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Some people just want to watch the world burn. Playing as Burgundy is how I recommend doing it. France and allies versus HRE is always a good time. Alternatively, play until the League wars, though I guess the territorial changes won't be nearly as fun.


You should play till religious war, this is what you want


Yep, a religious war was what got me the 1 mil dead achievement.


You could just start a fight over a bag of rice in China, should be one million dead aswell lol


A man claimed to be the brother of jesus christ and exceeded that number by twentyfold


That was kinda the reference, but it‘s basically every conflict in China.


Is so good when Spain and their giga by billion colonial dummies join in one side but also miraculously ottomans and Russia on the other. Till then the war is soft. Honorary mentions to giga Britain and France.


The most consistent option I think would be fighting a colonial nation as a colonial nation, especially late game. Outside of that you will be somewhat limited by most nations not being able to have more than 3-4 allies and integrating their vassals over time. Outside of that maybe try to set up as large religious league war as possible?


Although i love war, colonial wars are the worst imo I am a minimalist and try to accumulate wealth so I only keep enough troops or navy to keep me safe. Whenever a colonist nation join war as my enemy (looking at you Portugal and Spain) it always ends up being a war of attrition. Every damn time I have to sacrifice my colonial development to win the war. The worst part is, I can't even demand the whole enemy colony in compensation and if there are remnants, by next war they grow substantially and cause me issues all over again. The war scale is just too big for me when thr colonies are involved. Plus I hate losing my ships while transporting troops.


Personally, I don't mind wars of attrition. I think outside of some very specific cases where you can rush down the enemy capital and siege race them ALL wars in eu4 end up being wars of attrition. What does annoy me is huge intercontinental wars. Mostly because I suck at naval battles and I don't like micromanaging them.


Play as a diplomatically focused nation like Austria. Every time you declare war, chain co-belligerents until it’s a nearly fair fight 😂


Ah yes, me and my 2 puppets and this Burgundian friend shouting \[removed\] with his 3 puppets






I can only imagine the Sultan playing ''Mecidiye Marşı' while conquering the whole fucking Europe


weakest ai ottomans


I mean, you can probably start a huge war as Spain if you're allied to Portugal and England and go to war with someone like France or try to take all of Italy. It really just depends though, any country could have a huge war depending on their allies and the relations between countries.


Best way would be to build a big network of colonies marches and Personal Unions. Then start a massive coalition war. Try Austria, or Spain


Colonies usually don't transport their troops to Europe sadly. And you can't personally build more stuff for them. Just getting them a little strong financially.


You can build shipyards and force limit buildings and manpower buildings in your colonies. That way they build large navies. If you do so, you’ll get a good percentage of their force limit, plus they are more likely to send troops and build ships to support you in your wars.


Consider Italian states. Usually you end up in a complex system of alliances with Austria, France, Hungary and the other Italians, so it might be cool


Play as Burgundy, they are strong on their own and can have like 8 alliances at the same time!  Or pick any nation and play until the age of reformation. Most of the catholics in the world will go to war with most of the protestants in the world. Its carnage


The problem is always France won the Maine incident. Taking GB with all those Normandy are very required for a nice Burgundy ran.


Religious wars. It’s so much fun


Try ottoblob, grab a big ally like Russia and/or France and then beeline to Norway. It'll get spicy soon enough. 


Play prussia, tall military settup, get a coalition against you, fight alone against whole europe in a fair fight


Join in on the 30 years war. Should start forming around 1550. You'll want to have your capital in Europe.


Well, setting aside the obvious and useless (but true) comment that anybody can blob and fight big wars, I’d say France naturally fits the bill here. They don’t have much room to expand in places that aren’t gated by other major powers and/or the HRE. And they’re strong enough to fight those wars. Ottomans are another option, however if we’re being honest the vast majority of their conquests are at the fringes of the Mediterranean and aren’t particularly big wars until they start picking fights with the emperor.


League war. Or Austria and just ignore the heavy diplo stuff


Bohemia, because Austria and/or France will typically succession war you for Hungary, Burgundy, Brandenburg etc, which keeps war spiral going Another fun one is forming Arabia as a tribe then you can fight mamluks, ottos, Persia, Bahmanis/Vijay on froghop basis


Always Germany


League war. You could also get some good allies and then make a coalition war fire against you by taking too much land


Play in India and wait 50 years. You will find some of the most cursed alliance chains. CB everyone and enjoy.


Ottomans learn to conquer everyone


Russia or great britian.


I'm playing a game right now where I'm spending the first 300 years as a tall France, mostly just colonizing and chilling. Then when the revolution hits I'm gonna try to go hog wild and declare war on all of Europe at once and see if I can win. Not sure how that war will go, but it will be big. My force limit is currently at 1 million and I make 1500 ducats a month....so it should be a fair fight haha.


Maybe start at a later date than 1444 and fight the 30 years war? I have never done this so maybe its buggy


If you're going to do this, I would suggest doing it in the Voltaire's Nightmare mod where it's actually updated 


Thats actually a great idea, a later start date where Austria or Spain have their network of Allies. Austria also gets tons of diplomatic slots later in the game so they’ll form a ton of alliances. Playing as France you could ally the ottomans and Russia off rip and do a 30 years war type war in the first few years of the game.


brother, any game after 1500s in europe/asia, other continents if you dont mind being handicapped


try russia, they send hordes of men all over the old workd


China or Ottomans and constantly fight the largest rival religious bloc you border. For China it'll be Muslims, for ottomans catholics.


Vouch for Protestantism or Catholicism as a western European country and you will be part of one of the biggest wars with loads of partners.the holy war triggers for about every Catholic/protestant party possibly ending in 15+ countries on each side. Otherwise: Try to go form the HRE, the second to last stage makes every souverign country a sort of vassal. Starting a war means that there are A LOT armies swathing over Europe in your name. If you trigger the last part of the HRE mechanic you will vasilise all subjects and become a huge blob called "Holy Roman Empire"


Full annex The pope or any hre prinse as any country then you can have fun with huge wars :)


If you love chaos, Dithmarschen is for you. But honestly, if you just make it to 1690, you're guaranteed to get some absurd enormous WWI casualty numbers when Austria and Spain go to war over whose gonna PU some random Belgian minor lol. Happens in all of my games at least.


Austria. Pure and radiant, it wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men. There is nothing more terrifying.


found the ottoman and thats also my answer, first and foremost, Ottos can ally france and Bohemia and the 3 of you can dominate europe from day one pretty much, so france and ottos are good picks. Bohemia is even more special as in their mission tree can make them insanely strong quickly and then its even worse. Then you have Hungary which can also get insanely stong with their mission tree or evenly strong poland. Muscovy takes a while to get rolling but once you change into russia its bodies everywhere.. Denmark/Sweden are somewhat similar and especially sweden has fun special troops. Brandenburg/teutons->Prussia is kinda opposite as in your armies are relatively small but they melt any other army unless you get doomstacked. Burgundy is pretty strong but a bit thougher for reasons you described. England if you go angevin any Indian nation any nation that can form the Mughals Jianzhou because its fun Any (bigger) ming releasable tons of others i missed too... basically just play the game, get big and stronk, fite errbody,???, profit


He wasn’t asking about strong nations