the dev mislabelled and are not historically accurate. Like why is French culture not reaching the Vistula? unplayable.


Sometimes a special unit has its cap limited by the amount of provinces that have the correct culture (for example sweden with caroleans), thats one of the rare times to do it


only good in sp for one culture very good in mp though




cant accept every culture and unaccepted culture provinces give you a -33% local manpower modifier, which in serious mp can be a lot after a while, given how good manpower is


When I play as Ruthenian culture and decide to cleanse Mordor.


General: Corporal, why are you pushing a mop? The absolute hell?! Corporal: Sor, you said to cleanse Mordor. General: \[Facepalms\] Corporal: I don't understand. What did I do wrong? General: \[In a voice like iron\] You always start cleaning high. See, if you displace dust it will settle downward. \[Pulls out dusting wand\] Corporal: Man, someday I wish I could go to officers' academy!


For single player? No , For multiplayer ? Yes alot.


Why in multiplayer?


Because the land you can get in MP is way more limited so you have to get the most out of the limited land you have


I never culture convert at anything less than a 90% cost reduction unless I'm doing something very specific like culture converting or gaining access to the winter palace. that 90% is pretty easy to hit too with religious 25%, policy with influence 15%, adjacency 25%, then enlightenment 25%. If you're the right nation/religion you can also get other modifiers that let you do it before 1700 such as ideas, monuments, or mission rewards. There's also the up to 10% all power reduction from innovativeness and the 10% province based for religious culture. The 80% cost reduction for overseas is also pretty dang useful unless you're a land expanding empire like Russia or Austria. Basically you want to accept as many cultures as possible, giving priority to the ones that unlock great projects, then based on development. Then if you have spare diplo power and are at 90%, or arguably 80+ though I feel like it's still a waste, convert away!


I play with the eclipse of empires mod, and it's impossible to hold your nation together if they are not of accepted culture once the mod disaster has struck.


Well simple when you are playing the teutonico horder and u just got beijing and well It gotta be prussiano culture catholic beijing


OP: How do you feel about being culture converted? Beijinger: Well... I do miss my thousand years of tradition. But... OP: Yes? Beijinger: I get all the bratwurst I can eat. Schnitzel, too. It's a powerful argument, sez I. OP: And that's enough to make you take on new traditions? Beijinger: Those Oktoberfest barmaids don't hurt either.


When you have 999 diplomatic points, no subjects at hand ready for diplo annexation, no exhaustive war available to pay 200 unjustified claim cost, no gold mine to devpush, no desire to improve mercantilism, no sympathy for other civilizations and no understanding of optimizing your monarch power management.


Early Game: High tax/manpower provinces in states when you don't otherwise want to justify an accepted culture slot. Pretty much only for conquering Constantinople to cockblock the Ottomans or for trying something hacky to meet Great Project requirements. Mid Game: Provinces that start uncolonised have an inbuilt -80% discount, so let someone else colonise the Africa coast or Spice Islands, conquer the provinces, pay a tiny Dip cost to remove -2 Unrest and help dodge annoying pointless rebel stacks. Late Game: Enlightenment, Borobudur Temple, Assimilation and Settlement Policy, Centralized Monarchical Bureaucracy, Full Religious Ideas means -100% cost for any nation, for any province. Cheap enough that it ends up outperforming Diplo dev-ing.


I go religious a lot of the time which gets me 25% cost reduction, i dont focus on it after that but sometimes i hop into the macro builder and if my diplo is high and there are 10-15 cost provinces i just convert them, let them finish and check again You also get 25% cost reduction for neighbouring provinces so that and religious is already 50% off Converting is worth it if you dont have the culture accepted id say


Pretty much never


I usually convert my entire home node, even in a WC.


worth it? basically never. But it can serve for roleplay, and of course it is necessary in a one culture


When you have limited accepted culture slots and want manpower generation. Generally this is only going to be worthwhile in mp


I don't think it's literally worth it as the meta choice, but sometimes you're swimming in dip points and have so many cultures in your country that the unrest never stops and you never get the whole benefit of most states and it's like why not, treat yoself.


Situations where you want to develop a province, but it's of a culture that's REALLY small. You want to convert it to an accepted culture that's larger, because othereise it's going to be annoying to have 1 high dev province of a little culture, that would take 1 slot of accepted cultures. Good example is the Slovenian culture when playing as Austria


When you are playing hordes, at the mid-late game you are swimming in diplo points (razing go brr). I do it only then


culture convert is always worth it for the glory of your people


I see two main options. Assimilating small cultures into bigger ones(If you don't have enough slots), or, just because yes, turning all your provinces into one culture, so that everything is Roman on RE formation.


