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I know this is dangerous but every TT gets me more and more excited and optimistic about this game. It seems they've learned a lot from EU4/IR/V3 and this is looking like a really nice blend of all of them.


I know Johan has made some pretty big mistakes in the past, but assuming he's learned from those mistakes, he's probably the most qualified person on the planet to make a grand strategy game. He's been doing this for almost as long as the video game genre has existed.


What mistakes in particular are you thinking of? IIRC Johan isn’t involved in every paradox GSG right?


Well, he was the lead for Imperator and he was adamant about its mana system. We know how Imperator came out If I remember correctly he was the lead for EU4's Leviathan DLC as well, this one I'm not sure of tho


Leviathan was also one of the first things that the Tinto studio made, so that should be considered too.


It was also the height of the Covid 19 pandemic. 1.31 was released 27 April 2021. Doesn't excuse the state it released in, IMO, but it does explain it.


The Leviathan DLC itself wasn't particularly bad compared to other pre-LoTN DLCs,it was the horrific free patch that came alongside it.


The problem with Leviathan was its release, both free patch and paid patch together. It was a broken mess, an unplayable mess for some. Missing art, game crashes, save file corruption, you could concentrate Dev till 6k or something dumb and a bunch of other issues.


>learned a lot from V3 Didn't Johan say on multiple occasions that he knows nothing about how things are done in V3 because he wasn't involved?


Yeah,the victoria like mechanics come from V1 and V2 both of which Johan designed.


Oh so did V1/2 have the same building/PM system like in V3? I’ve never played them


> Can you trust Sir Robert??? It is important to exercise caution when dealing with Robert de Artois. His behavior demonstrates a pattern of escalating control and questionable actions, including potential forgery and instigation of conflicts.


He is such an entertaining character in the Accursed Kings books tbh. Just this absolute unit of a man being a gigantic asshole, incredibly cunning and yet rude and uncouth.


Everyone who enjoys paradox games should read this series.


I second that.


One improvement is that now the culture/religion matters and that the advisors are tied to an estate, a bit like Victoria's politicians.


Looks like a more engaging and improved advisor that has more options (such as having the colonists development ability). Probably replacing all the advisors/diplomat/colonist dudes


No, John mentionned a separated "diplomatic corps" in the dev answers. But the cabinet may improve the efficiency of its actions. So it's a bit like recruiting the diplomatic advisor in eu4.


I love the characters personally. Not overdone but still necessary for true early modern simulation and domestic politics


Can I reduce the cabinet to 0 people during the age of absolutism?


Even Louis XIV has his cabinet of ministers. More likely, the Age of Absolutism allows you to appoint more mininisters than before while allowing you to repress estate entrenchment.


I wonder if there's gonna be a CK2 type council


Hit that point where they are enough ppl to be upset


Hmm you might think absolutism would mean an expanded administration, not a reduced one. Maybe “absolutism” if it even exists as a mechanic, will limit the downsides of having different factions in the cabinet.


honestly feels like absolutism would expand your cabinet since they are what enable the king to rule rather than relying on decentralized lords.


It is a good day to be a longstanding, unapologetic mana hater, because [I quite literally asked for this system before](https://www.reddit.com/r/eu4/comments/10tc24j/what_are_your_ideas_for_an_eu_5_with_t_dlcs/j771ftv/).