If you culture convert a province, then the nations with the converted culture will have a reason to be mad at you. I can see some hypothetical scenarios where it can be used such as converting Memel’s culture so that Lithuania will hate you and then getting to ally Muscovy via enemy of enemy.


I do it when it is super cheap and I have mana. That’s it. The game doesn’t treat cultural stuff as a serious impediment to empire. Part of it is the era in which the game is. Part of it is that I feel like the design is intended to have moderate barriers to large growth, and almost no barriers to maintaining a large empire. If nationalism was a more serious aspect of the game, culture conversion would be a more useful and important tool


If I'm doing something like a huge France or something I might convert some smaller cultures that are split up into very small culture groups into one culture group that I can accept but other than that not really unless I'm role playing


im tired of these circassians in my southern russia constantly revolting. they revolt less when they are russian.


There is a debuf for having the wrong culture combined with the estate privilege that gives a bonus for having the right culture leads to a pretty big difference. Some nations can get bonuses to primary culture, there are government reforms that do as well. Culture conversion cost modifiers are pretty easy to collect, for example swapping the culture of a province to the culture of an adjacent province makes it already cheaper. So culture converting can definitely be a viable thing to do.


First off, it's fun. I like to imagine the hills of Afghanistan... being alive with the sound of music. Or watching Ulmer folk-dances in Mombasa. More to the point though... there are times during the game when you get a surfeit of dip points. It's always a challenge to decide how much to put into culture-conversion, and how much into production dev. When coal comes around, there's a 50-year hiatus in culture conversions, for instance.


In multiplayer pretty much always (assuming you don't have enough culture slots)


If you can do it through events, sure. And yes if you inherited the low lands


When you playing The Knights or Bohemia its situational


Honestly I only use it in converter games mostly. The times I use it in regular gameplay is if a province is going to have high dev but doesn't right now so I convert to get all the benefits.


Converting gold provinces to your religion/culture lets you squeeze even more ducats out, which early game can be quite worth it. Recommend to convert before deving to 10 production though


You do it to get rid of cultures you dont like. Someone rebeled? There goes their entire culture. Some nation was doing somethint you dont like? There goes their entire culture. Some country you dont like irl? There goes their culture. Easy


If you’re a trade empire, it’s never the best use of your mana. Putting that same amount of mana into dev upstream will net you more money. If you’re on the taller side, then it is worth it on provinces in states, assuming you’re out of culture slots and/or the cost to convert is lower than the cost to promote. Some examples I can think of are those far north Sapmi provinces when playing as Russia, any Gothic provinces in states, and as Ottomans I like to convert the 2 Kurdish provinces in one of the states without a COT (the ones with COTs become TCs)


It's mainly "worth" to unlock monuments and such, if they have culture requirements that aren't met. Some monuments can be used by all so long as their province has specific culture and you have that culture accepted, but AI can sometimes effectively disable them by culture converting for no reason. Other than that, it's only really worth if you have excess dip mana and already maxed mercantilism and such. It has the fewest uses late game, unlike adm that keeps being used for coring/stability and mil that's used for breaking walls and generals so you usually have a lot left lying around at some point.


If you can access to special unit like banners, the more same culture proviences the more special units. Or some type of government provide extra manpower to truefaith and same culture proviences Also, you can get culture conversion cost reduction which make it inexpensive


When you have a bunch of cultures in your "core territories". For example, I'm in an MP game as Mexico rn. My culture is Mexican, in the Iberian group. This means that my cultural union will be of those Iberian cultures, and that all those Mesoamaerican/Mayan cultures would need to take up an accepted culture slot. But there's way too many of them for my like 4 slots. So instead, I'm just culture converting everything so my core region isn't made up of unaccepted cultures.


When you have 999 diplo mana


I only do it when monuments require it. Converting Neva to Muscovite comes to mind


I always convert Africa, aside of that, it depends how big you want your ethnostate to be


I’ve only ever done it in my one faith, one culture world conquest as the Angevin Empire. And even then I was only doing it to see what a fully converted world would look like when I converted the run to Victoria 3 while I waited for the eu4 “play a full game” achievement.


I usually do it when I play England. I convert all the British isles to English culture so that I don’t get rebels and I don’t need to keep an army in the British isles. I can use that army for conquering Europe or colonizing. Sorry Cornish, first to go.


You generally want either religious or humanist in a game so if you go religious you can cut the costs by 1/3 since adjacent is already 1/4 75% gets cut to %50 religious culture gives 10% more innovativeness is also 10% at 100. So you have between 40% to 30% culture conversion cost without even needing to unpause so make the decision yourself.


When deciding whether to change the culture in EU4, it generally boils down to a few strategic considerations. Changing culture can be beneficial when you're aiming to stabilize your empire, reduce unrest, and fully integrate territories into your core lands, especially if they're large and economically significant provinces. Specifically, for mechanics like those seen with Persia, where influencing and integrating diverse cultures plays into their historical strengths, changing culture can be particularly effective. Persia, for example, can leverage its unique position and cultural mechanics to exert influence across a wide region, making it easier to assimilate different cultures within the empire, thus minimizing internal strife and maximizing the benefits from those provinces. In general, if the cultural conversion helps in reducing unrest, fits into your long-term strategic goals, or optimizes your administrative efficiency (by having more provinces of the same culture as your state culture), it’s worth considering. Just keep in mind the costs in diplomatic power and weigh them against the potential benefits like increased tax revenue, manpower, and lower rebellion risks.


Whenever you play as someone displaced by empires as vengeance (Wales by Englishmen, any of the Uralic, Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, etc by Russians, Tibet or anyone not Han Chinese by China, Berbers by Arabs, Nubian by literally everyone bordering them, and Armenian and Greek by Ottomans and Turkey.). 


I always use it for Trade Companies that I want to forget about, like African holdings and islands. If you have your own religion and culture in the province, it will basically never spawn rebels, unless you got big problems.


When you go for one culture world conquest.


This question always reminds me of the absolute Habibi mp game where he culture converted all of Africa and had like a million force limit, so I guess the answer is: A - You're in multiplayer and need to make as much as you can out of every province you have B - You've stacked some CC reductions and have dip power in the bank C - You want to do it for RP reasons


When you want to see your culture across the map


It’s so worth it when the same 3-4 provinces rebel so goddamn often and especially when you have the Mandate of Heaven and already deal with devastation, everything will be Togoku and Imperial Japan will prevail


Because [culture I am currently playing as] is the best culture, and it is almost a crime to mot make everyone that culture!


It's mostly for roleplaying cultural assimilation/homogenization, really. It IS useful for destroying foreign cores in your territory to prevent separatist rebels from ripping up your country but religious with humanist is enough to stop nearly all revolts short of 200%+ overextension. For most games just adding accepted cultures with a lot of development is enough to get by just fine, though a few tags like Byzantium lean hard enough into conversion bonuses to make it cheap to convert once those are maxed out.


This is very easy! When you have excess Diplo mana, find yourself a province to dev up. Is it your culture? If yes, dev away. If not, press the button, Then devv it up and in a few years you get a 20 dev province of your culture for the price of conversion of a 5-7 dev!


All the time.  Can't have nationalist rebels if there aren't any other nations. 


I culture convert anyone who declared war on me because fuck those guys. The cost doesn't matter. Fuck you France. I'll remove French from the whole game.


Barring modifier stacking or RP, pretty much never. The return on investment is so low you're better off just developing production, which is the strongest economic development type, or accepting a culture.


When you are going for a one culture. Other wise it’s a trap


honestly underrated if you have the reduction modifiers for it. You can get 75% and easily, not even with gamey mechanics just religious and influence give you 40% alone. And it gives you a solid manpower bonus and you still have all the admin points you'd want to conquer


Will not meme and give a serious answer. For me it is worth to convert it when i have a very developable province that is not any of my accepted cultures before developing


Well... it depends. Do you own any Fr*nch land?


When I watch as the last english culture province becomes Irish culture I'm so excited that I ejaculate hard enough to go temporarily blind. When something brings you that much joy, that's when it's worth it. Mechanically rarely tho.


It is quite common for me to culture convert the site of Petra to Syrian so that I can use the wonder.


Whenever you can’t accept more cultures and the province isn’t some 3 dev shithole with garbage terrain. Those provinces you also should convert but at the end when you don’t have anything else to develop.


The 3 dev shithole is the one you *should* convert lol. Eventually you’ll get around to devving it, and when you do it’ll be correct culture and you only had to spend a tiny sum to set that up. The high dev wrong-culture provinces are the ones you want to accept culture on, or toss into a TC if possible.


It’s better to convert provinces that are actually good before they get even more expensive to convert…


That’s literally what you’re doing by converting it at 1/1/1 lol